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A Slice of Hell


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"OK sis, I get the message. I'll go and occupy myself until the lawyer gets here. He's due in half an hour, at 9.00."

"OK, I'll see you downstairs."

Mr Jenkins was right on time. He had a lot of papers for us to sign, transferring assets into our names. The house and much of the finances were handled through a series of companies that we were now the owners of. Jody wasn't just a housemaid, she was the household company treasurer, so she handled all the accounts. When he went through all the figures the totals just had too many numbers, two thousand three hundred million, that's.... that's over two billion!

We were very quiet after he left. Melissa brought us fruit juices and snacks while we tried to get our heads around the magnitude of what our uncle had left us. I guess we were in a bit of a funk until Monica came in and told us it was time we started our exercises.

"What exercises?"

"The ones you missed out on this morning cause you were still asleep. Now get your butts outside and let's see you do a run around the boundary line, then we'll start on some gentle workouts to see how unfit you are."

Well that woke us up big time. We ran, no, let's be honest, we staggered around the boundary line and stood there gasping for breath. Monica just frowned at us.

"Melissa, these girls need to be very careful with their diets until they get sorted."

Melissa looked at us and shook her head. "I'll adjust the menu. Aren't they a disgrace."

"No, they just haven't had the opportunity. Remember their momma wouldn't let them do anything, no sports, no exercising, no beaches. I'm actually pleasantly surprised, they could have been a lot worse, they're certainly not fat. I think two months of regular exercise will tone these two girls up nicely. We'll start with the Tai Chi then Judo every morning, a run before lunch, then swimming every afternoon and maybe some yoga exercises each evening before bed."

"Oh Monica, you were harder than that on me when I started here."

"YOU had spent too much time in the kitchen tasting your own cooking and your butt was starting to make itself known. Anyway this afternoon we're taking these two shopping again so hurry up with that lunch. I hope we can have as much fun as we did yesterday. Speed shopping was a real buzz."

Cold cuts and a salad for lunch then we headed out shopping again. We took the same vehicles as yesterday as Jody felt we might need the space again. She anticipated well. Jessie had told Jody about our sandals so our first stop was the shoe shop. Now this is ridiculous, we bought fifteen pairs of shoes, eight pairs of sandals, and five pairs of boots. EACH!

Next we headed off to get some swimwear, again not one suit but seven bikins and four one-pieces. EACH! Melissa suggested that we should get some formal wear so off to this high fashion place. We got cocktail dresses, ball gowns, evening dresses, formals, and other stuff that neither Jessie nor I had any idea when we would get to wear them. One thing I really liked was the furs, we got a full length coat and a short stole, we bought it – we didn't stole it!, what a silly name. I wanted to wear them except it was too hot but ohh... they felt sooo nice.

Our next stop was a sporting goods store. We got fitted for proper running shoes seeing as Monica was going to torture us every morning. We also got these cute running shorts and singlets. The singlets were cut sooo big around my arms that I felt my tits would fall out but Jody just looked at me and said "SOOO".

I was a bit shocked then I remembered they all exercised nude so why should I worry about a tit getting exposed.

That completed our clothes shopping and there was still a bit of space in the van. Simone looked around the mall and suggested "Electronics" Monica jumped "Oh yeah"

We had seen kids at school with cell phones who looked pretty cool, we got the latest and greatest Smart Phones, MP4 players, Laptops, Tablets. Ran into a problem when they asked us what music we liked, the only music we had ever heard were church hymns. Jody found some compilation CDs for us to listen to and see what we liked.

We headed back home and Jessie and I helped carry everything up. Melissa told us off but we told her to go and make dinner so we could talk about some changes later.

Another wonderful dinner then we all sat around and I opened the discussion.

"Jessie and I feel so grateful having you guys here. We would be so lost without you. We are only teenagers and we have so much to learn. We have to learn all about finances and investments, but we also have to learn about growing up. Now Melissa, you told us off about helping to carry the shopping in, but we HAVE to help, otherwise we are going to grow up like that Paris Hilton, totally spoilt. We KNOW that that is wrong so helping with carrying shopping should help to keep our feet on the ground. Melissa, we want to help in the kitchen so we learn useful skills as well as how to spend money shopping. Please, help us to grow as sensible girls, we felt that Monica read us right before lunch when we were in a bit of a funk and she demanded we go for a run. It was the best thing for us. Please all of you, kick us out of bed if we are being lazy, give us things to do to help us develop, and most importantly, tell us off if we screw up." Jessie sat beside me nodding her head in agreement.

Monica sat nodding her head, Jody and Simone also looked pleased, then Melissa stood up and came over and gave us each a big hug.

"You two are such total innocents, then you come out with such an intense statement like that. I'm seriously impressed with you both. I think this is going to be the start of a very positive relationship between all of us. We'll get you up early for morning exercise, do you realise we get up at 6:00am?"

"This morning was the first morning we have ever slept in, we were always up at 5:00 am for morning prayers so 6:00 won't be a problem."

Another evening watching TV. Couldn't find that Oprah lady, but we found lots of other shows. These girls that didn't like their bodies and how they wanted plastic surgery to make their tits into boobs, other girls had floppy lips on their bottoms and wanted them cut back. Jessie and I were constantly looking at each other in amazement. Jessie asked Jody "why?" Jody explained that fashion ideals are partly to blame for creating an image of the perfect body that many young girls aspire to. I asked

"How different are girls,.... you know....down there?"

Jody went to the computer and found a website that showed beautiful labia. I couldn't believe that girls would take pictures of .. down there, and then send the pictures to be on the Internet. Then we started discussing the different pictures. Sex education class was in session, we learnt what everything was called, both proper names and slang terms. Another website had pictures of different tits and boobs. We kept looking at Jody and Melissa and comparing theirs with ours, we weren't very secret about our looking but were surprised when Jody took off her T-Shirt and bra to show us hers. She explained she was a 36B. Her tits sat high on her chest and then she flicked her nipples a few times and they stood to attention. We were fascinated and Jessie reached out towards her, then pulled back. Jody told her to touch if she wanted to so Jessie reached out again and gently cupped Jody's breast. Jessie squealed and pulled her hands away with her face going bright red. Melissa laughed and ruffled her hair.

"Early morning exercises out by the pool, don't forget the exercise uniform. Don't worry about it on Wednesdays, we're finished long before anyone arrives. You two are probably going to have trouble getting to sleep so go and have your showers and I'll bring you up a hot chocolate."

Jessie and I headed up to our rooms and I went for my shower. I washed all those bits we had been looking at pictures of and tried craning my head down to have a good look. I got out and dried then tried using the mirror. I ended up with one foot up on the vanity unit while I held my hair apart. That's when Melissa came in and smiled.

"Jessie's doing the same thing. She found a hand mirror in the drawer which is a little easier. If you want an even better view you should think about shaving."

I realised that most of the pictures we had looked at, the girls had little or no hair. I had a thick bush, almost a jungle.

"I've...I've never... you know...how do I...um...oh hell.... you think I should?"

"I don't agree with cutting bits off the lips or adding silicon to your tits, but mowing the lawn is like cutting the hair on your head, simply improves the appearance."

"I...I don't know how."

"Would you like me to help?"

"I...I think that I.....Yes, please." I decided to be bold "Melissa, would you please help me shave this bush off?"

"I have no problem with doing that for you. Unless you'd like to wait till next Wednesday and get one of the landscape gardeners to do it for you."

My mouth opened and closed in shock. She laughed and opened the drawer and got out scissors, a razor and shaving foam. She sat me down on the stool, told me to lean back and used the scissors to trim my hair down to a stubble. Then she applied the foam and rubbed it all around. When I started twitching she looked at me and asked if I had ever masturbated.

"What's masturbated?"

"Masturbation is when you touch yourself to sexual arousal. Most girls experiment with touching themselves and find out ways to come."

"Melissa, remember our discussion about new ideas. I have no idea what you are talking about. When you rubbed that foam around I felt some unusual sensations which, I suspect, might be what you are talking about but I have no idea where to go with it."

"Oh right. Ok I'll get this hair off then I'll teach you how to masturbate. I remember back when I was about fourteen and us girls used to get together and share ideas on what excited us."

Shaving the hair off took only a few strokes of the razor, she tilted me back and went right underneath, shaving all the way. She ran her fingers over the smooth skin and cleaned off a few stray hairs and then wiped off the remaining foam with a nice hot cloth. She found some Aloe Vera on the vanity and explained that it helps the skin stay smooth and that I should rub it in every day.

"Masturbation lesson one can use this lotion. As you rub it around the skin where we shaved go further, dip in between your lips and brush against your clitoris. Don't stay on any one point at the early stages, keep it general. Run your fingers all the way down your lips and don't be afraid to touch your anus."

As she explained, she did. Her fingers went all over my bottom. Like with the shaving foam, I started twitching as unusual sensations made me respond. I bit my bottom lip, I gasped, I couldn't stay still.

"Here is your clitoris, it's come out to play."

I looked down to the top of my slit where she had eased the skin back and a little nub was showing. She stroked her fingers over the nub and I bounced off the stool. Sensations raced through my body.

"Right, That's probably enough to get you started. Your hot chocolate is by your bed. Drink it all up, then lay back in bed and continue as I have shown you."

I followed her directions and was soon exploring the area between my legs. My fingers stroked everywhere, I even slid a finger inside my vagina. Looking at those pictures had awoken a side of me that I never knew existed. I reached a peak of some form and lay there gasping for breath as the sensations invaded my body. I slept VERY well.

A Terrific Thursday

I woke the next morning when Jessie came bouncing in, she was undressed ready for the exercise class.

"Sarah, did you.. you know... look ....at yourself last night. I did, I found a mirror and I look just like some of those pictures. I think I might be normal..... OH MY GOD."

I had pulled the covers back and she saw my shaved pussy.

"Where's your hair?, what happened?, it looks so ...so ... exposed. Just like those pictures."

I laughed. "Melissa happened, she shaved me, then she showed me what happens next. Something most girls start doing at about age fourteen."

Under mommas repressive regime we had missed out on a lot of normal experiences. I showed her briefly what I had learnt in SexEdOne but we had to hurry downstairs for our first exercise class.

We found all of them out by the pool, now we really got to see them. Their bodies were remarkably similar, Melissa's breasts were a little bigger. If Jody was a B cup then Melissa was probably a C cup but the other two were the same as Jody. They stood there and let us look at them for a minute. I realised they were all completely shaven which had Jessie staring. Then Monica got us back on track

"Melissa told us some of what you've missed out on growing up, so we're happy for you to look, touch anywhere, ask questions, whatever. We're not shy, we're not virgins, Simone and I are bisexual so if you want to explore that aspect we can help, there's a few toys around the house if you want to try them. Now, exercise! Looking at your naked bodies, you are very obviously lacking any muscle tone so we'll start with some simple Tai Chi. It's a great way to warm up the body and it helps develop flexibility."

Jessie looked rather nervous but as Monica taught us the first movements and we got active, she settled down. We spent half an hour on these simple movements then we moved over to some practice mats. Melissa, Jody, and Simone started on some serious exercises involving what they told us were Judo contact moves while Monica started us on the beginner exercises.

My body was aching in quite a pleasant way when we finished. The girls dived in the pool and did a few lengths while Jessie and I stood there.

"Sorry Monica, we've never learnt to swim, YET. How do we start?"

"Shit, I didn't think, sorry girls."

Monica got us in the pool at the shallow end and started us on the basics. An hour of this and we were starting to run out of energy. Monica sent us up to shower and then we came back down for breakfast. Another delicious yet simple meal. Momma had never let us have fruit with breakfast, but combined with yoghurt it was another in the 'likes'. Melissa told us what yoghurt was and, although it sounded yuck, we already knew it tasted good.

After breakfast we spent the morning with Jody. She showed us the office and gave us our first lesson in the world of high finance. Trading stocks and shares looked exciting. She set each of us up with a small trading account and suggested we learn by doing. We each looked over the market and did some basic research and made some purchases. Jody told us that we had actioned things correctly, that the purchases were medium risk companies that it would be interesting to see how they do. I thought we had only bought $100 worth but she told us the 'k' meant thousands so we were playing in the big time.

Before lunch Monica caught us and sent us for our run around the boundary. We both managed to run most of the way and spent less time gasping for breath at the end. Another delicious lunch then we helped with clearing away and then Melissa took us into the kitchen and taught us how to bake. Well, we helped with a batch of cookies and a cake. So much fun.

She let us help with dinner and we learnt how much work goes into a simple meal of Chicken Shish Kebabs. Never had yellow rice before but it was real easy with just a little saffron.

We all sat down to dinner and I felt a sense that I had actually contributed something. Another evening watching TV, found some documentaries about the world. We knew little about other countries and seeing them like this made me want to go and see for myself. Jody surprised me when she said I could – that we had a company jet that could take us around the world.

A Frustrating Friday

Woke up to that bane of a girls life, my period had started. I found a pad and panties and went down with Jessie. Jody looked at my panties and then she realised.

"Have you ever tried tampons? They're much easier."

"Tam... whats. What are you talking about?"

Jody took Jessie and I back upstairs and we learnt about tampons. Felt weird to put something inside, Jody explained that it stretched my hymen a little but I was still a virgin. It was a lot tidier than bulky pads. I was able to give Jody a big hug in thanks. Another weird feeling, pressing tits together, but she gave a laugh and carefully gave a wiggle which had our nipples bumping each others. Jessie put her hand over her mouth and giggled. I was able to leave off the panties when we went back down to do our Tai Chi but I kept leaning forward to look at the string hanging down.

After breakfast we went to the office with Jody and I discovered the shares I'd bought had gone up so I sold them. I was pleased that I'd made a profit of $10 dollars until Jody reminded me about that pesky 'k'. Ten thousand dollars in one day!, I had to sit back in amazement. Jessie had only made five and a half thousand but was still pretty happy. By the time Monica came to chase us round the boundary Jody was laughing hard at the way Jessie and I were getting competitive. She felt there could be a lot of good come out of the challenge. Monica laughed but still chased us for our run.

We managed to run all the way and weren't gasping too much, so she got us doing some other exercises. After lunch Monica took us into her workshop and showed us some electronic wizardry she had for us. Little 'gizmos' she called them, they had a button on them we could press and she would come running. Jody brought another lady through and Monica introduced Tania to us. She explained that Tania would be responsible for body-guarding Jessie. They spent the afternoon with us going through some basic steps we should follow at school. Monica had already briefed the school that Jessie and I would be having security and explained how they would stay unobtrusive. They had a map of the school and we went through our timetables and our usual stopping places. The gizmo's had a tracker in them so they could see where we were at all times but would be monitoring us from the van.

Tania was also a qualified swimming instructor so she started us in the pool, learning to swim. She was really nice so we agreed with Monica that Tania could move in. We discovered that each of the girls had a small apartment and there were apartments for eight.

After dinner we watched a movie, about this family that tried going on holiday in an RV, like a bus, only fitted out like a house. I had a thought that one of those for Monica and Tania would be more comfortable than monitoring us from the van. Monica agreed that was a good idea so Simone arranged for one to be delivered on Sunday.

My shower before bed was... longer than usual. At mommas it was always get washed and out quickly to save hot water, now I enjoyed the experience, the water flowing over my skin, my fingers exploring, whoops..... I couldn't slide inside, there was a tampon in the way. Still my fingers wandered, they poked and prodded, and suddenly a finger slipped inside my rear hole. I froze, I wiggled the finger and .... enjoyed the feeling. My finger moved in and out and .... it felt strange but nice. Jody came in with a big box of tampons and saw what I was doing, she laughed and asked

"Do you want a hand?"

I was thinking!! "I don't think a 'hand' would fit, one finger is tight enough."

She laughed more.

"I'll have to find you another website that shows girls getting fisted, a whole hand up inside their asshole."

She held her hand with the fingers tightly grouped together, then pumped it slowly as she aimed it at me, at my bottom. I cringed at the thought of a hand trying to go where I could barely get a finger. She smiled and stopped.

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