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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 11


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This turd suffered the same fate as the last handful, in that it was squashed into both of Lucy's hands. Katie could see what was happening. "Mum....please...." was all she said before hearing 'Shh' again. Then the smell hit her.

"Fucking hell mum! Your shit fucking stinks!" Katie gagged a little as she said it.

"I told you it would when I squashed it, I did warn you."

"Yeah but fucking hell! I thought I was getting used to it but I'm not so sure now! Katie gagged on the smell again.

"Rub you clit darling, but only gently, we don't want you cumming too early now do we sweetheart. Channel the smell inwards, to your clit, let your body know that it's the smell that is sexually arousing you. You'll be able to cope with it more then."

"Well, I won't have to try too hard 'cos the smell IS turning me on even though it skinks like fuck!

Katie rubbed herself gently just like her mum suggested and found that it had the desired effect.

"Oooo, yeah, that's nice." She sniffed in the pungent smell again and this time she didn't gag on it.

"How do you know all this stuff mum?" Katie asked.

"I had a good teacher darling. You will never get completely comfortable with the smell of another persons shit but if you can stay sexually aroused then the smell isn't quite so disgusting. Just try to focus on the sex and not the smell. That's the best advice I can give you darling. It will get easier, at least it did with me."

"Thanks mum." Was all Katie said in reply as she sniffed in the foul smell of her mother's turds again.

Undeterred, Lucy then smeared this latest filth into her daughter's hair. Katie could feel it sticking almost immediately as her hair felt like it was being pulled from its roots. She didn't object anymore though. She knew it would be futile but deep down she also knew that she wanted this as much as her mother.

Lucy returned to the pile of Katie's turds, gathered a small amount and rubbed it between her fingers. The action was designed to soften it still further making it more pliable and manageable. The softened shit was then applied like a builder would apply filler into a void but using fingers instead of a spatula. Lucy applied it into one of Katie's nostrils.

"What are doing Mum?" She asked sounding concerned.

"Shh" came the reply. "Breath in through your mouth for a few minutes darling. Trust Mummy sweetheart, it will be alright."

Katie laid still and made no further objections. She was a little concerned but trusted her mum nonetheless. Lucy filled the first nostril with excrement. "Good girl." Was all she said before repeating the exercise with the Katie's other nostril.

"How will I get it out?"

"Darling, trust me, I'll get it out now."

With that Lucy then gripped her daughter's nose between thumb and forefinger right up at the top of the bridge. She squeezed her finger and thumb together and slid them down Katie's nose. Shit oozed back out of her nostrils as Lucy continued applying pressure until she reached the base of Katie's nose.

Excrement continued to ooze out of both nostrils together with a small amount of snot. Katie soon realised what was happening and stuck her tongue out hoping to collect the concoction.

By now the filth was soft, almost runny as it slithered out of both nostrils, down the upper part of Katie's lip and indeed slithered gracefully from the lip and onto her tongue.

The prize was quickly hidden from view, its taste savoured then dispatched down Katie's throat and into her sewer.

"There you are darling, you can breathe through your nose again. Now you will be able to smell your shit long after our session has finished, enjoy it sweetheart." Lucy leaned forward and gave her daughter a loving but brief kiss on her lips.

Lucy was still straddling her daughter when she felt Katie's hips start to buck under her. Lucy smiled, she knew she was having the desired effect.

Lucy watched as her daughter's eyes closed and her head tilted back. She knew Katie had started to enter the world of sexual euphoria and the type that could only be accessed through extreme scat play. She smiled knowing that Katie had now entered this new world. Lucy knew that when her daughter returned from this place of climatic utopia, she would not be the same woman who had entered it.

Lucy knew all about this world, she had travelled there several years ago and before she met Julie. The transition took place with a dominant lesbian she met at a gay bar while she was still married and living with her husband and Katie. It was a brief affair but still lasted long enough for Lucy to know where her future lay.

Lucy lifted herself from her daughter and lay down alongside her. She wasted no time in smearing more excrement over Katie, this time she concentrated on her stomach, a stomach Lucy now knew had already become a sewer.

As she rubbed her filth covered hand across Katie's flesh she noticed the thrusting of her daughter's hips had increased, she was humping fresh air. Her eyes were closed, all conversation had ended and Katie's journey had begun.

Lucy's hand returned to the pile of Katie's shit, she picked up a turd and squeezed the end to break off a small portion. It came away into her hand with ease, the turd was soft and offered little resistance to determined fingers. The small piece of poo was taken to the pubic mound still humping fresh air in a seemingly controlled and rhythmical manner. Lucy wrapped her hand around her daughter's crotch and spread more faeces through her pubic hair. A finger wasted no time in tracing the outline of Katie's moist slit before entering her daughter's most private area.

The humping action didn't diminish, instead it became accompanied by moans of pleasure from Katie's mouth. Lucy had no intention of bringing her daughter to orgasm, at least not yet. Instead, she gently coated the soft moist flesh at the entrance to Katie's vagina before finding her sensitive hard nub of flesh, the gateway to unlimited pleasure. Lucy gently coated the clit with excrement, just enough contact to smear but insufficient to stimulate fully. Lucy felt she was becoming an expert. Then, slowly and deliberately eased the filth laden finger into the tight and extremely hot entrance to her daughter's inner soul. Just one finger, that was all, Katie was still small and tight. She had, after all, only been penetrated by one imitation penis her entire life.

Katie was being slowly yet methodically coated in her own excrement, everywhere, even her hidden and most personal parts were not escaping attention.

"Keep your eyes closed darling and lift your back up off the bed for Mummy." Lucy spoke quietly and tenderly so as not to disturb her daughter's dream like state.

"Mummy's going to cover your back in poop now sweetheart, just relax and enjoy."

Katie didn't open her eyes, nor did she wander from her journey to climatic utopia. Her humping stopped though and instead she simply purred her approval as her back was smeared fully in her own shit.

"Good girl. Now lay back down gorgeous, you're starting to look a stunning young lady. I am so proud of you."

Lucy casually groped her daughter's shit-covered left breast as if to indicate the direction of her attention. She then leant forward and sucked Katie's filthy nipple into her mouth. She sucked and removed as much shit as she could. On releasing it from her mouth Lucy then recovered it with excrement.

Lucy moved position so that she knelt between Katie's legs. She lifted her daughter's leg up high and placed her calf onto her shoulder. Replenishing both hands with Katie's turds, Lucy proceeded to smear shit all over Katie's thigh, paying extra special attention to the soft, sensitive flesh of the inner thigh.

This brought out another purring of pleasure from Katie, her mother smiled, she knew the effect was irresistible.

"Fuck me Mum, please."

"Shh darling, Mummy will soon."

As Lucy ran her hand up the inside of Katie's thigh for yet another time it was greeted by more purring similar to that of a contented cat. When Lucy's fingers deposited a thick layer of shit between Katie's vaginal lips the purring changed to a gasp.

"Fuck me Mum, please. I want you to fuck me!"

"Shh Katie, not yet, you're not fully covered in shit yet are you darling?"

Katie said nothing, she simply flung her head backwards and enjoyed the attention her cunt was receiving once more.

Lucy still denied her daughter any significant stimulation, instead she continued smearing excrement further down Katie's leg. Over her calf and shin, then onto her foot, gently massaging the filth onto the sole and then in between each toe. No part of Katie's flesh was left clean.

Confident that the first leg had been completely covered, Lucy then started on Katie's other leg. The same routine was followed, it was a practiced routine, her skills being honed over many similar sessions with her former lover.

When Lucy was satisfied that no more white flesh was visible on either leg, she knew there was just one last place to go.

"Lift your legs over your head darling." The instruction from Lucy was simple and followed without hesitation. Katie now seemed quite comfortable exposing herself intimately to her mother.

Two clean, white buttocks were prominent amongst the brown filth covering every other part of Katie's body.

Lucy shifted again, this time to the side of her daughter. She picked up another handful of turds, the pile was now small but still more than enough for the task in hand. Katie's buttocks were now smeared in excrement as was the crevice in between. Lucy's finger traced its path until it reached Katie's anus. Her anal opening was then violated by her mother's middle finger. She inserted it to full depth, probing and exploring Katie's rectum.

"Oooo Mum, that feels soooo good. Don't take it out."

Lucy moved her other hand to her daughter's face then shoved all four shit covered fingers into her mouth. Katie sucked eagerly, she wanted to taste her own shit, as much of it as possible. Lucy wasn't going to disappoint her. Katie's eyes closed again and more murmurs of approval found their way out of the gap between her lips and the shit covered invasion filling her mouth.

The finger in Katie's bum hole was now frigging her fast and deep. Lucy refrained from inserting a second finger, her daughter was tight and she didn't want to hurt her. She knew though that a lot of work was needed before her fist would one day enter her rear opening.

"I want sex Mum!" Mumbled Katie, her mouth still stuffed with four fingers. Mum removed them before she replied.

"I know you do sweetheart and Mummy is going to fuck you in a minute."

"Can I suck on one of your turds while you fuck me?"

"No darling but I would like you to eat one first."

Lucy now removed the finger from her daughter's bum hole and picked up one of her own turds. She noted how much firmer it was than the shit she had just been smearing. Lucy then reached over and picked up her glass of urine, Katie looked on in amazement as her mum dunked the turd into the glass. First one end then turned it around and dunked the opposite end. The turd, dripping with Lucy's urine, was offered to Katie who opened her mouth to accept it. Her mum popped it in. Katie closed her mouth around it.

"Enjoy it darling, Mummy wants to watch you eat it. We need to coat as much as we can of your inside as well as outside sweetheart."

Katie wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to eat more if her mum's shit so without hesitation she started chewing and swallowing it. Lucy was as amazed as ever by the speed at which her turd was devoured. She watched intently in the knowledge that her daughter was indeed her toilet.

"I need to cum properly Mum, I want sex, please fuck me!"

"Soon! Foreplay is important darling. Be patient and you will see what I mean." Lucy brushed her daughter's breast tantalizingly with her fingers as they travelled downwards towards her sex. "You DO want a fuck, don't you? You're soaked down here, have you just cum?"

"I had a little one when I swallowed the last piece of your shit, I couldn't help it, I'm so turned on Mum it's unreal!"

It's alright sweetheart, I thought you did, I saw you shudder a little, I thought that's what just happened. How do you do that?"

"I don't know, it just happens, oh god Mum, fuck me now... Please!"

Lucy was loving this, she had experienced scat sex on numerous occasions before but she had never seen her partner beg for sex the way her daughter was begging for it now. Katie was literally pleading with her mother. It brought a smile to her mum's lips. She picked up the glass of urine again, the one she had just dunked her turd into and handed it to her daughter.

"Now drink all of Mummy's piss darling, show mummy what a good toilet you are."

Katie raised the glass to her lips as she gazed into her mother's eyes. The familiar beam on her face informed Lucy that her daughter was looking forward to the drink. Katie gulped it down without any prompting, her role as her mum's toilet now as instinctive as it was automatic. The urine had gone cold by now, Katie had always preferred to drink warm, fresh urine but the welcome drink meant that it didn't really matter. She swallowed approximately half the glass before stopping to take a little breather.

Katie had always considered that cold urine tasted stronger for some reason and not as easy to swallow. She was not deterred though, in fact, she thought her mum's cold piss was becoming increasingly enjoyable as the glass emptied. Putting it back to her lips the remaining piss followed the same path as the turd a couple of minutes earlier. A smile of satisfaction spread across Katie's face as she handed the empty glass back. A corresponding smile of satisfaction spread across Lucy's face as she took the empty glass and placed it back down on the cupboard.

"Good girl, see, now you are lined inside and out! You are a dirty little fucker, aren't you?"

Katie nodded and burst out laughing, as did her mum who leaned forward and kissed her daughter. The kiss was to show that the comment she just made was light hearted and not derogatory.

"Can we fuck now Mum...Please! I need sex. I've never been so turned on in my life! I need to cum please, put your hand between my legs or shove a finger in my cunt please, just do something, I begging you Mum, can't you see that?!"

"I know you need to cum darling and Mummy will make love to you soon, just be patient sweetheart. Now lay back down on the bed we'll soon be ready."

Katie laid back down and as she did so her hips start humping fresh air again. The action didn't go unnoticed.

"Who or what are you fucking in that dirty little head of yours, sweetie?" asked Lucy.


Lucy said nothing, she just smiled. She knew her daughter was all hers now, she had got the dirty little plaything she had craved for these past few years.

Mum picked up the glass full of her daughter's urine. Katie instinctively opened her mouth hoping that it was destined to finish up inside her sewer. It wasn't though, Lucy started to slowly pour the cold piss all over her daughter's shit-covered flesh. A slow deliberate trickle flowed tantalizingly over Katie as the glass was moved over all parts of her naked, shit-covered body. Over her tummy, then up to first one breast and then the other. Then over her face, prompting Katie to open her mouth again, and this time Mum didn't disappoint. It was only brief though, before the trickle of urine ran down between her boobs, back across her stomach and held momentarily over Katie's smeared pussy lips. On it moved, first down one thigh then past her knee and along her lower leg then onto her foot. The stream stopped as the glass travelled across the wide ravine created by Katie's open legs. The trickle resumed as the glass hovered over her other foot. The return journey then resumed, this time on the opposite carriageway as it travelled firstly over the lower leg, across her knee before it meandered along Katie's thigh.

"Open your cunt darling." The instruction from Mum was firm and without compromise. Katie used fingers from both hands to pull her cunt lips apart and reveal the pink, soft, moist and warm flesh at the entrance to her vagina. The flow of room temperature piss filled the void until it overflowed and joined the pool gradually increasing in size under Katie's buttocks. The glass was emptied and placed back on the bedside table.

From her position lying alongside her daughter, Lucy then proceeded to rub her right hand across Katie's freshly-soaked body. The urine had moistened the slowly drying shit smeared across her flesh. This enabled the smearing process to start over again, the difference being that this time the shit smeared even more easily than before.

Katie gasped at the sensation it created. The feelings that flowed through her body were far more intense than she could ever have imagined. Her unsuccessful attempt at a self-smear previously gave her an insight into what it could be like. The reality exceeded all expectations.

"Lift yourself up for me again sweetheart." Lucy smeared Katie's back again, she wanted to make sure every single square centimeter of flesh was freshly smeared. She could see the effect it was having and she wanted to take her daughter ever closer to the center of a different world. A new world in which she would never be able to navigate a passage home from.

Lucy changed position to allow her to use both hands now, smearing excrement up and down the back of the young woman clinging to her. Then up to Katie's head again, fingers from one hand massaging her daughter's scalp while her other hand freshened the smear across Katie's face. There was no let-up, hands wandered all over her body, smearing shit everywhere. Over Katie's breasts again, then tummy, arms, paying particular attention to the arm pits, then down to her fingers. From there her crotch was touched but ever so lightly, tantalizingly lightly, then round to Katie's anus where a finger entered her briefly. Now onto her thighs, legs and finally feet and toes. The smear was meticulous between Katie's toes, nothing was left.

Katie found the foot and toe smear particularly erotic and stimulating. By now her eyes were closed to enhance every tingling sensation drifting through her sex-hungry body.

"Nearly finished darling. Just the finishing touches now" Lucy's words woke her daughter from Dreamland. She opened her eyes and saw her mum playing with one of her own turds. She was squashing it and pulling out the hard little nuggets.

Katie looked on enthralled and curious but she refrained from asking her mum what she was doing. Instead, she just watched and waited. Lucy then proceeded to squeeze the little nuggets of shit into her daughter's pubic hairs. Lots of little nuggets squashed firmly all over and into Katie's vaginal hair.

"What ARE you doing Mum? Katie finally enquired.

"Just making sure my shit is going to stick in your pubes, the only way these little beauties will come out now is if you cut them out but I am not going to let you shave down here. Oh no, Mummy wants to feel all your pubes matted together. When I 'go down' on you now, it will be awesome, my tongue will have to fight its way through a pubic bush matted together with my own shit! You are going to be beautiful sweetheart, a toilet bush for a toilet bitch!"

Katie didn't know whether to be excited or stunned, she had no idea where this side of her mother had come from. Was it REALLY her mum playing with her pubes? Katie just stared, almost gobsmacked at her mum, then she finally managed to say something.

"I need to cum Mum, real bad. I've never wanted sex so much...ever. Please make love to me, I'm begging you!!"

Katie reached down to feel her modified pubic bush of hair. It was indeed a tangled mess. She hadn't realised just how much shit her mum had squashed into her pubes.

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