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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 11

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Katie is smeared from head to toe in human excrement.
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It was Saturday morning and Katie stared blankly up at the ceiling as she lay awake. She reflected on the enormity of what she had done. It was now starting to hit home that her previous day at work had been her last. The future she had planned had now gone and a new one awaited her.

It wasn't that she didn't want the new life she had seemingly sleep walked in to, no, that excited her. It was just the suddenness with which her job and her future had been whipped out from under her.

She glanced to her side uncertain if the events of the past week had been a dream. What she saw confirmed they hadn't. Her mother was asleep in the same bed next to her. She also saw the photo of her and her mum on the bedside cabinet. Katie turned to her side of the bed and saw the other photo that she herself had placed there almost a week ago now. The two photos confirmed what she already knew and that the bed she was laying in was also her mum's bed. Thoughts then turned to the previous evening. She knew the vivid images in her head of having sex with her own mum were images of real events and not dreams.

Katie felt herself getting moist... again! She had lost count of the number of times she had an orgasm in the past week. She had lost count of the number of times her mum had an orgasm in the past week.

As her gaze returned to the blank canvas that was the plain white ceiling above her head, she realised that it now represented her future. She knew her life now was currently like a blank canvas waiting to be filled in by her mum's dirty desires. She laughed to herself. No, she thought, not just her mum's dirty desires, she was determined to have a say in creating the new picture of her life. She was going to help shape a very naughty and unknown future for both of them.

Katie was playing with herself by the time her mum's eyed flickered open to greet the new day.

"Good morning darling." Lucy greeted her daughter first.

"Oh! Good morning, Mum."

"Playing with yourself already?!"

"Oh, yeah sorry, just thinking dirty thoughts like I always seem to be doing now."

"Don't apologise sweetheart, Mummy wants you to think dirty but you don't have to play with yourself now do you?"

"Yeah I know. I wasn't going to go all the way, sometimes it's just nice and relaxing to touch myself down there a bit."

"I know what you mean, I do it myself." Lucy leaned over and gave her daughter the now customary good morning kiss. Katie felt as though she was in heaven. I love you Mum, I love you so much!" Katie's words were genuine and said with feeling and passion.

"I love you too darling. God, if you only knew how much as well! I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure it's all real!"

"So do I. You sure it will be alright, you know, us, together like this, in love. That's not supposed to happen is it?"

"Katie, we've been through all this before."

"I know but... mums and daughters aren't supposed to fall in love with each other, are they?"

"Katie stop it! Please. We can't help who we fall in love with can we? It's happened. Nobody will find out; it will be alright."

"Yeah, I know, sorry it's just that, I love you so, so much, way more than you just being my mum. Do you know what I mean?"

"Of course I do darling and Mummy loves you in a completely different way to how I loved you before. To start with I never wanted to fuck you before last weekend, did I?"

Lucy and her daughter laughed at that, then hugged each other and kissed again. That conversation was enough to relax Katie a little more. She knew they had already entered uncharted waters in more ways than one.

By now mother and daughter were laying together in an intimate embrace. They both stared vacantly into each other's eyes. Lucy used the time to wake up properly before restarting the new day's conversation.

"So Katie luv, the first day proper of your new life has arrived."

"Don't say it like that, I'm already nervous enough. I've packed in my job mum! Have I done the right thing?"

"Hey, come on. Of course you have sweetheart, you have a new job now, don't you? It is what you want isn't it!" Lucy suddenly sounded concerned, she didn't want to push Katie into doing things she was uncertain about.

Katie smiled, hugged her mum closer and popped a kiss on her lips. "Yeah, you're right, just still a little scared that's all."

"Hey come on, no need to be scared, Mummy's here to help guide you now isn't she?"

"Yeah, I know sorry."

It was Mum's turn this time to kiss her daughter. It wasn't a peck this time though, both women enjoyed a full-on French kiss. It was long, deep and sensual and with an intimacy now familiar to both of them.

When they finally came up for air Lucy decided to start setting the tone for their new adventure together. "Katie darling, have you ever been smeared in shit?"

The question threw Katie off guard somewhat. "Err no not really, well err, umm, yes I suppose."

"Come on Katie, what is it, yes or no?"

"Well, sort of, yeah. I tried doing it myself but it wasn't very successful." Katie came over all embarrassed by the admission.

"Don't be embarrassed darling, would you like to tell Mummy all about it?"

"Do I have to?"

"No but I would like you to, don't be embarrassed, I play with my own shit as well."

Katie blushed, her face bright red and burning. Lucy touched her daughter's cheek gently and motherly. "I can see you are embarrassed sweetheart; you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Lucy was disappointed but she could see her daughter was uncomfortable.

"No Mum, it's alright, I want to tell you."

"Only if you're sure then."

Katie smiled and nodded then set about telling her mum what happened. "It was just over a year ago now, I wanted to give myself an 18th birthday present, albeit a few weeks late by the time I plucked up the courage to do it! I was now old enough to do some naughty, sexy stuff and thought, fuck it, why not! I had a day's holiday and Dad went off to work. I had been getting this urge to want to smear some poo on myself and finally plucked up the courage, or at least I thought I had. I was in the house alone so instead of doing a poo down the toilet I got into the bath."

Katie noticed her mum's hand find its way between her legs but she carried on with the story while her mum gently rubbed the area around her own clitoris.

"I put the plug in and......."

"It's alright Katie, you can tell Mummy."

"......and, well, I did my business in the bath."

"You mean you shit 'n pissed in the bath!" Lucy didn't fluff around with niceties!

"Well yeah, I dumped this huge pile of shit, I couldn't believe how much came out! I peed as well, it all collected around my feet. It felt nice and warm and it looked really strong, you know, a deep golden colour and my pile of poo was surrounded by it as well."

"Oh Katie, that sounds so beautiful sweetheart. Go on, what happened next?"

"Well, I sat in the bath, in all the piss and with my pile of turds between my legs. I started panicking a bit when I realised how much the room stunk and hoped and prayed Dad wouldn't come home! I had come this far though and I didn't want to stop so I picked up some of my shit and squashed it onto one of my boobs! Oh my god Mum! Have you any idea how good that feels?"

"I know exactly how good it feels Katie, especially the first time. It's magical, isn't it?"

"It felt awesome Mum, really awesome and yet so, so naughty as well!" I then picked up some more and squashed that onto my other boob! It took my breath away as I rubbed it all over my tits!"

"I'm so pleased you discovered the beauty of it so young Katie but I thought you said it wasn't very successful."

"It was wonderful to start with and it still got better as I rubbed more of it onto my legs and I scooped up my piss and rubbed that all over myself as well and I was getting really turned on and I kept rubbing shit all over myself and I..."

"Katie! Slow down, take a breath!"

"Oh sorry, yeah, was I getting a bit carried away?"

"A little bit Katie but it doesn't matter. It all seemed to be going really well though."

"It was and it just got better and better as I smeared myself all over, the pee was....."

"Piss darling, call it piss, Mummy likes that word."

"Yeah, okay, sorry. The piss was making the shit soften and helped it spread everywhere. I was even smearing it all over my feet and in-between my toes!"

"That is so beautiful Katie, what was wrong with any of that? It sounds absolutely wonderful darling."

"It was, I was loving everything about it, even the smell and fuck didn't it smell Mum! It stunk in the bathroom but it was an amazing and beautiful smell, does that make sense? Can shit smell amazing and beautiful?"

"Katie luv, everything about what you are telling me makes perfect sense sweetheart. I think it's beautiful that you were able to enjoy a shit smear as much as you obviously were. What can possibly have gone wrong darling?"

"Everything seemed to go wrong all at once! Or at least it did in my head!" Tears welled up in Katie's eyes now as she recalled the events.

"I suddenly realised what I was doing and how I hadn't thought about how I was going to clean up afterwards. I wanted a shower but I hadn't laid anything on the floor so if I got out of the bath I would make shitty footprints all across the floor. The shower head was too low so when I raised it up I would cover that in shit. If I stayed in the bath and turned the taps on they would get covered in shit as well! The bath already had shit smeared all over it as well as me from where I'd touched the sides! I hadn't got an old towel out of the cupboard to dry on. The one hanging up already would probably smell of shit wouldn't it? You know, after I'd dried myself with it. I started panicking mum, big time! What would happen if dad came home for some reason? You know, maybe he was unwell or had forgotten something. My head got in a mess and I didn't know what to do! I went from euphoria to absolute panic in seconds!"

"Oh Katie luv, the chances of your dad coming home were small, really small but I can understand where you are coming from." Replied Mum, trying to offer some crumbs of comfort.

"Do you know how it is? You know, when you get a doubt in your head and it won't go away? Well my head was full of them and I started panicking and there was no way I could enjoy myself after that. Suddenly I thought Dad would burst into the bathroom any second and see what I was doing, see what a mess I was in! My world would have ended there and then if he had come home, wouldn't it?" Katie burst into floods of tears, recalling that moment had become too traumatic.

"Hey, come here sweetheart, give Mummy a hug, it's alright now, Mummy's here for you, don't cry."

"I'm sorry Mum but it was horrible, I cleaned myself and the bathroom up as quickly as I could but I started feeling funny and out of breath and my heart started racing and I started sweating real bad and thought I was going to die!"

"Katie, it's alright, Dad didn't come home, did he? You weren't going to die darling. You were having a panic attack, that's all."

Lucy continued to hug her daughter tightly and reassuringly. It was at that moment she realised that she could still offer motherly love as well as enjoy a sexual fetish.

"So how did you clean yourself up then?" Lucy asked, still getting a thrill from Katie's little predicament.

"I ran the bath to start with and washed in that but that had its problems. Little bits of shit started floating in the water all around me."

"Mmm, you hadn't smeared it all in properly, had you?"

"No, I stopped when I started panicking! That was pretty cool though, the bobbing bits of poo that is. You could poke them with a finger and they would sink them pop up again! I played with them for a bit." Katie smiled as she said it.

"That's better sweetie, a little smile."

"It was fun playing with the bobbing bits of turd for a bit, at least until I thought about the mess I was still in! Anyways, I cleaned up as best I could then let the water drain from the bath. Then more trouble started."

"I know exactly what you are going to say darling, the plug hole blocked?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I've been there, sweetheart. Been there, done it and got the t-shirt!" Katie and her mum giggled at that.

"Yeah, the plug hole filled up with shit and I had to use my finger to jiggle around in the plug hole and run the tap to get it all to wash away."

"Which finger did you use Katie?"


"Which finger did you use?"

"That one." Said Katie, holding up the index finger of her right hand.

Lucy immediately grabbed her daughter's hand and pulled it close to her face. She then wrapped her mouth around the finger Katie had raised.

"What are you doing Mum?!"

Lucy ignored the question and carried on sucking the finger.

"You're seriously weird Mum! Are you sucking it because I jiggled it around the plug hole?"

"Got it in one darling." Lucy replied while taking a quick break from the intense sucking.

"That's disgusting Mum and in any case that was a few months ago now!"

"Symbolic darling, that's all." Said Lucy after she had returned the finger back to Katie.

"That's really weird and disgusting Mum. Would you have done that at the time though, you know, if you were there with me?"

The disgustingly wicked grin on Lucy's face told Katie the answer. No word was spoken. Katie looked at the 'symbolic' finger and sucked on it herself while grinning back at her mum.

"Anyway, I'm sorry darling, I interrupted, didn't I? Is that everything or is there more you want to tell me?"

"I'm not boring you, am I?"

"Of course not! I'm sorry I interrupted."

"Well, I washed the bath water away then smelt my skin and I still stunk! Really bad!"

"You will do darling, a quick bath is not going to get rid of the smell, especially if you still had turds bobbing about in it!"

"Stop it Mum! It wasn't that bad there were only a few small bits floating!"

"Enough to block the plug hole up." Came the curt reply.

"Yeah well, they were probably the bits that weren't floating! Anyway, I was fairly clean so I got in the shower and washed again but I could still smell it! Then I saw shit stains around the bath and taps and I started panicking again. Then I saw brown stains on the wall near the door and more in the floor! Everywhere I looked there seemed to be shit!"

Lucy could see tears in her daughter's eyes again. She now realised just how traumatic it must have been for her. She wiped her daughter's tears away with her hand then popped a kiss on her lips. "It's alright Katie, it's all over now isn't it and no one found out, did they?"

Katie sniffled and shook her head. She then continued. "And I cleaned it all up before dad came home.... at his usual time!"

"There, see, nothing to worry about."

"I still stunk of shit though! If I sniffed hard enough I could still smell it, so I ran another bath. This time I lay there and soaked for a long time. I was more relaxed now as I had cleaned all the mess up."

"Oh Katie, I feel for you, I really do. I know how hard it is coming to terms with and living with a scat fetish. Was that the only time you smeared yourself?"

"Yeah, you don't think I was going through all that again do you!" Katie laughed.

Lucy laughed as well and mother and daughter embraced, then kissed again.

"I love you Mum, thank you for listening."

Those words were too much for Lucy who felt all of her daughter's pain, she then felt tears well up in her eyes. She couldn't work out if they were tears of sadness or happiness or joyfulness or even tears of concern. She just knew she loved her daughter very much and in a way that would have been unthinkable little over a week ago.

Lucy and Katie held each other in silence for a long time, both reflecting on a relationship which they knew was forbidden. A relationship though, which both knew was unstoppable and inseparable.

Lucy was the first to make a move. She placed a hand on her daughter's naked breast and moved away slightly from their embrace. "l love you, Katie."

"I love you too Mum."

"Katie darling, I am going to give you a full body smear this morning. Not just my shit or not just your shit but shit from both of us. I want you to experience just how beautiful a full smear can be darling."

Katie didn't say anything, she just stared into her mum's eyes almost trance like. Concerned that there was no reply Lucy asked a question. "Would you like Mummy to do that for you?"

"I think so, it will be alright, won't it?"

"Of course it will be alright, why won't it?"

"I don't want to be worried that someone will come in and catch us doing it."

"Hey sweetie, of course no one will come in, it will be just you and me and two piles of beautiful turds!"

That made Katie laugh and relax a little but Lucy could still see the apprehension written across her pretty face.

"The doors are locked, aren't they?"

"Yes Katie, the doors are all locked, they've been locked all night."

"Will you go and check please and check the windows are closed as well."

Katie had not only become paranoid after recalling the harrowing events of her last self-smear but she was petrified as well. The previous incident had clearly left its mark. Lucy realised that she would have to do more to reassure her daughter.

"It's alright sweetheart, I'll go and check all the doors and windows and I'll also make sure there are no bogey men hiding anyway!"

"Mum! Be serious, I can't help it! If we are going to do this I want to be relaxed and not scared stiff!"

"Sorry darling, Mummy's attempt at a little joke. Wait here and I'll check everything for you."

Lucy walked out of their bedroom and systematically checked every window and door in the house. She came back a few minutes later to find her daughter hunched up on the bed. Her knees pulled up tightly to her chest and arms wrapped tightly around them. Lucy saw it as a position which portrayed vulnerability and timidness.

Lucy climbed onto the bed next to her. "Everything is closed and locked sweetheart, no one can get in, we are all alone. Want to get dirty with Mummy?"

The familiar beam appeared across Katie's face and she released the grip on her own legs. The beam turned to an enthusiastic nod of the head followed by Katie's usual words of uncertainty. "It will be alright won't it?" She asked again.

"Yes darling, it will be alright, I promise."

Katie flung her arms around her mum and asked. "Can you go yet?"

Lucy laughed. "Not yet dear, can you?"

Katie shook her head. "Shall I make us some coffee?"

"That sounds like a perfect idea. You do that and I'll get the room ready."

Both tasks were completed swiftly and mother and daughter soon found themselves back in bed next to each other again. This time though they were both cradling a mug of strong coffee in their hands. The two of them gripping it as though they were outside on a cold frosty morning. The action was curious as the bedroom was far from cold.

They sat up in bed, pillows puffed up behind them and duvet pulled up to their waists. They both sat comfortably with breasts exposed to the small glimmer of early morning sunshine as it sneaked its way through the gap in the drawn curtains. Gone was the shyness seen in Katie only a few days earlier. She now appeared a confident young woman who had no issues with exposing her beautifully formed breasts to her mum. That same confidence though was still lacking when it came to the act both were about to indulge in.

Katie turned to her mum. "We'll be able to clean up alright afterwards, won't we?"

"Stop worrying Katie, everything will be fine, I've done this before."

"It was horrible last time, I really panicked when I was dirty!"

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