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A Tempting Vacation Ch. 13


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"Okay, I knew you would be able to see this through. I'll still hang around to make sure he behaves." Beth said, however she was already working on the best way to increase the temptation for Sue. "Why don't you go ahead and get Ron secured, so to speak, and I'll get those drinks I was making finished up and bring you one in a plastic tumbler."

Sue made her way back to the bathroom, stopping to critique herself in the mirror. She always knew she was exotically good looking, but in her current condition; her skin glistening from the day's sun, her hair still a shiny black, matted against her neck and shoulders, and her damp bikini, clinging obscenely to her large breasts and bubbly ass, on her otherwise petite frame, she looked right off the pages of Playboy. She also realized Beth was right in her assessment that a naked, aroused, and devilishly tormented Ron would not be able to withstand the temptation she was about to present him, whether it be intentionally or not. She started to readjust her bikini, to at least cover the lower portion of each heavy breast escaping the bottom edge of the purple triangles, but succumbing to the electrifying sexuality of the day, she actually slid the top up to reveal even more of each untanned globe. She'd promised herself she'd be good.....but never committed to be a perfect angel. After all, behaving appropriately and looking appropriate were completely different standards.

Ron had been grateful for the seat Sue had given him. He sat there for several minutes, his brain focusing on nothing more than the hot water cascading against his face and chest. He looked down to admire what had become the center of so much attention on this trip, his ever present erection. His mind drifted to the day's earlier events, trying to recall the details of his time with the crazy contest woman. The particulars were a little scrambled, but he was pretty sure she had fucked him, and he remembered the girls on the stage, kissing and sucking on him, and he was pretty sure they had been kissing on him while the leather chick sat on his lap, but the tequila shots seemed to be taking a lot of his memory. He grasped his prick with both hands, and had just begun to mentally back up and try to extract more details about his afternoon to fuel his much deserved self pleasuring, when the shower curtain again was pulled open.

Stepping beneath the water, Sue's vision was immediately drawn to the way Ron's hands were stacked one of top of the other, clutching his cock, and still an inch or two extended above his fists. 'Composure.....Composure.....' she kept telling herself. 'Keep it can still admire his cock......but you have to keep it above board.' Sue's mind whirled with self admonitions to keep this as non-sexual as possible given the circumstances.

"Now Ron, your mom wants you to get good and clean, let the hot water and steam maybe straighten you up some." As soon as she said the words, Sue began to giggle. This boy certainly didn't need any help to "straighten up". She looked up from Ron's cock, still appearing long and thick even though mostly hidden by his hands, to see if he caught on to her unintended joke. He didn't appear to have heard anything she said, as his eyes were locked firmly in to her nipples, and he had now dropped his left hand to his side so that his right could more fully stroke his penis.

Realizing words were not helping, Sue moved to secure his wrists to the chair. She moved close to him, much to his delight, then leaned down and deftly snapped the cuff to his left arm. It took him a few seconds to comprehend what had just transpired, and by that time, Sue had smoothly tugged his right hand free of his cock and likewise secured it to the other chair leg. He struggled briefly, then something seemed to click, and he sat still, staring at Sue's face, rather than her body for the first time since they'd entered the condo.

About that time, Beth reentered the bathroom and said, "Sue, here is your drink. I'll sit it on the edge of the tub, along with some shampoo and stuff. You have everything under control?"

"Yeah, I think we're all good, right Ron?"

"Um, sure, yeah, we're good."

"Good, cause I have a little problem. I just remembered that I left my watch at the beach during my walk this morning. It was my grandma's watch, so I absolutely have to get it. Will you be all right to finish with Ron's shower will I go up the beach to get my watch. I set it down on this big boulder when I stopped to rest, before I headed back this morning, so it might take me a while to go and get back."

Sue failed to see any manipulation on Beth's part, even though she found it a little odd she'd leave her naked son with her. But then again, they'd been all through this warped situation, and both were on the same page. Plus taking her at her word that she wanted to retrieve a family heirloom, Sue encouraged Beth to go retrieve her watch.

"Okay, thanks for being so understanding. Since it may take me 30 minutes or so, maybe you should take your shower after Ron, that way I can get back, get cleaned up and we can still get to dinner on time. Work for you?"

"Sounds reasonable to me." Sue answered. "You have the keys so I can unlock Ron when we're done?"

"Oh yeah, I'll get them from the other room and leave them by the sink." Beth said as she excused herself to head to the beach.

Beth, of course, had no intention of leaving the bathroom, much less the condo to walk on the beach, and she certainly wasn't going to place the hand cuff keys anywhere to be found by Sue.

She had previously explored the bathroom closet, with the only intent being to see the viewing angle Ron had been afforded that first night when Beth and the others had undressed in the bathroom. Luckily, she had also noticed the small crack in the wall that would allow her the same view of the shower Ron had also enjoyed that night. So naturally, Beth stealthily slipped into the small closet, and pressed her eye to the wall, anxious to watch the show.

Sue, convinced she was now truly alone with Ron, told herself once again to maintain her self control. Ron was only a teenager, he was really really drunk, and he had the great potential to be her step-daughter's boyfriend. If she let loose and took advantage of him, and he freaked out about it to Amy, Dave would find out and she'd be done with him forever. She had to keep things above board.

Ron having been motionless during the entire conversation with Beth, now extended his legs in front of the chair so that his feet actually rested just between Sue's. Her own sexy feet and bright red toenails were quite the contrast to Ron's manly looking size 12s. His cock still wavered obscenely in front of his flat stomach, rhythmically pulsing as the blood continued to pound into his manhood.

"Okay, so I am going to get you cleaned up. I know this is really bizarre, but if we both just remain calm and treat it as a patient-nurse type situation, I am sure we'll get through it in no time. Are you with me on this?" Sue paused, hoping Ron would remain docile while she washed him, partly because it would make the bath easier, but also it would help her control her own excitement if he didn't try to instigate any contact with her.

"Ron, I said are you with me......are you going to behave?"

Through Ron's inebriated condition, the bizarre reality of the situation began to settle into his brain. As much as he had wanted to simply lift the tiny Asian temptress and slide her down over his erection, she had made it clear that doing so was not an option, to the point of actually securing his hands at his sides. He must have misread the way she had seemed so enamored of his bulging trunks at the boutique and then on the beach. His scattered mind then made the leap back to the ocean, when he'd resolved to go along with Beth's concocted temptations with as much naiveté as he could believably convey, hoping it would lead to Beth, or Sue in this case, eventually giving in to their own desire for his cock, as Beth had already done on two occasions.

Being recommitted to his own plan of action, Ron replied, "um yeah, I mean, I'm sorry for being so, ah, you know, drunk and stuff. I'll be good."

Pleased with this response, Sue stepped closer to him, her legs now straddling his until she was poised about 6 inches away from his cock. Now anxious to see what she would do, Ron did his best to remain calm.

"First, let's wash your hair....oops. I forgot to grab the shampoo......hold tight." She turned and bent at the waist, knowing she was presenting her ass for Ron's viewing pleasure. Again, being good and looking good, mutually exclusive in Sue's mind.

She pulled the curtain back to the spot Beth had left her drink and the shampoo. To her surprise, in addition to the shampoo was a liquid soap dispenser, shaving cream, a razor and baby oil. Kind of strange, but then Sue realized she probably left most of that stuff for her own shower after Ron got out of the tub. Grabbing the bottle, Sue straightened back up and turned to see Ron, as expected, staring at the spot her ass had just been occupying.

Beth was watching intently, anxious to observe, yet jealous that she could not take part in this devilish teasing opportunity she'd orchestrated. Her left hand held the yet to be missed wash cloths and bar soap tightly to her body, while her right hand had already dipped past her teeny bikini bottoms, to stimulate her already simmering pussy.

Sue shuffled her feet back along the outside of Ron's legs, until she resumed her position just a few inches from his hard cock. "Okay, close your eyes."

Ron did as instructed, and Sue directed the shower head to thoroughly soak his head. After moving the spray back to pepper the tile wall, she leaned still closer and squirted a dollop of shampoo into her hand, and began to massage it into his sandy brown hair.

His head fell back even further as Ron took pleasure in her gentle touch. Needing to better reach the back of his head, Sue scooted in tighter. She truly didn't realize her proximity to his cock until she felt it press against her bikini. Given all the jostling, Ron didn't seem to notice. Sue took the opportunity to look down at their interaction, knowing the suds cascading across his face would insure Ron's eyes remained closed. God, his engorged head looked so immense, positioned so as to almost hide the tiny purple bottoms from her sight. Even as her hands kept up the gentle shampooing; she deliberately dipped then extended her legs, allowing her crotch to lightly scrap along the rock hard pole.

She was shaken from her perversions by Ron, saying, "MMmmm, this feels good."

Hoping he was referring to her fingers massaging the shampoo into his scalp, Sue nevertheless stepped back a few inches, ceasing her movements against Ron's penis, 'God, what was she doing........CONTROL YOURSELF.....' She screamed insider her head.

She quickly grabbed the shower head and rinsed the shampoo away. Ron squinted and refocused on Sue as the water slowly cleared from his eyes. Her breasts were at his eye level, the fresh spray of water serving to accentuate her THOs (tittie hard ons) as the guys on the basketball team liked to refer to them.

"Now let's finish up and get you out so I can shower." Sue said, doing her best to convince herself to linger no longer than necessary. Accordingly, she tore her vision from Ron's nude body and pulled back the curtain to get some soap and a wash cloth. "Um, there should be a wash cloth in here....but I don't see one."

Beth's fingers continued to stroke her slippery clit as she gazed through the tiny peep hole with equal parts lust and amusement, thinking to herself, "come on, just use the liquid soap and your will make for a much more invigorating cleansing for my boy Ron."

As if sensing Beth's silent directive, Sue resolved herself to the fact that the only option was the liquid soap dispenser. Thinking of smearing this slick soap over Ron's skin was tugging her back to the boundaries of perversion. Sue again made a silent pledge to behave, and straightened her prone body, took a deep breath and turned to wash the teenager's lanky body.

"All right now, this won't take too long, and well, I know this is kind of a strange situation, but like we said, for the next few minutes I am Nurse Sue, and you are my patient.......just keep that in mind, and we'll get through this in no time, okay?"

"Ah, yeah, I mean I'll do my best, but, ah, I mean, I've never even been in a hospital......if you were dressed like a nurse.....maybe, but in that bikini, um, it might be kind of hard, you know? " Ron rambled, momentarily forgetting his plan to refrain from saying anything even remotely related to sex.

Sue stood there, watching him do his best to focus on his response. When he said "it might be kind of hard" she had to bite her gums to keep from giggling. She knew it was juvenile, but his unintended choice of adjectives struck her as hilarious, and she struggled to maintain her silence.

"But I'll try, I mean, after all, I'm not a little boy anymore, so I should be able to act like an adult about this right?" Ron continued, now remembering his plan of remaining neutral to the incredible sexual temptation before him.

"Good, well now, I'll start with your shoulders and arms, and then we'll just move on from there, okay?" Sue said as she moved back to her previous position, straddling Ron's thighs.

Ron did his best to keep his thoughts lucid, and his facial expression innocent, attempting to conceal the lustful desires emanating from his drunken, sexually tormented mind. "Ah sure, you're the nurse here, whatever you say, I'll questions."

Sue noticed Ron's overt eagerness to acquiesce to her directives, but chalked it up more to his drunken attempt to behave himself, than his true intention of passively encouraging her onward.

Sue started off by rubbing tow handfuls of pearly white soap onto Ron's shoulders, even as much of it began to slide down his chest and stomach. She instinctively slid her hands downward, recapturing and redirecting the escaping soap across his chest. Following the path of her hands, her vision locked onto Ron's cock, swaying over his belly button at about a 45 degree angle, calling for her slick hands to stroke the tormented girth extending upward from the now matted brown pubic hair. Knowing that it would lessen her temptation, she relocated her efforts, and her vision, back to Ron's broad shoulders and upper arms.

"Lean toward me a little so I can wash some of your back, okay?" Sue instructed.

"Yes nurse Sue." Ron answered in a syrupy sweet, sing songy reply. "Patient Ron will do exactly as you say." Ron giggled at his own ridiculous response, partly due to drunken silliness, and partly in hoping the goofy humor might help hide his underlying desire for Sue, and their shower together.

Sue, indeed chalked his embracing of the whole nurse/patient thing up to him being playfully drunk, and she stepped a little closer and helped Ron lean as far forward as his confined wrists would allow.

She did her best to convince her struggling conscience that the resulting contact between her crotch and Ron's erection was innocent and unintended, but the lust driven part of her, the part that had been smoldering and intensifying all day due to the serendipitous teasing she'd been subjected to, knew her actions from this point forward would be anything but innocent. However, there was still enough of her rational brain battling her desires, that she absolutely had to make Ron think her intentions were as pure as the driven snow.

He seemed oblivious so far, and perhaps he was so drunk that he truly did believe she was just doing a good deed for his mom. If so, she might be able to push things for her own enjoyment. Reaching over to swipe her soapy hands across his upper back, Sue pressed even more firmly against his cock, and her still disheveled bikini top was now mere inches from Ron's face.

Ron could feel her moving against his dick, and would have to lean only slightly forward to take her purple bikini and obviously erect nipple into his mouth. He fought this instinct, even in this inebriated condition recalling the two instances with Beth, and how she had ultimately been the one to succumb to the temptation and take control. If he made an aggressive move now, he was afraid she'd back off. He kept repeating the mantra over and over in his mind, ' her what she's longing she'll take the bait'. It was a trick he'd learned back when he was on the swim team to help keep his strokes on time; make up a rhyme to keep you focused on the task at hand, and before you know it, you're at the finish line. ' her what she's lusting she'll take the bait'. With the newly created verse looped in his brain, he refrained from thrusting his hips upward to increase their contact, kept his mouth away from the succulent tits dangling before him, and let Sue finish with his back.

Satisfied that his upper body was clean, Sue pointed the shower head to rinse the suds away, then stepped back to reassess their situation. She was quickly deciding that she might be able to keep her self-pledge to not jeopardize her relationship with Dave or Amy, and still have a little fun with Ron and his extraordinary cock. He was obviously drunk enough to potentially not recall a lot of detail of this shower, and if she behaved in a way to appear professional and not sexually excited by the situation, he might also be drunk enough to simply do as instructed, at least to a point. Even though Ron was behaving and fully cooperating, Sue wanted to address his ever-present erection in order to have him fall more fully in line.

"Okay, before I finish, well, I think we should address, ahem, you know, your condition." She finished, motioning with her head to Ron's crotch. "Now, I don't want you to be embarrassed. I know I haven't mentioned it yet, even though I've been here with you being naked for several minutes. As a nurse I've found that some erections will go away after the first few minutes of a bath, but other times, well, it persists."

Ron was still battling the tequila, his attention span faltering. He did manage to catch most of Sue's little speech, and rather than try to engage in any substantial conversation, he simply said, "I understand", even as a little voice in his brain started repeating, ' her what she's lusting she'll take the bait'.

"Well, good, in my experience, it is best to simply act like your erection is completely normal. I'll treat it, I mean you, as if nothing is out of the ordinary. First I'll wash your legs, but I just wanted to clear the air about, well , you know." Sue finished, once again nodding her head toward Ron's prick as it wavered between them.

Sue grabbed the soap dispenser and stood there, still straddling Ron's knees as his legs extended almost the length of the tub. He drank in her form as the shower water beat around her head and shoulders, streaming down across her breasts and eventually funneling into the purple triangle of material still clinging obscenely to her engorged pussy. A substantial portion of each breast was still peeking from beneath the bikini, and her nipples appeared as hard as his own cock. Ironically, Ron tried his best to present a neutral facial expression, to hide further evidence of the lustful desires so blatantly exhibited between his legs....'one..two..three....."

Sue stepped back and used her right foot to nudge Ron's left leg toward the edge of the tub, then did the same to his right leg, the end result being his legs spread wide, with ample room for her to kneel between them, tantalizingly close to his tempting cock. As Sue twisted her body to better reach his lower leg and foot, she once again revisited her silent struggle to maintain her composure. She knew she wanted to eventually run her hands over Ron's genitals, wrap the steel like shaft in her clenched fists and stroke the thick liquid soap up and over the large puffy head. But she also committed herself to move slowly, take baby steps and see if Ron responded overtly in a sexual manner. As long as he bought into the innocence of her actions, whether it be due to his own naiveté, or his drunken condition, and didn't seem to notice how inappropriate her behavior truly was, she's be empowered to torment him a little and have a her own perverted harm done.

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