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A Tempting Vacation Ch. 14


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Engulfed was the word that immediately came to Lil as the group formed a tight semicircle around her. She glanced back briefly, confirming her separation from Mike. No one was being inappropriate, or touching her, however the way they whispered to one another and nudged their friends out of the way for a better viewing angle did not go unnoticed.

Maybe it was her naiveté at being viewed as a sex object, or perhaps the age difference between her and the boys, but Lil didn't feel threatened, even though she was acutely aware of the lustful tension surrounding them. What she did feel, however, was an intense tingling from head to toe, as if she were ready to explode from the excitement of being surrounded by so many attractive, fit college boys, each of them seemingly undressing her with their eyes. It felt as if her body's only outlet from the mounting arousal building within her was the slippery secretions now trailing to her thighs, and the almost aching hardness of her thick nipples. She hadn't dared glance down to them in the middle of this crowd, for it would have confirmed to her admirer's she knew the image she was providing them, and even though a woman would have to be an idiot not to know, it just seemed less blatantly slutty to play along as if she were unaware.

As she stood there, a full foot shorter than many of the boys crowding around, she could almost feel their eyes trying to pry beneath the edge of her dress, which thanks to Mike, was so enticingly close to exposing her areola. Thinking of Mike, and how he would want to know the details of what happened here at the bar, she decided to play along with his obvious, if not stated, desire for her to be a tease, and she stepped up on the brass foot rail, then leaned across the bar to order the drinks.

Before this trip, Lil would have easily declared the best feature of her body to be her butt. Even though Mike had managed to unleash her nipples, so to speak, while here on the island, her whole life she had done her best to mask them. Her bottom, however, was more difficult to conceal, and after all, having a bubbly butt showcased in a nice fitting pair of slacks was far less taboo than walking around with two gigantic nipples tenting your clothing. How her ass would look had been the lone vain thought Lil would have when getting dressed to go out in public, and over the years, she had learned that certain outfits would never fail to draw at least one second glance when strolling through the mall.

So now was the time to get back to her comfort zone, so to speak. She knew that this dress was clingy and thin enough to present a nice image as she leaned a little further across the bar. With her arms crossed beneath her breasts, the bartender was in no hurry to end their conversation about what drink she might like. His eyes kept drifting to her cleavage, increasingly enhanced from the upward pressure of her forearms.

By the time Lil had dropped back to her feet, she had heard numerous, not so quietly whispered, comments about her bottom. She could feel her thighs growing slicker and only hoped the aroma of her excitement wouldn't become noticeable. She stood there, waiting for her drinks, not really sure how to proceed, when the white baseball cap appeared at her side. He nudged one of his friends from the nearest barstool, and offered it to her.

As she placed her foot back to the brass foot rail to leverage herself onto the stool, he stepped closer, saying, "Here, let me help."

Before Lil even comprehended his words, he wrapped his hands almost completely around her tiny waist, and lifted her to the seat. By the time she was forming the words to object to his forwardness, his hands were pulled free, and rather than an admonition, Lil heard herself simply saying, "Thank you."

From habit, she went to smooth the dress over her thighs, shocked to see that very little material remained covering them. Evidently, the effect of the boy lifting her was that her dress had pulled up higher on her body. Between it bunching slightly at her waist and the absent button, the split over her legs stopped just an inch or so from her crotch. Lil's reaction to the fact that the boys might be able to look up her dress, even though her legs were pressed firmly together, was to cross her right leg over her left. While this served to conceal the juncture of her legs, it also highlighted the amount of tanned skin escaping the now incredibly revealing dress. She was contemplating how best to preserve her modesty, for even though she was willing to dress sexily and even be a tease for her husband, exposing herself completely was not on the agenda, when her thoughts were interrupted once again by the white baseball cap.

"Hi, I'm Brad," he said in a polite manner, "I think we met on the boat today......I was your flipper assistant." As he spoke, he seemed unable to keep his eyes from running up and down her body.

Lil noticed his roaming eyes, but really, wasn't that what Mike wanted. She knew her drinks should be ready soon, so decided to sit tight, and let this boy, and his friends, continue to mentally undress her. And honestly, Lil knew it wasn't all just for Mike, as her body felt as if it were smoldering from within. Her reaction was only intensified by the fact that the two boys, a passed out Ron and the white baseball cap, that had ignited her dormant sexual being, had crossed her path yet again. Now, standing here between so many handsome and attentive young men, Lil relinquished any effort to prevent her mind from sinfully entertaining increasingly depraved thoughts.

"Oh yes. Nice to see you again." Lil responded, trying to remain as proper as possible, despite her sexy attire and her mind's immoral inclinations.

"I hope you don't mind me saying, but you look incredible. What a great dress."

"Ah, well, thank you. My husband bought this for me, I mean, it is not something I would ever go out and buy." She rambled; taken aback by his compliment, and despite her own erotic thoughts, feeling compelled to distance herself from such a wickedly sinful dress.

"Well I think all the guys in this place would like to thank him for getting it for you. I remember him from the boat, he asked me to help with your flippers. Is he still in the bar, or did he leave you here, alone?" Brad said, opportunistic hope evident in his voice, as he scooted in closer to Lil's legs.

"He is here, back at the table. I am just getting us a drink." Lil noticed Brad moving closer, but with another boy directly behind her, was unable to move away.

About that time, the bartender sat some shots on the bar, right in front of Lil, saying to Brad, "Here you go."

Brad began to pass them around, handing the last one to Lil.

"Oh no, I couldn't. I mean, I don't drink."

Brad leaned in closer, almost whispering. "But you are sitting here with me at the bar, ordering a drink, so it seems to me you do drink. Besides this is just a little one, and you just have to drink it. I ordered them in your honor."

"Well, thanks, but why in my honor. I am rooting for UNC." She said, trying to find a way to gracefully refuse the shot.

"But you're wearing red, so I figured you might be willing to root for our team if I bought you a drink." Brad said, his eyes still roaming over her body as he held the shot glass before Lil.

Lil looked past the handsome young man, to see if her drinks were ready, but the bartender was still filling other orders. She felt Brad's crotch briefly brush against her knee, then just as quickly break contact. She glanced down reflexively, barely able to stifle a gasp upon noticing the prominent bulge in his shorts. A flurry of thoughts instantly flooded her mind as she tried to decide how best to respond. First, how could she have allowed Mike to manipulate her into being such an obvious tease? And why didn't she just remove herself from this tempting situation, no matter how willing Mike was to put her on display. But she realized that even though she knew better, her morals were steadily weakening given the way this evening was playing out, as the thrill of having this same young man from the boat, so blatantly visually devouring her and obviously growing erect as a result, was turning her on like nothing she could recall.

Looking for something to break the sexual tension she felt from spying his erection, Lil refocused on the shots, saying, "Okay, I'll try it, but no promises, okay?"

Brad flashed a dazzling white smile her way, then announced, "Knock em down ya'll, we got ourselves a new Cardinal fan over here!"

All the boys quickly threw back the shots and slammed the glasses on the bar. Lil took a tiny sip, confirming that the brownish liquid was actually somewhat sweet tasting, maybe even with a hint of butterscotch. Satisfied, she turned her glass up and drank the entire thing. By the time she turned to place her glass on the bar, the bartender was setting another round next to the empties.

"Oh no, not another one." Lil protested. "Just because I liked the first doesn't mean I want two."

Brad stepped closer, his left knee making contact with Lil's thigh, and his still obvious erection now hovering near her left forearm. "Just one more, do I have to compliment you again, is that it?"

"Nope, I am not that easy. Besides, I don't even know what you are giving me to drink. It is a good thing my husband is back there to protect me."

"I am guessing your husband trusts you completely, otherwise he would never let you wear such a sexy dress. Did I mention you are the hottest woman I've ever seen/" Brad said, again leaning in close to whisper in her ear.

Lil, while not believing she was in danger, was feeling increasingly uneasy with Brad's forwardness. She scanned the cluster of boys, looking to see if Mike was making his way to retrieve her. Failing to spy him, she decided to stand on the rung of her barstool to see over the cluster of masculinity. "Can you give me a hand, I want to be able to see over the crowd?" Lil said to Brad as she rose partially up to stand on the lowest rung of the stool, hoping to steady herself as she prepared to peer over the crowd.

"Sure, I'll lift you up." And before she could object, he reached down and wrapped his arms around her legs, just below her ass, and lifted her skyward. Lil's initial thought was to object, but as her head quickly ascended high enough to get an unobstructed view of her husband she decided it best to just accomplish her goal rather than make a scene. Mike perked up upon seeing her, made a motion as if he were drinking from an imaginary glass, then gave her an inquisitive look, plainly conveying he was still waiting for his beer.

Lil tried to convey a calm attitude to Mike. She didn't want to appear frightened or upset and have him panic and make a scene. But the fact was that she could feel her pantyless crotch pressed snugly against the boy's firm abs, the thin dress doing little to impede the friction between their bodies. In addition, a quick glance down confirmed that every time either of them moved, her nipples brushed against his forehead. She looked back to Mike, who once again mimicked his need for a beer. 'I bet he wouldn't be so worried about his beer if he could see how I am being hoisted above the crowd,' she thought.

Her silent admonition of her husband was interrupted by Brad, asking if she could see over the crowd. She looked down to his upturned face, immediately realizing her left nipple was lightly rubbing across his nose as he spoke, practically directly into her jiggling breast.

"Okay, you can put me down now." Lil said. Several of the others were intently watching her interaction with Brad as he very slowly allowed her body to slide to the ground. As he lowered her, his hands pressed more firmly against her ass, not to the point of cupping her cheeks, but certainly more with more familiarity than appropriate. Lil, however, was actually more concerned for her breasts as they scraped across his face, her fleshy, dress covered left nipple was being drug precariously close to his inviting lips. The bare skin presented due to Mike's little button trick, along with the still concealed areola rubbed so firmly to his face that Lil could feel his razor stubble. As dangerously arousing as these brief interactions were, neither his manhandling of her ass nor his face buried against her chest compared to what he did next.

Brad guided her still suspended body down his torso. The split in her dress was moving higher up her body due to their movements, and by the time he paused briefly, her bare crotch was trapped tightly against the substantial bulge in the front of his shorts.

When it became evident to Lil that he was holding her in place, she began to struggle slightly, saying in a no-nonsense voice, "I think you should put me down now."

Brad responded, as if he had been waiting for her to object, "Sure, no problem." And he did do as she requested, yet still managed to maneuver her now exposed pussy down his crotch and thigh. As soon as her still soaked and now swollen labia slid from his shorts to Brad's bare skin, her wetness caused her to glide more rapidly down his muscular thigh, the friction on her clit eliciting a barely stifled moan from Lil's suddenly parched lips.

Brad was staring at her crotch, as were the other boy's close enough to see what had happened, until the dress fell back down to reestablish her modesty. "Wow....ah, damn, that was so hot." He whispered while leaning in close to Lil's ear. "You are the sexiest woman I have ever met. I swear!"

The tide of embarrassment resulting from what had just transpired was partially thwarted by the flattering words coming from a boy almost young enough to be her own son. Even with a sudden, yet twisted sense of pride in her newfound sexuality, Lil could not look up to meet the rapt gaze of the boys. She continued to look down her body, under the pretext of smoothing the red dress across her stomach and thighs, but with the true intention of confirming the sight presented by her breast and nipples, and with the added little perverted twist of allowing her audience an unfettered look as well. The dress was slightly twisted from the jostling, and a substantial portion of her left, pale hued breast was peeking from beneath the red fabric.

After deliberately readjusting herself, Lil did her best to present an innocent, if not clueless facial expression as she looked back to Brad, and said, "Why, thank you for such a nice compliment, but I really don't know what you mean. But I guess a woman would have to be pretty rude not to accept a drink from such a sweet boy."

Even though she could feel the first shot making her brain a little fuzzy, Lil knew things were beginning to get out of hand, and decided it best to pay for the drinks and get back to Mike. Noticing the bartender setting her previously ordered drinks on the bar, Lil moved her dainty hand to Brad's thick chest, and gently pushed him from her personal space, then said, "I'll make a deal with you, one more shot, but then I have to take those drinks back to my table, okay?"

"Alright, you win," he said, handing Lil her shot glass. Now knowing what to expect, she didn't hesitate and quickly downed the tasty mixture. She immediately reached for the cold beer and fruity drink, dropping the twenty on the bar, "What were those shots anyway, I know Mike will ask."

Brad barely suppressed a shit-eating grin while leering unashamedly at Lil's breasts, "Oh yeah, they're my favorite shots, called Slippery Nipples." He redirected his vision to Lil's face, anxious to gage her reaction.

She couldn't help but to pause, if only for a second, caught off guard by the brazenness of this young man. Deciding the best way to keep him off kilter long enough to slip away was to surprise him with some sexy banter of her own, Lil held a drink in each hand and began to make her exit from the crowd. Moving directly in front of Brad, she paused a mere inch from his still hard penis and allowed her distended nipples to lightly rake across his upper stomach. While he stared down at her, dumbfounded and waiting for her to speak, she paused, glanced at her nipples, then looked up to his face. "You know, I saw on television once this show about spring break, and the kids doing something called body shots.......I had always just assumed a Slippery Nipple was a body shot........kinda thought you might want that kind of slippery nipple shot, but, oh well, I've got to go now anyway. See ya around." As soon as the last word escaped her lips, Lil maneuvered quickly past the next closest boy.

Before Brad could process her tempting banter and gather his thoughts for a witty response, she had slipped past him and through the second tier of boys, most riveted on the TV replay of a fight during the game, before they knew she was even there.

Mike was relieved to see his wife slip from the pack of boys. He had been watching the bar intently, especially since Lil had been lifted up to make eye contact with him. He decided then, based on her apparent composed demeanor, to sit tight and wait a few more minutes before approaching the bar. Plus, the erection that had been tenting his shorts since their time in the bathroom had only intensified at the thought of her being so sexily displayed in such tight quarters with those college guys.

He noticed her swaying slightly as she made her way over to their table. Two thoughts crossed Mike's mind; Lil looked to be feeling the effects of her first night out drinking, and was she too tipsy to feel the numerous pairs of eyes practically reaching out to devour her bare back and luscious ass as she sauntered back to their table. He took the beer from her hands as she hopped up on her seat, "Thanks, that seemed to take a while.......make some new friends at the bar?" Mike asked with only the slightest hint of acknowledgement in his voice that they both knew it had been his intention all along to leave her stranded with those boys.

Lil took a long sip through the tiny straw in her drink, looked at Mike, whose eyes she noted, continually dipped from her face to her breasts, and said, "Mmm, I really like this drink." After a brief pause, she continued, "It is almost as good as the Slippery Nipples Brad and I shared at the bar." She gave him nothing more, deciding she'd torment him some, make him ask for the details she knew he wanted to hear.

Mike kept watching her, and as she casually took a second sip of her drink, his curiosity won out, "Well, are you going to tell me more? You took a shot?"

"Oh, yes. Two actually. You see, thanks to your sly little button clipping, I felt so exposed to all those young boys, it was making me all fidgety, you know, kind of antsy, I just thought a shot might settle me down some.....but it didn't. Then after Brad lifted me up to see you, and the way my dress slid so indecently out of place as he lowered me right down the front of his body, well, I was more fidgety than before, so I figured I should have another one. Lil did her best to play along with Mike's fantasy, realizing as she spoke that it was quickly evolving into her own fantasy as well. Teasing her husband with such a sexy tale was only increasing her excitement, and from the way he kept readjusting his shorts over his obviously bulging crotch, it appeared to have a similar impact on him as well.

"So, you were just nervous? You sure you weren't a little excited by being dressed like this, in the middle of all those guys?" Mike asked as he dropped his hand to Lil's knee, lightly stroking her, as he obviously caressed her body with his penetrating eyes.

"Michael...of course not. I only dressed like this for you tonight. I am not the kind of woman that enjoys flaunting herself in public, much less for a group of boys almost young enough to be my son." Lil hoped her lie sounded genuine, wanting to continue the façade of being forced into this debauchery by her husband.


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