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A Unique Life - Pt. 03

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Life Fulfilled.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/04/2022
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A Unique Life. Part Three

This was originally meant to be a longish one part story, but it continued to grow to the point that I felt I had to divide it into three parts. I hope that readers will see it through to the end to get the full flavor of the story. Each part has a slightly different emphasis, but they are all important to the whole. While there is a goodly amount of erotica, this is primarily a story about life, and the many forms of love that can exist within. For those looking for a quick kink-filled romp, this likely isn't the story for you. But for those readers who may be interested in an exploration of a different type of life, and loves, I hope you will read on. And even more so, I hope you will enjoy.

And so, our lives continued on, as we settled into an ongoing routine, that to all of us seemed for all the world to be... routine. Jack remained responsible for virtually all the domestic drudgeries, which Susan found entirely satisfactory, and I continued to accept because he clearly seemed so pleased to do so. Our professional lives progressed nicely, and we shared an active social life together, involving ourselves in, and enjoying each other's outside passions. For Susan, it was exploring museums of any and all types. For me, it was attending concerts, from classic rock to classical symphonies. And for Jack, it was live theater. At home, we all loved to watch many of the myriad streaming series on TV, Sue and I cuddled on the loveseat, and Jack in an easy chair, although I came to suspect that he was more than a bit acquiescent with Sue's and my choices.

We also continued to immensely enjoy and revel in our intimate activities, both Sue and I together privately, and when we would very often involve Jack to exquisitely enhance our exhilarating joy. And he always assured us that it was his own utmost thrill to be included, and we allowed, and even helped him offer up to us, in exaltation, his own joy. We all indeed seemed very comfortable and content.

But not complete.

Susan and I had discussed it many times in the past, but now that we were both past our mid thirties, we felt the time had come to act upon our dream... We both wanted children. We had considered adoption, but we both somehow knew that we each really wanted our own. So, we decided to proceed down the only acceptable option to us...

The path of in vitro.

I had many significant questions with this process, however. While we would be the mothers to both, our children would be unrelated to each other, and of more concern, each would have their own anonymous donor and would never know of their fathers. And neither would we. This bothered us more than we cared to admit. After a great deal of agonizing ruminations, it was Sue, which I never would have expected in this case, who came up with the inspired idea. We could ask Jack to be the donor for us both. Our children would then be related as half siblings, and they would both have and know their father, a man we both knew so well to be strong, super intelligent, loving and kind. And oh so giving.

While she had never been truly disparaging of him, I had never before heard her speak of him in such positive and glowing terms. I couldn't help but point this out.

"It's true that I don't have the same attachment to him that you do" she admitted. "I just don't think that he, or any man, can give me, or measure up in any way, to all of what you are for me." She seemed almost wistful.

She then cracked a crooked grin. "He is a great ass licker, though."

He was so very much more. Why couldn't she see that. She became serious again.

"But that doesn't mean that I don't recognize what a good, loving and giving person that he is, and all of the rest of what I said. And that he would be a fantastic father for our children." She paused. "But only if he would want to be."

That, of course, was the crucial question. Was it something, which in our current circumstances, or in any event, that he would want? It was not something that we could demand of him, or imply that he should accept out of duty or deference to us. It had to be something that he truly desired, and wanted for himself just as much.

Any doubts we may have had in this regard were quickly dispelled. While initially staggered by our proposal, he was then overjoyed. He had always wanted to be a father, but had come to believe that possibility, as things were, would never come to pass. He also finally confessed to us his long standing fear, even dread, that we would eventually tire of him, and with children on the horizon, would find him an embarrassing inconvenience who would have to be cast aside. Nothing could ever have been further from the truth. I don't think he ever really understood that his place with us was never in doubt. And now, there would be a far more important reason for him to be with us.

The euphoria of our plan propelled us through Jack's donation, and our own contributions to the cause at the clinic. But as Susan and I prepared ourselves for the final procedure of the process, I began to sense some hesitancy in her. After much careful prodding, she finally revealed to me a last concern. While we both would be mothers to both children, she worried that over time we would come to favor and, even if unconsciously, privilege our own, and she feared the strife that this might cause. It was Jack who came up with an answer and solution that first stunned, and then enraptured us. Susan would bear my baby, and I would bear hers. I would be the birthmother of her genetic child, and she would be the birthmother of mine. And we would all be connected as one, in every conceivable way.

The people at the fertility clinic had seen all sorts of conception scenarios, but never one quite like ours. But they were happy to oblige. Sue and I had our procedures on the same day, and then waited on pins and needles for several weeks before we both received, also on the same day, the glorious news of our positive tests. The only thing missing from the celebratory feast that Jack prepared for us all that night, was alcohol, which he forbade, and to which Susan and I happily obeyed.

During the next nine months, Jack was more conscientious in our care than ever. If one might find it difficult to picture a man seeing to the whims of two somewhat demanding and needy female friends, even if just some of the time, it would then likely be impossible to imagine how it would be like, to be at the 24/7 beck and call of two increasingly cranky pregnant lesbians. But Jack handled it all with aplomb and good natured zeal. He barely let us lift a finger at home, except when we would pull rank and insist, unless he would then deem it as too strenuous, which was almost always. Early on, we had all realized that with the new additions coming, our co-ops, and current living arrangements, were clearly inadequate. So, we sold them both, pooled our resources, and bought a lovely four bedroom house on the rural edge of suburbia. The master bedroom was for Sue and I, another bedroom was for the nursery, the third was for when the children would need their own separate rooms. And the fourth bedroom, of course, was for Jack.

He dealt with most of the logistics, leaving only major decisions to us, and handled essentially all the physical work of the move. By the time she and I were both entering our final trimesters, we were comfortably settled into our new, far more spacious home. The only drawback was our much longer commute to and from work. Growing larger and heavier by the day, we would both arrive home each night thoroughly exhausted. It was then that Jack offered his latest service. A long and soothing foot massage for each of us. It was soothing not only for our tired and aching feet, but soothing for our souls as well.

We had also long before decided that we wanted to deliver our babies at home. We had engaged a midwifery service, who checked on us regularly throughout. I went into labor first, and though it was far from the most pleasant ordeal, with Sue and Jack at my side and the midwife in attendance, it went very smoothly, and after a seemingly interminably long seven hours I delivered a beautiful and healthy baby girl. It is absolutely true that words can never convey the transcendent bliss one feels when holding your newborn for the first time.

We had all agreed that the birthing mom would have the honor of naming the baby. Both Susan and Jack looked at me with great anticipation of this as I handed our newborn to her other mother for the first time. "Who is she to be, Kellyanne?" she prodded softly, cooing at the baby.

I took a deep breath. "Suzanne" I proudly proclaimed.

My mate could barely hold back her tears.

It was a nerve wracking week before Susan finally entered her own labor, and hers proved much more difficult and grueling than mine had been. Her previous pelvic injury may have deleteriously played a role. After fourteen hours she had made little progress except for her increasing pain, and the midwife reluctantly recommended that she should go to the hospital for greater assistance. I knew that this was the right decision as, despite her bitter disappointment, she was too exhausted to put up much protest.

As I had to remain with the baby, Suzanne, only Jack was able to accompany her. He kept me closely updated throughout with texts, but I was a frazzled mess. Even with all of the modern medical inducement techniques and equipment, she still had to endure over six more excruciating hours of labor and agony, before blessedly delivering another gorgeous and healthy baby girl. She later confided to me that she had been terrified and in despair when I could not be with her in the hospital during the hardest time of her life. But Jack had never left her side. He was a rock, to which she lashed herself, and she didn't believe that she would have ever been able to make it through without him. He was there for her, and in no way for himself, when she had needed him the most.

Mother and child rested overnight in the hospital, and Sue adamantly refused to divulge the baby's name until we were all together. When Jack brought them both home the next day, I could hardly contain my excitement as I held our new little one in my arms. "Please, Sue, don't keep us in suspense any longer. What do I call this precious one?"

She smiled, and looked pointedly at Jack.

"Jacqueline" she said simply, but with evident emotion.

As he was handed his second daughter to hold for the first time, it was now his turn to try to hold back the watering in his eyes.

After both of our long maternity leaves had ended, Jack assumed his new duties as a stay at home Dad. While Sue and I happily immersed ourselves in all the joyful and significant child rearing activities as only mothers can, especially with young girls, the greater amount of all the menial and labor intensive tasks always tended to fall to him. But this never seemed to bother him in any way, and indeed he actually seemed to relish the role.

Freed from any workday child care responsibilities, Susan was able to complete her PhD, and became first an assistant, then an associate, and eventually a full professor of psychology at the university. I worked my way through the school system as a teacher, then a department head, and finally as a principal. Able, as always, to work from home, Jack continued to be an extremely well regarded, and increasingly influential columnist and essayist. He even started his own very popular podcast. I have always cherished the long discussions, and even sometimes debates, that the three of us have over many of the topics he addresses.

As the children grew it became clear that they were definitely Daddy's girls. But it also became obvious to the three of us that, inside of himself, they both had him absolutely wrapped around their little fingers. So, Sue and I in particular, took pains to make certain that while they would always love him dearly, they also both always knew, respected and adhered to his authority as their father.

Still, Jack has always been of the opinion that neither of them can ever really do anything wrong. And while this can never be true of anyone, they always seemed to try to do their best to prove him right. They never wanted to disappoint him. And he has always been their fiercest advocate. There were difficult times, of course. Strong willed mothers and daughters can often be at loggerheads, especially when there were two of us, and they learned how to try to play us against each other. But Jack was always a calming influence, and could quietly assume control of situations, in a manner we could all accept, and then bring us all back into harmony. He may have been forever subject to our direction, but Susan and I were usually wise enough to know when it was best to follow his lead.

We lived our lives as ordinary and natural, so to the children it was ordinary and natural, even as it may have been so different from their peers. They asked surprisingly few questions along the way, but when they did, we answered them as honestly and as appropriately as any parent. It may be that they knew and understood far more than we ever thought. That is often the way with children. That the many different forms of love, which was the foundation of it all for us, was just enough to make it easy for them to accept, and be.

They both developed into amazing and talented young women. Jackie was very athletic and excelled in a number of different sports, although we always made sure that she paid attention to her studies. Early on, Jack hugely enjoyed coaching her on a number of her youth sports teams, and later we all made every effort to attend all of her games at the higher levels. Years later, she utilized her love of the outdoors and physical skills to eventually establish and run a small, but very successful white water rafting company.

Suzanne was the more academic of the two, and she diligently pursued her interests in science and writing, and with the influence and encouragement of all three of us, has gone on to a career in specialty journalism, focusing on the social sciences and education. She was also the first to disclose her sexuality, coming out in her late teens as exclusively gay. After some early romantic experiences, she is now in a committed long term relationship with a lovely young woman, Genevieve, whom we've all come to love.

Jackie was more coy for a long time about her inclinations, but finally revealed herself as bi. She has also been much more adventurous in her various flings, with both males and females, but assures us, as we worry, that they're always consensual and sane. I'm forever finding myself wishing that she will finally find that special someone, of either gender, and settle down. But that, of course, is the role of a mother hoping.

After these many years, the three of us, Susan, Jack and I, have also grown. As individuals. And together. Susan and I remain the primary couple, the be-all and end-all for each other. We have had our moments as all couples do, but we remain so deeply in love. Soul mates. But there has been room for another soul, a different kind of soul. We have come to rely and depend on Jack in so many ways. Physically and emotionally. He has given himself up to us so completely. He has made us whole. Still, though, there are parts of us that we can never give or offer to him. What all then is there for Jack.

There is one thing that through it all has never changed. We have never neglected or missed a single night of our worship ritual. It has been, and remains, an essential cornerstone of our relationship, the entire breath of which has become so very much more. When the children were growing up and at home, it was of course more private and discrete. But now, as empty nesters, it is more open and expressive, but never less than totally genuine and devout.

Over time, though, Jack's prayer has evolved. When summoned, he still kneels before us, reverently kissing our ever pampered feet, as he extols our physical beauty, which he assures us is evident to all the world. But much more so for him, he avows, it is our inner beauty and the essence of ourselves that saw, and see, that need in him, which had it been unheeded, would have left him hollow. That we didn't, and don't ignore or reject that, and indeed have brought it to flower and prosper, has fully enthralled him, and has made for him this essential part of his being, heaven on earth. And so, he goes on to thank us again for allowing him to continue on as our devoted and obedient servant, which he also swears to ever be.

One might think that after hearing this litany night after night, year after year, it might become boring, stale, or possibly even jaded. But it is ever so rendered in such naked sincerity that one cannot help but ache for it to be true. And to strive to ever have it be so.

Jack then goes on, with heartfelt and deep emotion, to also express his eternal gratitude for our accepting him so wholly into our lives as family. It is this, more than anything else, that has made his life so fully filled. Susan and I had long ago acknowledged to each other that this is the only, and most important and irreplaceable part of him for us. And it is with equal heartfelt conviction that we acknowledge this to him now every night as well. It is what truly matters the most.

Not infrequently, after his concluding obeisance, the ritual still stimulates and inspires us on to a hot and torrid intimacy. Sue and I remain the principal players, but also not infrequently, most often actually, Jack is invited in to, as always, exuberantly advance and accelerate our exquisite pleasure, as an active and... eventually... very satisfied participant. His offerings never cease to be anything but glorious, and copious. And they never fail to make our then tribute coated toes, as well as the rest of us inside, feel very, very good. The tangible symbol of his willing surrender of that part of himself, as well as all else, to us. Which we are always only too happy to entice forth, accept, and embrace... with love.

More often these days after worship, though, Susan and I just like to snuggle together, reclining in our loveseat... which still remains a most treasured part of our household... with both of us leisurely enjoying one of Jack's never less than divine foot rubs. We are, and always will be, his Goddesses after all. The Goddesses of his dreams. And we all reap all of the benefits. During his ministrations, we might chat about the events of our day, or watch some TV, or just chill with a nice glass of wine, comfortable and secure in our company together. It is a very relaxing and wonderful way to end the day, in what has been a most unique, and utterly wonderful life.

I honestly don't believe that any of us could have ever imagined, on that first day that we met, that any of this would have ever happened as it has. But I dare anyone to try to deny, that it could have been anything but the most singular and wondrous fate, that brought us all together as it did. So that dreams, some of which we had never realized that we might have... could... and would... for all of us...

Become Real.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I’m not really one to enjoy stories about ménage a trois but I’ll try anything by this author. I liked that the sub willingly gave himself instead of being forced to.

Personally I relish the stories that are written from the point of view of the sub where his physical and psychological enjoyment is described in great detail.

— Me

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Poor guy. He should've had an open relationship with a different woman at the very least. This is a step up worst than being friend zoned.

greenman440greenman440over 1 year ago

You have to admit, it has definite vibes of Three Two One. I've liked some of your stories over the years, (for example "the fifth" was great) but you seem to now be writing your male subs as ever weaker, more subservient characters which I just can't gel with.

smdream327smdream327almost 2 years ago

great that you are back in the library. And with the same quality of writing for an intelligent story.

ggchuckggchuckalmost 2 years ago

Glad to see you are still writing good quality fantasies. We have a different kink (you look to have your service accepted, I look to be required to serve), i , but I still enjoy your narratives (five stars). I remember your stories from an old stagnant site where you knew me as "chuck." Other than a couple of stories here, I don't write anymore.

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