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A Very Spunky Lady


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Marilyn's eyes were mesmerized by Mike's erect penis. It really wasn't that big. It was just normal in size, but to Marilyn it really did look and feel like it was a very powerful and threatening truncheon. It was like she was holding a dangerous gun in her hand, and she had never done that before. Her heart fluttered as she anticipated its eventual explosion of cum. "Do you think you will have as much stuff as you did last night?"

"What? Um, well, sure, I s'pose." It seemed like a bit of an odd question, or at least he wasn't expecting her to be particularly curious about that. He also noticed how she avoided saying his cum. He guessed it went along with her tendency not to use words like cock or dick, preferring instead to call it a penis. She was still a bit inhibited.

"I was just wondering," she explained, somewhat absentmindedly as she continued to slowly slide her fist up and down his shaft, watching the purple plum go in and out of view with her strokes. "I know boys need some time to recover you know, and you did squirt an awful lot."

Michael needed very little time. He was still pretty young, being only nineteen years old. Heck, five minutes would be more than enough, if even that, and last night was hours ago. "It's fine," he responded breathlessly, his own eyes now opening to enjoy the sight, as well as the feel, of Marilyn's little fist sliding up and down his dick.

Marilyn shifted her eyes to look into Mike's, a playfully flirtatious smile on her face as she said, "Well, certainly a big, strong, handsome boy like you wouldn't need much time. I bet you will have lots and lots of stuff."

He smiled back but that remark did put a bit of pressure on him as he hadn't really felt that the volume of his release would be that interesting or important. He had felt that his cum was more voluminous if he hadn't jerked off for days (which wasn't too often), and it was certainly bigger the longer he stimulated himself before cumming, neither of which would apply now. In fact, this would not be a very long masturbation as he was feeling himself getting pretty close already. "I think I'm getting there," he gasped, this time providing her with ample warning.

"Wait, wait," Marilyn quickly responded as she let go of his cock to reach down into her purse, from which she extracted a clean, frilly handkerchief. "Here," she said, "you can squirt your stuff into this." She put he purse down and used her left hand on his cock, her right hand carefully positioning the handkerchief in front of it.

Michael was surprised at that. She had never acted like a neat freak. Plus, she had been so upset the other night about him getting it all over skirt. Now she was even going to have him spew his load into one of her better handkerchiefs? Well, he certainly didn't mind. He imagined it would be almost like cumming into one of her panties, which was not a bad thought at all.

Marilyn shifted over to stand more in front of him, keeping the handkerchief carefully placed between her clothes and his dick.

Michael could feel his legs getting weak and shaky. He reached out to brace himself with his left hand on her shoulder, using the other to grasp hold of her breast. What's better to hold onto while one is cumming than a soft, squishy boob. "Marilyn," he gasped and gave her a big squeeze.

Marilyn's heart raced as she could tell that the dam was about to burst, flooding her handkerchief. "Do it," she whispered loudly, "let it squirt real hard."

"Here it is," he moaned as his legs trembled and his dick suddenly lurched in her hand, spewing out a big white glob of sticky, sloppy cum.

"Oh my goodness, Michael," Marilyn exclaimed, her eyes widening with delight and wonder. "Look at it go!"

It looked pretty good as it continued with rapid fire bursts of cum, but it felt even better. It even felt better than last night's orgasm, if that was in fact possible, as this was indeed a very special one, being provided by the girlish fingers of Marilyn, and much to her pleasure and delight in doing so. If there was some relationship between love and sex, Michael never loved Marilyn more than he did right now.

Marilyn was also doing a real good job managing the handkerchief, catching virtually every drop, despite the twitching and jerking of Mike's erection in her hand. "Ooooooh," she repeatedly cooed as she watched the firework display, admiring each impressive glob and rope exploding from Michael's dick onto the soft white cotton that rapidly filled to capacity.

Some of it though, particularly at the end, did dribble back down the shaft, onto her fingers. She used what little dry parts of the handkerchief remained to clean off his penis, but not her fingers. For that, she turned away from him, pretending to check to see if anyone had seen them, but in fact to bring the cum on her fingers to her lips. She just had to see what it tasted like and she didn't feel comfortable letting him see her do that.

As soon as her fingers got to her lips she was treated by that lovely fresh, fruity scent, but was then surprised by the more salty taste. It wasn't at all what she thought it would taste like, or at least the taste didn't really match the scent. How odd is that? But, it wasn't a bad taste, at least not to her. In fact, as she swished it around in her mouth she quickly grew to appreciate it. It was kind of like coffee, which was rather bitter the first time but the taste did grow on her.

She turned back around to see Mike returning his slackening penis back into his pants.

"Marilyn, man, really, that was just great." He would definitely have to send her some flowers now. Her parents would wonder what the occasion was, but a woman deserves flowers for jerking you off. And, perhaps she could just say that he was becoming more romantic.

"You really did like it?" Marilyn asked, absentmindedly holding the soiled handkerchief just under her nose, breathing in deeply that wonderful scent of his cum.

"I loved it," he replied and pulled her to him to give her an affectionate and appreciative kiss. "And, I love you," he added as the kiss was broken.

"I do too," Marilyn replied, "and I did too," she admitted, blushing with the confession.

And, much to Michael's surprise, Marilyn folded up the very wet handkerchief and carefully tucked it into the pocket of her blouse, clearly running the risk of at least some of it soaking through the fabric.

Marilyn wanted to be able to enjoy the scent for the rest of the day. It would help offset the boredom of her professors' lectures. "Mikey," she whispered, "can I ask you a question?"

"Well, yeah, sure." Right now he would answer anything she asked, and do anything she asked.

"Do you think it's wrong for a girl to, well, um...". She looked away from him as she said the last part, "take it in her mouth?"

"Well, no, no, not at all." His heart seemed to miss a beat as the excitement of such a thought raced through his mind, and body.

"You don't think that would be, like, well, perverted, or slutty, or anything like that?"

"Absolutely not."

"You wouldn't think any less of me, if I wanted you to do that?"

Michael again took Marilyn in his arms, tenderly embracing her. "Not at all, Marilyn, not at all," he reassured her. "I would love you even more, if that was possible."

"Oh shut-up," Marilyn replied, playfully wacking him on the chest, but very much appreciating his sincere affection, and reassurance. "But, well, I don't think we should do it right away." She pulled back away from him to explain her plan. "Let's wait awhile so you will be all replenished, and everything. Goodness, you probably need some rest after two days in a row!"

He didn't explain to her that he jerked off almost every day, never having any difficulty working up another good load. Somehow he felt that was probably more information than she would want to hear. He would in fact be quite happy, and ready, to have her do it tonight, but he could probably wait. He had waited much longer to get to just this point, and that wait had surely been worth it.

She added, before he could actually reply, "Okay, well then, um, we can do it, let's say on Friday? Friday night would be good. My parents will be out for the evening."

"Yeah, sure," he replied, feeling his cock already stirring at the thought.

"Now, don't you squirt any of it before Friday, Michael. I want you to save it all for me."

"Sure, sure," Michael replied.

"Promise me."

"Yeah, sure, I promise."

She picked up her purse, took him by the hand and led him around the bush back to the sidewalk. "What do you do to build up a lot of it? You can't like actually exercise it or anything, could you?"

"Um, no, no, I don't think so."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Marilyn turned her head to speak more directly to Dr. Lowenstein, albeit she still couldn't actually see the doctor. "You know, I guess I should really ask you that question?"

"What question is that?"

"Is it wrong to have a guy cum in your mouth?"

"No, dear, not at all." Dr. Lowenstein again chose to answer this question directly and affirmatively. Sometimes patients need clear, strong feedback, particularly when they are troubled over something that is not at all ambiguous. But, it was not a strange question, at least in Dr. Lowenstein's experience. Templeton attracted so many conservative families and students. There was even a group of girls who belonged to a purity club, all wearing a club ring signifying their devotion to remain pure until they were married. It was, of course, their free right to make such a choice, but it was troubling to the doctor when the girls confronted other young ladies, trying to make them feel comparably guilty and ashamed for what they were doing or even just considering. Well, repression of sexuality was at least helpful to the business of psychotherapy in generating future clientele.

Marilyn breathed another sigh of relief. Visiting Dr. Lowenstein was turning out to be a much better experience than she had expected. "Well, that's good to hear, given the rest of the story."

"Yes, yes, please do continue."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It wasn't too long after Marilyn and Michael separated that Mike realized that he was building up a pretty good load. It was difficult for him not to think about, to fantasize about, what it was going to be like to actually have Marilyn take him in her mouth. He was actually going to get a blow job! And whenever he did think about it, wonder about it and imagine it, which was rather often, he would start developing an erection, his balls churning with lustful arousal. It took all his strength, all of his self-control, not to jerk off before that fateful Friday approached. His sleep even became disturbed and disrupted with some pretty strange dreams, dreams he definitely would not share with Marilyn.

He also wondered if perhaps he should jerk off, otherwise he might cum too soon, too quickly. But, he had made a promise, and Marilyn was pretty good at telling when he was lying. It was funny how she seemed to be so good at reading the expressions on his face. So, he dutifully restrained himself, but his balls did indeed feel rather full by the time Friday evening arrived.

He washed himself extra good down there before he came over. It wasn't easy not developing an erection in the dormitory shower as he soaped his penis again and again. He even considered dabbing a bit of cologne on his thighs or abdomen. That might be a nice touch. But he decided against it. If she figured that out she might think it was a little weird. Guys don't wear cologne down there.

Of course, she might in fact change her mind. None of this would be imaginable a couple of weeks ago. It wouldn't be too surprising if Marilyn had second thoughts. But, he sure hoped not as he would be going home with a pretty severe case of blue balls if she did (she would at least though jerk him off, probably). He arrived with flowers.

"Oh, what beautiful flowers, Mikey! They're my favorite!" Carnations were her favorite, which was fortunate as they were not that expensive. "Come in, come in! I'll get these into some water. You can get the DVD going in the family room. There's already some colas there."

Could she have actually forgotten? Michael had a moment of concern, of doubt. But, of course, it's not like he should have expected her to announce her plans of giving him a blow job as soon as he entered the room. That would be a bit odd.

She waited until they were curled up on the couch. "Okay, I was thinking," she explained, speaking as if she was making dinner plans, "we could do it right away, before the movie, or wait until after the movie. Which do you prefer?" But, typical for Marilyn, she didn't wait for his preference. "I was thinking we should wait until after the movie, that way it'll be kind of like the highlight of the evening, and everything." She was speaking so rapidly that he really couldn't get a word in. "But maybe if we did it right away then we could do it again at the end as well, but then maybe you really couldn't do it twice in one night, or at least there wouldn't be as much stuff the second time. Do you think you use it all up each time, or is there always some left over? It'd be nice if you could control how much of it comes out, like, you know, if you wanted to save some for later. What do you think? I really think we should just wait." She finally stopped talking. She was feeling a little nervous and it definitely showed.

When your girlfriend provides her preference you don't endorse the other option, particulary if a blowjob is involved and in this case it was the precise point of discussion. "Waiting is fine. I think that's an excellent idea." He also felt she wouldn't be so nervous later in the evening.

Michael though did have one further matter that needed clarification. As a gentleman he should provide a comparable gesture. "I'll, um, do it for you too, you know, when we're done," and he suddenly added,"or at the same time, if you prefer that." It was so awkward to talk about this. Shouldn't love making be more spontaneous and not planned out like some sort of family picnic? But, he really didn't want to screw this up.

Marilyn had been worried about this. It was an obvious complement to her pleasuring Mike, in that way. And, tonight she was wearing a very short skirt. But, she didn't do that to make it easy for him to get there. She had another reason. "I, well, um, Mike, I just don't think I'm ready for that yet." It wasn't that she hadn't thought about it. Just thinking about it made her feel warm and wet down there, but she really felt that would be going too far. And, she wasn't entirely sure that Mike would really want to do such a thing. She certainly didn't want to give him the impression that he would have to do it because she was doing it for him, because frankly she really wasn't doing it just for him. She was doing it very much for herself.

"Honestly, I don't mind," he replied, and then realized how poorly phrased that was. "I mean, well, I would like to do it. I really would."

But, that only raised doubts in Marilyn's mind. She didn't really want him to do it. She just wasn't ready to have Mike get into her panties, but now he was suggesting that she was denying him something that he really wanted to do.

Michael, though, did help by adding, "But, if you would rather wait."

Marilyn quickly nodded her head. "Yes, yes, I would. Is that okay? You don't mind, do you?"

He would prefer to do it, especially if they did it at the same time. Just thinking about that made him swell. But, he was now glad he asked, because she clearly wasn't ready for anything like that. He pulled her closer to him, gave her a hug, and said, "It's fine, really, we can wait."

But, waiting through the movie did make for a rising and frustrating anticipation. Michael was going in and out of erections all through the movie, trying his best to keep his mind off the topic. And, it didn't help that Marilyn was snuggling up against him on the couch, at times resting a hand on his thigh. It also didn't help that the movie was "Old School." Mike had seen it. Marilyn had not, and when the scene in which the girlfriends and housewives were attending the blow job seminar (practicing on fruit, vegetables, and other faux penises) Mike swelled to full glory as Marilyn blushed and giggled. Afterward she went out to the kitchen to get more snacks, returning with a large carrot, with which she proceeded to absentmindedly slide in and out of her mouth throughout much of the rest of the movie, driving Michael up the wall. She giggled as she did so, particularly when she went so far as to kiss and lick the carrot stalk.

Michael had never so much wanted a movie to end. Once the credits began to roll so did his erection throb with lust.

Marilyn was equally anxious to begin. "Okay, okay, how do you think we should do this? Should I like, well, be lying down, you know, so that it will be pointed downward? We don't want to spill any of it."

"No, no, we don't want to do that." He hadn't really given any thought to the position. He just assumed that she would kneel next to him on the couch, or between his legs on the floor, and he certainly wasn't worried about spillage, although perhaps he should. After all, it was Marilyn's parents' house, but how much spillage would there really be? He again wondered if Marilyn had a true appreciation of how much cum was in fact ejaculated. He sure hoped he would not disappoint her.

Marilyn giggled as she lied down on the carpeting of the family room and gestured for Michael to join her. "C'mon, get your pants off, and you can kneel over me. I think that will work best."

Michael was really very happy to do that, and he didn't suppress his joy as he undid his belt, button, and zipper, and then pulled down his slacks and boxers all at the same time, but then realized that he hadn't yet taken off his shoes. So, he had to sit back down on the couch to get his shoes off, his pants and boxers tangled around his ankles, his naked erect cock poking hungrily up into the air.

Marilyn giggled at Mike's struggle, knowing that it was due to his excited enthusiasm, and his state of excitement was really quite visibly, concretely evident. She gazed longingly, hungrily at her boyfriend's naked erect penis, licking her lips in anticipation. The purple plum looked so delicious.

Her heart raced when he stood back up, now without shoes, pants, or boxers, his erection jutting out from him like an angry cobra towering over her prone body. It looked especially big from her current perspective, lying prone beneath it, and knowing that it was about to enter her mouth. She couldn't really get all of that into her mouth, could she? She was feeling almost as nervous as she was excited. She could feel moisture gathering within her panties. She squeezed her thighs together.

Her eyes were fixed on the swollen stiff organ as it got closer and closer, like a battering ram slowly approaching the castle gate. At least this bludgeon would not have to break through any resistance, but it certainly did look like it could, if the need arose. She dutifully opened her mouth as he got into position, kneeling above her chest, and then leaning forward to position the head of his dick against her waiting lips.

Marilyn never looked prettier than she did now. Marilyn was indeed a very pretty girl, and she appeared now especially girlishly cute in contrast to Mike's stiff masculinity. She had large round sparkling blue eyes, a perky nose, rosey red cheeks, and very cute dimples when she smiled, which she did now as the cock was just inches from its target.

She reached up with her right hand to grasp hold of the shaft just as it reached her lips. She did this not only to be helpful to Mike but to also help control the monster. She was a bit worried that he might just suddenly plunge the bludgeon down into her mouth, pressing against or even past her throat. Goodness, he could really do some damage with this thing and she was in a very vulnerable position. She couldn't really escape if he just suddenly thrust downward.


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