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A Visit To The Doctor

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18-year-old girlfriend undergoes intimate examination.
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True story.

I don't know if anyone else had or has sensations of jealousy mixed with being turned on, but this story is about just such a situation I found myself in when I was 22. My girlfriend at the time, Suzie, was just 19, tall, slim, stunning and had long straight natural blonde hair. She was an intelligent girl, a little naïve as I think I was too. But she was very sexy and had a face and smile that just bowled people over and I mean that too! Wherever we went people fell over themselves to help her. For example, when we went to a Bruce Springsteen Concert, one of the security staff just ignored our tickets and took us through to the VIP area! This type of thing always happened; she had that much of an effect.

Suzie always wore clothes that accentuated her height and her legs, usually wearing skirts that came almost to her mid thigh..and what a pair of thighs! She always wore heels or boots and she occasionally wore a pair of boots that I loved which came above her knees and folded back over. Given all of that though she was not at all tarty and in fact just had no idea of the effect her beauty had on people.

This particular story comes from an incident I experienced with her in about 1984 and I know it affected my whole sexual awareness, my fantasies and my entire attitude to sex.

Suzie had unusually experienced a little pain with her previous period and although she had finished her period and the pain had gone, her mum had booked her an appointment with their local doctor. Suzie had asked me to go with her as she was a little shy and put a lot of faith in my support. The morning of the appointment I arrived at her mums' house and her mum said that 'Suzie was just having a bath so that she was all clean for the doctor'. Well, I don't quite know what I had expected, but those words chilled me to the bone. I knew her doctor was a man and the sudden realisation that my sexy girlfriend was preparing her body for this doctor, this man, to perhaps examine, really hit me. Inside I was squirming and felt like I badly wanted to pee.

Suzie came downstairs dressed in a beige short skirt, a pale red, fitted tee shirt and a pair of brown suede boots, inside which she was wearing a pair of knee length beige socks which she had pulled up onto her knees and folded back down onto the tops of her boots. She looked breathtakingly gorgeous; I felt utterly panic stricken. Her mum added to my state by remarking to her 'all set for the doctor?'

I drove us round to the surgery and we went inside. As we stood at the counter waiting to acknowledge her arrival, I noticed all the men who were seated waiting staring at Suzie. It felt like they all knew she was going to be examined, like they were all in on it and the need to pee mixed with a weird sense of arousal and anticipation hit me again. I desperately wanted to go into the room with Suzie, but didn't know if the doctor would allow it. I didn't know whether it would be worse to be with her or to have to sit outside imagining what was happening. I was in total torment. Suzie had already said that we had to go along with whatever the doctor said and a part of me was angry at her for being so naively compliant with whatever would be the doctors' wishes and commands. It was weird. As we sat there, I felt so useless and emasculated. I really did not want my girlfriend to have to undress in front of any other man. She was mine. Her body was secret for me.

Her name was called. She got up and I followed, terrified that I might at any moment be refused access and separated from her to sit in the waiting room. As it turned out we were both allowed into the examination room without any fuss at all. It was a simple room with the doctors' desk at one end, two seats in front of it and a couch running along one wall covered with a white paper sheet, with a big lamp on a folding arm above it and attached to the wall. Suzie explained her symptoms and described the pain she had felt. She explained that her period had actually finished over a week before and that her periods were regular. I found it really difficult to listen to this intimate analysis of my girlfriends body workings with what amounted to a male stranger. The doctor then asked if she had ever had a smear test to which Suzie replied 'no'. I was starting to get more uncomfortable. I was in no doubt that I was experiencing a strange sense of arousal, but this was also mixed with the continued need to pee added to a feeling as though I was tied up and incapable of intervening in what my mind feared was going to happen.

The doctor then said 'Okay Suzie, I think we'll have a look at you and I think I will also give you a smear test whilst you are here, okay?'. I was stunned. Here was the doctor using her first name in a matter of fact way whilst he planned to have a good look at and poke around with my girlfriends' pussy. I heard Suzie reply 'Yes..okay'. The doctor got up from behind his desk and Suzie got to her feet. So did I. The doctor moved to the couch and gestured to it. 'If you want to jump up on here Suzie' he said. 'Do you want me to take all my clothes off or..........' asked Suzie. 'No. You can just slip your panties off and that should be fine' replied the doctor. About now I really needed to tie my cock into a knot.

As both the doctor and I looked on, Suzie reached under her skirt and slipped her panties down those gorgeous thighs. She was wearing a pale red cotton pair which, as she stepped out of them, she turned and handed to me to hold. I could feel the warmth of her body in them and the thought that here, now, was my girlfriend, standing in the same room as another man without any panties on, was almost too much to take in. At that moment I really fancied that I could actually smell the scent of her sweet pussy in the room, and then I realised that if I could, then so could the doctor.

Suzie sat sideways on the edge of the couch and, as the doctor moved to the bottom of it, she swung her legs up and onto the couch keeping her legs bent and together, but of course naked beneath that short skirt which had ridden up her thighs. In spite of what I knew was coming, I was concerned that the doctor could see up her skirt! There she lay in her boots and skirt but with no panties on. It all seemed so matter of fact. The doctor then asked her to lay back with her head on the pillow and he then took hold of the hem of her skirt on either side of her legs and proceeded to pull it up her legs. I watched, almost mesmerised as he pulled that skirt up her thighs and then revealed her pussy, bit by bit as he pushed her skirt up to her waist, leaving an expanse of her tummy exposed too. He was looking at her pubic mound as was I. Suzie had a lovely tidy pubic bush, as younger women do. You know what I mean, there was no need at her age to shave or wax around the area because it was so naturally smooth.

So there I am with my girlfriend on her back with her skirt around her waist allowing her pussy to be viewed by this 'stranger'.

As the doctor began to put on a pair of latex gloves, he said ' I will just give you a quick internal first. I want to check on your ovaries and also check for any cysts or unusual growths in your vagina'. 'Now, spread your legs for me please'. With that he nudged at the inside of one of Suzie's knees with the back of his hand and she responded by opening her legs and spreading them so that she had an ankle on either side of the couch. I can't tell you how sexual this situation was. But at the same time I had this inner horror that here was my girlfriend, legs open and pussy glistening and parted for this man to do with as he wished. I stood beside her head as the doctor took a position next to her waist. I watched, transfixed as he reached down and with his fingers, separated the lips of her pussy. He held each lip between thumb and finger and pulled her pussy open, almost playing with her as he examined and stretched her outer folds. Then he applied some KY jelly to the middle finger of his right hand whilst telling her 'this may feel a little cold for a moment'. Then he slid the finger up and down her opening and it made her lips wet and shiny. With his left hand on her tummy, he then pushed that finger up inside my beautiful Suzie. Watching him push it in and twist his hand as the finger roamed her pussy, almost made me wet my pants. He then inserted a second finger to continue the examination. Seeing the bulk of his hand pressed hard into her pubic hair and the sucking noise of her wet pussy as he stared at her most intimate place was ...well...really, really strange. His burrowing went on for what seemed like ten minutes. He probed and squeezed her tummy, pressing from inside her vagina against his other hand on her tummy. During this he occasionally asked her if there was any pain or discomfort. She was obviously in a little pain because she had taken hold of my hand and was gripping hard at times.

Eventually the doctor withdrew his fingers and I saw her gaping pussy closing as the fingers came out of her. She gave a little whimper of relief and looked at me with a half smile. I must have looked like I was witnessing the holocaust. Just as I was getting over this invasion, the doctor had been to a cabinet and returned with a long metal instrument and metal tray. I had never seen an instrument like it before, but it was obvious what it was for. It had a hinged section allowing two long wide blades to open obscenely as the doctor tested it, and I realised that in the next minute or so, this was going to be inserted up inside Suzie's pussy. The doctor closed it and held the blades tight in one hand. 'Just warming it up a bit' he remarked to Suzie who raised her head to his comment and saw what he was holding. She half turned her head to me and again gripped my hand as if to say...'oh god no.' The doctor picked up on her expression and asked 'have you never had a speculum inside you before?' Suzie replied that she hadn't and the doctor told her it was nothing to worry about, explaining that it would open her vagina to enable him to look up inside her and to then take a sample from her cervix.

The doctor coated the speculum with some KY jelly and resumed his position next to her waist. He then reached up to the light attached to the wall, switched it on and then manoeuvred it to an angle which left the spotlight directly on Suzie's pussy. He then asked her to bend her legs completely at the knees, to raise her legs back towards her shoulders and to let her legs lay as wide apart as possible. She looked obscene but beautifully sexy all at the same time. With her legs spread wide apart and pulled back, her pussy just opened up for the doctor. With his left hand he eased open the lips of her vagina even more and with his right, he positioned the silver speculum at the entrance to her pussy. The contrast of her soft blond pubic hair, the wet pink lips of her pussy against the hard metal of the speculum was a sight to behold. Then as he slid it up, deep inside her she gave little gasps. Then it was all the way in. The doctor said 'this may hurt a little as I stretch you open' and he began to manipulate the two levers at the neck of the instrument. This obviously stretched her pussy wide open as the doctor then bent his head down so close to her pussy that he could almost have licked her. I swear at this point you could definitely smell her pussy in the air of the room. He was staring up inside her, moving the light for maximum illumination of her insides. He then took a small thing, like a cross between a lolly stick and a cotton bud, which he inserted into her and rubbed against her cervix. That made Suzie jump and the doctor apologised. He then removed the stick and placed it in a bottle with a screw top which he labelled.

Then he came back to her and announced that he was just going to examine her bottom. I had to watch as he slid a finger around her tight little anus and gradually he worked the finger up inside her. This was really uncomfortable for her and she gave out little cries as he wiggled the finger around inside her. At last he pulled it out from her, at the same time remarking that all seemed well.

I was desperately wanting him to remove the metal instrument, still sticking out from Suzie's pussy and stretching her wide open. However, he had another good look up inside her and then said 'nothing to worry about, but I'd just like my colleague doctor Singh to have a quick look at a little lump just inside your vagina, is that alright?'. Suzie responded a muted 'ermm...Yes'. He left the room leaving the door to the waiting room slightly ajar and I had panicked visions of the door swinging open to a waiting room of staring people, all looking straight up my girlfriends stretched open legs and vagina.

The doctor returned followed directly by doctor Singh who was obviously Asian. Now I am not racist, but it seems it is one thing for a white male stranger to look at my girl's pussy, but an entirely different emotion to see an Asian man leaning between her spread legs and staring up her vagina whilst with his hand, manipulating the speculum to get an even better view. Doctor Singh then put on a glove and pushed two fingers through the opening of the speculum. He rubbed his fingers in and out of her pussy saying to his colleague 'ah yes...nothing to be concerned about, it looks like a very small swelling but nothing that requires treatment'. He had a last look up inside before addressing Suzie with the same news. Suzie thanked him. This was bizarre. Two strange males, both next to her naked and stretched pussy and she is offering thanks!

The speculum was then removed and I had this urge to lick it clean to avoid leaving her juices in that room for anyone else to see, but of course I couldn't do that. I helped her get down and gave her the panties to put back on. Then we sat again at the doctors' desk whilst he explained that his examination had not revealed anything of any concern and that her smear test results would be sent to her inside four weeks.

I was affected by this whole experience so much that I gradually introduced a version of it into our lovemaking, talking to her whilst I touched her clitoris about several men being in the room and looking at her pussy. Every time I did this, she would get so, so wet it was fantastic! Sadly we parted company a few years ago, but in spite of that, I still play that day out in my fantasies. Ever wish you could revisit a time or event? I do!

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Love little hot wives story's, loved my wife flashing her panties or sometimes an older guy got to see her gorgeous pussy , made her so hot it was always mind blowing sex .

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

this isn't even about the story but there are like four comments pretending to be different people when it's obviously just one person like

b i t c h

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Loved this story - so sexxxyyyyy!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
My girlfriends secret

I am also possesive about my girlfriend going to a male gynae. I hate the thought of another male seeing my girlfriends vagina, even if he is a medical professional. Two weeks ago my girlfriend wanted to see a gynae to examine the pain she feels when we have sex. She insisted on seeing a male gynae at her local hospital. We had a fight because I insisted she see a female gynae. I was upset that she was inconsiderate about my feelings. It took several days and eventually me threatening to break up with her if she sees a male gynae. She has never been to any gynae before. Finally Mellisa (my girlfriend) agreed to visit a female gynae. Mellisa is also very beautiful. She also has a kidney problem. At our visit to the female gynae two weeks ago, the gynae asked Melissa several questions to get an understanding of her condition and past procedures. Melissa always used to tell me that her vagina has never been seen by any male doctor during any of her hospital stays or visits and she had only been requested to produce urine samples. She knew how I felt about the subject. I was surprised when Melissa told the female gynae that her kidney specialist asked her to see a urologist recently to have her urine tested and get some advise. The gynae asked her if he examined her. I was shocked when Melissa responded that her kidney specialist told Melissa after her visit to the urologist that "HE" should not have stretched her urethea and it was totally unnecessary. I turned cold. My felt my heart stop. The gynae asked her why did she allow the urologist to examine her if all the kidney specialist asked Melissa to do was have her urine sample tested more extensively because the urologists conducted a wider range of tests then the specialist was able to on urine samples. Melissa said she didn't want to let the urologist examine her because he is the black male who also happens to be her neighbor at the flat where she stays. I turned blue because I knew who she was referring to. Her neighbor is a horny bastard and I always see him staring at Mellisa in a sexual way. Melissa also told me many times that he stares at her legs up and down whenever she wears skirts and walks past his door. I have also seen him try to perve and peep between her legs when she sqwats to open the lower lock of her gate. Once a friend of Tuhlani (Mellisa's neighbor the urologist) told me that Tuhlani told him that he has a sexual fetish of wanting to find a way to look up Mellisa's skirt and see her panties. His friend named Bhuzilwe, is also a very close friend of mine. He told me that Tuhlani told him, while they were drinking alchohol and he was drunk, that Mellisa is so sexy when she wears skirts and pantyhose and her designer high-heel shoes. He said that he loves her sexy white legs and always tries to slyly look at her panties when she sqwats to open her lock at the bottom of her gate. He said that he got a cockstand when he once managed to see half way up her inner right thigh and masturbates every day while imagining he is looking under Mellisa's skirt and can see her panty, and only imagines staring at the area of Mellisa's panty where it covers the slit of her puss. I couldn't believe what I was hearing Mellisa saying to the gynae. The gynae told Mellisa that she should have not allowed him to examine her. I asked her why she didn't mention it to me before. She couldn't look me in the eye and replied that she was too embarrased and knew I may get upset because of being so irresponsible. She said that she didn't know what to expect because she had never been to a urologist before. She said that she didn't think anything of it at the time because she viewed him in his professional capacity and not as her neighbor while bing examined. The gynae asked Mellisa to explain how he examined her and why despite Mellisa telling him that she only needed to have her urine tested.

I felt my entire body sink into a feeling of disbelief at what she explained. Before she started to explain, I quickly interrupted and asked her what she wore that day. Mellisa said she had come from her office that day and wore her black skirt and white blouse and hour black high-heel shoes. She apologized that she knows how perverted Tuhlani has pervertish thoughts about her in skirts, and said she would have wore pants had she known. The gynae interrupted and asked Mellisa to continue.

The female gynae asked Mellisa to mention every detail and would report the urologist if he was inappropriate in any way he had conducted his examination. Mellisa said that he told her that he wanted to check if she had a specific type of rash which he claimed is an indication of urine infection. Mellisa said that she believed him and obliged to his respects thinking it may have been the routine way that urologists examine patients. She said he asked her to stand up and remove her blouse and skirt. The gynae asked her if she had done that. I couldn't breathe when Mellisa said that she did. She said he asked her to remov her bra and began feeling her breasts and rubbing his fingers hard on the tips of her nipples. Her then asked her to hold her hands above her head and said her wanted to look just below her navel for lumps. He pulled her panty down and she felt shy because the top of her pubic hairs were showing. Her pulled her panty an inch more and she tried to pull it up again. She noticed he had a cockstand. He pushed her hand away and said it is a routine checkup. He then pulled her entire panty down to her knee and she was standing there fully naked. He touched her puss and asked her to lay on the bed and stretch her legs on the stirrups. She felt embarrased. Her used a device and started to stretch her urethra. She said he suggested her peehole needed to be stretched. She cudnt believe that at one point, the device was stretching her peehole wider than 4 centimetres in diametre. She said she was embarrassed to tell me about it because she got extremely aroused and orgasmed several times. I was shocked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
My girlfriends urethra cystoscopy

My girlfriend is a gorgeous blonde names Linds. She has a kidney infection and often visits her female urologist. She has incredible legs and a petite body to die for. I get aroused during sex and always ask her to dress up in her skirt (which covers just below her knees, her sexy high heel shoes, and a seethru white panty. She does not know about my fetish or what I do after she dresses up like this. She often dresses like that to her office. I ask her to sit on the couch and pretend to remove my shoes while kneeling before her. I sit at an angle which gives me a view between her legs up her skirt so that I can peep at her panty while I imagine that I am the black garden boy of hers, named Sipho, who is 14 years old. I get a cockstand when I see her panty imagining that I am sipho. My cock leaks when I ask her to hand me my phone next to her, so that she has to move a leg while leaning to her side and reach out for my phone. Her legs always spread when she does that, and she still never realizes what I am upto. When she spreads her legs innocently, I get a full view of her panty and can see the slit of her puss thru her panty. My cock leaks more.

Yesterday I asked her to wear her skirt and the rest again, and do her makeup and hair so that she looks her most beautiful, and spray perfume. I asked her to wear the white seethru panty again. But earlier when she was bathing, I used a razor blade to tear a huge hole in the front of her panty where it covers her puss. I stretch the hole wide and put it on for her so she wudnt see the hole. While she sat on the couch, I called Sipho in to clean a mark I purposely made on the floor. When sipho sqwatted on the floor infront of Linds, I asked Linds to hand me my phone. I sqwatted next to sipho as if I was trying to help. I saw Sipho getting a cockstand when he saw Linds panty before she opened her legs. When Linds spread her legs, her entire panty showed and the tear opened wide. Her entire naked puss was showing and I ejaculated while watching sipho looking at her naked puss. We cud see inside her puss hole. Sipho was so aroused that he opened his zip and pulled his cockstand out. Linds froze when she saw his cock. Sipho said his cock was standing because he saw her naked puss. He said he wanted to cumm and took a 20 centimetre screw driver he had and pushed it fully inside his cockhole. He pulled it out. It was dripping with his piss and sperm. He pulled Linds legs apart and pushed the screwdriver insider her peehole slowly. She cudnt believe it. He pushed the full screw driver inside her puss and pulled it out. The tool was clean which meant that his piss and sperm was inside her peehole. He pushed his cock inside her puss and started fucking her for almost and hour. He ejaculated inside her puss and said sorry. Linds exclimaxed 3 times while he fucked her. I ejaculated at least twice while watching.

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