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A Wedding Day Journal Entry

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She's forced just a few days before her wedding.
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Jeff is perfect in every way. We met senior year of college, after we had both tired of the party scene and were ready to get our lives started. He was a gentleman when we met and still is. So much different from the routine "3 drinks and let's go back to my frat" guys I had known previously. He came at the right time, after my wild oats were good and sown and I was ready to settle down.

After graduation we got an apartment together after much objection from both of our families. The wedding date was planned for the next summer and both sets of parents were against us living together. They had no idea of the realities of today's world, with the cost of living being so high and entry level salaries so pitiful. Besides, we wanted to be together every day and sleep together at night and we were going to do things our way.

If I had to find one thing that annoyed me about Jeff it was his poker night. There was this group of a dozen or so guys that got together through an online hobby group once a month to play cards, have a few beers, and gamble. I had accepted the fact that a guys' night out now and then was probably healthy for our relationship. Most of the time I would meet up with a girlfriend or two for a few drinks and we would come home to each other slightly buzzed and have great sex.

This month's card game happened to be at our place and I was sick with the flu. I had been working out alot getting in shape for the wedding and stressing over all of the planning and I think I just ran myself down too much. I was in awesome shape though. I had trimmed down to 121 pounds, had a hard flat tummy, firm butt, and my 34B chest looked bigger on my slimmed down frame. I felt great aside from the bad cold or flu or whatever it was. I had just gotten a pedicure, bikini wax, and tanning session and was excited about the wedding which was just 8 days away. My long black hair was getting a bit unruly but I had an appointment for a perm the day before the ceremony and was sure I would be over the flu by then. Plenty of bedrest and Nyquil always did it for me.

So I stayed upstairs in bed as the boys played cards downstairs. With the door closed and the TV on it was pretty quiet except for the occasional loud laughter eminating from downstairs. I was drifting in and out of sleep, the victim of a tired body and a double dose of Nyquil. I normally sleep naked but I decided to wear a pajama top to keep my chest warm. Still, the cool sheets felt nice on my bare legs as I snuggled in.

Something woke me up, like a "click" or something. I glanced over at the alarm clock which read 1:43 AM. I'd been asleep for almost 3 hours. I picked up the remote and shut the TV off. As the room darkened I could see light coming in through the cracked open door.

"Jeff, you scared the shit out of me. Come to bed."

"My name isn't Jeff", the voice at the door said. My heartbeat quickened. "I was looking for the bathroom"

My mood went from a little frightened to angry. "Well as you can see this isn't a bathroom."

He came inside and shut the door. "Yes I see that now. Jeff didn't mention he had a pretty little thing hiding up here"

"I'm his fiancee you idiot. I live here, and if you don't leave right now I'm getting him to throw you out on your ass"

"Ah, sorry, I didn't even know he was engaged. I don't really know Jeff all that well. It's my first night with this poker group."

"Why was this asshole still here?", I couldn't help thinking to myself. "Look all of that is really interesting but I'm trying to sleep so please get out!"

That's when he switched the light on, blinding me. "What the fuck are you doing? I yelled, covering my sore eyes.

"Wow", he said, then whistled in that annoying, macho way guys sometimes whistle when they see a women they are attracted to. "No wonder Jeff didn't mention you were up here. He wanted to save all of this for himself"

Now I was getting scared again. I pulled the sheet up to my neck and squinted up at the stranger standing in my bedroom. He was tall, more solidly built than Jeff, older. Maybe like early 40's. Jeff and I were both 23. Looked like he took care of himself as he was clean cut and muscled.

"Listen, get the fuck out of here right now or I'm going to scream at the top of my lungs", I told him, looking up through half-closed eyes.

"That's a very bad idea doll. Your boyfriend or fiancee or whatever the hell he is is passed out drunk on the couch. He didn't do so well tonight, lost about $700 bucks. Made the biggest gambler's mistake by drinking to try to sooth his mind from his losses. That just clouds the judgement and you lose more. There are ten drunk, horny men down there, some of which Jeff owes money to. Now you and I could have a nice, quiet time up here, after which I'll leave, or I could alert the rest of them to your lovely presence. That would make it a very long evening for you if you know what I mean.

My eyes were wide open now. Being awakened so harshly, the bright light, and the fact that I was sick as hell, combined with a body full of medicine, was reminding me of some of my worst hangovers from college. I had to weigh my options quickly and carefully. If I did scream and he was telling the truth that Jeff was passed out, however many other guys were in the house would probably come up here. In this vulnerable position, half naked and trapped...ok ok I have to stop thinking so much. I had to try to quiet this situation the best way possibe. Whatever that meant.

I reached over and turned on the reading lamp. "Ummm, could you please shut that overhead light off?"

He did, and my head instantly felt a little bit better. He walked over and sat down on the bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said sternly.

"Listen doll, we either have a deal or we don't. I'm not going to waste time. You either cooperate, or I invite the others up here to share you. Either way I'm having you, but I think it would be alot easier on you to have to take on just one. I think your boyfriend would appreciate it to. Some of the guys down there, they're not so nice as I am. There are some real assholes, a couple of druggies, and 3 of them are black guys. So what's it gonna be?"

In my swirling head I had mostly anger, some of it at Jeff for having these types of people in our apartment. He stood up and started undressing. I was panicked, wishing I had a few minutes to think things through, but I knew in my mind that there was going to be no other way out of this. He pulled his shirt off, revealing a muscular and tanned chest. He grinned when he caught me looking. I looked away angrily. He pulled the sheet down slowly as I blushed bright red, knowing that I wasn't wearing any bottoms. I hurriedly crossed one leg over the other as he gazed down at my half-bare body.

"I see you have been getting ready for me", he said in a cocky tone as he placed one hand on my left foot and uncrossed my legs. I could tell by the firm grip that fighting him would be stupid.

"It's not for you, I always sleep like this", I said defiantly.

"I was talking about your pussy, doll. Shaved nice and bare, just like I love them"

I thought about telling him that I did that only for my future husband for our wedding night, in hopes that he might sympathize and change his mind, and then remembered that for most men that would only make them hornier. Stupid men and their competetive sexuality.

"Take the top off", he commanded.

I just looked at him, somewhat surprised at his harsh tone. That was a mistake. With one swift motion his hand raked down the front of my PJ top, buttons flying. My tits were exposed to him.

"Do not hesitate when I tell you to do something, do you understand?" I shook my head yes. It would be a lie if I said I didn't feel a bit of wetness between my legs. He was so authoritative about it. I was pissed off at myself for even thinking that. I peeld the tattered top the rest of the way off, naked for him now. I crossed my arms over my chest after he had a good look.

He stood up and took off his kacki's and socks. He had those tight briefs on that came down almost to the knee, and his bulge was clearly visible. I had another moment of panic.

"Can I use the bathroom?", I asked, my voice shaking. I was hoping to come up with some plan if I could just get away for a few minutes.

"No", he said plainly, and pulled his briefs down and then off his body. I couldn't help notice that he was big, considerably more so than Jeff who I considered perhaps a spot below average. I felt guilty for noticing this and tried pushing it back in my mind. What I noticed even more prominently though was that he was uncircumsized. It was the first time I had seen one like that in real life. I watched a porn film with some girlfriends once that had a guy like that. For like a week after that I kept having these sex dreams about the guy in the movie. Something instinctual about it I guess.

He was getting harder, probably because like an idiot an idiot I was staring. I looked away as he climbed between the sheets and started touching me. His hands moved over my bare skin as I looked at the far wall. He pulled my arms off of my bare chest and cupped my tits, the nipples rising. I don't know if it was the Nyquil or what but fuck if this wasn't making me just a little horny. Still I wanted him out. I wanted to turn back time and lock the bedroom door so this jerk could have never come in here. A wave of anger pulsed through me and I spit in his face and just as quickly my hand came up hard across his cheek.

He was stunned for about two seconds, then he forced my legs open with his knees. A split second later I felt the head of his cock on me. Thankfully I was still a little moist because he pushed into me, hard. There was just a bit of pain as he buried himself inside of me and I pushed futily against his chest.

"Wait.."..I said, breathlessly as he started fucking me..."put..ahhh..puttt"

I was on the pill thankfully because he didn't even pause as he moved in and out of me, my helpless body taking his weight and his cock. He was doing me hard and steady, grinding against my clit at each powerful thrust. So many thoughts were going through my mind. I think I was more scared at this point that Jeff would walk through the door. Even though I was praying for that just moments ago, now I was terrified that he would think I was cheating on him.

It would be a lie to say I didn't cum. I did, twice, and that was the first time I have ever had orgasms during sex. I had them, but always during oral or when I'm alone. Was it his size? His no-bullshit attitude? The fact that he was forcing me? Could I really be enjoying getting used like this? Whatever it was, when I felt his body stiffen, and felt his cock spasming and his load shooting inside of me, I came again even harder. He left a few minutes later, leaving me lying there filled with his cum and exhausted.

The wedding is today and I just had to get this out on paper. I didn't tell Jeff what happened and risk ruining the wedding. But do tell him I don't want any more poker nights at our place? Maybe I can put up with just one more...

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ErotonautErotonautover 14 years ago
Rape fantasy

Either this was a flu-induced dream, or she's just been raped. That she liked it tells us either that she has a healthy fantasy life or the marriage is doomed. Guess we'll need a second chapter to know which.

Thor_in_CaliforniaThor_in_Californiaabout 15 years ago
Not erotic, rape pure and simple. No credibility.

She made a decision that is totally unbelievable. Considering how often women refuse sex due to a headache, I'm amazed she would acquiesce so easily to the strange guy's demands considering she felt ill. Had she resisted even a little bit, this really would be an easily-proven rape no matter how you slice it. As already said, she could have said no, and all 10 guys would end up doing some serious time, since bareback sex leaves all the DNA evidence ready for analysis. Maybe the guys would enjoy having their assholes stretched in prison. It's possible some women really fantasize about this -- I've read that rape fantasies are actually not uncommon -- but the reality is something else. As other readers implied, this would not be so sexy if she picked up an STD. And birth control pills don't always work; what if she got pregnant as a result of this episode? I guess she would pass the child off as her hubby's, based on her way of thinking. But the truth would probably come out eventually and their marriage would hang in the balance. Great way to start a life together. And last but not least, if she gets away with this secret, and decides she enjoyed being "forced" to have sex (and wants hubby to have more sleazes over for poker in the future), then why get married in the first place, if she is simply planning to start cheating at the next opportunity? In fact, if these are hubby's friends, does she really think he is such good material for marriage? Sorry, this just did not do it for me. And I know it's only a story, but you'd be surprised how many think it's neat to live out a fantasy like this -- not a bad thing to point out the pitfalls once in a while.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

The nigger likes it, think I'll skip this, can't be good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Would be great if she was a woman in morals

and ethics and reported the rape. I know you cant rape the willing. But as described this is forced sex and she was raped. With the sperm in her it is an open and shut case. Instead she is a slut who enjoyed herself, doesnt know if she is infected with and STD and plans to marry her to be husband anyway without telling him. Were you the husband and you found out later, what would you do? I would divorce the slut and end my poker friends lifestyle.

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