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A Wife and a Hard Place

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His wife straps him down and gives him to a hung neighbour.
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He was a little too charming, you know?

The kind of neighbour that's so agreeable, so content, so All-American.. that you just can't help wondering what he's hiding.

True he was divorced. That was enough dirty laundry right?

Ethan observed the man as he carefully cleaned the swimming pool in his back garden. The man crouched down on powerful thighs and calves to clean the edges, dressed only in his swimming trunks.

Nothing weird about that, just a guy enjoying some sun in his own residence, right?

Ethan spied the huge bulge in the front of the swimming trunks and felt saliva building on his tongue.

Disgusting, who shows their package like that? True, he must have been ridiculously hung, or he was storing a spare salami....

He made sure not to open the curtains too wide as he went on tiptoes, seeing the way the man's back flexed as he reached down to the centre of the pool, before stretching a little.

The man was a solid 6'2, and well built on an athlete's frame, porcelain skin and a shock of wavy dark hair contrasting each other perfectly as he prepared to dive in.

Ethan usually had no issue comparing himself to other men, but when it came to Phil, well Phil had him beaten on all counts.




Ethan toyed with his own wispy brown hair.

He had always been somewhat inferior in the way he dressed and looked, and his short stature was something that had always bothered him.... until Phil had ended up being their neighbour, at which point it had expanded into a full-blown complex.

Phil flew through the air, and when he hit the surface of the water and disappeared with the softest of splashes it was like watching a dolphin knife through the water.

"Having fun?"

Ethan jumped so violently that he nearly pulled a stringy muscle, whirling around to see his wife.

Brooklyn was a petit blond with a face that rarely emoted too much, and yet possessed the remarkable ability to reflect her mood with a simple flick of an eyebrow. She was also razor sharp, rarely wore more than the most trifling of makeup (but then, why would you need to with a face as full and pretty as hers?), and possessed the remarkable trait of taking charge in most aspects of life, including the bedroom (which was lucky for Ethan, because he was terrible in that department.)

"Hey honey.... Sorry, just uh... birdwatching."

She sidled over to the window, and crooked an eyebrow a hint upwards.

"Pretty sexy bird if you ask me."

His face went bright red, gorge rising in his throat as he imagined Phil pressing against his wife. It hurt him sometimes when she teased him like this, compounded by the fact she could get any man she chose, and he... well, Brooklyn was the only girl that had given him the time of day.

He thrust the curtains together.

"I've noticed you birdwatching a lot, ever since we moved in."

"Shut up."

"Like, a LOT a lot."

"Just... can we talk about this another time, I've got.... Stuff to do."

"Oooh stuff."

"YES, stuff."

"What exactly?"

"L... Laundry."

Her lip curled a fraction upwards.

"Real pressing affairs, huh?"

He grunted, before stamping off to go and check if the laundry basket needed emptying.


Over the next month his wife seemed unusually coy with him, offering suggestive comments or flirty touches. That in itself wasn't worrying.

What worried him was that they had stopped having sex.

He had never been the one to initiate, as she would drag him to the bedroom whenever she felt the need, forcing him on his back and riding him, either to completion or to the point where she could finish herself off.

The one time he had tried to move things upstairs, she had tapped her finger to his nose, chuckling.

"Cute... real cute babe."

He had been left with only his wounded pride, watching her ass as it swayed into the living room.

He was beginning to get erections at the merest sight of another human being... and especially when Phil was outside swimming.

Then one day, she made a proposal.

"Babe.... I have an idea."


"We should go to a sex show."


"It'll be great... we watch someone else having sex, and we can have a good time as well."

It had been a while.

"Um.... Okay..."

"Good, clean your asshole, because we're leaving in thirty minutes."


A touch of furrowed brow was all that was needed to force him whippet-like to the shower, where he freshened up considerably, including quite far where the sun didn't usually shine.

After feeling considerably more polished, he followed Brooklyn out to the car.

"Hey Phil!" Brooklyn called out to their neighbour who was on the front porch reading, "looking good!"

Phil looked up, in a pair of shorts that hid any potential bulges as far as Ethan could tell, but his shirt was welded to that body like it was made of oil, revealing every line of definition in those herculean pecs.

"Hey guys, nice to see ya.... Looking great today!"

Ethan stepped a little closer to his wife automatically.

"We're off to the show," said Brooklyn.

She emphasised the latter word, and Phil's ears pricked.

"Oh, the show huh? Well, have fun..."

Ethan detected an unusual tremor in his voice, but tried to ignore the worrying thoughts in his head as they entered the car and Brooklyn revved the engine. He noticed that Phil hadn't put his head down to read again as they backed out of the driveway, but was watching them go.

The car ride was awkward and silent, although Brooklyn didn't seem to mind, eyes on the road as Ethan fidgeted in the seat next to her.

What would be there in a sex show?... And was this why she had been avoiding sex, because she wanted to try something new?

Worms began to dig into his stomach as they left their sleepy suburb, racing towards the dirty part of town.

He could barely believe it when they parked in the dirtiest car-park he had ever seen, and the walk from the car park to a door hidden down a side street was one of the scariest that Ethan had ever experienced, clutching pathetically at Brooklyn's side as they walked through the darkness, ushered inside as if everything had been arranged beforehand.

A tangy smell hit his nostrils.

Ethan wondered how on earth this could be happening as he was led through carpeted hallways with club music thudding through speakers above him at just a quiet enough volume to be able to hear the occasional moan coming from behind marked doors.

Eventually she stopped in front of one and guided him into a circular room, with what looked like one long mirror running from the edges of the door all the way around.

In the centre on a raised dais was what looked like a pommel horse, with straps on the front and back.

"So uh..... where's the show?"

She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Right here..."

He allowed himself to be guided to the pommel horse, but when Brooklyn gently pressed him onto it, Ethan stopped.

"B-brook.... What?"

"Just do it."


Her face didn't change, but her demeanour became colder.

"Because I told you to."

A hand flicked down and rubbed across his crotch, and he shivered.

Slowly, he lowered himself onto the pommel horse.

Brooklyn quickly strapped him in, fully clothed, to the pommel horse.

He tried moving his wrists.

The leather straps allowed him the barest of movements.

He was immobilised.


Ethan then heard a tearing, cutting sound, and realised that she was cutting his jeans off of him.


"B-brook! What the hell?!"

"Quiet darling."


Within moments he was naked from the waist down, and she took a single careful slice to remove his t shirt.

The cool air chilled his skin, raising goosebumps as he began to pull at the restraints, but they were firm and tight, and he realised that he couldn't move if he wanted to.

"B-brook... I don't think this is... can we go....."

"I said quiet."

The harshness in her voice cut him, and he shivered as she took a seat in front of him, legs wide, leaning back as if waiting for a spot of light entertainment to begin.

He kept his mouth shut despite the questions waiting to burst from his lips, pulling at the restraints which dug into his wrists.


Time began to pass.

Her eyes locked with his, boring into them, and he felt the earth go still as they waited.

Then a door opened, and through one of the mirrors Ethan saw..... the incredible sight of an almost totally naked Phil, a quiet smile set on his handsome features.

Instant saliva filled his mouth.

He looked as he often did, about to go for a swim, except the swimming shorts had been replaced by a man-thong that must have been cinched around one of the biggest cocks he'd ever seen, because it was outlining every last ridge and vein of it through the black latex.

His own cock began hardening beneath him, and Ethan was thankful at least for the hole beneath his hips where it protruded freely instead of squishing against the pommel horse... until he realised it also allowed completely open access and viewing.

He mewled at the thought that Phil would be able to see his member, unable to compare to even half of Phil's length and girth, even in its hardened state (which he could feel himself reaching) as the man sauntered over to him.

"Ph-Phil! What are you doing here...."

"Oh..Your wife invited me."

"My... what?..."

A hand touched his ass, and the restraints clinked as he tried his best to pull away from it.

"AH! Phil, okay, this is kind of funny but can we please stop now, I think Brook just..."

The man's hand rubbed a little more firmly.

"OH, okay, haha, seriously Phil, I know we're neighbours but.. OHH!"

A finger slipped to his anus and pressed against it.


"I'm going to fuck you Ethan."

His erection strained under the table, even as he cried out in dismay.


Phil came round to his front and settled those handsome features inches from his.

"Oh really? Well that's fair enough Ethan... I guess I'll have to find someone else who wants to fuck then...."

He looked over at Brooklyn, who gave a suggestive smile.

Ethan's face stretched in horror.

"Wait, NO....."

Phil sauntered over to his wife, and brushed a hand across her chin.

"Phil STOP, BROOK, will you tell him...."

Brook opened her mouth and placed her lips around his finger.


Tears were in his eyes at the thought of this man taking his wife, and he was almost sobbing in relief when Phil grudgingly stepped back, Brooklyn containing a jealous look as the finger popped out of her mouth, and the powerful legs of Phil moved behind her husband, two large hands pressing deep into the flesh of his ass.

Ethan whimpered as he kneaded his cheeks, thumbs pressing deep into the tissue.

"If I'm not going to fuck your wife, you'd better put everything you've got into pleasing me."

"Yes, yes I will!" sobbed Ethan, pre-cum wetting the tip of his cocklet as he felt Ethan's Pec muscles lower against him, feeling the heat of the man's chest.

Then Phil dropped his weight fully, lying on Ethan's back.

Another man's weight on top of him was the most overbearing position he had ever endured, Ethan whimpering as Phil settled into a bear hug of his back, mirroring his posture but subsuming him within his grasp, a human shadow that placed a ton of pressure on Ethan's body, sinking onto the pommel horse.

Phil waisted no time sliding the huge bulge up Ethan's crack, making him squeal as he felt the raging hardness, separated by the thinnest of materials that meant he could feel every ridge of the shaft catch his asshole.

"HUHHHG!!! PH-Philllll...PHHILL!!!!"

"The name's Daddy to you."


Ethan realised through the fear that Phil must have covered the bulge, and everything underneath it, in some kind of lubricant, because it was sliding easily between his cheeks, parting them like a hot plough through a field of snow.

The man reached back and adjusted something.

The huge object was pressed to his entrance; no longer covered, now soft and fleshy, with an inner steel to it.


The object was wet and lubed, and somehow it began to make progress, steadily opening him up.


The feeling of his entrance being distended had him kicking madly at his restraints, but the moment came when his body's resistance fell in the face of the man's overpowering strength, and he squealed as Phil began to force the head of his massive cock into Ethan's body, mouth hanging loosely as he was forced to accept girth that felt impossible, like someone was pressing a fist into his butthole.


A pair of lips kissed his shoulders, and he shivered, horrified that Phil was enjoying the sensuality of the moment.

It became ten times worse when the man's fingers slid underneath and began to massage his balls.

"Uuuuhhhh.... Phil, Phil look, PHIL I-OHHHH!... Phillllll-uuuuhhh...."

"The name's Daddy."

The groans seemed to force their way from his lips despite trying to keep them pressed together, spurts of arousal that were more humiliating than the worst of his living memories.

He would take a million wedgies in front of all of his classmates over openly enjoying the touch of another man with his wife watching.

The bulbous helmet lodged in his anus began to move once more, journeying towards his centre, and Ethan bitch-whined as he was taken, eyes flicking up to his wife for a source of comfort, for help, for anything.

She merely watched with the tiniest hint of a smile on her face, and tears formed in his gaze, his stomach dropping as it was forced to make space for the man bullying his insides, forcing them into a new realm of pleasure and pain.

Then the trap slid shut, and Ethan whined as Phil's hips dug into his butt-cheeks, his asshole so wide he could have sat on a coke can and not felt it as the beast thrummed in his core, his asshole wrapped around it in a position of complete inferiority.

They both shivered for a moment, lost in the intense sensations.


"Ooh you're very tight honey," Phil whispered into his ear.

Ethan could feel how hard and throbbing Phil was, how much he was loving the feeling of his insides by the fact that a little warmth and wetness had blossomed deep inside him.


The pocket of pre-cum became warmer, bigger, hands on his balls beginning to juggle them, rolling them heavily in the hot palm, and somehow it was making him release, which was almost worse than feeling forced ass-first onto a bollard, because it meant his body was beginning to accept it.

'Men don't let other men's cocks in their asses!!' thought Ethan, desperately fighting against the restraints even as a thrill ran through him when Phil kissed his neck again.

"Nnnnnnnooo," Ethan moaned, far too softly as Phil kissed up and down his jaw, soft lips tickling his skin, ending on the back of his neck again, a naturally sensitive area due to it being so exposed. Phil laid heavy kisses there, plus a bite that made all sorts of things happen in his body; a wooziness, a dizziness hit him.

"AHhh hhhheyy.... Hey guys.. H-HNN!"

He grunted as Phil retracted his hips three inches, and sank the cock back into him.


The cock went out and in again, pressing up against something that made his back arch.

"OOHhh-Ph-Phil Sto-UHNNN!"

The man began to saw back and forth, each slap a little harder, each retraction a little longer.

He hit that place again and Ethan temporarily forget who he was.


Ethan was beginning to moan from his soul now as something terrifying and wonderful was stimulated through the heavy movements of Phil's cock, the touch of the man's helmet where it had no right to be, rubbing sensitive nerve-endings that were making Ethan grab hold of the pommel horse for support, legs taut, anus flexing subconsciously every time the man hilted in his ass.



Then Phil began to pump his hips harder.


Ethan's body began to shake as Phil fucked him for real.


"O-OH God... OH God... OH God, OH GOD-OH-GODOHHHHHH!!!"

The sounds of sweaty sex began to fill the room, echoing in their ears as the huge man began bouncing off his ass, pounding the young man beneath him with strokes so violent that the pommel horse strained against the bolts set into the floor as all kinds of slutty sounds were extracted, long sweat-drenched moans crescendoing to painfully loud levels as Phil decimated Ethan's asshole.


Sweat began to thrum in the air as other moans began emanating from behind the mirrors encircling the two entwined figures.



Ethan heard moans that weren't his and felt his head heat up like it was being boiled, looking in shock to Brook, but she remained seated, cheeks flushed.


He realised now.. people were watching.

Watching him getting fucked by a man.

A sopping wet whine sliced through the air as he realised how dirty it was to be taken by a man, in front of his wife, whilst other people watched.


His cock was the hardest it had ever been in his life, straining harder than any of his limbs had for release.

"Hh he likes it."

"With his Wife watching! What a fag.. hunn!"

It was all a dream, it was just a nightmare, it had to be..

Phil's cock reminded him that it was very much real life, slamming back into him so hard that he nearly passed out, eyes rolling up as something heavenly passed through him, and suddenly his cock was spurting everywhere onto the floor as he moaned like the loudest pornstar in existence, his entire body shaking, five seconds of something he had never been even close to experiencing snapping his conception of reality in two.


"That's it," Phil grunted into his ear, loving the feeling of Ethan's anus cinching his cock like a vice, the orgasm so brutal that the boy's body felt like it had been plugged into the mains, his spaghetti calves now steel strips as everything in him went taut.

Brooklyn watched, entranced as her husband lost the battle for his soul, flexing under the man who was beating his masculinity to the ground and breaking it, moulding a cock-slut in its place.

His lips opened wide in a long scream as sperm fired everywhere, dicklet so hard that it looked ready to launch into space as he covered the floor in a child's fingerpainting composed purely of strings of white icing.


Brook's breathing became shallow as she tried to control her shock... and arousal.

There were no comebacks from a sexual awakening like that.

Everyone watching shared a collective moment of something special as Ethan's eyelids, which had been screwed shut, fell open revealing a boy who no longer knew where he was, who he was, or what he was.

The searching orbs found Brook, and he managed to find some sort of focus at her with tears of orgasmic release rolling down his cheeks as he tried to understand what had just happened.


Saliva was falling from his lips, and he tried to swallow it down, his cheek clenching as pleasure rippled through his insides.


He looked at her, pleading.

She silenced him with a simple sentence, spoken matter-of-factly.

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