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A Wrong So Right

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A brother and sister find love
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This story is based on a true fantasy.

Author's Note: I always enjoy a good character building story. I feel it brings the reader a little closer to the story and allows for a richer experience. When you finish please take just a few seconds to vote and or leave some feedback. This will mark my second story published on a site such as this and I would love to get some honest responses. Thanks and enjoy!

Sometime during junior year of high-school my dad divorced his second wife and my evil stepmother. He began dating a very nice woman named Susan. This was a big change for me, especially since I was only 16 when this happened. I was glad to finally be rid of the absolutely horrible woman who made my life hell for 11 years. My dad began dating Susan pretty heavily and soon it was obvious that they were going to stay together. Some time passed and then came the day when I was to meet her kids. She had three children from a previous marriage; Ian the youngest, Samantha the middle child and Melissa the eldest, all younger than me. They were shy at first but since I was, and still am, a kid at heart I soon had them laughing and enjoying their time over with some video games and funny jokes every now and then. Over the next two years things did get serious between my dad and Susan. They bought a house together and moved the two families into one.

Around this same time I was getting ready to start college but like some adolescents I didn't quite get my things together so instead I found work at a nearby construction company. It took up a lot of my time and eventually I was offered a chance to make more money but that would mean moving to another state. I hated still living at home, mainly because my dad still felt the need to run my life even though I was 18 already.

So I moved and visited my dad, Susan, and my new step-siblings as often as work would allow, which ended up being on holiday's and the occasional summer vacation. Each time I returned home the kids were taller, but always glad to see me and complaining that I can never stay very long.

Now we jump forward a few years in this story.

I was approaching my 26th birthday and a job within my company opened up right in my home town. I grabbed at the opportunity to be a district manager and be closer to my family at the same time, which I had begun to miss terribly. Often I regretted my decision to move and therefore missed out on much of my two sister's and brother's lives. I always wanted to be that cool older brother that they could turn to for advice and help whenever they needed it.

When I finally moved back home I surprised my family one night as they were about to sit down to dinner. My dad opened the door with a look of total shock and the rest of the family came running to greet me. It had been almost a year since my last visit, though I still kept in contact with regular phone calls. I got five sets of hugs and five happy faces to see me once again. They were even happier when I told them I lived just fifteen minutes away and would be there to stay.

By this time Melissa had turned 20, Samantha-Sam as we all called her- just turned 18, and the little guy Ian was now 15. I had to stop and think about how the time passed by so quickly and how these kids who I remember as little and immature were now all grown up. Melissa was a fine looking woman now. Well defined, with curves in the right place and a maturity in her voice that surprised me. Ian was now nearly as tall as me and trying to grow a mustache which of course I teased him about, saying he looked like he had some dirt on his lip.

Finally, Sam; to say she had changed was an understatement. She had blossomed into an absolute knockout-gorgeous woman in the blink of an eye, or at least sometime in the year I had seen her last. Gone was the baby fat that I remembered, replaced with an angelic face. Her soft brown eyes sparkled with her infectious smile and her long brown hair had a silky sheen and a softness that was warming.

That day I surprised my family she was wearing a tight ringer t-shirt and a pair of flannel pajama shorts with the waist folded down revealing the upper curves of her hips. A small strip of midriff showed between the shirt and shorts letting me see the creamy white skin that had me thinking the wrong thoughts. Her legs were toned and so smooth. Again the wrong kind of thoughts kept popping into my head and I had a strong urge to run my fingertips lightly across her skin. I shook myself of these thoughts and actually kept them out the rest of the night.

Even though I was away so much my siblings and I were always close and loved to spend time playing video games or watching a movie on the giant TV my dad bought some time back. That night wasn't any different and we all decided to watch a movie before everyone went to bed.

The four of us piled on the couch while my dad and Susan sat in the love seat. Sam had sat right next to me and I could smell her special shampoo and soap from her recent shower. I couldn't help but be intoxicated by her scent and soon my cock swelled in my jeans, luckily baggy enough to hide the bulge. I really don't remember what movie we watched because I spent that time cursing to myself that what I was thinking and how I was reacting was so wrong. She was my sister, my step-sister, but still someone I always thought of and loved like I would a real sister.

Once the movie finished I said my goodnights and promised regular visits all the time. Susan told me I should come to dinner on Saturday which was in two days. I agreed and drove the fifteen minutes back to my place.

I showered and went to bed. Well I tried to go to bed but I lay awake trying to figure out why I couldn't shake the sight of her firm body in that tight shirt and short shorts. Sleep finally came but along with it dreams of my dad hunting me down with the police right behind him, yelling at me that I was a pervert and I was sick. Let's just say when I woke up the next morning I felt like shit, mentally and physically.

Work was a blessed relief from the thoughts in my head about Sam. I checked in that morning with the regional manager I would be working under. He gave me the regular orientation that I expected and spent the rest of the day meeting and greeting all the guys who'd be working for me, which really wasn't much. It was a small district I was in charge of. After work I hit the town to reacquaint myself to all the hotspots and shops in the area.

That night I was able to sleep better. I chocked it all up to not being laid in a while and the first hot chick that got within five feet of me just caused a natural reaction. It was a rationalization I know, but I had convinced myself at the time.

Saturday morning was perfect. The temperature outside was inviting so I decided to go for a run. As I ran I tried to plan out my day, but a stray thought led to my sister and soon the sound of her laughter and the smell of her filled my senses and I almost tripped over that flat part in the ground. I was losing focus and my stride was off from my normal pace, so I turned around and headed back, cutting my run in half.

I went straight to my bathroom and took a cold shower, trying to shock those wrong images out of my mind. But as I toweled off my cock, once again, swelled and stood straight up. Fuck, I thought, what is wrong with me? Still I moved my hand to my cock and started stroking it slowly. I broke down and let Sam fill my mind. I closed my eyes and pictured her as I saw her last; so young and vibrant, full of energy. What the hell, I thought, if it's all in my mind who is it really hurting. Then my mind's eye watched as she removed her shirt and tossed it to the floor. Next she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra, letting it fall in front of her. I knew my hands would fit perfectly around those c-cups, gently pinching her hard nipples.

All those thoughts worked to put me over the edge and I came all over the bathroom floor. It built deep within me and when it hit I nearly fell over. I reached out my hand to stabilize myself on the sink. Once the last spasms pulsed through my cock I caught myself in the mirror. There I was, cock in hand, dripping come onto the floor, and all because of Sam. I felt ashamed of what I had done, but I cleaned up and tried not to think about it.

The day dragged on as I dreaded having to go have dinner with my family. Sam would be there of course and I didn't know how I would react to her now that I had these incestuous thoughts in my head that seemed to be setting up a home in there. They just wouldn't leave and every time I was able to put it out of my mind it would jump right back in with a vengeance. I was in trouble for sure. I watched the clock with butterflies the size of eagles fluttering in my stomach but eventually it was time to go.

I arrived just before dinner was ready so everyone -except Susan who was preparing the dinner- sat in the living room. I caught them up on what was the latest and greatest in my life. My dad asked if I had a girlfriend. I told him briefly about Karen, who broke up with me a week before I had moved back home. After that it was the usual family small talk, and finally on to dinner.

After dinner my dad and Susan left for a night out with some friends from their work. Ian and Melissa headed to their rooms and that left Sam and I alone in the living room watching TV. To say that I felt awkward being alone with her would be another understatement. I felt like a shy teenager and a perverted old man all at the same time. She asked me if I was ok. To which I replied sure but with a far too shaky voice. Sam sat next to me and leaned up against my shoulder. Now this is a normal thing for me and her. We had always been pretty close and I always felt right being that strong, protective older brother. At no time before that night would any thought of her sensuality have entered my mind; however my cock had a mind of its own.

"It's good to have you home, Steve," she murmured to me during a commercial, "I missed you."

"It's good to be home. I should never have left, Sam. I missed so much." I reached around her shoulders and gave her a light hug. She shifted a little in her seat, giving me a smile that set a fire in my heart and my loins. Sam moved positions so she was lying lengthwise along the couch and propped her feet up on my thighs. My cock practically jumped in my pants and was now painfully erect but stuck eight inches down the left leg of my pants. I was mortified by the situation. My sister's feet were mere inches from the head of my cock. Sweat popped out on my forehead and I knew I would have to leave or chance being discovered with a hard on while Sam, my own sister, was touching me. How would I get up with a ragging erection that would tent my pants as soon as I moved? How could I adjust myself so it wasn't so obvious?

To make matters worse she turned onto her side. This pulled her shorts up tightly against her plump, firm cheeks, exposing the beginning curve of her ass. I saw this from the corner of my eye and when I could tell she wouldn't see my head turn I dared a peek. It was the most amazing ass I had ever seen. This could have been because I was so horny and a flat piece of paper with an ass drawn on it would have looked good, but I was wrong frame of mind to begin with. Quickly I moved my head back towards the TV. From my peripherals I saw her head turn slightly up to look at me. When I glanced at her face she simply gave me a little smile and faced the TV once more. I thought I was caught for sure, but she didn't move or say anything.

So now I really had to get up from me seat or the sound of ripping cloth was going to be heard as my cock went incredible hulk on my boxers and pants. I cleared my throat.

"You want something to drink?" I asked with a dry voice and a catch in my throat.

"Soda? Thanks Steve." She said.

Now came the tricky part, getting up without getting caught. She scooted her feet in closer to her which only served to expose more of that milky white skin hiding under the flannel shorts. I stood up and out, still facing the TV and did a kind of sideways walk so she couldn't see my insanely obvious and large erection. I tried to pretend I was still watching the TV as I entered the kitchen to our right. Finally I was able to reach down and pull my cock upright in my pants and relieve the pressure. I caught the handle of the fridge, taking a deep tremulous breath. Luckily two sodas were left in the fridge and I brought them back to the couch.


"Sure." I sat back down on the couch and watched in horror as she placed her feet back on my legs once again. This time my cock was up and out of the way but still as hard as rock. I was grateful that the only light was the light from the TV so she couldn't accidentally see the tent in my pants. She opened her soda, took a sip and let out a loud, sarcastic "ahhhh", finally setting her drink down on the coffee table.

As I finished my soda a yawn cracked my jaws. I used that as an excuse to head home and get some sleep. Sam followed me to the door and told me I couldn't leave without giving her hug. She ended up squeezing me so hard it pushed some of my breath back out of my lungs.

"Ooof, what's that for?" I grunted.

"I'm just glad you're back, that's all." She said into my chest. I was careful to keep my erection from pressing into her stomach, as I was sure she would know something was up then. It just wouldn't go down. I finally pried her arms away and said my goodnight. As I turned to walk around the corner of the house I took one last look back to the front door. Sam was still standing with the door cracked watching me leave.

I got home around eleven that night and decided to put in some porn, relieve a little pressure that had been stored up for hours. My selection was limited as Karen, my ex, had discovered the larger portion of the porn collection and tossed it one day while I was at work, but I still had a few oldies but goodies hidden away. After about 30 minutes I took out my thick cock and began stroking slowly. I could feel that familiar sensation building in my balls, and then suddenly my cell phone began to ring. Still stroking my cock I picked up the phone to see who was calling. It was Sam. I checked the time and thought to myself, why is she calling? It's almost midnight. I pressed pause on the porn and hit the 'answer call' button.


"Hey, yea it's me," she said with an excited voice, "are you home?"

"Well yea I'm home. Why?"

"Ok well don't be mad but I'm pulling into your driveway."

I was confused and shocked and didn't say a word at first.


"Uh wow, ok. Everything ok Sis?"

"I'll explain in a minute." With that she hung up the phone. I quickly turned off my computer, put my cock back in my shorts and walked to the front door. I opened it up just as she was getting ready to knock.

Sam had a suitcase in each hand and a large purse stuffed to bursting slung over one shoulder. With a shaky grin she pushed her way in the door and dropped her baggage in the living room. When she turned around a look of desperation came across her face.

"Ok so I'm not going to beat around the bush with a long explanation. I need a place to live for awhile. I just can't live at home anymore. Dad and I just do not get along at all and I really can't take one more day living there. I know you don't want your little sister hanging around but I didn't have anywhere else to go." When she finished her little speech she stared at the ground with a frown on her face as if expecting me to turn her down. Unfortunately for me the first thought that flashed into my mind was getting the chance to stare at her all I wanted. What a bad brother I was being. I wanted it to be right but I still knew it was so very wrong.

I thought for a moment and said, "Well, I do have an extra room that you..." Before I could finish Sam crashed into me, nearly knocking me over. She had jumped up at me and all I could do was catch her or we would both end up crashing into the wall. After a quick peck on the cheek and a hug that squeezed the breath out of me, she jumped down and dragged her bags to the spare bedroom. The feeling of her lips lingered on my cheek, and the feeling of her long legs as she wrapped them around my waist sent chills down my spine that stopped at my now fully erect cock.

"Make yourself at home, I'm going to go shower, then we'll talk some, ok?" I said through the open door way where Sam was already putting her clothes into the drawers and scoping out how much closet space she would have.

"Cool," was her response. I quickly walked to my room, shut and locked the door while relieving myself of my shorts at the same time. I stood in the middle of my room, cock pointing to the ceiling, my eyes looking right at its tip. I kept shaking my head back and forth, as if to shake the image of her long legs wrapped around me, but this time with no clothes on. The image only grew stronger as I imagined Sam's soft lips pressed against mine instead of my cheek. Once again I grabbed my cock and stroked it furiously. Within thirty seconds my come boiled out onto the carpet. I think I even shot some a good distance but my eyes were shut tight at the time. This time my orgasm was powerful enough that my knees buckled and I almost fell right into the puddle of cum directly in front of me. Even though no more was coming out I stilled rubbed my cock slowly, causing my body to convulse as waves of pleasure hit my body each time I rubbed the head.

I went into the bathroom to grab some tissues. The only time I ever remembered coming that much was when I was twenty and I had just hooked up with the hottest, coolest girl I'd ever known. It took a few minutes to get it all up, but eventually the carpet was dry and unstained. The shower was refreshing and helped to clear the fuzziness from my mind.

After I finished my shower and dressed I went out into the living room to find Sam had changed into her usual nighttime attire, and the fuzziness came crashing back. She had her feet up on the coffee table and was painting her toenails a light shade of pink. When she heard my foot steps she turned and gave me a smile.

"Took long enough," she said then turned back to her cute little toes. I sat down on the other side of the couch and tried to gather my thoughts. There would have to be a few ground rules set for sure, like jumping on your brother wasn't definitely out.

"Everything good Sam?"

"As good as it can be I guess. I'm just so glad you didn't tell me to go back home."

The thought had never crossed my mind. As she spoke, with shame filling my mind, I looked Sam from her toes up to her long, flowing hair, neatly pulled back into a French braid. Her legs were toned and smooth. I longed to touch them, to slide my fingertips slowly up her thighs. With her hair in the braid her tender neck was practically begging for me to place soft kisses upon it, trailing up to her ear lobe, and maybe just a nibble?

"Steve? You ok?" Sam had turned and now looked concerned but still wore a slight grin. "God, take a picture."

"What, no it's just I haven't seen you in so long that I was thinking how much you have grown while I was away." I hoped my response didn't sound as phony as it did to me.

"How much I've grown huh? Well that's one way to put it." She stared at me with a smile for a few seconds before I finally broke the uncomfortable silence with a change of subject.

"So I have no idea what I am going to say to Dad about you staying here, but just because I'm your brother doesn't mean you can have the run of the place. We are going to have to work out how to do things around here. I'm not used to having a woman around the house."

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