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I've had the paperwork filed with the court and copies delivered to her. I told her to have her lawyer look things over and we would schedule a meeting to sort out the fine details. It was a simple divorce but she is bound-and-determined to make this a long-drawn-out affair. It's only going to make it more costly for her with extra lawyer's fees.

The fact that Aaron has left the country also shows intent to the court. The supreme court of New York hears divorce cases and I have a hearing scheduled for next week. It's all very mundane stuff to the court. I have DNA evidence and photos of my client to enter into evidence to prove that the child is not his. I want to get a court order to compel the actual father to provide a DNA sample and thus defer the issue of child-support to him.

Madeline told her lawyer to seek marriage counseling. I can counter that easy. My client has left the country to take a new job. Besides that, marriage counseling has to be agreed to by both parties; otherwise, it's just a waste of time and money. Nope, that's a non-starter.

Madeline also wanted to know where Aaron was and wanted to know how to contact him. I wasn't authorized to give that information to her and told her that. Her lawyer tried to intimidate me by saying that she would file a motion with the court to compel me to divulge that. I'm not sure that she was paying attention that day at law school when this was covered, but that is part of attorney-client confidentiality. Duh!

Madeline even parked her ass outside my office waiting to see me. She was adamant that Aaron would be just fine being the father to her daughter. She even brought the baby with her. I took a peek at the child; she's a normal baby. They all look alike to me; except the part with her not being Aaron's child. If you have eyes, you can figure that one out. I figured that I would try to get the baby brought to court for the judge to have a peek at her. That would put all this into perspective real fast.

I told my receptionist to not let her in any more. Unless she wanted me to represent her on a different matter and not until this file was closed.

Of course, the whole reason that she wants Aaron to come home and resume his job of 'husband' is all about money. The father of her kid, the teacher/football coach, has a wife and children of his own and is not rich. He lives on a teacher's salary and his wife works as a business manager at a small car dealership. It pays okay, but again, nobody is getting rich from working there. Between their mortgage, monthly bills, feeding themselves and the cost of operating two cars, they're working for his pension. Her job doesn't have a pension plan. Thankfully his job includes health insurance. No, Madeline wants Aarons earning potential. Plain and simple.

She's not going to get it.

The reality of the situation is that Aaron walked away from everything that they had. She hasn't figured that out yet. She has the house and all the contents and her car. She can sell it all if she wants and move to an apartment or a condo; her choice. The house has a mortgage but Aaron has already signed over his interests in the house. When it's sold there should be enough left over to make a nice down payment on a modest two-bedroom condo; maybe.

This is about money; end of discussion.


Laura Thompkins, N-P

I plan on going by and visiting the American doctor that the mayor of Castleroy convinced to stay around for a time to replace Dr. Kennedy, when he retired. That he retired was a good thing. He had long passed his best-before date. I used to fix a lot of his mistakes but I couldn't always be there to do that. He was eventually going to prescribe the wrong thing and seriously hurt a patient or kill one of them, so it was good to see him retire.

I've met the new doc, Aaron Brown, I think his name is. He's easy on the eyes, that one. And a surgeon too. The local rumour factory was quick to get the basics about him and his almost ex-wife, out there. The mayor had the security types do an investigation to see who and what he is. The medical staff in Dublin contacted the Yanks and they briefed them on his medical education and background.

The unattached women in the region will be lining up to see him and check him out. They'll have lots of small ailments that will need to see them disrobe for the doctor to 'examine' them. Yeah.

Between work and my daughter, I don't have time to get out much and socialize. But I can make time to go by his office and talk to him about care issues of some of my patients. That'll give me a chance to be alone with him. I'll have to dress nice that day.



My receptionist is run ragged answering the phone and talking to people that want to come and see a doctor. They're waiting outside the office when I get there in the morning. I noticed that there is a preponderance of women that want to see the doctor. Maybe they would be better off seeing a woman doctor. The nurse-practitioner, Laura Thompkins, might be better choice for many of them. Especially for the more routine issues. I'll call her and ask her to come by when she has an opening and we can talk about what she does and how we can work together more effectively.


Laura Thompkins, N-P

My cell phone is ringing. I was driving to my next patient and pushed the button on my steering wheel to answer. "Hello."

"Hi, is this Laura Thompkins?"

"Yes, it is, who might you be?"

"Good morning, I'm Aaron Brown, the fill-in doctor in Castleroy."

"Dr. Brown, what can I do for you?" I was thinking that I know what he could do for me.

"I was wondering if we could meet to talk about the needs of the medical care of the local area. I'm just a fill-in for a few months until a permanent doc can be sent here, but I'm concerned that I don't know how things are normally done here. I'm on my own and I need some help."

"Hmm, it would be good if you and I talk. When would you like to do that?"

"Well, whenever you have time. I'll make time. This is really important to me."

I thought a moment, "I'm driving right now, to see a patient, but I'll call you later and we can find a time that works for both of us, if that's acceptable for you?"

"That would be great. Call me and let me know what will work, like I said, I really need your help."

I started to figure out a plan in my head. It would take a bit of time but I had the time and who knows, maybe Doctor Aaron Brown might have as well. We'll see.


Aaron (two days later)

I got a call from Laura Thompkins, the local Nurse-Practitioner, and she invited me for dinner at her house. Who am I to turn down home-cooked food. I went.

It was a short drive to her house. I decided to take a bottle of wine. I got two: one red and one white. I had no clue what she liked, or even if she liked wine. Irish women all seem to like wine. The lady at the shop where I bought it made some recommendations so I went with them.

I knocked on the door and a tiny little girl answered. I put her at three or four years old. She looked at me with an expression that was mixed with curiosity and surprise.

She turned her head and shouted, "Mummy, that American is here."

I could hear movement coming to the door.

"Doctor Brown. Please come in."

The tiny one stood to the side and just behind her mother. The big one greeted me with a smile and a wave to come in the house.

She's gorgeous. Laura Thompkins is early-thirties, I would guess. About 5ft 9 inches tall. Very good looking. Long dark hair, and If I were close, I would say no more than 130-135 pounds. I'm constantly amazed by Irish women.

I stood there like a deer in the headlights, until I remembered that I brought wine and it was in the bag in my left hand. Where were my manners.

I looked down at the tiny one and stuck out my hand. "Hello, I'm Aaron, who might you be?"

Her expression brightened a touch, "I'm Matilda. I'm four years old and my favourite book is Winnie the Pooh."

"Well, Matilda, very nice to make your acquaintance and good to know about Winnie the Pooh. Tigger is a personal favourite of mine."

I passed the wine to Nurse Thompkins and waited for them to show me to the kitchen or dining room.

"I have no idea if you like wine so Mrs. Billings, at the shop, recommended both of these. If you don't like them, I'll be happy to replace them with another one."

Laura smiled, "Mrs. Billings would know about wine, she enjoys a bit too much of it by times. But this is good. Would you be kind enough to open the white one and pour us both a glass; if you like wine. If you don't like wine, I have some beer..."

"Wine will be fine."

I busied myself with the cork screw and the two glasses that were passed to me. I was under the careful observation of Matilda. I turned to her, "Are you having wine?" Laura was watching me and smiling.

"No, you're silly. Children don't drink wine. We drink juice. I'll have some orange juice please."

"Okay, good to know when I meet other children. I won't be offering them wine."

I was trying not to laugh. She is very cute.

Laura smiled all the while that she was putting our meal together. I offered to help but was turned down in favour of being entertained by Matilda. She was quite adamant that I was going to pay close attention to her. She went to her room and came back with a colouring book and crayons. I was politely asked to assist with colouring in some of the farm animals. When I wanted to colour a pig with a red crayon, I was told quite clearly that pigs are not red, they are beige. There you go.

Supper was a beef stew with fresh biscuits. We had a bit more wine and then Matilda was told to go and get her pajamas on and brush her teeth. She came back a few minutes later and told me that I was going to read her a bedtime story. Winnie the Pooh. I looked at her mother and she merely looked at me and told Matilda to go get the book and we could read together in the living room.

All while I was reading to Matilda, Laura was tidying up the kitchen and putting the leftovers in the refrigerator. I was watching her out of the corner of my eye, thinking that this is what a real family does. This is what real life is like.



Aaron was captured by my daughter. She is tiny but highly effective in conquering the biggest of them all. There was one that she couldn't conquer, her father. I don't often invite men to my house and especially to share supper with me and my daughter. This one was different. I had a pretty good idea about this one. I had information from a few sources and of course, all the things that he had done after washing up on our shores.

That he was on the run from an unfaithful wife was what made him interesting. He knew that same pain that I knew. I packed up Matilda and left her father in Dublin. I couldn't take the disrespect from him. I realized that he didn't want a daughter and really didn't want the responsibility of a family; his loss.

I also knew that I had competition from Amelia Kelly. She was good with men. She was a bit younger than me and prettier. But in the head-to-head competition, I had help. And I knew what Doctor Aaron Brown wanted. The look on his face when he was reading to Matilda spoke volumes.



Supper with Laura was excellent. Meeting Matilda was quite an experience. I got back to my flat about midnight, had a shower and went to bed. If the last few days was any indicator, tomorrow was going to be busy. Just as I got settled in the bed, my cell phone rang.

The number was from the U.S. but it showed as Unknown Number. I might have ignored it but I was concerned that maybe it was from my Mother or Father. I answered.


"Aaron, is that you?" I immediately knew who it was and I didn't want to talk to her.

"Maddy, if you want to say anything to me please do it through Jimmy. I don't want to talk to you."

"AARON! Please don't hang up! Please let me talk to you."

"Maddy, we don't have anything to talk about. You said everything that needed to be said. Goodbye."


I hung up and blocked the number



I heard through my sources that I have some competition regarding the attentions of Doctor Brown. Nurse Hottie is in the running it seems. She's attractive, for sure, and has her charms, but I have the benefit of not having been married before or have any children.

I'm going to have to think about this and plan my way forward.



That woman is becoming a pest. I'm not getting paid enough from Aaron to put up with her constant harassment. She's been told countless times that he doesn't want to talk to her! But she keeps at it. She's nothing if not persistent. The thing that gets me is that she was the one to fuck around on him and get pregnant with her boyfriend's baby and now she wants Aaron to look the other way and come back to her? The woman is delusional. Fuck!

Aaron e-mailed me that she somehow got his phone number in Ireland and called him. He wants me to get a restraining order from the court to stop her from bothering him. I try and get a judge to agree to it. In this state, judges that hear divorce cases are loathe to give out restraining orders unless there is a threat of physical harm. That's going to be hard to demonstrate in this case. I'll give it a try. I told my client that I don't hold much hope that we can get the restraining order.



It's been a few weeks since I met Aaron Brown and he's been to my house three times for dinner. On the Saturday, he invited Matilda and I out for a hike and a picnic and we had a grand time. We went to Killarney National Park, a place I've been many times, and we hiked some of the trails there. Matilda wanted to ride on Aarons shoulders; he put her up there for a bit. We had lunch at a café at Ladies View and in the afternoon, we hiked in to the Torc Waterfall and took some photos that he wanted to send to his mother and father.

That night, after Matilda was in bed sleeping soundly, we made love for the first time. I know that I was nervous since he was the first man that I had been with since my divorce.

We spent the night together and woke up in the morning together. He had a huge erection that was poking at my ass and his arm was around me with his right hand on my stomach. I slowly got out of bed to go pee, brush my teeth and wash up, then got back in the bed. Aaron was just coming around and he did the same. I could hear him and then the water in the sink as he washed his hands. When he got back into bed, he slid next to me and put his arm around me and started to kiss my shoulder and neck. His hands were on my hip and leg and as I rolled over onto my back, he took my right nipple into his mouth and sucked and kissed it. I was getting turned on again and then he went down to my stomach and kissed his way to my pussy. I spread my legs to give him better access to things and he started to lick and kiss my clit. Oh, that felt good. Even though Aaron had done that last night, I wanted him to do it again.

It didn't take but a few minutes to push me over the edge and then I pulled him up and wrapped my legs around him and I could feel the head of his cock spread my lips and slowly work inwards. The man had fucked me and made love to me. The first time we did it last night it was hurried and frenzied. The sheets on the bed got tangled and pulled and the pillows were on the floor. The second time was slower and deeper. I haven't had this many orgasms in quite some time. This morning was slow and delicious. His cock was poking my cervix and it pushed me to another orgasm as I felt him cum inside me. My head was pushed back and my back was arched up and my legs were pulling him inward. I know that he must have thought me a crazy woman the way that I acted. But I needed him. I think he needed me.

I just hope that that tramp Amelia Kelly shows her true colours before it's too late.



Jimmy called me with an update about my divorce.

It seems that my almost ex-wife does not seem to be getting the message that I am not interested in being married to her any longer. That her fucking that other guy and having his child was not something that I was willing to overlook.

"Jimmy, what the fuck is going on?"

He hesitated just a second. "I wish I knew, Aaron. I've been trying to get her to sign the paperwork and get this finished but I've not had any luck. I think we need to go to Plan B."

"Okay, what's Plan B?"

"I go back to the court and file for another reason. I can explain to the judge what's up with the baby and see if that will spur things along a bit. I could file for another reason but that is kind of a non-starter since you're the one that left. All it should take in New York State, is for a year to go by and then it's pretty much automatic. But since it was you that left, the judge might see it another way."

"What about Plan A, irreconcilable differences? Wasn't that a sure thing?"

"I thought it was, but the judge was talking about you coming home and going to counselling. I told her that you had a job in another country and she actually asked when you were coming back to the U.S. I told her that you didn't have any immediate plans to do that"

"Oh, for fucks sake. Get me a divorce, I don't care how you do it, just do it please."

"Are you coming back?"

"Nope, not as long as I'm still married to her."

I was sure that I could hear Jimmy say, "fuck." very quietly.

"Jimmy, make it happen, okay."

"I'm working on it."



I called Aaron's mother and talked to her about where Aaron was. She isn't that good at keeping secrets because she divulged that he was in Ireland. I just had to figure out where and I would go see him and sort this all out. It was something that I figured I could accomplish if I could just see and talk with Aaron. We'd been married for four years when I started seeing Roger. I admit that Roger was a mistake. But I was lonely and Aaron was always at the hospital.

We'd talked a lot about starting a family. When I told Aaron that I was pregnant he was really happy. He worked with me to paint and decorate the baby's room and get all the things that we needed put together. He was always coming home with something new for the baby. He even bought a baseball glove for the baby. He said it didn't matter if we had a boy or a girl; he was going to teach our child to play baseball.

Aaron will see that leaving us was a mistake. He'll love this baby when he gets to hold her. I know it.

Roger has been avoiding me. The last few times that I tried to talk to him, he didn't answer and when I went to the school, I saw him run as soon as he saw me coming. I wonder if his wife knows about us? Maybe that's why he's avoiding me.

I have to find out where in Ireland Aaron is. Then I'll get on a flight and go see him.



The hospital in Tralee called and the chief of surgery said that he needed me to come down for three days and help them with a backlog of surgeries. Their ortho doc was out sick and they had to cancel a bunch of surgeries. The doc was going to be out for a while since she was being treated for cancer. That sucked big. They needed help and I was close by.

I agreed to come down for three days and give them a hand and work at the list that had piled up in the last month. The morning that I was getting on my motorcycle to head to Tralee the hospital called and said that they had an emergency. A young fellow was injured on his motorcycle when he hit a car backing out of a driveway. Seems that the kid was doing well over eighty miles an hour on a secondary road and the man looked both ways before backing out but the kid was flying-low and so he went into the side of the car just behind the center pillar. He went through the glass of both windows as he passed through the car. His arms caught the pillar and the rear superstructure of the car. He was badly mangled and he needed a surgeon quick otherwise he was going to lose both arms.


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