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Abigail's Demon, Ch. 03

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A lonely nerd makes a new friend.
6.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/23/2023
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The smell of bacon hooked itself into her nostrils and dragged her forcibly into wakefulness.

Something was wrong.

She patted the bed beside her. Empty and cold. There should have been a sexy, warm body snuggled up against her.

After a puzzled moment she came to the realization that her delectable guest must be the one currently conjuring up the scent of frying rashers like the magical creature she was.

Abigail had a vague recollection of her pants being hurled across the room and knocking something over. She wanted to check her messages, and her phone had been in those airborne leg prisons. She pushed herself up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

She still felt weak and wobbly from the night before, so it took her a moment to realize that several other things were wrong.

One: she was wearing pajama bottoms and, it turned out upon inspection, clean panties. She had a slightly delirious vision of Odal picking her up one-handed and dressing her with the other, like she was a big floppy doll. She was sort of glad she hadn't been awake for that.

Two: her jeans were folded and sitting on her nightstand with her phone on top of them, plugged into her charger. She could almost believe she might have plugged her phone in with some kind of instinctive somnambulic desperation, but there was no way in Satan's black magic Hell she would have folded her pants.

Three: it was after noon.

"Shit," she said, grabbing her phone. Her stomach dropped when she saw messages from Pam and Kate.

Wincing, she opened the message from Pam first.

-Execs loved the designs!! Great job team!!

It was CC'ed to everyone, but there was a direct reply TO Pam, somehow.

-sorry boss, but I'm feeling a bit reamed out and drained from last night, don't think I'll be coming at work today

Pam had replied:

-ok feel better!! get some rest!! You earned it kiddo!!!

Abigail groaned, dragging her hand down her face. She looked at the message Pam had replied to. Had she sent that in her sleep?

She blinked as she re-read it.

'Reamed out'. 'Drained'. And not 'I won't be coming IN', but 'I won't be coming AT'.

She bit her lip. A grin tried to fight her, but she gnawed it back.

Odal, that little minx.

She gave up, and let the grin plaster itself across her face. It was going to be really hard to look Pam in the eye on Monday, but she had to admit, it was pretty damn funny.

Saving the best for last, she opened the message from Kate.

--the designs looked amazing ofc but as I suspected the execs barely glanced at them. Bit worried about you. Hope you're feeling better. When you're up to it, I'd like to meet with you to talk about something.

That was ominous. She tapped reply.

-took the day off, feeling a bit better. Can meet this afternoon? I'm not fired am I?

The reply came quickly, like she was waiting to hear from Abigail. That made her smile a bit.

-ha ha no, without you the team would fall apart. No, this is something personal.

Abigail frowned at that. Personal? She looked at the message again. The phrase 'bit worried about you' caught her eye again and she sighed. Hopefully it wasn't an intervention.

-okayyy you want to meet somewhere?

-Cupstones? 2ish?

Abigail groaned again. The thought of drinking more coffee made a little bile rise in her throat.

-sounds great, see you then

"Sounds great see you then," Abigail said, "hopefully you'll just ignore the fact that I'm a complete fucktwat and only just now remembered my car is dead and I left it at work."

"Actually," Odal said from the doorway, "I had it picked up. Just needed a new battery. It should be ready this afternoon."

"By two?"

"Probably not. But I refilled your metro card."

"You lied to me," Abigail pouted.

Odal tilted her head curiously.

"You said you're a demon, when clearly you're an angel."

"Oh boy," Odal said.

"Yeah. That was pretty bad, wasn't it."

"It was cute."

"You're cute," Abigail said. Odal smiled.

"Better," she said. "I made brunch. Though it's pretty much just regular lunch by now."

"I still feel a bit shaky from last night," Abigail said.

To her surprise, Odal actually blushed.

"I'm sorry, that's my fault. I...it's been a while. And you were so delicious. I might have fed from you a bit more than I should have."

"Well. Shame on you. I'll let it slide this time but only, and I can't stress this enough, ONLY because you gave me the best orgasm I've ever had in my life."

Odal, still blushing a little, shrugged and smiled.

"It's kind of what I do," she said.

Abigail stared at her for a moment.

"I think," she said slowly, "that I haven't quite fully appreciated the fact that you're a literal demon of sex."

"Technically, desire. Sex obviously plays into that pretty readily but I can fulfill other desires as well. For example, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you have a seriously deep-rooted desire to have someone take care of you."

"Oohhhh...shit. Yeah. Totally see it now. Sorry."

"I wasn't lying when I said I enjoy it. I like being helpful."

"Wait, so, are you feeding on me when you do stuff like that?"

"No. I need to be in direct contact to feed. Sex is the easiest way to do that, because your desires are...close to the surface."

"Look, if what happened last night is what needs to happen for you to feed, consider me an all you can eat buffet."

Odal grimaced.

"What? Is that bad?"

"You'd think coming to death would be a nice way to go, right? It's really not. You'll get to the point that you hate it long before you actually die, and then it's just torture. It's not pretty."

"Wait, you've seen that happen?"

"Yes, and before it even gets into your head, no, I wasn't the one that did it. I could never do that to someone."

"Shit, that's dark. I wouldn't...no, I really can't see you doing something like that. You're way too sweet and kind and nice."

"Go on," Odal smirked.

"Uh, and pretty and cute and a great cook and a spectacular lay?"

"That will do for now. Come and eat."

"Fuck, I love it when you say that."

Bacon pancakes. Odal had made bacon pancakes.

Abigail had never considered the combination before, though in retrospect it seemed an obvious pairing. There was fresh orange juice, which Abigail briefly wondered if Odal had squozen herself. And a stack of bacon slices, enveloped in warm pancake batter, and drizzled with maple syrup.

She decided to ask.

"Squozen isn't a word," Odal said, "but yes."

"Okay, so," Abigail sort of said around a mouthful of crispy bacon, pillowy pancake, and luscious maple syrup, "I'm supposed to go meet with my team leader in about an hour and a half. It's supposed to be for something personal, but I dunno what."

"Maybe she's going to ask you out!" Odal suggested cheerfully.

"Nuh uh. She's been seeing this guy, Matt or Mark or something, for like five years. She's straight. Wait, uh, what would happen if someone did ask me out?"

"Hmm," Odal said, tapping her teeth with a fingernail, a gesture Abigail felt should be annoying, but was sort of cute when she did it, "knowing you, you'll probably panic, overthink it way too much, then out of sheer chaotic terror say something wildly inappropriate and then run away."

"Have you been SPYING on me?" Abigail demanded, aghast.

Odal giggled.

"I hate that you know me that well. Stupid demon mind reading thingy. But seriously. Would that affect, you know...us?"

"If that was your only desire, it might. But remember, I stay until you dismiss me."

"Do you...would you want me to dismiss you?"

"I enjoy being with you. I enjoy your company. I will be...sad, when you decide my services are no longer needed."

"Really? Or is that one of my deep unreadable desires?"

"No. That's me. I like you. I can't really say that for most of my masters. That reminds me, would you like me to address you more formally? I could call you 'Mistress', if you like."

"Huahh...that would be pretty sexy. But maybe we can save that for the bedroom? I like hearing you say my name."

"Oh, good, can I call you Abby?"

"Aaaand the demon is back. Hey, do you want to come with me?"

"Mm, not this time. Your friend might not appreciate an eavesdropper if it's something personal."

"Okay. Uh...what are you gonna do while I'm gone? Will you be bored?"

"I'm going to go lie in your bathtub, pour maple syrup all over my naked body, and finger myself stupid until you get back."

Abigail stared at her.

Odal stared back.

"Are you really," Abigail said.

Dimples and a smile.

"You'll just have to wait and find out when you get home, won't you?"

"Fuck, you're horrible. I wish I didn't love it so much," Abigail grumbled.

"You'd better get dressed, or you'll miss the bus."

Abigail shuffled obediently off to her bedroom. Odal had laid some clothes out, because of course she had, and Abigail looked them over as she shimmied out of her pajama pants.

Yet another pair of clean panties. Abigail frowned. She'd been wearing the pair she had on for less than twelve hours, and assuming the demon was the one who had put them on her somehow, she would have known that.

She pulled off the panties she was wearing and sniffed them.

"They don't smell THAT bad," she muttered...but she put the clean ones on anyway.

Low-rise black jeans she'd only worn once because they were too nice to wear for her daily life, i.e. sitting on the couch playing video games and wiping potato chip grease on them, and a white camisole top she'd forgotten about buying online when she once thought about actually going out to like...a club, or something. Had she been drunk that night?

Still she had to admit once she was dressed that the contrast worked nice with her hair.

"I'd fuck me," she said to her reflection, trying not to think too hard about the fact that she was the only one who's been doing just that for the last five years. She couldn't even really remember who she'd been having deeply unsatisfying sex with back then.

"I can make that happen," Odal said slyly from the doorway.

Abigail had never actually typed on a typewriter but she had, for some reason, a very vivid mental image of the thing they did when you hit too many keys at once and the metal arms that would swing up and smack into the paper would all get jammed together, making it impossible for any one of them to actually hit where they were supposed to.

Her brain was doing that.


"Yes, exactly."

"Fucking hell, Odal, I was already freaking out about this meeting and now you go and drop this on me?"

"Think about it. It'll keep your mind off of freaking out."

"Listen, succubus, you vastly underestimate my ability to multitask when it comes to making myself miserable. I'll have you know I can freak the fuck out over four, maybe five things at once."

She turned to look at the demon leaning against the doorframe. Odal had the half-empty bottle of syrup cupped casually to her chest. As Abigail watched, her tongue slid out, impossibly long, pushing its way into the bottle of syrup. The little forks at the end dipped into the syrup, curling up with little beads of amber on their tips. Then the tongue retracted, coming out with a strangely seductive pop, and back between Odal's kissing lips, leaving a little trail of syrup on her chin. She wiped it away with one slender finger, then put that finger in her mouth, sliding it in and out while she made little 'mm' noises.

"Don't you...mmm...have a meeting to get to?"

"Who does," Abigail muttered, eyes locked on Odal's lips.

"YOU do. You're going to miss the bus. Text me when you get there. I put my number in your contacts. You'll know which one is mine."

"You have a phone?"

"I do now. Kiss for luck?"

She stepped toward Abigail, looking up at her coyly.

"Okay, just a peck though, I don't need to be all hot and bothered...well okay, more hot and bothered, when I go to meet my sort-of boss for cof--,"

Odal grabbed the back of her head, drew her in, and devoured her, nibbling and sucking her lip, pressing her breasts into Abigail's chest and moaning into her mouth. She pulled back, licking her lips, smirking at Abigail's expression.

"--fee. Damn it! You're the worst."

"Demon," Odal giggled, pointing to herself.

"Hhhh. Fuck. If I accidentally stab someone to death on the metro with my nips, you're helping me hide the body."

"Speaking of, you'd better get to the bus stop."


The metro was crowded and stuffy and Abigail found herself rather grumpily fantasizing about Odal's maple syrup glazed breasts as she was bumped and jostled along. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts, curious to see what Odal had put herself down as.

Queen of Pussy Eating. Of course.

-thanks, I finally have someone in my Q's, she texted. -what do you have me as?

-King Pussy, Odal replied

-that doesn't even make sense

--yes it does. It is the supreme ruler of all pussy, deserving of its crown, and I am but its humble consort

-Odal you're weird but that's probably the nicest compliment my pussy has ever gotten

She realized she was grinning goofily at her phone. Biting her lip, she shoved it back into her purse and stood, making her way to the doors for her stop.

Cupstone's was a chic little hipster coffee bar, just the sort of place Abigail would expect Kate to hang out in. Abigail, who would happily chug a 'cappucino' out of a gas station vending machine, felt a little out of place there, and the drinks on the menu had ridiculous names like Frap Is The Mind Fueller, so she just asked for a black coffee with extra sugar, scanning the tables for her mini-boss. She saw Kate in a booth in the back, but she was hunched over and intently typing on her laptop and didn't see Abigail's wave.

Gathering her coffee she made her way to the booth. Kate finally saw her, took out her earbuds and waved. She looked...uncomfortable.

Maybe I am getting fired after all, Abigail thought.

The idea gave her a strange sense of calm, like she was walking to the guillotine filled with the righteous fire of rebellion.

She tossed her purse into the booth and slid in across from Kate, who shut her laptop but didn't seem to want to look at Abigail. She was nervous and fidgeting.

"Hi, Kate, uh...everything okay?"

"Mm, yeah. Yeah. Okay."

She took a deep breath, and Abigail cast a critical eye over her team leader.

Kate was wearing a distressed canvas jacket in olive green over a black tank top. She had earrings that looked like little brass gears, and Abigail thought she remembered something about her being into the steampunk scene. Her neck was flushed, and she was wearing makeup, like she was about to step into a job interview. Her hazel eyes flickered around like hummingbirds trying to find just the right flower to land on, and she was biting her lower lip.

"Kate. Are you all right?"

"Yes. No. I want to ask you something. God, I've wanted to ask for months but I didn't have the courage."

"Kate...do you...do you need a kidney?"

Kate blinked at her.


"Kate are you dying."

"What? No. Abigail. Listen, I-- are you...are you seeing someone?"

Abigail rocked back in the booth like Kate had just dick-slapped her with an haddock. Of all the things she'd been expecting and/or dreading, that was not even in the top one hundred.

"Yes?" she said in a panicked squeak.

Kate looked like Abigail had just yanked out one of her kidneys.

"Oh. I mean. Of course you. Of course you are. I'm sorry. I didn't mean-- I'm sorry, Abigail."

As she said Abigail's name, it bottomed out in her throat, and with a sudden chill Abigail realized cool, awesome, badass Kate was on the verge of tears.

Kate stood, abruptly, scrabbling in the seat to grab her messenger bag and stuffing her laptop in it. Her eyes were welling. She looked like she was about to say something else, but all that came our was a choked 'sorry', and she turned and fled.

Abigail sat there in stunned shock.

"What the smoked kipper FUCK just happened," she hissed.

Her phone chimed. It was the Queen of Pussy Eating.

-how is it going?

-Kate just asked me if I was seeing someone

Abigail looked at what she had just typed. It still didn't seem quite real.

-she asked you out? That's wonderful! You've liked her for a while, haven't you?

Abigail sighed.

-you remember what you said about how if someone asked me out I'd panic and say something shitty? I did that thing that you said.

-Oh, Abigail. What did you say?

-i said yes

-she asked you out, you said yes, I'm not seeing the proble

-i said YES when she asked me if I was SEEING SOMEONE

-Oh. Abigail that was dumb


-....that's weird even for you

-listen here Judgy McJudgerson

-All right. I think I know how to fix this. But I need you to come home right now. There's a problem.

-another one?

-did you know your bathtub doesn't drain properly

--yes, why?

-did you know that slow drains do not react well to maple syrup

Abigail pinched the bridge of her nose.

-i'm going to sit here and enjoy this overpriced coffee I traveled halfway across town to enjoy, by myself, while I contemplate my terrible life choices. You can just sit there and marinate in your sexy maple syrup slurry until I get home


Abigail shut off her phone and sighed, slumping down in the booth.

A barista came by to clear away Kate's cup.

"Everything all right?" she asked.

"Somehow I've managed to break up with my long-term crush before she was even done asking me out," Abigail said.

"Ouch," the barista said. "You okay? Can I bring you some misery cake?"

Abigail snorted.

"Is it made with hemlock?"

"Hmm...nah. Chocolate. Hemlock is Wednesday's special."

Abigail wasn't able to resist a chuckle. She looked up. The barista was a peppy looking girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and a name tag that said Liz. She had freckles.

"Thanks," she said, smiling. "I needed a laugh. I'm okay, though, I'm just gonna finish my sad lonely coffee and head home."

"If it's any consolation, I'd date you," the girl said.


"Nothing, I mean, uh...look. Here's my number," Liz said, hastily scribbling on the back of a Cupstone's business card. Her ears were bright red.

"Just...you know. Call me. If you want. Or not. I, uh. Gotta go do a thing in the back room? Okay um thanks for coming into Cupstone's?"

She dashed off, muttering under her breath. Abigail stared down at the business card.

"Seriously what the fuck," she said...but she pocketed the card anyway. Tossing back the rest of her coffee, she jumped up out of the booth and headed for the metro.

When she finally made it home, Odal was pouting, but had apparently cleaned up the maple syrup problem, as she was toweling off her hair when Abigail came in.

She had one of Abigail's towels wrapped around her, and it was doing absolutely nothing for her modesty. She had somehow managed to wrap it tightly around her breasts (demon magic, probably) but they were straining over it like it was a corset, and the towel would part over her thigh every time she moved, giving Abigail tantalizing glimpses of her bare hip.

The towel she was using on her hair was the big fluffy white one, and would have covered her much more effectively.


Demons, Abigail thought to herself. What can you do?

She sat down at her kitchen table, and Odal sat opposite her. The pout melted into sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Abigail."

"You? What are you sorry for?"

"It seems like things have been going south for you since you called me. I'm supposed to be fulfilling your desires. I feel like I haven't been doing a very good job."

"Odal, you precious sweet Sumerian sex monster," Abigail said, "your demon magic is no match for the sheer power of my shitty life decisions."


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