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Above and Beyond Ch. 01


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Jennifer nodded to herself and made a decision. This was an opportunity to get some fashion advice. She bought the skirt, thinking she could ask Hannah for her opinion. If her "friend" didn't like it, the skirt would be returned. Jennifer felt a surprising surge of excitement. Where did that come from?

She wore the skirt as she knocked on Hannah's door later that evening. She was greeted with a warm smile. Jennifer had always enjoyed Hannah's cute dimples.

"Hello Jennifer, please come on in."

"Hi Hannah, do we have everything under control for tomorrow?"

Hannah nodded. "Yes, there are just some final ideas I need to run by you, and then it will be complete. Did you have a nice afternoon?"

"Yes, I just popped out to do some shopping."

"Is that a new skirt? Let me see."

Hannah motioned for her to spin around, and Jennifer did as instructed, without hesitation. The skirt was heather gray and hugged her hips. She went without stockings and had chosen a pair of black open toe pumps. A simple black v-neck sweater completed the ensemble.

"That looks really great on you. Your figure is perfect for tight skirts."

Jennifer found herself blushing when she realized that Hannah had been looking at her hips and ass. Before she could react, Hannah had moved on to discuss plans for the next day and reviewed amendments to the schedule. She followed Jennifer to the door when they had finished.

"Thanks for sorting out the agenda," Jennifer said. "I think tomorrow should run smoothly."

"My pleasure," Hannah said. Her dimples made an appearance as she smiled while holding the door open for Jennifer. "And, that skirt really does look perfect on you."

As Jennifer passed, Hannah patted her lightly on the ass before closing the door behind her. It felt so strangely natural that Jennifer didn't fully register what her secretary had done until she was several steps out in the corridor. She froze mid step, a sudden thrill rushing through her body.

But surely that was too much! No matter how collegial they were, she couldn't allow her secretary to haphazardly touch her ass. Just because Hannah had found the paddle didn't mean she should assume that Jennifer's ass was available for anyone and everyone. She took a deep breath and returned to Hannah's door. Knocking lightly, she tried to quickly think of the right way to address this breach.

As Hannah opened the door, her face appeared stern, with no dimples in sight. "Yes Mrs. Turner?"

Jennifer suddenly felt very unsure of herself. Her resolve wavered, as did her knees. Hannah looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Uhm, I just wanted to thank you again for your good work," Jennifer said meekly.

Hannah broke out in a wide smile. "Oh, don't mention it."

"Well, I really value your help on these trips. I'd be lost without you."

"Thanks, Jennifer. You know, I'm always here for you, whatever you need."

Jennifer nodded softly.

"Was there anything else?" Hannah asked as her eyes bore deeply into Jennifer's.

Jennifer softly shook her head. "No. Good night."

Hannah stood in the doorway, watching as Jennifer timidly turned and walked away.

"Oh, and one more thing, Mrs. Turner," she said. "If you decide to wear that skirt tomorrow, don't wear panties. The lines show through the fabric."

With that, she closed the door again, leaving Jennifer alone with a very confused mind.

After returning to her room, Jennifer found an email from her husband. He was heading off to bed, and hoped that her day had gone well. Damn the time difference! She really needed to talk to him about what had just transpired. But, what would she possibly say? That her secretary had patted her ass, and told her to go without panties the next day? And that she, herself, had done nothing to discourage Hannah's behavior? It sounded bizarre.

Her mind was still spinning as she lay in bed. She looked at the paddle and considered spanking some harmony into her bewildered mind. But thoughts of the paddle reminded Jennifer that her secretary had glanced into her innermost needs. And although dismayed, Jennifer also found it strangely arousing.

Her hand wandered down between her legs in an attempt to distract herself. But, as her fingers touched her clit, images of her secretary popped into her mind. Thinking about what Hannah had done and said caused a rush of excitement. She imagined Hannah moving beyond a light pat on the ass. The thought of her blonde secretary holding the paddle in hand, with that stern look on her face, caused Jennifer to moan.

No! She forced her hand away. Sure, Hannah was an extremely sexy woman, strikingly tall and beautiful. But she couldn't allow herself to think about her secretary in such a deviant way. She was just confused. Oh, how she missed her husband's hand.

As she tossed and turned in bed, Jennifer recalled the first time her husband made her admit to some of her sapphic explorations. It was just after a spanking, and she was still sprawled over his lap, completely spent. At those moments, Jennifer was most open with her husband. In explicit detail, she told him about the sexual experimentation of her younger days. The memories still excited her, and exposing them to Richard was beyond thrilling. His hand moved between her legs to caress her pussy, and Jennifer admitted to him that she still occasionally fantasized about women. Richard's erection dug into Jennifer's hip; he obviously found her admission arousing.

Similar fantasies resurfaced in her head as she lay in her hotel bed. Now, it was Hannah she pictured. Jennifer imagined the blonde as far more dominating than any of the women with whom she had previously been intimate. She struggled to drive the images from her head. These inappropriate fantasies would just make it more awkward when she saw Hannah the next day.

It took hours before her frustrated body finally drifted off to sleep.

Her mind was still in turmoil the next day, and lack of sleep made her even more unfocused than the day before. And there was something else distracting her—she wasn't wearing any panties.

This wasn't the first time Jennifer had gone to a business meeting in such a fashion. Richard had occasionally instructed her to go without her panties, especially during times when she was greatly stressed. It made her sense his supporting presence in the meeting. No one else had any power over her; Jennifer only recognized her husband's authority. Secretly being under his command always gave her a decadent thrill. But this time her choice to be naked under her skirt was not by her husband's instructions.

Jennifer tried to convince herself that she had forgotten to put them on due to lack of sleep. But deep down she knew that she had left her panties on the bed on purpose, simply because Hannah had told her to. Why had her secretary made such a strange request? And why on earth had Jennifer obeyed?

The meeting dragged on late into the evening, and there were many times that Jennifer felt overwhelmed. She was uncharacteristically unfocused. Luckily, Hannah was there and consistently handed her the necessary documents at the right time.

"That went well," Hannah said as they walked back to the hotel after the meeting. "You were very decisive. I doubt they will ever question your authority."

Jennifer blushed slightly at the compliment. "Oh, thanks Hannah. But today I couldn't have done it without your help."

"Is something bothering you?"

"Uhm, no. I just slept a poorly. It happens sometimes when I'm away from home."

Hannah nodded understandingly. "I see. Hopefully, you'll sleep better tonight—let me know if you need anything."

"Yeah, OK," Jennifer said, and surprised herself by giggling nervously. She felt like a complete idiot. What she really needed was something for which she couldn't ask.

When they reached the hotel, Hannah followed Jennifer to her room, carrying her briefcase.

"Thanks," Jennifer said, holding the door for her secretary. "I'll see you in the morning."

Hannah put down Jennifer's belongings and began to leave. She paused as she passed Jennifer. To Jennifer's utter shock, she felt Hannah's hand reach up and roam over her ass.

Hannah leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I see that you went without panties today, Mrs. Turner."

Jennifer was stupefied. She knew she should slap Hannah's hand away and demand that she stop this outrageous behavior. But she remained frozen.

She nodded softly. "Yes, Miss Hannah."


And, just as abruptly, Hannah removed her groping hand and continued out the door. She turned, meeting Jennifer's bewildered stare.

"If you find you can't sleep tonight, don't hesitate to come over," Hannah said, continuing with the mere hint of a sly grin on her face. "You know, for a drink or something."

Jennifer stood frozen in place. For a long time, she couldn't even bring herself to close the door. In a state of confusion, she watched as Hannah disappeared down the corridor. But, even in her bewildered state, Jennifer felt a familiar sensation manifest—the thrill of submission.

She had never felt this desire for anyone but her husband. How could Hannah know her boss would respond so compliantly to her impudent advances? Jennifer had never hinted to anyone about her predilections. Had Hannah really figured this out just by finding the paddle?

These questions were still spinning in her head as she lay in bed later. Her husband had again emailed to say he had gone to bed early. There would be no opportunity to confide in him tonight. And maybe it was for the best, since she truly didn't know what to say. Watching the clock anxiously, she kept shifting in bed while trying to get comfortable.

Her secretary's words echoed in her head. That invite to visit Hannah in her room for a drink or something felt increasingly tempting. After failing to go to sleep for over an hour, Jennifer's body acted as if on autopilot. She dressed quickly and walked into the corridor. She justified it by telling herself another sleepless night would negatively affect her work performance. Perhaps a drink to settle her mind would help. But her escalating heart rate revealed other expectations. She knocked gently on Hannah's door.

"Come in, Mrs. Turner."

Hannah didn't look surprised in the slightest to see her boss. Jennifer followed her inside without uttering a word. Hannah sat down by a small table and crossed her legs confidently. On the table sat two glasses and Jennifer's favorite whiskey. She poured the drinks and handed one to Jennifer.

Jennifer accepted it and took a sip. But she remained standing, spellbound by her secretary's appearance. The nightgown she was wearing left her long slender legs exposed. It was made of a material so sheer that Jennifer could clearly see her secretary's protruding nipples. Jennifer lowered her gaze as she realized she was staring.

Hannah gave her a confident stare, and made no attempt to cover herself. "You're not here for a drink, are you?"

Jennifer stood quietly, paralyzed by the implication of Hannah's words. The tall blonde stood, took Jennifer's glass and placed it on the table.

"You're wearing the same skirt," she said matter-of-factly. "I assume you are still without panties."

Jennifer's body trembled with excitement. But, she couldn't master any words.

"Show me," Hannah said, impassively. It was a simple command, but it spoke volumes about the shift in power which had just occurred between the two women.

Jennifer gasped and her eyes opened wide. She looked up and tried to meet Hannah's unwavering gaze. The piercing blue eyes that met hers made Jennifer swallow and struggle for control over her own body. She fidgeted nervously with the fabric of her skirt.

"It's OK," Hannah continued as she casually sat back down. "You can turn around."

Hannah spoke in a way that made it sound as if she was doing Jennifer a favor. The whole scene was surreal. Jennifer's sweet secretary was ordering her to prove that she remained naked under her skirt. An alarming voice of reason screamed at her in the back of her mind. Surely, it was time to put a stop to this wayward behavior.

But Jennifer found the order impossible to resist. The confident stare, the calm yet demanding voice, the caring warmth that smoldered under her domineering aura... Hannah seemed to know precisely how to push Jennifer's buttons. Slowly, Jennifer turned. Her hands shivered as she reached for the hem of her skirt. She hesitated a moment, and fought the urge to please her secretary. But her hands acted on their own accord and pulled up the skirt, exposing her naked ass to Hannah. Jennifer heard a soft yelp, and realized only afterwards that it was her own excitement which had escaped her mouth.

Hannah said nothing; the room was quiet but for the sound of Jennifer's trembling breath. She had no idea how long she stood there, passively presenting her round ass to Hannah, but it felt like an eternity. And when she finally heard Hannah stand, Jennifer's heart raced in anticipation. She felt Jennifer approach and, finally, the blonde girl's breath on her neck.

"Grab the table," Hannah whispered.

Jennifer was too submerged in obedience to muster any trace of protest. She shifted and placed her hands on the table with her skirt gathered at her hips. Again, Hannah let her wait, and Jennifer sensed the scrutinizing gaze on her ass. She felt totally exposed.

And then, equally startling and anticipated, she felt a familiar sting when Hannah's hand landed firmly on her ass. Jennifer wailed with shock and gratification. A few seconds later, she felt a second blow, this time on the other cheek. Jennifer's body heaved from the impact. Hannah continued to spank her boss with steady blows. Reason had flown out the window, and Jennifer's mind spiraled further into the tormenting felicity of submission.

When Hannah eventually stopped, Jennifer felt an urge to beg for more. She peeked pleadingly over her shoulder. The steady gaze that met her assured her that it wasn't over.

"Undress for me," Hannah ordered.

Without a whimper of protest, Jennifer straightened her back and began to unbutton her blouse. But, Hannah stopped her.

"No. Face me." The tone of Hannah's voice was uncompromising.

Jennifer turned and found herself unable to meet Hannah's eyes. She looked down at her fingers as they struggled with one button after the other. The blouse soon fell from her shoulders. Jennifer stood for a moment, as Hannah's eyes raked over her half-naked body. A red lace bra pushed up her ample breasts, pleading for attention. The skirt around her waist just barely reached down to cover her most private details.

Jennifer knew what was expected of her and reached behind her back. Her hands were suddenly steady, as if her body had accepted her fate. She unhooked the bra and let it fall to the floor, leaving her breasts exposed before her secretary. The blonde stared intensely at her heaving chest. Had she previously wondered about her boss's breasts? Was she pleased now that they had been presented in all their glory? Jennifer arched her back, allowing her erect nipples to proudly return Hannah's penetrating gaze.

"And the skirt," Hannah said calmly.

Without hesitation, Jennifer unzipped it. She hadn't bothered to put on stockings after her quest for sleep failed. As the skirt fell to the floor, Jennifer stood naked but for a pair of black high heeled shoes. Hannah's eyes seemed to drink in the sight of Jennifer's nude body. Embarrassing though it was, Jennifer felt no desire to cover herself. She blushed as Hannah's gaze lingered at her neatly trimmed pussy. Jennifer's state of arousal was evident, as glistening droplets formed on her naked folds.

"Come," Hannah said, holding out her hand.

Jennifer accepted the invitation, and Hannah led her towards the bed.

"Take off your shoes."

Jennifer followed instructions and was left much shorter than Hannah, who looked down at her with intense confidence. Standing there naked in her secretary's hotel room, Jennifer felt highly vulnerable.

"Get on the bed," Hannah ordered. "On all fours."

Once Jennifer was in place, she heard Hannah moving about the room as she studied her submissive boss from different angles. Jennifer couldn't bear to look at her and hung her head in shame. How could she have allowed herself to end up like this? And why did she have to desire it so much?

Her train of thoughts was abruptly derailed as she felt a sharp slap on her ass. She yelped, throwing her head back. Her mouth fell open, as if wanting to speak. But no words came forth. Her body's response was instinctual, arching her back to silently beg for more.

She didn't have to wait. Hannah continued her spanking and the pace quickened. Jennifer felt her breasts sway beneath her as her body moved with each slap. She moaned constantly, savoring the pleasure and pain. As the spanking intensified, Hannah began to add soft caresses, soothingly rubbing the area after spanking it. This combination of tender care and strict punishment was exactly the domination Jennifer desired, and it pushed her even deeper into erotic submission. Her pussy screamed for attention, but by her own rules she wasn't allowed to stroke herself without permission. Hannah seemed to read her mind, and after a series of intense slaps, she stopped.

"Turn over," she commanded. "Lie on your back."

Jennifer felt confused but followed her instructions. She looked up, submissive excitement flowing through her body. Standing next to the bed, Hannah stared down at her with intense eyes. Jennifer's desire was all-consuming.

"Go on."

Jennifer was hesitant at first and overcome with shame as she realized what an exposed position she was in. But Hannah's demanding eyes were impossible to refuse. Jennifer's hand hesitantly wandered down to her throbbing pussy. She moaned as her fingers made contact with her wet lips. Eager hips rose to meet her hand. Her clit craved attention, and it didn't take long before she was rubbing herself towards ecstasy. She whimpered and closed her eyes in an attempt to better focus on her pleasure.

"No!" Hannah said sharply. "Look at me."

Jennifer yelped and she couldn't tell herself if it was a subdued protest or an expression of gratitude. But she obeyed nonetheless. While keeping her eyes locked on Hannah's, she continued to pleasure herself. As Hannah stood by the side of the bed, she looked down at Jennifer impassively with her arms crossed. It was as if this was a normal occurrence for her, watching her boss shamelessly rubbing herself in heat. Jennifer was overcome with a desire to please the strict blonde, and she spread her legs wide as she continued to roll her fingers through her slippery folds. Her other hand wandered to her breasts. She groped herself and pinched her desperate nipples.

A mere hint of excitement in Hannah's blue eyes spurred Jennifer to push further. She slid two fingers inside her sopping wet pussy. The other hand ferociously rubbed her throbbing clit. Frenzied moans filled the room, and Jennifer's hips bucked against her hands as she fucked herself.

"Go on," Hannah said. "Come for me."

As always, Jennifer followed instructions. Eyes locked with Hannah's, she screamed out in pleasure as she lost what little control she had over her body. She felt utterly exposed, and that sensation amplified her ecstatic release was amplified by the feeling of complete exposure. Jolts of rapture flowed through her body.

As the orgasm subsided, she panted through the aftershocks. Slowly, she came back to her senses and was overcome by embarrassment.

"Oh, what have I done?" she groaned in shame, rolling away from Hannah to avoid her probing eyes. "This was a huge mistake!"

She felt the bed move as Hannah joined her. To Jennifer's surprise, the blonde moved in close and tenderly spooned her.

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