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Accidental Porn Star

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Film casting leads to becoming an accidental porn star.
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The groundwork had been done. The adverts had been posted and the hotel suite booked for today's casting. The room was on the top floor but not too expensive or ostentatious. We had set up the master bedroom to look like a schoolroom, together with a blackboard and an old-fashioned school desk. The bed was pushed to one side, but was still available if required.

The lighting was set up and we had a clothes hanger full of school uniforms of various sizes for the girls to wear. The adjacent smaller bedroom was to be used for the girls to get changed and do their make-up.

Steve and myself had done this before in other towns, so the format was pretty much set. We were looking for young women who wanted to earn some good money to act in our low-budget sex film loosely based on a St. Trinians theme. It did not matter if the girls did not have any acting experience as we are not looking for the next Hollywood superstar. On the contrary, it is preferable if they had little or no acting experience at all.

The advert we put out was fairly basic, aimed to generate interest from girls who want to earn good money to take part in a modelling/film project with auditions taking place in their town or city.

Once we receive enquiries from interested girls, we weed out any time wasters and then send out form for the girls to complete and send back. We ask for a few pictures to be sent to us along with basic stuff like age, height, weight etc. We try to keep the exact nature of our project under wraps until we have chance to see the girls face-to-face so we can explain more fully, and in a confidential environment.

For this afternoons' session we had already sifted through the applicants and had chosen three of the best-looking girls to interview and screen test. The photographs they sent in were not great quality, but we tend to find that as long as the photos have not been enhanced with filters, the girls almost always look better in person.

Half an hour later, Penny arrived at the hotel for her casting and made her way to where we had placed our signs. She was just 19 years old, and her lightly freckled face made her look innocent and cute. She was wearing a short, flirty summer skirt and her piercing blue eyes and her lithe body looked as if was made for sex. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back. From her resume she was 5' 7" tall and had a lovely pair of full, perfectly shaped breasts, a thin waist and a gorgeously trim little bum. Penny looked like every man's fantasy girl and we immediately recognized that she would look fantastic on film.

I kissed her hand and introduced Steve and myself as I showed her in and asked her to make herself comfortable and sit in the middle of a black, leather sofa. It was intentionally a little intimidating for her to sit there in front of the cameras and two guys but this was an audition.

"Well, good afternoon, Penny. Wow, you look even better than your pictures. Very nice."

"Thank you," she replied along with a little blush.

"How are you feeling about today?"

"Pretty good, but a little nervous."

"That's natural. Make yourself comfortable and I'll go through a few questions, we'll take it from there."


She had brought a shoulder bag which she put on a chair and I asked if she wanted a drink (alcoholic or otherwise). She asked me if we had a gin and lemonade. She looked a little bit nervous, so I poured her a large measure and plopped in some ice cubes for good measure. I thought the alcohol would help her to relax.

I explained that I would ask her a few questions on camera if she agreed. She nodded her head. Steve put the interview camera on its tripod and turned on the lights.

"We are ready to start." I told her as Steve hit 'record' on the camera and sat down to watch. I sat in a chair across from her.

"Okay, what do you want me to do as she stood up?" Penny asked in a nervous, somewhat uncertain voice.

"Just be yourself and please sit down. I'm going to have a conversation with you and we will record it. I'll send this to the producer for him to see but I'll also make a recommendation. Just be yourself."

"Okay, I can do that." Penny said, sitting down in front of me.

I checked out her legs as she sat down and crossed them. I didn't quite see all the way up to her panties though! I got my clipboard ready to take notes.

"Let's start with you telling me a little bit about yourself."

"Okay, well, my name is Penny. I'm nineteen, almost 20 years old and I want to get into modelling or acting....what else would you like to know?" She asked.

"That's a good start. Tell me about your background. Have you got a boyfriend? What jobs have you done. That sort of thing." I prompted.

"Okay, I grew up here in this city and I don't have a boyfriend at the present time, we split up a few months ago. I have done a few boring jobs waitressing, bar work and that kind of thing but nothing very exciting." Penny answered.

"Ah, so if you are wanting excitement, you have definitely come to the right place!" I added smiling at her.

She smiled back and nodded her head in agreement.

"That's what I was hoping," she replied.

"So, you want to be a model/actress?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm looking for, anything at the moment. I've tried several agencies but keep getting fobbed off and can't even get an interview. They say there are hundreds of girls like me looking for this kind of work. I'm sure I can be a good model or actress I just need one chance." She replied.

"Believe me, I see a lot of young women like you, who just need a chance. Like they say, there is a lot of competition. On the other hand, everyone is looking for that someone who has 'the X-Factor'."

"I'm sure that can be me. I just need a chance to prove it," she almost pleaded.

"You have beautiful skin and hair and obviously keep in shape. Your face is very pretty and you are tall, so you have all the makings to be a good model. I'm surprised that nobody has taken you onto their books." I said with all sincerity.

"Thank you, you are very kind" she added.

I gave Penny a brief outline of what we wanted from her i.e. some photos, some video and some idea of what roles she was prepared to audition for.

"Can you tell me some more about the film?" Penny asked me.

"Sure, we are looking to shoot a 'St Trinians' sexy parody movie for our internet clients." I replied.

"Wow, that sounds exciting."

"The script is written and it will be set in a school. It is based on a class of rowdy, over 18 schoolgirls that get into various sexy escapades, a bit like a St. Trinians film, but aimed at the adult internet porn market.

"Porn? Is it porn?" Penny looked a bit taken aback at this comment.

"Relax, it's not hardcore stuff, but the script calls for some sex scenes involving topless, full nudity and simulated sex scenes. There will also be some sex fantasies that are pretty hot. This film is a great opportunity for you to get into modelling or the film industry and it may well open other doors to a lucrative career. What do you think Penny, is it what you want?"

She looked hesitant, so I ramped up the pressure.

"Look, if you think this is not for you and you don't want to take part, we thank you for your time and the door is over there. We have a few other girls to see today and from the information they have given us, they are all pretty eager to audition for these roles."

To gild the lily, I showed her an indication of the eye-watering fees that were on offer. Her face suddenly lit up but I could see that she was still not convinced.

"Unfortunately, we don't have much time to pull all this together so we need to get the right girls into the right parts for the film pretty quickly."

"So, what are the roles are you looking for today?" Penny asked.

"Well, we need a more actresses to play the sexy schoolgirls. There is an opening for a main character and there are some non-speaking parts. We have some roles already filled."

"Do you have to be an actress to audition, because I'm not really experienced?" She asked.

"No. For this film we are happy to take on new-comers. We want to give people a chance but time is moving on and we need to start short-listing pretty soon. Are you interested?"

"Yes, I am. I mean, if you think I would be a good fit." Penny said hesitantly.

"Yes, I do. Do you want to audition for us today then?" I asked.

"....if I did manage to get a part in the film, when would I get paid?" she asked. "I really need the money!"

"Payments will be made once the film is released as that is when we get our share of the fees from the distributor." I pointed out.

"The size of the fee is based on the role you play in the film. We have parts for non-speaking 'extras' who don't strip off, but they will obviously get paid much less than the characters who do."

"I really need the money so I'll give it a try. After all, I've got nothing to lose!" she quietly replied.

"OK if you are in agreement, please can you sign this model release form."

I passed Penny our standard bunch of release forms and asked for ID to verify her age. Nobody ever read the legal waffle, good job because it was very one-sided in our favour! Once she had signed it, I decided to open up the questions to see what her limits are.

"Okay Penny, we need to get a feel for which of the roles you will be suitable for. Tell me, do you like porn?"

She blushed, and looked down, avoiding eye contact as she replied, "I enjoy watching some porn on the internet."

"What kind do you watch?"

"I've watched a lot of younger women with older men, stuff with two girls and a bit of BDSM."

"Good, good."

"When did you lose your virginity?"

"I lost it at a party a year ago."

"How many sexual partners have you had?"

"Only two."

"Have you ever got naked for anybody's mobile phone camera?"

"Er.....I filmed myself having sex with my ex-boyfriend a few times."

"And, sexually, what do you like to do the most?"

"Er.......I quite like giving head ......and .......dressing up for sexual fantasies."

This was music to my ears and I already had an erection.

"If you are in agreement, and as you like dressing up for fantasies, we will take some photos of you in one of the school uniforms we be using in the film. This will give us an idea on how you would look if you got a part. A dress rehearsal if you like!"

Penny smiled. "I can do that!"

As a goodwill gesture, we will send you some of the pictures for free, so you can use them in your model portfolio if you don't already have one."

"No, I don't have one yet."

Penny looked happy to be getting some professional photos for free.

"Okay, so I can audition?" She asked.

"Yes of course! Pick out a school uniform in your size from off the clothes rail. You can use the bedroom to get changed. You will find stockings, underwear etc. on the bed and there are some high heels on the shoe rack. There is make up on the dressing table if you need it (she really didn't)."

Once Penny had got changed into the uniform she had mentally committed to the project. Steve and I set up the soft box and a couple of different lighting and waited for her to emerge from the bedroom.

As she stepped back into the main hotel room and I momentarily froze and my mouth dropped open. Penny looked absolutely fucking fantastic. She had a naturally pretty, young face but dressed in our sexy schoolgirl uniform she looked so innocent and yet so orgasmically beautiful!

She wore black patent stiletto shoes and black stockings with an old-fashioned seam down the back of her stunning long legs. Black suspenders were attached to the stocking tops which peeking tantalisingly just below her short -pleated navy-blue skirt. Crisp white shirt, blue and yellow striped tie, Navy blue blazer with yellow piping and a straw boater. She had also tied her blonde hair into a pony-tail to accentuate the schoolgirl look.

Once I had regained some composure, I tried to sound professional and explained to Penny that models need to feel comfortable in order to work, and if they are tense, they can't perform to the best of your ability. I offered her another large gin which she willingly took from me and swigged back a couple of large mouthful for courage.

Steve was shooting the stills so just watched. He started with a few head and face shots. She looked stunning was naturally camera-friendly so it was not too difficult to get good shots of her. Steve got her to smile, pout, laugh and pull faces which helped Penny to relax. He moved on to full length shots and asked her to lift her skirt to show her stocking tops and suspenders. Her legs looked long and sexy and she warmed to the compliments Steve and myself were giving her. He then asked her to turn around and show her bum to the camera. Growing in confidence she flipped up her skirt and bent forwards, revealing her shapely bum covered in tight white panties. Steve snapped away whist I did my best to hide my bulging crotch. We had both photographed many girls in the past and Penny was right up there with the sexiest and best looking of them all. Oh, the joy of having this sexy young teenager showing off her white cotton panties was sublime.

"You are easily capable of going for one of the highest paid roles in the film but you must understand that we would need to see how you look naked for the camera. Would you be willing to show some skin to get a starring role?" I asked.

"I...I'm not too sure yet."

I could see she was still torn between the huge incentive of the money and having to strip off for us.

"I understand it's not the easiest thing, to get naked for the camera, but if you don't want to..........."

She thought for a moment and added,

"Okay, if I got a really good part, I'd probably be willing to take my clothes off. It is for a film after all," she answered. "Do these characters show everything?" She asked.

"Yes, all the main characters do in at least one scene. Would you be okay with that?" I asked.

"I'm okay being topless. I'd have to think about being fully nude." She answered.

"Unfortunately, we have to know today. If the role requires it, we need to know you are okay with it."

"Okay, I will do it." She answered after thinking about it for a second or two.

"Okay great. Enjoy it, it will be fun," I said.

"Penny, what I need you to do right now is to take off your blazer, remove your tie and unbutton your school shirt."

"Pardon?" Penny asked.

"Please unbutton your shirt." I said again.

"Must I?" She asked.

"Yes, we need to see it for the camera."

"Just unbutton it right?" She asked.

"No, I need you to unbutton it and then slowly take it off. I need to give the producer a good look at your body so he can make a decision."

Penny unbuttoned her white shirt and slowly took it all the way off. She wore a cute white bra underneath but stood with her arms crossed in front of her front.

"Please relax and put your arms down, we need some shots of your body, it is a sexy film."

Penny relaxed and dropped her arms down to her side.

"That is perfect. Now I need you to turn around." I told her.

"Perfect!" I told her as she faced away from me. "Now unfasten your little school skirt and let it fall to the ground."

Penny unzipped her skirt but held on to it before letting it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and kicked it to the side.

"Perfect, this is great." I told her.

The rear view of her long stockinged legs with the suspender belt and her white panties that had just ridden between her peachy arse cheeks was sublime.

"You want me to stay facing away from you?" She asked.

I allowed time for Steve to take a few photos before answered.

"Actually, turn toward me now and take off your bra."

Penny hesitated. She turned to face me but looked like she didn't know what to do.

"It's okay, it's only for the producer. He isn't going to hire you if he doesn't see everything. I bet you go topless on holiday," I said.

Penny nodded slowly then reached behind her back to unclip her bra but then panicked and held it in place over her tits. I gave her a nod that she needed to put her arms down. She slowly pulled it off, placing it on the sofa with her skirt. She had magnificent tits, lovely and round with nipples that were quite long and made for sucking.

"Those are gorgeous tits. What size are they?"


"Come closer so I can make sure they are all natural and not enhanced."

It was obviously a ploy to touch her tits but she followed my instructions I caressed her gorgeous boobs for a moment and tweaked her long nipples between my thumb and forefinger. They hardened and seemed to grow even longer. She closed her eyes and I could tell that she was quite nipple-sensitive. I couldn't explore that road just yet!

By now, she was more relaxed and beginning to enjoy being on display for us. Steve shot more pictures of her hands on her stockings tops and her lovely white cotton panties.

"Okay, I need you to sit on the chair for us now." I told her.

"Lie this?" Penny asked sitting upright on the chair wearing only her panties, stockings and suspenders and high heels.

"Can you lean back on the chair?" I asked her.

"How about this?" She sat on the edge of her seat and pushed out her legs in front of her.

"That's perfect Penny. Okay, so there is a scene in the movie where the main character fancies the dishy student teacher and masturbates under her desk in class in front of him. She is on the front row so nobody can see her except the teacher. He gets all flustered and has to have a wank behind his desk."

If you want to be considered for this role, I'm going to need to see you play with yourself as if I am the student teacher." I told her.

"Masturbate. I don't think I can do that." Penny said looking around and thinking.

"Of course you can. You have done really well so far and are definitely in with a chance of a part. There are only a few more things left for us to see. This masturbating scene is critical." I told her.

"Okay, I guess I can."

Penny leaned back and began to rub her pussy over her panties whilst Steve filmed her.

"Try it with your hands inside your panties and finger yourself. Remember you are trying to turn on the teacher!" I told her.

Penny slipped her hand in the top of her panties and rubbed her finger over her pussy lips, then inside. Steve shot from different angles as she continued to play with herself, eyes half-closed in concentration.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm doing this."

She noticed me lustfully gazing at her.

"Do you like watching me?" Penny asked.

"Er, it's my job, but yes I do." I answered honestly.

By now the bulge in my jeans was so noticeable that Penny giggled and pointed at it, asking in a childish voice

"Oh, did I do that?"

I just smiled and nodded.

"It is normal for me to get this horny when filming young hot girls like you. It shows you are doing a good job!"

She blushed and laughed.

"I can't believe how wet I am getting." She replied.

I went to my bag, got a small vibrator and returned to her.

She pulled her hand out of her damp panties so I turned it on and lightly touched her clitoris through her panties with the tip of the vibe. She reacted immediately. I felt her tense-up and her breathing deepened. I proceeded to rub the vibrator over her panties but traced up and down her pussy lips. I pulled her panties to one side, turned the speed up and pressed it against the little hard nub of her clit. I could smell the musky scent of her arousal as she continued to move her hips and eventually lost control of her body to the vibrations on her delicate parts. She was very close having a powerful orgasm but teasingly I stopped and paused for a moment to let her catch her breath.


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