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"Advice" A Mother Seducing Her Son


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4. What if he simply looks at you at some point, and gets cocky, and makes a very sexually suggestive remark, or cocky and blatant proposition. Well, that depends on you. Do you prefer the overly cocky approach, or would you rather he be more romantic in his approach? If you like the approach, you got what you wanted, so all you need to do is accept his advances.

However, if you would prefer he be more sweet, and romantic, then let him know this. You still want to smile, and be seductive. Just smile, and say that he can have what he wants, but that you respond better to a softer, sweeter, more romantic approach. Then get right up to him, and put a soft his on his lips. Then ask him if he would like to take you out on a date.

While on the date, if he is acting sweeter, and more romantic, show him that his new approach is working. Tell him that if he is trying to romance you out of your panties, it's working.

5. You discover a porn collection, electronic or otherwise, and notice he has a preoccupation with older women. Don't admonish him. Encourage it, and then say something to the effect that you should be so lucky to have a hot young guy like him, find you to be sexy, and want to take you to bed.

If his mind wasn't already headed in that direction, it will be now. If it was already, he will be encouraged to go further. One night, while cuddling with him, while he is watching TV, you can ask him about an older actress in the movie. Is he sexually attracted to her? Play along with him on this. Encourage his interest in older women. Ask what he likes about older women.

If he seems to be hiding what his preferred look in an older woman is...assume it is you he's most interested in, and thus his preference is women who look like you. You can then test this, and while you have him trapped on the couch, look into his eyes and ask if he has ever fantasized about you?

He is likely to act shocked, and deny it, but don't believe him...just look at him as if you can see right through his deception...and say, " (gasp) You have!" Then smile really big, and tell him, "I'm very flattered, and totally OK with that."

And as always, make it about your not feeling as confident about your looks as you would like to be.

If he is bold, and says that he has, you can still gasp, and then say, "You have?" a you enjoyed hearing that, but can't believe it's true. Again, you show him that you liked hearing that.

Either way, you can use this as a segue into offering to dress sexier for him, if he would like that. Tell him that for a woman, seeing a man look at her with hunger in his eyes, always does wonders for her confidence. You can then push things with little, personal fashion shows, wearing sexy dresses, bikinis, and lingerie.

If he is bold enough to either say that he prefers women that look like you, or you notice that the women he says are his favorite, tend to look like you in some major way, such as they are all blond, and you are blond, or they all have big boobs, and you have big boobs, or their face is similar then point out how they are just like you. At some point, note the similarity, and as above, ask if he has ever fantasized about you, and do the same things as noted above.

6. Now this one might be the scariest of all. What if there has been a lot of flirting, and innuendo, and maybe even some touching and caressing during movie night, etc... Everything seems to be going fine, and he confronts you, out of the blue.

He is the bold type, that confronts things head on. He has gotten the impression that you are flirting with him, and he wants to get everything out in the open. He wants to know what is going on. He wants to know what you expect from all of this. He may even flat out ask if you are trying to get him in bed, can't tell whether it is what he wants, or if he is spooked, and is calling you out.

If you think he is spooked, or weirded out...Don't Panic.

You can softly put this back on him in a way that makes him feel responsible, and at the same time, he will feel the need to make a move, or bring an end to it. You tell him that you felt his eyes on you, or in some way you felt that he was attracted to you, and at first, it shocked you. But you love him, so you didn't want to make an issue out of it, and yes, it felt incredible to be the object of his interest.

After awhile, he broke down your resistance to the idea, and you allowed yourself to really enjoy what you thought was his sexual attraction, and eventually, you totally accepted it, and even became open to the idea of it, and don't think you would have told him no. You can even add in that it appears that you were sorely mistaken, and it was foolish to think that a young guy as hot as he is, would ever think she's sexy.

Trust me on this...he loves you, and this will make him feel protective of you, at a minimum.

If he does want to go to bed with you, he will feel emboldened to admit that you don't have to feel crushed by thinking he didn't want to. He may even ask if you would still not be able to tell him no. Tell him that you could not resist him if he tried to make love to could not tell him no.

If he doesn't want to, he will feel it is his fault for leading you on, and want to make it up to you. It will bring the two of you closer, and you can both agree to just go back to how things were...normal. You make him promise that he won't act weird around feel like you both became closer, and you want that to continue. He will want the same. You've lost nothing, and gained a closer relationship with him.

He may even decide later that he has had a change of heart, and does want to make love to you. If you detect that he is trying to feel you out on this...he's not shit testing you...he's trying to simply find out if you will let him change his mind, and make love to you.

He may say he wants to talk about that whole thing...and I assure you that if he does this...if he at some point, wants to dredge it all up, it's because he has decided that he made a mistake, and now wants that sexual relationship with you. If he doesn't want that, he would never dredge it back up.

He's not trying to trick you. He's not trying to make sure you still don't want to. He's trying to figure out if you still wouldn't stop him if he initiated anything. This would require you to be somewhat bold. You put it back on him.

You tell him that it was he who sparked the idea in your mind, the first time...started you down that path...and then you tell him that it terrified, and hurt you when he backed off it. You tell him that he has to decide what he wants.

Tell him that you have found it hard to completely back off of still think that if he initiated anything, you don't think you would be able to resist him, or tell him no. Fluff up his ego...say this is because you love him too much, and he is just too damned sexy. Trust me on this...most guys, even good looking guys, never hear something like that enough.

It will have a positive effect on him. As will touching and caressing him, a lot, if he has physical touch high on his love languages. If it is his primary, or secondary love language, he is starving for physical affection...I assure you of that. That is, unless he has a girlfriend who won't keep her hands off him...but even then, he would still likely enjoy being touched by you.

By the way, if you do those quizzes...don't do the one for singles. Only use the ones for couples. It's basically the same questions, but for the singles one, they word the questions weirdly. I found it off-putting. Dare I say...they came off as creepy in the singles quiz.

I think a good way to remember all of this is that it isn't that much different to seducing one of his friends. His friends might be wildly attracted to you, but would possibly need encouragement to make advances on you. And, while a friend who is more bold, might keep trying, if you softly admonish him for making a pass at you...your son likely will not.

If you rebuff your son, even if done softly with the hope that he will persist, it is very likely to make him feel foolish, and make him believe that you have no interest in sex with him, and so any advances he makes, will only end badly. Like it or not, you are going to have to make him feel confident enough to make advances, and keep making them.

While his friends may have at least a small belief that you will respond to flirting, or sexual advances...your son is more likely to believe that you will completely reject his flirting, or advances, and will always expect that with each step forward, you will put up a wall, and shut him down. He fears that, and fears feeling foolish when that happens. You have to keep encouraging him to take steps forward, by never giving the slightest hint that you want him to stop.

The only exception to this is that you can press the pause button, but not the stop button. Like I stated before, you can stop his hands moving, by placing yours on his, but don't push his hands away, or reposition them. Just keep your hand on his, holding his hand where it's at, for a while.

I read a story here, that really turned me on, because it seemed very believable. The mother and son went to dinner and a movie...on an actual date, and she wore a very sexy dress that showed off a lot of cleavage. While in the theater, the mother cuddled up to him, and eventually he couldn't resist making an advance. He started caressing her shoulder, and then kept testing the waters further.

When his fingers grazed over her breast, she had a sharp intake of breath, but didn't stop him right away. He continued to caress the exposed part of her breast for a few seconds, and then she put her hand on his...not removing it from her breast...just holding it in place, not allowing him to caress. After a while, she let his hand go, and eventually he started caressing again. After a minute, she again put her hand on his, and then she looked at him, and smiling said, "You are being very naughty. Bad boy."

But she didn't stop him...she was smiling...and she said it with a happy voice, not a mad, or stern voice.

Again, she let his hand go, and again, he got bold and started caressing, and then ventured under the edge of top of the dress...just a little bit. She let it go, and he became a bit more bold, going further under the cloth. Then she put her hand on his again, not removing his hand...just stopping forward progress. When her grip loosened, he pushed further, capturing her nipple.

This whole story really turned me on, because I put myself in the place of her son, and thought that yeah, if I were him, I would not stop either. I would be wildly turned on during the whole thing, and ravish her when we got home. The mother was, at the same time, stopping his progress, while sending clear signals that he should continue to proceed forward.

If it were you, and he does not become bold, once at home...get him to watch TV with you. get back in the same position, with his arm around you, with you wearing something that is a clear invitation for him to put his hand on your breast, again. Something that makes it easier than the dress did. Don't wear a T-shirt. wear something that allows him to caress the tops of your breasts again, and then slide his hand underneath.

If he is feeling your breasts, he wants to make love to you. So, when his fingers get to the point he is about to go under the cloth, be bold, and pull the cloth away to make plenty of room for his hand. You've won. He will be in your bed, and in you before sunrise.

It should not have to be said, but I will anyway...only do this with those of legal age to consent.

Good luck, and happy hunting.

OI8U2OI8U2about 2 months ago

From the title I thought this was written by a mother, or at least a female. I didn't finish the story when I found it was written by a male. A story like this written by a male is mostly conjecture.

OseekerOseeker7 months ago

I didn't read the whole thing because it wasn't as arousing as I was searching for.

But, the author is correct in much of what I did read.

If ANY female gives signs that touching her is OK that kind of encouragement results in sex.

Moms generally don't go for this kind of affection so if they give signs of taboo being OK with her it is a green light to go further.

My OWN mom was straight laced & actually kept me from knowing that ANY kind of sexual conduct was actually, she wasn't desirable to me as I was the youngest in the family and mom was rather matronly in my eyes.

But I bet she was a hottie in the early days.

Personally I never found any of MY family members desirable...

But I DO feel arousal from reading about it.

RanDog025RanDog0259 months ago

Thanks for the heads up commentors!

sgternestbilkosgternestbilko9 months ago

If you were not really interested in it why did you write it ??

Anyway I am interested in the subject. I did have fantasies about my own dad but not about my son. It was only after my husband told me that he was so horny for his own mum that my interest was sparked. It never occured to me that my own son would have been interested in me sexually. Of course, as he grew up I often admired my son maybe even partly sexally but only fleeting thoughts. Looking back, if I had known he was masturbating using me as a fantasy then I think I may have 'taken the plunge'.

So following on from this work. My advice would be a) find out if he is 'wanking himself silly'.... tissues ? wet socks ? stuffy smelling bedroom ? porn stash ? b) if he is, be casually physical with him. Casual touches. slightly revealing clothing. As a woman you will soon know if he is interested / you are the subject of his fantasies. He will make a move eventually. It may be subtle and you will have to make sure you do not rebuff him, but his hormoanes will drive him on. Looking back I would have loved to have made my son man, slowly and sensually .... showing him how to treat a woman.

Mojo648Mojo648over 4 years ago

Boring, felt like being back at school taking the sex education lesson, I was looking for a story.

Joebttm694UJoebttm694Uover 4 years ago
Your experience?

This sounds like something that you know about first hand?

Are you the Mother?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A mother's move for her son

You are right about how the vast majority of guys feel, teenage or otherwise. However, this will be excruciatingly hard for a shy woman and/or a woman with a strong moral compass. You write for a mother who knows herself well and absolutely KNOWS she wants to bed her son. If this is the case, then the advice is solid. If a woman THINKS she does, but is not sure, this will be a much longer and dangerous bridge to cross. Plus there are complexities even for willing sons that are impossible to fully address here.

I'd add that a big event in one's life, whether tragedy or comedy, is prime territory for this type of exploration.

Finally, constant encouragement is good, but it does not hurt--it usually helps to increase sexual tension and therefore, eventually, pleasure--by taking it relatively slow. Encourage but don't come off as a two-bit whore at least not until you are in bed.

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 4 years ago
An Instruction Manual

I found this to be written like a manual instruction booklet. This was very dry and not sexually stimulating at all. It was a well-written manual but it was an instruction manual.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Truly unique! Well written!

ekim22ekim22over 5 years ago

Kudos to the author - this is really well-written and it's a unique take in this genre, which is pretty rare now......most stuff is rehashed. While the instructions might be rehashed from stories, that's the whole point and it just works within the premise of the story itself. Really well done - I enjoyed reading this. I hope you write much more in this genre, I'll read it!

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