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Afro Stress Relief Ch. 16

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Whiteboy's AMIRAP journey delayed.
9.2k words

Part 15 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 10/19/2022
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Almost everyday I was accessing the AMIRAP bulletin board, searching for information and posting questions, however the main response I would get would always be 'everything will be clarified in the induction programme'. However, I did see raucous requests for events going on all over the country, and they would often say things like 'Two sluts, one fairy and one nancy-boy required for ten black males, starting at midnight', and these would be posted by people with names like 'Ebony King345', 'African Dick43', and they would get replies from users like 'Janet125', 'Sarah980' who would say things like 'Please consider me for the position of nancy-boy in your upcoming event, I am an experienced nancy-boy vessel in pleasing Afro-males with both my openings!'

It was very arousing to read some of the requests and even summaries of previous events such as, 'A great evening was had by ten black kings in Baltimore last Thursday, the venue was an old diner not far from the city center, AMIRAP had arranged 2 sluts, 2 fairies and 2 virgin vessels to attend, it was a great to see those white faggots getting used, and hearing them moan as they were stretched.'

One description I really liked was from a user called 'FloridaNigga4' who described getting five virgins and five nancy-boys for the Jamaican Independence Day celebrations and making the 'white bitch-boys' wear green, yellow and black make-up in honor of that day! The white sissies had to kiss the feet of all the black males at the event and then spent the next few hours on their knees, having lots of thick Jamaican man-meat thrust down their faggot throats! 'FloridaNigga4' described the final scene of the white fairies getting their bellies pumped full of Jamaican man-juice, whilst wrapped in the Jamaican flag! I masturbated to other similar stories with a nice big ebony dildo up my rectum!

As I became more familiar with the bulletin-board I found other sections, such as the competition section, which had descriptions of AMIRAP-run competitions such as best maid outfit, which involved white male volunteers dressing up in sexy maid's outfits and uploading their photos to the board. There were other competitions such as best Afro-cocksucker in Kentucky, best white boy rectum in Mississippi and other, equally erotic, competition titles.

Another section was the 'Semen store' which was an online store where you could get sent batches of medically frozen 100% AMIRAP-certified negro semen for twenty dollars, which could be taken orally or anally, and they even suggested using it as an appetizer at AMIRAP events for white male volunteers!

There was also an online 'Merchandize store' where white male volunteers could purchase a variety of AMIRAP items, naturally there was a lingerie section specializing in very slutty items for transvestites and sissies, all items were unbranded, but I personally thought my NONO outfits were better and sluttier. There were also a number of 'art' items, which included figurines of negro males with huge erect penises, paintings of black cocks, artistic photographs and posters of negro dicks!

One section that caught my attention was entitled, 'Finding a Partner', which had the following description 'AMIRAP believes our white male volunteers should have the happiness of companionship and solid foundation of a strong female relationship, AMIRAP has found with such relationships that white male volunteers have a much higher retention rate than those who don't have such relationships. Our Find a Partner gives you the chance to find that right girl who shares and understands your commitment to providing satisfaction to the Afro-male.' It seems in this particular section, you could add yourself to the 'available' list and those women who had signed up for this service, and the obvious implication was that these were 'blacked' white women, could select their appropriate white faggot boy partner who could assist them in their quest for big black cocks!

Another section was entitled, 'Friends of Inmates' with a description 'In association with AMPS, AMIRAP has a specialized programme to provide friendship, companionship and other specialist services for Afro-inmates of the federal prison system. AMIRAP strongly encourages all white male volunteers to engage in this specialist programme, AMIRAP expects its more experienced volunteers to have a number of such friendships. Note that all the documentation for scheduling conjugal visits is readily available, just contact your local branch office where everything can be arranged.'

The 'Friends of Inmates' section made me think about Duke and his prison wife, Josephine, and I wondered if Josephine was an AMIRAP member, however, I wasn't sure I should sign-up to be a 'Friend' at this point and so decided to wait until my induction was complete. Although my tiny white penis was upright at the thought of being a 'prison wife' to a tough negro inmate.

As the weekend approached, I was beginning to look forward to my AMIRAP induction training, after reading the bulletin boards I felt I was more than ready, and willing, to do my part as an AMIRAP white male volunteer!

On Thursday evening I got a call from an unknown number and carefully answered my cellphone, saying, "Hello..."

"Hi Tina, its Darcy Johnston," a soft negro female voice responded, and I realized it was the Oklahoma AMIRAP Branch manager, who had recently interviewed me.

"Oh hello, Miss Johnston, can I help?" I submissively answered.

"Unfortunately we're going to have to delay our planned induction course this weekend, we've had an incident at our local branch office, someone has broken in and vandalized the front office!" Darcy Johnston said, in an angry tone.

"Oh wow, I hope no one was injured..." I replied, but shocked that the AMIRAP local branch had suffered a break-in, and added, "Did they steal anything?"

"Don't worry Tina, all our most important records are locked in a secure safe in my office overnight, and it doesn't look like anything has been taken, the place has just been ransacked!" Darcy Johnston pronounced.

"Oh dear, can I help?" I inadvertently asked, I didn't really believe I could help in anyway but it was more of a reflex response.

"Well yes, I want you to come down to the office early tomorrow and help clean up," Darcy Johnston demanded.

I could tell this wasn't a request, more an order, "Er...but I have to work tomorrow!" I stuttered.

"Look Tina, what is more important AMIRAP or your silly job?" Darcy Johnston asked in a frustrated manner.

I knew the answer should be AMIRAP and so quietly replied, "Yes, of course, Miss Johnston I'll come down tomorrow!"

"And come as Tina, I don't want no lame-assed white boys, I want proper AMIRAP white male volunteers! And I know you haven't been through the induction process but always refer to AMIRAP female operatives as 'Mistress', so tomorrow I'll be Mistress Darcy!" Darcy Johnston growled.

The next day, fully made-up as Tina, and wearing my NONO lingerie underneath my casual girl clothes, I drove down to the local branch office of AMIRAP. I'd made an excuse of having a family emergency to my boss, Jim, who had reluctantly agreed, although he did snidely add, "You seem to be having the same amount of family problems as your nigger staff!" Which got me angry as he was both insulting me and my Afro-hunks!

There were two other white women, wearing high-neck figure-hugging pink dresses, waiting outside the AMIRAP office, I realized they were both white male volunteers, well tranny faggots, like myself! I noticed they were both standing provocatively, each with one hand on their hip, which reminded me of how I was taught to stand when I was being a hooker! I noticed one of the trannies was wearing red stockings and red high-heel knee-length boots, whilst the other tranny had sky-blue stockings with sky-blue high-heel ankle-length boots, and both had long blonde wigs!

I wandered up to the other 'volunteers', and introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Tina, I've only just joined AMIRAP, do you know what's going on?"

"Oh hi honey, glad you could join us, it's good to see OKC finally producing some white bitch-boys. I'm Mabel and this is Rhonda," said the white tranny faggot in red boots, Mabel appeared older and was heavily made-up but still looked in good shape, he then added, "We're not sure but it sounds like some local u-turner has caused some problems!"

I remember Dr Jane using the term 'u-turner' to describe some mis-guided white boys who renounced their membership of AMIRAP and actively worked to discredit the organization and its aims.

"Yeah, there's always someone wanting to spoil it for the rest of us!" Rhonda grumbled.

"I heard it was some white boy who'd joined AMIRAP but his family forced him to leave, apparently they're active in the local white-supremacist scene, and it seems he was stupid enough to park in front of the building before putting on a ski-mask and breaking-in, the security camera recorded his license plate!" Mabel chuckled.

"Oh wow, are they going to get the police involved?" I asked, as I was nervous that this incident could spiral out of control!

"No, I think this white boy may just get a visit from some of the bruthas!" Mabel laughed.

I wanted to ask when was going to happen but at that point Darcy Johnston emerged from the AMIRAP office and ushered myself and the other sissies inside, where we could see the outer office was a real mess, Natasha's chair and desk were overturned and some of cabinets had been pushed over and there were lots of papers scattered on the floor. There was also some graffiti on the walls, saying things like, 'We Hate Niggers!' and 'Kill all white faggot race traitors!'

I could tell both Darcy Johnston and Natasha were very angry and Darcy Johnston announced, "Right, this was obviously done by white-supremacists, possibly the KKK, so you white bitches can clean up this mess created by your fellow white folks!"

Natasha picked-up a box and announced, "We're going to provide you with some overalls and gloves. Now please undress to your lingerie."

The other white male volunteers quickly removed their dresses, to reveal they were wearing very similar lingerie, both had expensive looking corsets, suspenders belts, garter belts and thongs, although Mabel's outfit was all red, whereas Rhonda's was all sky-blue. I removed my own casual feminine clothes to reveal my outfit of black stockings, suspenders and NONO-brand colored bra and thong. "Oh, what are you wearing?" Rhonda asked, looking shocked at my outfit.

"Erm..." I mumbled, but at that point Darcy Johnston interrupted us.

"Don't mind this bitch, he's only just joined AMIRAP and hasn't been through his induction!" Darcy Johnston explained, the other AMIRAP white male volunteers simply nodded but gave me some disgusted looks. "Now here are the overalls you are going to wear!" Darcy Johnston explained and began to hand out bright pink colored workmen's overalls and pink rubber gloves. Myself and the other trannies began to change into these workmen overalls but discovered that the legs only came down to just below our butt cheeks, and, it being AMIRAP, they were crotchless!

"Ha, ha, typical AMIRAP! Making us wear pink crotchless outfits! I'm surprized they didn't make us take off our thongs!" Rhonda laughed.

"Who wants to see our little white dicks!" Mabel responded.

At that point, Natasha came over, and handed each of us a pink PVC bondage cap, with metal studs on the peak which spelt out the words 'WHITE HOMO', "We haven't got any workmen's caps so we've found these 'special' caps from one of our previous AMIRAP events, and besides none of you can be described as workMEN, maybe work...SISSIES!" Natasha chuckled.

Darcy Johnston then produced a camera and told us to line for a couple of photographs, saying, "We're going to take some photos of you work-sissies clearing up the damage, and other things, we'll get them published on the AMIRAP boards but I'm also hoping we'll get some images put in some of our local black clubs! Maybe even some white clubs..." Darcy Johnston laughed at this point.

I was shocked that my photo may start appearing around clubs, especially white ones, I'd had enough problems with Joshua threatening to publish photos of me!

Natasha organized us into a line, telling us to put our left, gloved, hand on our hips and perform a salute with the right, gloved, hand! "Now smile, gurls!" Darcy Johnston chuckled and took a number of photographs, adding, "I know the picture caption, 'Three AMIRAP white homos reporting for duty, Sir'!"

After that Natasha had us do a number of different poses, including having me on my hands and knees, with Rhonda behind me on his knees and Mabel standing-up behind Rhonda. However, the most revealing picture was when Darcy Johnston photographed us from behind and we all had to pull our thongs to one side to reveal our well-used white faggot assholes, I was bright red with embarrassment.

All of us white trannies were soon clearing up the office in our 'work' outfits, overseen by Darcy Johnston and Natasha, some of the filing cabinets were overturned and one or two had their locks smashed and the contents had been scattered over the floor. Darcy Johnston announced that, as we were pathetic white sissy bitches, she was getting a 'real' man to help to do some of the tougher tasks such as moving and lifting the filing cabinets, fixing the broken doors and locks and such things!

I was surprized and I whispered to Mabel, "I'm sure we're 'man' enough to have moved those cabinets between us."

Mabel chuckled, and replied, "Honey, you've joined AMIRAP now, and that means you sure ain't a man anymore!" Although I was a bit stunned by Mabel's reply, I understood his sentiment, being a tranny slut for negro cock meant I was no longer considered a 'real man' just a white homo-fairy bitch!

I, Mabel and Rhonda continued with the clear up, and we also had to wash and disinfect the floor, as well as disinfect all the furniture and fittings as Natasha didn't want to have touch anything that a 'white cracker-bitch' may have touched! Natasha also noted that the perpetrator had urinated on some of the files that had been taken from the cabinets, and I was assigned to clear it and try to salvage what I could.

I disgustedly got on my hands and knees and cleaned up the urine and shifted through the damp pieces of paper, but I was soon shocked to discover that the file concerned was about Dr Jane and her activities for AMIRAP, I perused the damp sheets and saw that they contained reports from Dr Jane about possible candidates to be recruited as AMIRAP 'white male volunteers', unfortunately Natasha came over and told me to put all these documents into a plastic bag, before I had a chance to read them properly. I wondered if Dr Jane had 'targeted' me as a possible candidate for recruitment, but in my case she was correct in realizing that I was definitely an AMIRAP candidate!

After I finished cleaning up the urine-soaked floor, Darcy Johnston announced that a 'real' man would soon arrive and would complete the more difficult tasks, and that he was a fine black 'brutha' known as Buster.

Shortly afterwards the main entrance door was opened and a huge, muscular black hunk entered the room, I assumed this was Buster, he was bald and in his late thirties, but my tiny white penis instantly erected on seeing him!

"OMG! What a hunk!" Rhonda mumbled, adding, "I'm so hard for him!"

"I wish I wasn't wearing my thong, I'd love to show this Afro-stud how stiff my little dicklet is!" Mabel purred, Mabel then walked up to Buster, quickly followed by Rhonda, and asked, "Hello Sir, may I take your coat?"

"Uh! Yeah sure..." Buster grunted and handed his coat to Mabel.

"Would you like a coffee, Sir?" Rhonda asked.

"Nah, just a water will be fine," Buster grunted and wandered over to Darcy Johnston and Natasha.

Mabel quickly hung up Buster's coat, and Rhonda rushed to a nearby restroom and returned with a glass of water, and handed it to Buster with a little smile and curtsy.

"We've had these white bitch-boys doing the menial clean-up tasks, but we now need a real man to do the hard stuff," Natasha beamed.

"Yeah, these cracker bitches are only good for sucking nigga dick!" Buster chuckled, and proceeded to discuss with Darcy Johnston and Natasha about what he needed to fix, whilst Mabel, Rhonda and myself continued to do the 'menial' clean-up and gather and sort the scattered papers. After a few minutes Darcy Johnston announced, both her and Natasha would be leaving and only returning when everything was finished and that Buster was in charge!

Once the Afro-women had left, Buster started on righting the fallen cabinets and replacing the broken locks, after a few minutes, he stripped off his shirt to reveal his ribbed torso and muscular arms, my rigid little white penis was super-hard at this point! Buster continued to sort out the 'tough' tasks whilst we, sissy white boys, continued on the 'menial' tasks! After about an hour, Buster announced we could take a break, and told us to get him some more water, once again Rhonda scurried off to get a glass of water.

Buster sat on a chair, whilst drinking his water, and told us to gather round him and sit on the floor, "Now this kind of damage to Darcy Johnston and Natasha's office ain't cool, and I know you white trannies have been ordered down here to fix some of it as it was your own white-folks who did all this! But I think you also need to do some 'reparations' aswell!" Buster told us, in a menacing tone, but then chuckled and added, "First it's bare-butt beating time, now get those panties off and lay over my lap!" at this point Buster pointed to Mabel, who instantly giggled like a teenage girl and quickly got out of his works overall and pulled off his AMIRAP uniform thong to reveal a very erect tiny little white penis with surprizingly large testicles, Mabel was about to remove his cap when Buster stopped him, saying, "I like them hats on you WHITE HOMO bitches!"

"Of course, Sir!" Mabel giggled and lay over Buster's lap, Buster began by caressing Mabel's caucasian butt cheeks quite gently, but, after a minute, Buster started to slap Mabel's ass with zeal, I was surprized how long Mabel was able to withstand Buster's big negro hand slapping his white butt cheek, but eventually Mabel started to sob and pleaded with Buster to halt!

Mabel quickly got off Buster's lap once the butt cheek beating had stopped and was soon replaced by Rhonda who was soon on the receiving end of some harsh slaps! "Ouch! Please stop, Sir!" Rhonda was soon babbling like a little fairy! I couldn't believe how hard my own tiny white penis had gotten just thinking about the prospect of being over Buster's lap.

It wasn't long before I was bent over Buster's lap getting my vanilla ass cheeks reddened-up by Buster, I didn't manage to last as long as Rhonda before I was sobbing and begging Buster to stop!

"I love seeing you white bitch-hoes begging for mercy, it makes me so hard! Now take off my shoes and trousers!" Buster grunted. Rhonda and I started to remove Buster's shoes, whilst Mabel expertly udid Buster's trousers and quickly removed them, we three white tranny homos gasped as Buster's amazing ebony sex-tool was revealed! Buster's negro cock was like a huge piece of salami,, and it's length, although not big by ebony dick standards, was still a good seven inches, however it's girth was massive, it looked like a third leg, the cock head, which was barely visible, was surrounded by a thick foreskin! I instantly erected, as, I noted, did Mabel and Rhonda, at the sight of Buster's thick black cock!

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