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Agents of Pleasure Ch. 35

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Paige and Marie make up for lost time!
5.7k words

Part 35 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 08/26/2017
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The alarm went off at 6:00am the next morning; and when Paige turned over, Chad was laying there stretching and smiling. "Good morning, Cutie! How was your evening with the girlfriends?"

She rolled toward him and smooched his lips, "Pretty amazing, Charlie's little harem is magical; if you know what I mean!" When Chad nodded Paige added, "And by the way, when I was picking up lunch at Mannino's, Allie kinda invited herself to join you and me sometime! I think Charlie must have told her about our threeway a while back!"

"She did? Oh my God!"

The look on his face was so funny that Paige giggled, "Does that mean you want to?"

He smiled at her crookedly, "At the risk of seeming too eager, I'll let you make that decision." When Paige laughed, he continued, "I can afford to do that because I know what the decision will be!"

The redhead reached under the covers and felt for her husband's cock (which was soft,) "I thought for sure this idea would have hardened my awesome 'friend' here!"

Chad glanced at the clock, "I wish we had some time, but it's 6:15 and we have to get going."

"Yes, but first, tell me how your meeting went with the McCullers."

"Making a long story short, they wanted to change the blueprints."

"Huh? Now?"

"Yeah, they wanted to change a few of the entry doors to three of the rooms."

"That doesn't seem possible at this late stage."

"It was difficult, but we were able to hammer out a solution. That took a while; which is why I got home at 11:00 last night."

Just then there was a tiny knock on the door, and when they said "Come in," Jimmy and Jamie rushed in, jumped right up on the bed, and started jabbering.

It was one of those days when they just couldn't get going, and they ended up rushing the kids to school. Paige had to walk the girls in because they were tardy. But as soon as she sat down at her desk, the day turned glorious! The first email she opened was from the bank; Allie's offer of $95,000 on the two bedroom house had been accepted! Paige couldn't wait on this one; she called her immediately even though it was possible she would wake her up.

Allie answered on the second ring, "Good morning, Paige!"

"Good morning, you first time home-owner!"

"WHAT?" Allie screamed, "I AM?"

Paige was laughing, "Yes! You are!"

"They didn't even negotiate, huh?"

"No, your first offer was accepted. I'll let you know when they set the closing date."

Allie was still squealing with delight, "We should celebrate; don't you think?"

"Of course, get your group together and set something up! Chances are you'll close next week, so keep your schedule flexible."

"Oh I will, don't worry! Thank you Paige!"

"Allie, I'm so happy for you! And by the way, I told Chad about the fun you suggested; he's all for it!" Paige paused, "And so am I!"

"Oh Goodyyy! This day is starting out extra great!"

The redhead laughed, "Talk to you soon; congrats!"

The next ten emails were fairly routine; and by the time she made three of the required phone calls, it was just about time to leave for the appointment with Jorge and Gloria. She slipped the paperwork for all four listings into her briefcase and headed out. Reggie looked up from her desk and smiled, "Hey Paige, Such a fun day yesterday! Vickie wanted me to thank you again!"

Paige grinned back, "I slept so well lest night!"

She could have sworn Reggie blushed, "Us too, but hey, when will you be back?"

"Not until 2:00 I think; maybe we'll all get lucky and the Rodriguez's will bite on one of the first two."

"Well, my fingers are crossed; good luck!"

Because it was early, she stopped for three coffees at Polecki's Bakery. It was fairly crowded in there and Jane looked rushed. "You look like you could use some help, Jane!"

"Oh Hi Paige... yes, Friday and Saturday are our busiest days." Then she added with a wink, "I need a day off; maybe next week Sunday will help me unwind?"

The redhead caught her drift and decided to tease her, "Those big parties help you unwind? I would think they're a lot of 'hard' work!"

Jane laughed at the double entendre, "Everyone could use a good workout, right?" When Paige laughed, Jane said, "We could talk about this plan, but I'm gonna have to move you along."

Paige glanced at the three people waiting in line, then paid for the coffee, "Chad and I hope to make it; right now there aren't any obstacles."

"Excellent, to my knowledge we've never had any guests who didn't enjoy themselves."

"Of that I have no doubt; see you soon, Jane!"

Even though she stopped for coffee, Paige still got to the first address five minutes early. She pulled into the driveway and got out, then she set two of the drinks on the roof of the car. Taking a sip of hers, she did a quick scan of the property. This one was a three bedroom two bath house in the neighborhood just north of River Oaks. The price was right, and the house was newly constructed. She wasn't sure how the clients would feel about a new neighborhood with immature trees and freshly sodded lawns. She would find out soon enough because a black Lexus pulled into the driveway and stopped right behind her.

Jorge was the first out; he waved and smiled, "Hi Paige!" Opening the back door of the sedan, he unbuckled the car seat and lifted a two-year old boy out, "There ya go, Antonio; don't go too far!" Jorge was a good-looking Latino, about 5'10 and very fit. Black hair, dark eyes...he had it all going. Paige guessed he was in sales; pressed slacks, tailored shirt, looking like he had just taken his tie off.

Gloria got out next; and as she approached she held out her hand, "You must be Paige! We've heard nothing but good things about you from Becky and Wyatt!" Gloria was dressed casually, but she still looked beautiful, dark brown hair with blonde highlights; makeup just a bit overdone but not seriously. She had expensive looking denim jeans on that accented her figure with a cute jacket over a tank top. Whatever bra she was wearing did a nice job of highlighting her cleavage which was impressive!

Paige took her warm and friendly handshake and said, "That's nice to hear, and I'm very pleased that you and your husband are giving Hannigan a chance to work for you!"

Jorge walked up and said, "Wyatt told us the story of their condo; you got them set up before it was even listed?"

"Pure luck, as luck would have it," she replied.

"I doubt luck had anything to do with it, but..." he glanced at Gloria, then back at Paige, "he also said that you were the cutest real estate agent he'd ever seen!"

The redhead blushed, "That's nice to hear also!" She turned to Gloria, "Does he say that to all the female real estate agents in town?"

She laughed, "Actually no...only to the ones that are actually cute!"

Paige raised an eyebrow, "Ohhh, so you're a straight shooter, right Jorge?"

"For sure," he replied. He turned and called to his son, "Antonio, come back here!" Then he said to Paige, "But we'll stay professional today!"

Even though she was blushing again, the agent turned toward the house and said, "So this one is a three/two. What do you think of the neighborhood?"

Just as she suspected he might, Jorge said, "I'm not thrilled about the location; I would have preferred a more established community. What do you think, Glo?"

"I noticed that the elementary school is only three blocks away. That part I like. What are they asking for this one, Paige?"

"New construction, $245,000. I thought we'd start here because the next house on my list is only a half mile from here."

"Let's take a quick walk-thru and see," said Gloria. A "quick" walk-thru was an understatement; it was less than five minutes. When Gloria saw the kitchen, she said, "Let's move on, Jorge;" and to Paige she said, "Don't they make 'eat-in' kitchens anymore?"

Paige laughed, "Apparently not in this neighborhood!" She handed them a card with the next three addresses on it. "Let's go to the next one, okay?" She watched as Gloria turned, picked up Antonio, and carried him to the front door. Her jacket had ridden up when she bent over and it was perfectly obvious that her tush was gorgeous!

The redhead would not have thought she was staring; but apparently she did because from the side, she heard Jorge chuckle. As they walked to the door together, he quietly said to her, "Yeah, that ass is special, I agree!"

Paige turned, "What?"

"Gloria's ass, beautiful isn't it?"

The real estate agent blushed, "Your wife is very pretty!"

"I'm glad we agree!"

Paige thought, "So much for 'professional!'"

As she buckled her seat belt, another thought hit her, "Oh my God, I better be more careful; I didn't realize my reaction was noticeable."

She needn't have worried though; when they got out of the cars at the next house Gloria said, "Just so you know, Paige, I told Jorge he was an asshole for embarrassing you! I'm sorry!"

Paige looked at a grinning Jorge and said, "So, you told her."

He was going to say something, but his wife interrupted, "Yeah, he told me; like it was some big thing or something."

The redhead giggled, "Men...they just don't understand us!"

"Ya think?" Gloria laughed, "He's always saying shit like that, 'What did you think of so-and-so's ass? What did you think of THAT person's body?'" She looked at Jorge and added, "She's our real estate agent, you dumbass! What did you want her to say? 'Ohhh yesss, Jorge, What an awesome bum your wife has!'"

The way she said it was so funny, they all broke up laughing. Gloria finished saying, "Can we get back to the tour?"

The situation was about to be diffused when Paige said, "Great, let's do..."

But Jorge wouldn't let it die just yet, "Hold on a second, Glo," he interrupted, "Don't we all want to know what you said about HER ass?" He grinned again and said to Paige, "I'm quoting here, she thinks YOUR ass is 'perfection!'"

Gloria punched him in the shoulder; she was smiling but that was only because she was trying to be polite. "Would you PLEASE shut up for a while? Goddd...I want to buy a house and you want to be an asshole!"

Paige had one hand over her mouth, hiding her face so they wouldn't see her cracking up! She was actually enjoying this now; but of course, she couldn't let THEM know that! "Okay then you two...give me your first impression of this house here! It's a four bedroom, two and a half bath with a big lot; listing at $295,000."

Perhaps Jorge had had enough cheap thrills for the day because he seemed all business again. "I like the curb appeal, and I really like these two trees." Looking it up and down he added, "I also like that it's not two stories; chasing kids up and down the stairs is not my idea of fun."

"We already made that decision," said Gloria, "so this is a very good first impression!" They walked up to the front door and Paige let them in. "Yes, I like this too," the brunette remarked, "I hate walking in the front door right into the living room; this entryway is nice!"

It was all downhill from there; every room they entered ramped up their enthusiasm, and when they got to the kitchen, it sealed the deal. There was a fairly large breakfast nook with a bay window overlooking the back yard. "Oh WOW!" both Rodriguez's simultaneously said.

At that point Paige hit them with her best piece of news, "My notes say that this seller is motivated; If you want to, we could offer $265,000 and see what they counter?"

The three of them sat down in the nook and took ten minutes going over a few details, but ultimately Paige sent off an email with their offer. Jorge said, "Tell you what, Paige; if their counteroffer comes back at $280,000 or under, we'll authorize you to accept it."

"Terrific! If they're indeed motivated, it probably will!"

It was right then that Gloria asked Jorge to take Antonio to the bathroom and check out his diaper. "Maybe he'll go potty for you!"

When they were alone, the redhead smiled and said, "I have a feeling this is going to work out for you two!"

"I have the same feeling; this is just what we wanted!"

Paige's smile got bigger, "I do have to say, that the circumstances around our meeting were most unusual!"

"Jorge, he's been on some sort of 'mission' lately."

"What do you mean?"

The corner of Gloria's mouth squinched up and she shook her head, "I've told him a hundred times that women are always checking other women out, but he doesn't believe that."

"That IS true, but why doesn't he believe you?"

The brunette shrugged, "God, I don't know; I think it has something to do with a conversation we had about six months ago." Gloria looked Paige in the eye, "Are you sure you want to hear this?"

"Oddly enough," the agent replied, "I've kept up some relationships with a few of my clients, like Becky and Wyatt Freeman among others. To me, it's so interesting in a small town like Rochester."

"Okay, well...six months ago, Jorge and I somehow got into discussing our dating histories in more detail; THAT'S a long story, of course, but in the middle of that it came out that I'd had a few encounters with other women. And now, as I said before, he's been on some sort of mission." Gloria lowered her voice, "He thinks every woman is a lesbian at heart!"

Paige laughed, "Ohhh THAT ol' thing! So he thinks because I looked at your tush, I want you!"

"Yes, during our conversation I told him I would 'consider' a threesome with the right woman, but he jumped on that I guess."

"MEN!" the redhead shook her head.


"So let's change the subject," said Paige (even though in her mind she wasn't really changing the subject.) "Jorge works closely with Wyatt Freeman?"

"Yes, he's in Wyatt's department. When the previous supervisor passed and Wyatt took over; they became friends. We've even started socializing with them a bit. I like Becky a lot!"

"Yeah, she's great; we've become friends as well. Maybe the six of us could do something together one of these days?"

"That would be awesome!"

"I just have one question though."

"Which is?"

Paige giggled, "Did Jorge catch Becky checking out your ass too?"

As they were getting ready for bed that night, Paige filled Chad in with the events of the day. When she got to the part about socializing with the other two couples, Chad's eyes widened, "Okay, my little slut! Are you concocting something here?"

"What do you mean? I'm ALWAYS of the opinion that a person can't have too many friends!"

Chad laughed, "Okay then, tell me; were you actually just checking out her body, or was something else going through that devious mind of yours?"

"All I'm going to say is, it was a VERY nice ass!"

"I thought so!"

She was in her bra and panties and he was standing near the edge of the bed wearing only his boxers. Paige giggled and pushed him hard enough that he fell over onto the mattress; then she climbed on top of him. "You think you're so smart; tell me what I'm thinking this very second?"

He reached around and felt up her ass, then they locked eyes and he said, "I think you want me to fuck the shit outta you!"

Now it was Paige's eyes that widened, "You must be psychic!" and she fell on his face and they began making out.

It was quite physical from the get-go! Their mouths were hungry and the redhead really enjoyed feeling his cock hardening against her pantie-covered pussy! They kissed for several minutes until she began grinding on him. Chad reached up and unhooked her bra and slipped it off her, then Paige leaned down and started sliding her breasts against her husband's chest!

"Fuck, that feels really good!" he whispered in her ear.

"Mmm, yeah, I love it!" she breathed. The redhead maneuvered her nipples so they raked across his. THAT was when some serious moaning started. "MMm...Ohhh...Unnghhh...GODDDD!"

Chad's hands were working her ass inside her panties, and his middle finger was sliding through the crack toward her anus. He whispered some more, "Was her ass as nice as yours?"

She locked eyes with him again, "No...but it was close!" Then she giggled.

"Then her ass must be awesome! Would I like to fuck it?"

"Oh my GODDD! Now look who's mind is going where?" And they went back to a fiercely torrid make-out!

Five minutes later Paige's pussy was on fire! It was all she could do to restrain herself and slow down a bit. She got to her feet on the floor and pushed off her panties, then reached down and yanked off Chad's underwear. His big cock sprang free and she knelt over it and sucked it deep into her mouth.

Two or three lashes of her tongue had him groaning, "Holy Fuck!" She gripped his dick at the base and started tapping the cockhead against her tongue, then she moved it back and forth licking at the sensitive underside. "Oh MY GODD! You FUCKING beautiful bitch!" he groaned!

Thirty seconds later she deep-throated him as best she could and fondled his ball sac. When he cried out again, she paused and said, "This is what you get for wanting to fuck another woman's ass!" and she sucked him in again!

Chad was gasping, "I'm sorry...but if you keep that up too much longer, YOU'LL be sorry!"

"No I won't!' she grinned, "but just in case you want to punish me..." she climbed back up and him and sank his rod deep into her wet twat! The redhead rode him like that for a minute, bouncing fairly hard on his cock. Her hands were on his pecs and she plied his nipples with her forefingers.

Chad had his hands on her ass again. "GODDD, I fucking love this pussy! Mmmm...YEAH... love to FUCK THIS PUSSYYY!"

"GODDD! Then CUM in ME! FUCKIN' CUM IN MY CUNT!" and he exploded! She sat down hard on his dick as his balls unloaded in her and savored each spasm of his orgasm.

When she rolled off, Chad rolled too...right between her legs! With her twat soaked in his cum, he sucked her off to back-to-back orgasms. On the second one her ass lifted clean off the mattress as the climax rocketed through her center!

When everything calmed down, they slipped under the covers and snuggled for a good long while. She might have fallen asleep with her head in the crook of his arm, except he had to make her laugh, "Damn! So that's what I get for thinking of another woman's ass, huh?"

The next day was Saturday and Paige spent the morning with the two little ones, and after lunch she went shopping with Sophie and Olivia; they both needed a few items for school. Olivia especially needed some new tops (and Paige bought one new blouse for Sophie, just so she wouldn't be able to say she "always" got Olivia's hand-me-downs.) When they got home, the agent opened her emails and was thrilled to see two things: 1) Allie's closing was set for next Wednesday, and 2) Jorge and Gloria's sellers came back with $275,000! She immediately replied with an acceptance of that price, and then she called Allie. The blond server didn't pick up, so she left a message, "Call me QUICK!"

Her mother was sitting at the kitchen table snapping green beans. "Guess what, Mom? Looks like I made two more sales today!"

"My goodness," she returned, "who would have thought ten years ago my daughter would be this successful as a real estate agent?"

"Our entire lives have changed since then, haven't they!"

Her mother repeated, "Oh my goodness, isn't that the truth!"

"Speaking of 'changes,' is there anything more to report with you and Tom?"

"Nothing you don't know already."

Paige was pensive, "May I ask if you've discussed marriage?"


"Have you?"

"There has been some discussion, but he hasn't asked me yet."

"Would it do me any good to ask when that might be?"

Trudy looked up and smiled, "No. Do you want to help me with dinner?"

"If I do, will I get any more answers out of you?"

"No, but he's picking me up at 6:30 tonight; I think I forgot to tell you."

"Awesome! We had no plans; will you be staying there overnight?"


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