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All Ashore Ch. 06

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What will Tara do to keep Paul in her life?
11.1k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 12/18/2004
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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission.

This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD’s, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.

This story contains elements of f/f, m/f and m/m sexual activity. If any of these types of sex offend you, please read no further.

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“All Ashore . . .” Part 6

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Tara was lying on a huge bed, with the glow of the moon trickling in around the cracks in the curtains. Her eyes had adjusted to the dim light. The bed was littered with exhausted and sated flesh. Keira was curled up in Nick’s arms on one side of the bed. Sam and Karen were curled up closer to the foot of the bed. It wasn’t a normal sleeping arrangement for the two wealthy doctors, but they had looked pretty content when they curled up there. And her own head was resting on Paul’s gently breathing chest. She was able to make out the outline of his face. Even in slumber, he had a goofy grin on his face. Looking at him made Tara smile. She traced the outline of his mouth with one finger. Then she held her hand in front of her face, her gaze caught by a little golden band wrapped around her finger. She looked at Paul’s hand, barely able to make out a similar ring on his right hand.

‘I’ve certainly had an interesting week. Now, all I have to do is explain this to my parents,’ she thought.

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A week earlier . . .

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Keira was staring out her bedroom door at the young woman sitting on the couch. Her boyfriend of the last several months, Nick (who was also the ship’s HR director), was giving her a shoulder rub. She was worried about Tara. And it wasn’t her usual worry. Months earlier, Tara had escaped a potential rape attempt that had messed up her mind a bit. Keira was still thankful that Nick had shown up when he did. The former military man had quickly subdued Tara’s would-be attacker. But to some degree, damage had already been done. With some counseling, however, Tara had rebounded as strong (and possibly hornier) as ever. But certain things were changing that she wasn’t handling well.

First of all, Keira had become more attached to Nick in the last three months. And while they had a semi-open relationship, particularly when it came to Keira and Tara, the older woman WAS becoming slightly less available. Sometimes she crashed over at Nick’s rather than her own bed. She and Tara had discussed things a while back and while the younger girl was actually happy for Keira, she was still slightly jealous. Keira realized it was something that Tara would just have to live with, and she figured that her young lover would probably do just fine.

But Paul was another matter. Paul had been Tara’s best male friend and favorite male sexual companion for a long time. He had been there whenever she needed him, and maybe Tara had been taking that for granted. But around the time Tara had gone into counseling, Paul had started having a bit of a personal crisis. His siblings were both married and reproducing, and he was getting increased pressure from his parents to follow suit. And to some degree, he truly wanted to find someone special. So he and Tara had agree that while they would continue to be sex partners, that would probably have to halt if Paul found someone more serious. Tara had become a free spirit . . . okay, she had become a nymphomaniac . . . and wasn’t looking to be “the one” for just one person. Well, about two months earlier, Paul had met someone during shore leave, and they had started dating like a traditional couple. Tara had smiled and tried to be supportive, but Keira saw right through it. She was jealous: almost dangerously so. Keira had tried to talk to her about it, but Tara refused to acknowledge it. So Tara had responded by agreeing to go on a date of her own. She had been asked out by some guy she met at the grocery store a couple days earlier, and she had accepted. Keira was worried that Tara was doing something rash, and for all the wrong reasons. And she had to admit, Keira was a little jealous as well.

“Did you want to go talk to her?” Nick asked softly.

Keira smiled. Nick was incredibly perceptive . . . for a man. While slightly over a decade her senior, the two of them fit together very well. Nick was a nice, caring man who had been screwed over by his previous wife, and Keira was a fun loving girl who intended on making him forget all his woes. “I’m not sure what good it will do,” she muttered. “She loves Paul. And she won’t admit it, and now she’s going to go out with some other guy. You know she’s just trying to see if she can get a rise out of him.”

“I know. But she’s barely nineteen now. She’s bound to act childish from time to time. You can’t protect her from that.”

“Yes I can. Just watch me.” Keira turned her head and kissed Nick. She didn’t want him to stop, but she probably should go talk to Tara. She got up and headed out to the living room.

Out on the couch, Tara was fuming. She knew she was being immature, but she couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t even remember the name of the guy she had a date with, but it really didn’t much matter. No matter how she tried to rationalize it, she couldn’t escape one simple fact: she wanted to make Paul jealous. Of course, it would have helped if he were there so that he COULD BE jealous, but he wasn’t. He was out with . . . with HER. He and Julia had decided to go catch a move. ‘Julia,’ Tara thought bitterly. ‘What kind of name is that anyway? Sounds like a kind of juice.’ She sighed. Now she knew she was being petty. What was worse that she actually kind of liked the girl. Paul had dropped by with her a number of times and despite Tara’s best attempts to hate her, she just couldn’t. Tara wasn’t a hateful person by nature, and Julia was . . . well . . . nice. Tara had often found herself having genuinely pleasant conversations with the girl, only to mentally kick herself later for “conversing with the enemy.”

“Hey hon,” Keira said, plopping her lovely butt down on the seat next to Tara.

“Hey,” Tara said.

“You look nice,” her friend said. Tara had gone with her old tried-and-true favorite of skin-tight jeans and a babydoll tee-shirt. She didn’t have much by way of breasts, but she had a cute little ass and a child-like innocence, and that outfit displayed both. She probably had a tiny little g-string under those pants, and Keira resisted the urge to find out.

“Thanks. You look great, as always. You two goin’ out?”

“Yeah. Nick is actually taking me to Boardwalk’s Best for dinner.”

Tara’s eyes opened. “La-dee-dah! That place is nice!” Tara glanced over Keira’s shoulder at Nick. “Of course, you KNOW he’ll be wanting sex in exchange.”

Keira smiled. “He’d be getting that if he took me to McDonalds and he knows it.” She hugged Tara. “You have your cell phone with you? Just in case anything comes up?”

Tara blushed. Keira was still a little protective of the younger girl. Tara assumed it was because of what had happened with Carlos. But Tara was a big girl. Admittedly, she had never really dated much before. She had gone from shy girl to raging nympho in a very short time, bypassing a number of normal teenage rituals. “Yeah, I’ve got it. You coming back here or crashing at Nick’s tonight?”

“Here. I’ve got some stuff I wanted to do around the house in the morning, so sleeping here will save me a trip. You want to help me with the gardening? I figure we need to get this done quick. When we ship out next week, we’re gonna be gone for a month this time.”

“God, don’t remind me. Yeah, I’ll help.” Just then, they heard a car pull up out front and someone started honking their horn. “I think that’s my date.”

Keira was already not liking this. She HATED it when the guy wouldn’t even come to the door. She glanced at Nick, and he went to the window. He made a mental note of the car’s license plate. Then he gave Tara a quick hug before she headed out the door. He had to make it quick, because the longer he held that young woman, the harder it became to walk straight. She had that kind of effect on people.

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Several hours later . . .

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“Just let me get the door open you horny, horny man!” Keira giggled as she struggled to get her keys from her purse. The two of them had been enjoying a wonderful evening, and Keira was more than just a bit tipsy. The two of them had left their movie early to come back and get horizontal. Finally she got the door open, and immediately realized that their plans were subject to change.

Tara was sitting on the couch in the dark, illuminated only by the light from the television. Keira got a sinking feeling. “Please don’t let it be ‘Thelma and Louise’,” she muttered under her breath. “Hey! You’re home early,” she said a bit louder. She walked towards the couch and saw the pint of ice cream sitting on the television tray. And sure enough, ‘Thelma and Louise’ was on the screen. Keira sat down. “Date didn’t go well?” Keira had discovered that this particular movie was one that Tara watched when she was mad at a man or at men in general. And ice cream was a catalyst for her irritation.

Tara glared at her buxom friend, while Nick sat down on the other side of her. “No, it didn’t,” she said, turning back to the television. “What a jackass! Guess where he took me? Just guess!” Keira started to open her mouth, then Tara continued. “Long John Silvers! We live next to the friggin’ ocean, and he takes me to a cheap-ass seafood-wannabe-restaurant! I . . . ooh!” she added, reached for the ice cream container and devouring the few remaining bites.

“That’s it?” Keira asked, then realized that Tara hadn’t been done. She’d just been taking a pit stop.

“Noooo,” Tara drawled, “he talked about himself the entire time! He told me in great detail about the time that he almost met Lemmy from Motorhead and how he tried out to be the drummer for Spinal Tap! Then he talked about his car! And then he tried to convince me to give him head while he was driving me home! That son of a bitch!”

“Well, you went down on Karen while she was driving,” Keira said, then wished she stayed quiet.

“I know Karen! I’d known Karen for a while! And he was so . . . so slimy about it! I’m not that much of a . . . okay, maybe I’m close to being that much of a slut . . . oh God, I AM a slut! No wonder Paul isn’t interested in me anymore!” Tara grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it. All Keira could hear after that was mumbling.

Keira reached over and slowly removed the ice cream container and handed it to Nick, motioned towards the fridge with her head. She was grinning a little bit. At least Tara was being slightly honest with the real reason she was mad. Admittedly, it sounded like a horrible date, but Tara probably would have been a lot more willing to give it a go if she had been looking at it as a real date.

“There, there,” Keira crooned. She picked up the remote and turned off the television. “Sweetheart, you’re going to have to make up your mind. Do you want him or not?”

Tara pulled her face up from her pillow. “Of course I want him! But if I get him the way he wanted two months ago, I lose you! And I don’t want to lose you! And I’m losing you to Nick! Admittedly, Nick is hot and I love him to death. And don’t tell me I’m not losing you. I’m . . . I’m glad you guys are okay with you and me still . . . you know . . . but you like him, and I WANT you two to be happy.”

“We are happy,” Keira said, pulling the younger girl’s head until it rested on Keira’s bountiful bosom. “And Paul still loves you. You know that. But he has to figure things out. If Julia is part of the solution, you may just have to accept that.”

“Stop making sense and just cater to my insecurity,” Tara mumbled.

Nick had been very quiet through these entire proceedings. He wished he could reassure the young woman as to the idea of losing Keira. That particular woman had been very clear how fond she was of her young charge. And he could tell just by looking how close they were. And the sight of them cuddled together like that was more than a bit arousing.

“Listen,” he said at last, looking at Keira. He got a little lump in his throat when he did. The busty maid had made him a very happy man in the last few months. “Did you want me to take off? Give you girls a chance to do some man-bashing outside of the company of the enemy?”

“Don’t be silly,” Tara said sniffling. “I’ll grab a blanket and let you get to doing what you were planning on doing. And I’ll finish my movie, if you two don’t mind . . .”

As the young woman reached for the remote control, Keira grabbed her hand and redirected it to Nick’s crotch.

“Keira!” Tara and Nick said together.

“Oh please,” the older woman said with a snort, “Nick’s been getting hard sitting her watching us, and I already know you think he’s hot. And since as I’ve said, and I’m forced now to repeat, that I’m FAR from done with you, I thought we might cheer you up by fucking your brains out.”

“Keira, you don’t have to keep offering me sex every time I get depressed,” Tara said. But Keira noticed that even as Tara’s eyes locked on to those of her friend, her hand had almost instinctively begun stroking Nick’s massive tool gently through his jeans. She was a nymphomaniac all right. But at least she had some taste.

“I offer you sex when you’re depressed, happy, or somewhere in between. That’s because I like sex with you. And as I recall, Nick didn’t exactly object to sticking his big . . . hard . . . cock in your tight little holes.”

Tara knew that Keira was cheating. Her friend knew that the younger woman was easily aroused, particularly by someone talking dirty. And the feeling of hardness and warm emanating from Nick’s slacks was mind-boggling. “But you guys had your own plans and . . . and . . . it’s so fucking big,” she moaned, rubbing a little harder.

Nick liked Paul, but sometimes he wondered what that young man was thinking. Tara was the single most sexual person he had ever met, and she particularly enjoyed being involved in threesomes with a large-breasted sex-pot like Keira. Nick was more than happy to fill in wherever he could, no pun intended. Tara was a little sex fiend, and Nick had no problem reaping the benefits of her arousal. He unzipped his slacks and let Tara slide her little hand inside, where she vainly tried to encircle the entire circumference of his sizeable cock. Her hand felt so warm and her touch so gentle, but prior experience told him that was probably going to change soon. Her skin was already becoming flushed with excitement, and her other hand was grabbing one of Keira’s tits through that woman’s tube-top.

“See?” Keira started. “We can still have fun with our little friend,” she added, nibbling on Tara’s ear and kissing her neck. “Our sexy, horny little friend.”

Tara’s logical brain was slowly turning off so that the primal portion could take over. “Take your pants off,” she whispered to Nick. “I want to see it!”

Nick did as he was asked, pushing his pants and boxers down to his ankles. He was left sitting there with all ten inches of manhood sticking straight up in the air. Tara’s hand began stroking his erection with increased fervor.

“It’s big enough for both of us,” Keira said as she stood up. “Now bring our toy into the bedroom so we can play with him,” she instructed. She strode to king-sized bed, taking off her clothes as she went. Everyone else who crashed at the house was out, so they had a little bit of time uninterrupted. Tara led Nick into the bedroom while holding his cock. Once inside, she closed the door and quickly got naked herself. Nick wrapped his muscular arms around her and slid his dick between her legs, letting the shaft slide across her opening until the head poked out on the other side. Keira quickly knelt and sucked the swollen head into her mouth. Nick’s hands were pinching the nipples of Tara’s tiny breasts, making her squirm. Tara had to hand it to Keira: the older girl always knew how to cheer Tara up. Keira would give Nick head for a moment, then move on to sucking on Tara’s clit before moving back and starting the whole process over again.

“Your dick tastes better with her juices on it, did you know that?” Keira asked of her boyfriend. “She’s such a tasty little girl,” she added. She reached underneath and grabbed is testicles lightly, then went back to sucking on the portion of the shaft poking out from between Tara’s legs. Then Nick pulled his rod back, drawing Keira’s lips towards Tara’s nether opening. Without missing a beat, Keira’s tongue slid inside and started exploring. “ . . . a tasty little girl,” she said again.

After Nick pulled his ten inches back, he slid it up Tara’s ass crack and humped the girl that way. He wrapped his arms around her narrow waist and held her tight. She responded by wrapping her legs around Keira’s head and grinding her pussy against the older girl’s hungry lips.

“Eat me,” Tara said while squirming. “Stick your tongue up inside me. I wanna cum on your face.”

“I forgot how nasty of girl we have here,” Nick replied as Keira’s tongue went into overdrive. His girlfriend (a term he found kind of odd considering he was in his early forties) seemed to be making her pie-eating as noisy as possible. But that’s the way Tara liked it. Tara was being held aloft my Nick’s strong arms while her inner sex was thoroughly explored.

Keira wanted to make Tara’s wish come true, so she stuck a thumb in the girl’s pussy while pushing two fingers into that tight little ass, then sucked on the girl’s clit. She alternated between sucking on that and the girl’s fleshy inner labia. And once she got two fingers pistoning Tara’s ass a little more smoothly, she pushed in a third. By the time the night was over, she was determined to see Nick’s massive tool break down that tiny back door.

This is the way Tara liked it. She was being poked and prodded from almost every possible angle. But there was something missing. “I need something in my mouth,” she moaned. “Nick can I suck your cock? PLEASE? I really need it!”

Nick helped Keira spin the girl around so that she went back first onto the bed with her legs hanging over the edge and over Keira’s shoulders. And Keira never even broke her stride. She just kept licking and sucking and prodding. But Nick was able to climb onto the bed and straddle the young woman’s body, lifting himself up into a push-up position and thrusting his fleshy pole into her waiting lips. Almost immediately, Tara started to hum contentedly. She inched more and more of his cock down her throat. She was only able to accommodate about half of it before she gagged, but she grasped his buttocks and wouldn’t let him withdraw until she had forced another inch down her throat. After that, he was allowed to start a slow, methodical tempo of filling her mouth with his cock.

Down south, Keira was getting closer to her first goal of the evening. She sucked hard on Tara’s clit and thrust harder with her fingers and thumb. Soon, all those digits were captured as Tara’s sphincter and cunt closed ranks as she began to climax. She was almost screaming in pleasure directly into Nick’s flesh-tube, which didn’t bother Nick at all.

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