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Alone with Strangers


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But I was going to find out.


Mandy greeted me with a bright smile when I came in the door this time, even though she was talking with a customer. She let me go through the motions though. I perused the wares down a couple aisles trying to appear normal. Whatever that meant. Immediately I noticed how many more people were in the store. A few girls were looking at wigs on the far wall and giggling to one another. A young couple leafed through one of the naughty clothing racks like they were pages in a novel. I saw a guy glancing around as he held a box in his hand, which contained something that I knew was not actually a flashlight.

Though I wanted to wait for the store to clear out a bit more, I knew that probably wasn't possible. Mandy had said Fridays were busy. That couldn't only apply to the "changing rooms". I made my way casually to the short section of DVDs once again. I stood there for a few minutes acting like I was considering my choice. Inside my heart was pounding again. I somehow kept my chest from heaving with each nervous breath. I took the DVD case, headed toward the counter, and waited patiently for Mandy to ring up the people in front of me.

In only a few moments, she was heading through the beads into the office and returning with the DVD case. I briefly admired Mandy's school girl costume. She must've been wearing it to advertise some of the clothing in the store. Though she hid any sort of expression when she came back to the counter, Mandy did offer me the slightest wink when she handed me the DVD case.

Without drawing attention to myself, I made my way to changing room number five, let myself through the hidden door within, and found myself standing in the dark dreamily lit corridor once again. The place made me think of blacklight posters. I almost expected to see someone at the line of sinks cleaning themselves up. Maybe I was setting unrealistic expectations.

I didn't look at all of the doors, but the first few were vacant. I decided on a different door this time and locked it behind me. I looked around. Everything seemed exactly as it was in the room I'd selected the first time. A flatscreen playing porn, the slowly ebbing colorful lights, and even the small chair were much like the were on my first visit.

I couldn't believe I was here again. I considered what I should do. It had all happened so seamlessly my first go around. But I knew it wasn't going to be as simple as just sticking myself through the hole in the wall and waiting for someone to latch onto it. The rooms beside mine had been vacant. I'd have to be patient and hope that what Mandy had said would be true.

Glancing up, I watched the action on the flatscreen. A thought popped into my head. Before I could second guess myself, I was unfastening my pants and pulling myself free. I stepped over and sat in the small chair. With my cock and balls completely exposed, I stared at screen and touched myself. I was still limp, but I made no attempt to tug on my dick to get it hard. Instead I just rubbed myself slowly, trying to ease into the movie.

I couldn't believe what I was doing. Somehow it felt relaxing though. Sure my heartbeat was once again galloping along, but I was alone. The confined space behind layers of locked doors made me feel like I was safely hidden away. Playing with my cock in a place that was not my apartment kept the thrill burning. I watched a woman on the screen bobbing her head on the muscular man's dick. Just from the sight of it I knew what I'd received during my last trip to Carrie's was a far superior blowjob to the one that bimbo was giving him. Even a pornstar like her seemed like she was going through the motions, posing for the camera and making ridiculous moaning sounds.

The camera zoomed in close to the action. The woman slowly tugged on the huge shaft in her hand. She licked at the tip and grinned right into the camera offering her best sultry gaze. I watched her lips widen around the thing in her hand. I began to stroke myself slowly. Maybe that would make good advertisement for any watchful eyes that peeped through the hole to my right. It wouldn't hurt to get lost a little in the movie. I licked my lips while the pornstar on the screen slid her tongue up and down the underside of the dick in her hand. It was so swollen and red.

I was hard in seconds, but decided to stop stroking myself. Just the thrill of touching myself in a place like this caused a familiar fullness to form beneath my balls.

I froze when I heard a noise from outside my door.

My head twisted slightly though my eyes were cast on the ground. I didn't even blink. It could have been like before. Maybe I'd hear them enter a door near me. If I was quiet I'd know when a room next to mine was occupied. I heard no more sounds however. Still I listened.

I heard it again.

This time, I was sure it hadn't come from outside in the dark corridor. It sounded like one of the rooms near me. It was only a brief sound, one I couldn't make out over the yelps and groans on the flatscreen. Again I remained still and silent.

Between a break in the voices from the TV, I heard it once more. I could tell it was a knock. It had sounded nearby. My eyes were drawn to the wall beside me. Someone was apparently trying to get my attention. It was happening sooner than I thought. I hadn't even heard them enter the room beside me. I searched for the hole in the wall expecting to see fingers beckoning to me.

Instead I saw a hard cock poking through the hole.

I stared in disbelief. The thing was only about a foot from me. The sight of it sent my mind reeling. I'd seen other men before. Brief glances in locker rooms a couple times in my life. Of course I'd seen no shortage of them in porn many nights in my apartment. None of it prepared me for seeing a hard cock pointing right at me.

Immediately I realized my mistake. I felt stupid.

Why had I been so sure that it was only me that would put myself through the hole? As though this only worked one way? Was I so hooked on the idea of being sucked off again that I never thought about what would happen if someone else wanted that?

Part of me thought of leaving. But I kept staring. In fact I never looked away. The urge to look away was certainly there, but I was aware of my surroundings. In a manner of speaking, I was still alone. Four walls surrounded me. No one's eyes watched me. There was no one to have to hide from, not even the man that stood just on the other side of that wall. I was free to just... stare at the person's cock, without shame.

It could have been mine. It wasn't the engorged monster like one on the flatscreen. Just a simple, stiff penis sticking through the hole, mounted above a smooth set of balls. The thing was so clean, and shaven... even in the dim light, I studied it through wide eyes with my mouth hanging open. It bounced ever so slightly channeling the man's excitement.

Again there was a gentle knock, obviously muffled by the fabric that covered the walls. I blinked. The gravity of the situation caved inward on me. The guy knew my room was occupied. He waited patiently with his dick through the hole.

I couldn't stop staring at it!

I'd never been able to really look at a cock this way. It enthralled me. I wasn't supposed to see this. What would people say?

No one even knows. You can do what you want in here.

The thought confused me. My bare cock nodded in agreement however. Had this guy watched me? Had he seen what I was doing? Surely he didn't care to tell anyone. He wanted something else.

I could do whatever I wanted. No one would even know.

My hand lifted. It was the same clammy hand I'd been stroking myself with. Would it feel the same? Knowing that I had walls surrounding me, I dared to find out.

My fingertips slid over the flesh of the guy's shaft. The cock suddenly nodded from my touch. I heard a muffled moan beyond the wall. Though momentarily I pulled my hand away, I reached out again. The way it had responded to my touch... I wanted to feel that again. I'd never done that to anyone.

Gingerly, I took the man's hard shaft between my fingers and thumb. Again it swelled with excitement. I closed my hand around it gently. Even though I'd held my own millions of times before, I was so amazed at how this man felt in my hand. I was able to squeeze him and mold his flesh into my palm, but his dick was so stiff and resisted my grasp.

What I did next shocked me. As if out of habit, I started to slowly stroke the guy. The motions were the same. The angle was different. I was touching someone else's cock. It should have felt exactly the same but it just didn't. His shape was different. His skin was slick and shaven. The head looked and felt so much more bulbous than my own. Each little wrinkle and line were in such odd places. I stared in awe at how the flesh bunched together at the end of my fist as I stroked him.

I couldn't think straight. What I did know was stroking this cock felt awkward from my position in the chair. I couldn't feel this cock the way I wanted to. I was crawling out of the chair and onto the floor. I brought my eyes right in front of the man's cock and pored over every detail. I marveled at the tiny bumps around his glans, the streaks of color that ringed his swollen flesh, and the tiny pores that freckled his skin. My free hand joined in. I clutched the man in both of my hands, squeezing and pulling just to feel the resistance from the stiffness of his dick. His shaft would swell in my hands, and I was amazed at the living energy I felt beneath his skin.

His cock was so close to my face. I knew that, but somehow it wasn't sinking in. I was on my knees in the floor. I was pulling on a stranger's dick and staring at it like it was a pile of money. The guy reacted from the simple heat of my breath washing over the head of his dick. I watched it fatten and turn even more red.

I wondered what it would taste like. I wondered how it would feel in my mouth.

Just a little bit won't hurt, will it?

My tongue slid out and wet my open lips.

Just put your lips on it for a second. No one can see you.

It seemed I needed no convincing. I pushed my pursed lips against the discolored head of the man's dick. I was amazed at just how soft it felt. The smooth round flesh gave against my mouth like a sponge. One kiss wouldn't do. I planted another on the side of the gleaming tip, and another, and another. My sensitive lips explored the textured flesh carefully, feeling the heat of this man's crotch drift over my face.

Taste it. You know you want to.

I leaned in slowly and stuck out my tongue. The flat of my tongue slid up the underside of his swollen tip. I could feel it bulge across my taste buds as I went. Through the wall I heard a groan. A salty taste lingered in my mouth. All of it made me want to do it again.

I did.

I licked the side of his head now. The stranger's cock jumped again. A sliver of me felt frustrated that his dick had hopped just away from my tongue.

So I pointed his cock at my face and closed my lips around the tip to hold it in place.

I heard him let out a long moan. I could feel his body settle in and his tension melting right through his dick. In my mouth. I could feel that. I thought my eyes crossed. I didn't know what I was doing but with his tip trapped in my mouth, I swirled my tongue around it like a candy sucker. I'd intended to pull it from my lips but that felt wrong. Before the very tip of the reddened glans left my pursed lips, I opened wide and pressed it back in.

Half of this man's cock was in my mouth.

I was lost. Whatever judgements I held about myself were flung toward the back of my mind. I slid further down the smooth dick and back again. Every single bump and swell along that shaft I felt on my sensitive tongue. I tested stale salty sweat. I could smell his musky odor from the hole in the wall. My palm was against his warm sack as I clutched him by the base of his dick.

This was incredible. Each time I leaned in I took more of him in my mouth. His dick prodded my cheeks, my tonsils, and the roof of my mouth. When I'd lick his shaft inside my mouth, the entire thing would straighten and cause me to open wider. I distantly thought of how strange it felt to have a shaft sliding in and out of my mouth. I couldn't get enough. The strangers throbbing cock was coated with my spit now. My lips slid easily over his slick shaven skin. I wasn't sure what made this feel so good, but it did. Maybe it was the transfer of energy, that each time I'd flick my tongue over his cock, the guy would throb harder in my mouth.

I wasn't ready for it. Just as I pulled my lips to the tip of his cock again, I felt wet heat hit my cheek with force. I drew back suddenly to see the slit of his cock burst again, shooting another spurt of milky film across my top lip.

In awe I watched the guy's dick nod and stiffen again and again in my fist. Each time it did, he shot a stream of cum onto my chin, my neck, and my pullover. All I could do was watch. I wanted to pull away but it had already happened. The guy had shot cum all over me. I just stared at his dick as it lost strength in my hand. A few grey droplets fell from his tip. His shaft began to droop until it rested on my wrist. I could feel the sticky heat on my skin.

Frantically I wiped my face on the sleeve of my pullover. I stared at the stain it made, then glanced down to see a streak of cum across the front of my pullover. My eyes shot back up to the dangling dick in my hand. It was hard to look away. Countless times I'd seen this same thing from a bird's eye view and now I was holding a dick in my hand watching the life pump out of it.

It wasn't until I felt the guy pulling away that I let him go. Even my hand was sticky. Just like that, the man's dick had disappeared. I distantly heard him shuffling around through the hole in the wall. Then I heard his voice.

"O-oh, god," he said. "Thank you."

I stared at the hole in disbelief. I could hear the door close on the other side of the wall.

For quite some time I just squatted there on my knees with my arms hanging open at my sides. I stared at the cum on my sweater. I felt it on my skin. My hands were actually trembling. Each breath I took felt so cold it made my entire body shudder.

It had happened so fast. My brain tried to string together a line of reasoning. The guy must have been exactly like me, horny and pent up for ages eager for release. It couldn't have taken but a couple of minutes. He'd sounded nervous. He'd gotten exactly what he'd wanted.

The man had cum all over me.

I snapped back to reality. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I was scrambling to my feet. As carefully as I could, I lifted my pullover over my head being mindful of its new stains. I balled the pullover up and set it on the chair. I'd have to carry it out in my hands or else they'd see. People would see the stains. Would they? Would the cum dry clear? Or would they be able to tell? The thoughts themselves were embarrassing.

Yet when I glanced down, I saw that my dick was standing straight and stiff. In fact it felt so hard that it hurt.

The banging on the wall caused me to spin around. The whole wall sounded like it shook. I was staring at the opposite wall now. I'd thought was alone again. But from the another room, someone was trying to get my attention. As though seeing them for the first time, it surprised me to see that the left side of the room had the same railings on the wall as the right. Why hadn't I noticed them? Had the first room I'd been in had these as well? On both sides of the room?

I spotted the cock dangling from the hole in the wall.

It all hit me at once. I wasn't in the very first room anymore. Of course it made sense that this room would have a hole on either side. I felt stupid for not seeing it sooner.

I was definitely seeing it now.

A set of hairy balls and a half limp penis dangled through the new hole. I wondered if he'd watched me through that hole, if he'd seen me suck the other man's dick. I couldn't believe it. I could still feel the stickiness on my lip and my hands. Already here was another man who either had impeccable timing, or had enjoyed what he'd seen.

All I could think of was how it had felt with a dick pulsing in my mouth, and how the other cock had seized right in front of my eyes and shot its milky load all over me. Staring at this new limp pile of flesh hanging through the second hole, I realized I wanted that. It was happening again, and I wanted it to.

I was shaking so badly when I sank to the floor. My knees wobbled before I took my place. It was hard to catch my breath. For the second time, my face was inches from another man's dick. This was not the smooth hard shaft I'd seen moments ago. The strangers cock hung limp, embedded in thick black curls of hair. His huge balls dangled like stones in a sock beneath his dick, which nodded and bounced showing the first signs of excitement.

My hand took his shaft. He was so soft but I could feel blood surging into him. Already this half erect thing looked almost as big as the hard cock I'd just had in my mouth. It made me wonder how big this one would grow. My jaw quivered. A hollow pit in my chest made my breath feel cold. I could smell the natural musk and sweat radiating warmly from the crotch right in front of my face. The stranger's cock looked so manly, so dirty...

No one is watching. It's your secret. Suck his dick. Put it all in your mouth.

Opening my jaw as far as I could, I pointed the drooping cock into my lips and mashed my face toward the wall. The flesh piled into my head. I felt his soft head between my tonsils. The shaft wadded itself over my tongue. My lips slid over curls of hair until my chin pressed into the warmth of the guy's ballsack.

I squeezed my eyelids shut as I went to work. Still trembling, I crawled as closely as I could to the wall and squatted into place. Both of my hands began to play with the bunched flesh in front of my mouth. My fingers groped and massaged the man through his thick black hair. My tongue lapped at his hardening cock in my mouth.

I pulled my head back and released the dick from my lips. Opening my eyes, I was amazed to find how it had grown. The glistening shaft swelled into its bulbous, crooked shape. Slowly, with each excited nod, the tip of the cock lifted toward my face. I squeezed it in my fist watching it grow red and straight.

Something shot through my body like waves of pure adrenaline. I wanted to make it cum. It's all I could think about. I wanted to make this dick get so hard that the skin would stretch tight and burst from the pressure. Just the thought of cum spewing out of the slit in that cock excited me.

I'd have to be smarter. I couldn't walk out of this place covered in stains. I practically ripped my shirt over my head and tossed it away. Squatting half naked with my own stiff cock bunched against my jeans, I coiled like a snake under the stranger's hairy crotch. I felt like a slut. The energy had coursed through my entire body now. I felt enslaved like I'd just taken a hit of some drug.

I let my lips brush up and down the shaft feeling the moist warmth of another person's flesh and the prickle of soft hairs. I wasn't sure why, but I inhaled deeply. The smell of the man's dick wasn't horrid, but it wasn't like springtime flowers either. His cock pulsed in my fingers. This was a piece of a person's body, a man's body.

I sucked his head into my mouth and drew back slowly. Over and over I pulled his tip into my lips, beat it with my tongue, and retreated to kiss the very end of it. Already I could hear the guy grunting and groaning with approval. This only made me feel sluttier and encouraged me to do more. I licked his tip. I mouthed the length his cock like a popsicle. I bit gently on the shaft, feeling it surge in my mouth.

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