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Alternate Earth Pt. 05c

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A GMO Birthday Surprise Pt. 3.
5.7k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/11/2015
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*This is the third of four parts to this story. I broke them up because the total story was around 50 pages and it's much easier to publish this way.*

***As always, all characters engaged in sexual acts or situations in my stories are 18 or over.***


The trio of friends drove up to the house around 10 p.m. and parked along the street near the collection of other cars around the large, expensive home. They got out excitedly, the redhead twins grinning at each other and then their new friend as they furtively admired the attractive brunette. They thought about the curve hugging outfit the other woman wore under her black wool pea coat and felt their panties grow just a bit tighter.

Amanda's long silken strands of rich brown hair fell in a straight, unbound curtain around her shoulders and down to the small of her back. Her generous curves, hidden under the heavy winter coat, strained the front of a black tank top and zipper-front hoodie, which displayed significant cleavage next to the Avenged Sevenfold logo on the right side. Well-worn dark jeans clung to her shapely hips and perfectly formed ass, ending just inside a pair of black, thick soled winter boots.

In sharp contrast to their friend's darker hues, the twins veritably glowed in light creams and earth tones, with a few colors thrown in to accentuate their fair, lightly freckled skin and fiery red hair. Under their matching faux-fur lined, cream colored winter coats, the twins wore oversized knit sweaters, the color of pearl, that artfully accentuated their toned, curvaceous bodies. The sweaters hung to mid-thigh, allowing them to wear the black leggings that would otherwise reveal the very large, unfeminine bulges between their legs. Brown suede boots with low wedge heels covered their legs from just below the knee and scarves, woven from shades of blue and green gathered around their necks to cover the straps of their bras and tank tops, puffed out from the faux-fox furred collars of their coats.

Amanda hesitated at the curb, a bit nervous about going to a party full of people she didn't know well. Noticing their friend's hesitation, the sisters hooked arms on either side of the darkly clad brunette like matching colorful bookends and walked confidently up to the door. The dull thud of music leaked from the house and, as the door opened, spilled into the night along with the sounds of revelry from the large group of teens inside the house.

A cheer erupted from the crowd as the twins walked in, their exploits on the soccer field well known by their assembled schoolmates. While they may not have scored any points during the most recent game in their four-game undefeated streak, the win certainly could not have occurred without them.

The pair of matching redheads grinned and waved, flushing under the attention as Courtney limped up on crutches and hugged them to another chorus of cheers. Their attractive raven-haired friend was still clad in her teal and gray team warm-ups, making them think that she didn't have time to change. The twins and Amanda followed her back to the kitchen where a large keg floated in a trashcan full of ice next to a counter with a stack of red cups. The music was muted a bit and the group of girls could finally talk.

"How bad is it," the twins asked in unison.

"I just twisted it," Courtney replied, her ice-blue eyes smiling. "Coach did some ice and heat therapy and then wrapped it. He said if I keep icing and heating it, I'll be able to play next week."

"Really," the pair of redheads chimed curiously.

"That's what he says. The trainer said if not next week, then the week after. They're gonna get some pictures tomorrow just to be sure."

"An MRI," Amanda asked, surprised at the expense.

"Yup," the attractive team captain confirmed. "I should know for sure by tomorrow afternoon."

"So are you going to make it to the party," Valerie asked.

"Oh, my appointment is in the morning," she replied. "I'll definitely be there!"

"Good," the twins replied together, grinning.

The group chatted together for a little while until Jennifer walked up with her boyfriend Robby to say hello. The tall blonde wore a fuzzy blue deep V-neck sweater that showed off just enough cleavage to look both classy and sexy. Her white jeans hugged her slender curves and showed off her incredible ass and long, shapely legs to exquisite effect.

Robby, Jennifer's boyfriend and captain of the football team, was as stereotypically perfect for his role as his girlfriend. His black hair sat carelessly in loose curls above a flawlessly sculpted, masculine face. His crystal blue eyes sparkled with mirth and his lush, kissable lips were stretched into a smile as he greeted the group. His lean, muscular body wasn't obvious but his navy sweater hinted at broad shoulders, large, muscular arms, and the flat planes of his chest and stomach. His jeans hung loosely on his narrow hips but showed off a nicely shaped, toned ass.

The twins, gazing at the images of masculine and feminine perfection, were glad their sweaters prevented anyone from noticing their bulges, which had now grown much larger. Each twin imagined fantasies with the pair of them playing out inside their heads. Valerie was being taken from behind by a vigorously pounding Robert while Jennifer ground her pussy hard on the redhead's cock. Niccole imagined lying on her back, Jennifer riding her cock while Robert took her standing. Sensing the direction of each other's thoughts, the twins looked at each other and sighed.

Everyone got drinks and chatted for a while, saying hello to a few friends before the twins and Amanda moved off to mingle and check out the rest of the party. The brunette quickly realized that her two new friends were two of the most popular girls in school. They seemed to know everyone at the party and each person they saw genuinely wanted to talk to them. Unlike most of the other popular groups she had known, the twins and their friends seemed to be genuinely nice to everyone. In the four days she had known them, they hadn't been hurtful or petty to anyone and generally seemed to accept everyone. The entire group seemed accepting and good-natured, which was a huge change from the heavily cliquish, judgmental classmates at her old school in Boston.

The trio ran into Garret and a few other members of the drama crowd in a downstairs bedroom next to the room where everyone was leaving their coats. The twins greeted him enthusiastically and said hello to the other members of the group, obviously friendly with them. They hung out for a while, Amanda liking the twins more and more as she realized how well-read they were. Another drink and a few more conversations had Amanda sorely needing somewhere to sit and clear her head. The twins noticed and gave each other a look, Niccole suggesting that she might want to get out of the noise. Amanda readily agreed so the trio marched upstairs and found a pretty quiet bedroom towards the back corner of the house.

"Sorry," Amanda said when the door clicked shut. "I haven't really been to many parties."

"It's okay," the twins chimed, disarming her with kind smiles.

"This is one of our secrets," Niccole whispered conspiratorially.

"We take breaks too," Valerie finished, the trio laughing.

"You two are so awesome."

The twins grinned and hugged their friend, sitting down on the edge of the bed one twin on either side.

"This break is good too," Valerie said cautiously.

"because we've been wanting to talk to you about something," Niccole stated.

"The other day, when we were talking about... what you saw..." Valerie took a breath but Amanda quickly interrupted.

"No, it's okay," the brunette said. "I'm not weird about it or anything."

"We know," Niccole interjected. "It's not that. You said something and... well... We kinda wanted to ask you about it."

"Oh..." Amanda thought for a moment. "What is it."

"You said you've been with a girl," Valerie explained, "and that you thought seeing... a cock on a girl was sexy... but that it just wasn't the same?"

"Oh." Amanda bit her lip and weighed her next words carefully. "Um... It's... kinda hard to explain. Toys can feel good... and I really like women... but there's something... I don't know... different... more, when what's inside you is real and not just a toy. Everything is more alive. It's just more satisfying."

"So," Niccole asked hesitantly. "If you met a girl, a REAL girl, with a cock..."

"God that would be so hot!"

The exclamation from Amanda surprised the two girls and they gave each other a pointed look. The tipsy brunette noticed the exchange and tried to see where they were going with this line of questioning. Before she could try to reason things out, Niccole spoke quietly.

"So, hypothetically, if a girl you know told you she had a cock, how would you react?"

Amanda stared at her friend for a long moment, not sure how to respond. She wondered how it could be possible. The idea of a girl with a cock seemed ludicrous but the twins didn't act like they were joking. They also didn't look like any trans-woman she had ever seen. Their breasts definitely looked and moved like they were real and if they were fake, they were the best fakes she had ever seen. Their faces and bodies seemed far too feminine for them to be men in transition, or even fully transitioned. And the way they knew so many people and they said they've known Jennifer since kindergarten. No, it couldn't be them, could it?

"I don't know," Amanda said honestly, her mind a jumble of questions. "I guess it depends."

"Um... on what," Valerie asked carefully.

"I'm... not sure," she said slowly. "I mean; I wouldn't blab or anything... I guess... I would want to hear her story."

"Okay," Niccole began softly after sharing a look with her sister. "So I think you've kind of figured out what we want to tell you, but only one other person knows."

"Please," Valerie pleaded softly. "Don't tell anyone else, not even your family."

Amanda thought about it for a long moment and then nodded. If her friends had a secret to tell her, she would listen and keep it for them. They were two of the best people she'd ever met and she didn't want to lose their friendship. Before she could think any more about it, Niccole took a deep breath and spoke.

"Have you ever heard the term... hermaphrodite?"

Amanda, vaguely remembering the term and generally what it meant, nodded slowly and then spoke.

"I think so... It's where something is both a male and a female, right?"

"It is," Valerie explained. "It's a condition when both sex organs are present. In most human cases, one is dominant and the other is mostly unformed but in rare cases..."

"What my sister is trying to say is... we were born with both."

For a moment, Amanda just sat there and digested the information. Her large brown eyes went wide as she grasped the whole of what the sisters were telling her and she looked back and forth between them, disbelief and shock evident on her young, doe eyed face. Stammering she stood up and whirled on them, her hand over her mouth. She tried to speak after a moment, stammering out incoherent questions before just staring at them in disbelief for a long moment.

The twins squirmed under her gaze but didn't say anything. They knew from their experience when Steve found out that she would need a minute. They just hoped that she took it as well as he did. Luckily, things were about to go better than they could possibly have hoped for.

The shock and disbelief on Amanda's face melted into a blend of curiosity and skepticism as she gazed at the twin redheads sitting demurely in front of her. She didn't believe the pair was trying to play a joke on her or fool her for some reason; they were too serious. In spite of that, what they were telling her was impossible for the young brunette to believe.

Images of the sexy pair, gloriously naked and well-endowed, flew through her mind. She could feel herself getting turned on by the thought of being held between the gorgeous pair, real cocks pressing into her body as she kissed one, then the other. Her panties were getting soaked and she had to take a deep breath to steady herself.

"Are you for real," Amanda breathed, barely realizing that she asked a question. When the pair nodded solemnly, she took a deep breath and tried to steady herself.

The twins bit their lip as they waited for their friend's next reaction. They hoped desperately that Amanda could be as attracted to them as they were to her but really, they just hoped for acceptance. The voluptuous brunette could see the need for acceptance in their eyes and knew that she would accept them no matter what, but she wanted... no, needed to see for herself.

"Show me," she asked, biting her lip nervously.

The twins glanced at each other and then looked back at her before slowly pulling up their sweaters. Spreading their legs, the twins revealed their obvious bulges and Amanda gasped in astonishment, both at the presence of the bulges and their size. Her wide eyes went back and forth between them before she licked her lips and met their eyes once more.

"Wow... um... can I see?"

The twins exchanged another look and looked back at her. They took a simultaneous long, deep breath and then nodded. Standing, they took off their scarves and began to remove their sweaters when Valerie stopped and looked at the door and then back to Amanda.

"Would you, um... lock the door?"

"Oh," the brunette said, a little surprised. "Right."

As soon as she clicked the lock on the door, the matching redheads pulled their sweaters off, exposing the lush, athletic bodies clad only in a bra, tank top, and leggings. Grasping the waist bands of their leggings, they peeled them down to mid-thigh, allowing the eight inches of uncircumcised cock to flop down in front of their large, heavy balls.

Amanda's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes went wide at the sight. She felt her knees go weak as she soaked her panties looking at the two magnificent cocks on a pair of incredibly beautiful redheads. She stared long enough to make the twins self-conscious but she just couldn't help herself. Not only were they smooth and perfect, with just a small patch of red curls above where the shaft sprouted from their lower abdomen, they were also large and thick, even soft.

The brunette reached out to touch Niccole's without thinking. Stopping herself just short as she realized what she was doing, she looked up and locked gazes with the other girl. When Niccole nodded, she moved her hand the last few inches and touched the thick shaft. When it jumped in her hand, she pulled back and looked up, gasping. Biting her lip and giving Niccole a sheepish look, she reached out more confidently and began stroking the thick shaft.

Niccole's breath caught as she felt Amanda's delicate fingers sliding along her quickly hardening member. She could feel her balls tightening a little as her abs contracted at the pleasure and she was arching rigidly upward very quickly. Amanda's mouth was watering at the size of the large, thick cock before her. Noticing some movement to her left, she realized that Valerie's cock was quickly hardening as well, even without any stimulation.

Valerie looked to her friend, biting her lip with an almost apologetic look on her face. It was obvious that they were both nervous and worried that Amanda was going to freak out. The brunette quickly realized this and smiled at them, cupping Valerie's cock and balls to reassure the other woman. As the twins sighed in simultaneous relief, Amanda got an odd look on her face when her fingers encountered liquid soaking the back of Valerie's heavy balls. Looking at the other girl with yet another expression of surprise, she moved her fingers further back and encountered the other woman's pussy. Reaching down beneath Niccole's hefty balls with her other hand, she encountered the same thing and stared at the pair in wonder.

"You..." Amanda swallowed. "You weren't kidding."

The pair looked at each other again, this time making significant eye contact before Valerie slowly nodded and took a shuffling step back. Turning and looking over her shoulder, she bent forward and spread her legs as much as the leggings would allow, reaching back to spread herself enough for Amanda to see her glistening folds clearly. Amanda stared, licking her lips. Valerie was soaked!

"So you've... been with each other," Amanda asked, her hand still cupping Niccole's hot, throbbing balls, fingertips just barely touching her soaked pussy lips.

"Yeah," Niccole said, tentatively.

"Have you... shown anyone else?"

"No," Niccole said again as Valerie stood up and turned back.

"We told someone," Valerie explained quietly. "But we... weren't his type."

"Oh," Amanda said, looking back and forth between the pair. Her next words were said slowly, almost in a whisper. "And... if I said you were mine?"

Niccole locked gazes with Amanda for a long moment before slowly leaning forward. The two were barely a foot away from each other, Amanda's fingers still cupping Niccole's balls and lightly caressing the folds of her sopping pussy. Amanda licked her lips nervously as Niccole drew closer, sparkling emerald orbs locked with her large, brown eyes. Amanda's eyes slid closed and she sighed as Niccole's lips touched hers and the pair shared a tentative, sensual kiss.

After a moment, Niccole broke the kiss and leaned back, Amanda's hand dropping to her side and her mouth still parted. She blinked her eyes open just in time to see Valerie, or at least she thought it was Valerie, lean in and kiss her tentatively. Amanda felt herself fall into the kiss, deepening it as she moved closer to the taller woman. She felt hands cup her face as breasts pressed into her own tightly restrained mounds. Something rubbed against her stomach and her breath caught as she realized what it was. Reaching down, she cupped the full balls and large cock, stroking the pussy lips behind it with her other hand.

The kiss deepened until it held all of the restrained lust and need both women had kept bottled up since their first meeting. Tongues danced and hands roamed as the pair began removing each other's clothing. Suddenly, the kiss ended and Amanda opened her eyes to see the other gorgeous redhead, she had no idea which at this point, lean in to cup her face and kiss her fiercely.

Amanda felt someone removing her boots as her hands roamed the new but identical body to the one she was previously getting to know. She realized that this kiss was a little different, slightly more forceful and demanding in a way that the other was just a bit yielding. She tried to think about which of the pair she was kissing but, when she felt the other twin's hands sliding up her legs to unclasp her belt and unbutton her jeans, she moaned, forgetting the thought.

She stepped out of her pants as the kiss broke again, this time to remove her shirt. The mouth that caught hers again was the same she had just been kissing, she was certain, but when a pair of hands slid up her sides from behind and she felt them slide around to cup her breasts as a hot, rigid shaft of flesh pressed against her ass, she forgot why. The hands kneaded her breasts as a bare pair pressed against her back and a hot mouth found the back of her neck just behind and below her ear.

The kiss broke again and this time she opened her eyes to watch as she was turned from one green eyed gaze to the other. Her mouth was quickly claimed again as hands roamed her body. The kiss was softer and more yielding but no less demanding, sparking something in her memory. She felt hands sliding up her sides to unhook her bra strap, the black, 36DD bra sliding from her shoulders as hands slid around to cup and knead her swaying breasts. A hard cock pressed between her ass cheeks as she felt breasts against her back and a mouth nibbling at her neck again.


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