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AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 251-260

Story Info
Robbie's fiancee tries to make amends for abusing a MC app.
11.9k words

Part 27 of the 35 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 09/29/2022
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All characters are 18 years or older.

This story is a continuation of the AMA: The Boyfriend series. I would highly suggest starting with Chapter 1 if you have not already. This collection of short chapters was originally published on a daily basis, and are collected here for Literotica. In these chapters you can expect hard talks, silly talks, snuggles, oral, semi-public sex, and a Star Wars themed photo shoot.

The AMA was originally conceived of by Fantasy; this is just my version of the popular idea. Kudos to him and his original versions!


Chapter 251

"Sorry!" Terra said. "Sorry, I um- I didn't realize-"

Cattie pulled off of me, blushing, and pulled up her shorts. "No! It's, um, we probably shouldn't have-"

"Wait," I said, stopping Cattie with a hand on her waist and turning partially to Terra. "Cattie and I are official," I told Terra. "We were feeling a little celebratory."

"Shit," Terra said. "So Heather...?"

"I'm done with her skanky ass," Cattie said.

"Good for you," Terra said. "Um, I can wait if you guys want to finish."

Cattie cocked her head slightly. "You really need to talk to him, don't you?"

"I was hoping to," Terra said, chewing on the inside of her lop. "I realized he must have been up here since we were moving and JC was still snoring in bed."

Cattie turned to me and kissed me, then dropped to her knees and quickly swallowed my cock, slurping her taste off of it with a few quick bobs while holding a finger up to Terra, telling her to wait. When she was finished she stood up and left me hanging there as she went to Terra. She pulled the slighter woman into a hug and whispered something to her right in her ear so I couldn't hear. Terra nodded a couple of times, then hugged Cattie back.

"I'll see you later, Tiger," Cattie said. "Love you."

"Love you too, baby," I said.

Cattie winked and then gave Terra a slap on the ass. "Go get 'em."

Terra chuckled and stepped into the cabin fully, approaching me with a nervous look on her face.

"What's up, honey?" I asked, reaching to pull my shorts up over my hardon, but Terra caught the waistband of my shorts in her hands and stopped me.

"What's up is I really want to do what Cattie was just doing and take this cock in my tight little pussy," Terra said. "But I'll make do with this for now." She slid down to her knees gracefully and took my cock in both hands, kissing the head as she started to stroke it.

"Mmm, Terra," I groaned.

Terra took a couple of minutes, after shuffling sideways so I could more properly face the direction the boat was driving, to kiss and lick all over my cock. If fucking Cattie while driving had felt peaceful and quiet and like warmth, then this felt luxurious and rich. Terra was wearing a bikini top and panties, not even shorts, and her hair was loose as she did her best to cram my cock between her lips. She still couldn't take all that much of it, but we both definitely enjoyed every moment of trying.

"OK," she finally said, sitting back on her knees and just stroking me. "Now that I've properly kissed you good morning, I was hoping we could talk?"

"Terra, honey, we can talk about anything whenever you want. We don't need to be sexual for that," I said.

"I know, but I wanted to do that," she said with a little smile. "But I came up here to talk about... everything."

"Then maybe I should put my cock away," I suggested.

"No," she said, giving it a squeeze with one hand. Then she took a breath. "When you said you and Cattie were 'official,' you mean you're in a relationship?"

"Dating," I said. "Girlfriend and boyfriend."

"And Cassidy is on board with that?"

"Do you need to ask?" I chuckled.

"Fair," she said. "And she's still sticking to her promise, right? She's not having sexy times with anyone without you?"

My heart twinged a little. "As far as I know, and I don't think the others would be happy with her if she tried something different behind my back and they knew it."

"So... just you three, or more?" Terra asked.

"More, probably," I said. "Polyamory, I guess. Though I think there's another word for it."

"Harem?" Terra asked with a teasing little smirk.

"Do I seem like the sheikh of an oil nation?" I shot back.

"No," she said and kissed the head of my cock again, teasing her tongue against the glans. "But youdo have a half dozen women all thirsting after you."

"I'm more comfortable with polyamory," I said. "Then I don't sound like a monster."

"What if we want you to be one?" Terra asked.


"Us. The girls who want to be with you," she said. "What if we want to have you, and only you, while you have us? And what if we want the sweet and sensible you with the big heart, but we also want you to be jealous and fight for us and sweep us off our feet caveman-style so we know that we have a monster if we need him?"

I reached down and hooked Terra under her armpits, pulling her to stand. She kept her hands on my cock as I kissed her, cradling her face with both hands, then I pulled away and looked into her eyes. "Terra, honey, if that were the case then I would be that," I said. "But you're beating around the bush here."

Her eyes softened and she squeezed my cock with both hands. "The fact that you can tell that is the problem, Robbie."

"What do you mean?"

"You're a better boyfriend and partner than he is," Terra whispered. "And we aren't even dating."

I sighed and hugged her to me. This was going where I wanted it to, and where I wished in my more ethical moments that it hadn't. It was a path Ididn't want but also wanted so much.

"Tell me what you're feeling," I said quietly.

"I feel like I belong," she said. "With you. With Cassidy. With Wanda. I don't know Cattie as well as the others, but I'm really happy for her even if I'm also jealous. You guys, you make me feel like Ibelong with you in a way I never feel like on a set with other models, or at home with JC. I still like him, I think, but it's not... I don't look at him the same way I did when we got here. And I think it's only partially because of him breaking our agreement. I- When I see him compared to you, compared to how you justare, I realize that I was staying with him because I was comfortable. I got complacent. He was easy, and I don't think I just want easy, I want fulfilling. I want to feel fulfilled."

I held her, listening, my heart hammering. I knew what I wanted to say. What I wanted to encourage her to do. But it was exactly what I didn't want to be.

"Robbie, tell me what you're thinking," she said into my chest.

"I can't," I said.

She pulled back a little, looking up at me. "Tell me," she said.

I sighed and kept my eyes on the water in front of us. "I can't, Terra."


"Because what I want to tell you isn't the person I want to be."

She pulled my face back down towards her and kissed me, her little tongue darting between my lips as she pressed her barely covered body against mine. "That's what I needed to know," she said softly as our lips parted. "And now that I know, can you please just say it?"

I looked into her eyes and felt like a shitty person. "I want you to break up with him and be with me," I said. "I want to carry you away and love on you forever. But I can't ask you to do that, Terra."

Terra kept holding my cheek with one hand, but let me glance at the water to make sure we weren't crashing into anything. When I glanced back she was smiling sadly. "And I love that you can't," she said. "Because you're a man with principles and morals."

"It's not just that," I said. "Terra, honey, I want that, but I don't know if you and I can work like that. More than a fling."

That made Terra frown. "We love each other," she said.

"I know," I said. "But that might be the problem."

Chapter 252

"Robbie," Terra said as she drew back from me slightly. "I'm going to need you to spell that one out for me, cause it's news to me."

I had to take a breath, and I really wished I could stop the boat to give her my full attention.

"Terra, do you actually like the deal you made with JC?" I asked. "Like, if I wasn't with Cassidy already and we met and had this connection and got together, would you be hurt if I asked you to share me?"

She took her time in answering, absorbing what I said. "Yes," she said. "I would. I would either think you weren't the person I thought you were, or that I wasn't good enough for some reason."

"You aren't bi," I said. "You want a monogamous relationship. And for all that I find you fucking adorable and amazing and tough and sweet and all these great things, that's the one thing I can't give you. I want to be your person, but I can't beall your person. And where the others are open to sharing me, and fooling around with each other as a bonus, you would be excluded from that part of the relationship stuff because it's not who you are."

She swallowed and reached back to take my hand with hers again, trailing her fingers along my palm as she looked at it. "What about Ami, then?" Terra asked. "She's straight too."

"I need to have a conversation with her like this too," I sighed, not looking forward to that at all. "But Ami also isn't already in a relationship thatwas working until I showed up and did damage to it. Which Idid do, even if I didn't mean to."

"God, Robbie," Terra sighed, leaning forward and pressing her forehead to my upper arm. "Fuck."

"I'm sorry," I said.

"No," she mumbled. "Don't be. You're being realistic. I- I've been thinking about the now. What I want now, who I want to be with now. I wasn't thinking about... after tomorrow, I guess." She looked up at me, and I met her gaze. Her eyes were brimming and she was pressing her lips together tightly, and my heart broke a little knowing I'd done that. "Don't give up on me, or this, though. OK? I need to really think about what you said, but I'm not giving up yet."

"OK," I said. "Terra, I'd nevergive up on you. I just..." I sighed, not sure how to put what I was feeling into words.

"Shhh," she shushed me softly.

"Just do me a favour?" I asked.


"If you're going to talk it through with anyone, don't talk with Cassidy," I said. "She's single-minded on this whole thing, and I love her to death but there's a reason we fit so well together and she's not the Life Planning person in our relationship." I also didn't want the App to influence her on this, and even if Cassidy did come at it impartially if I asked her to I couldn't be sure the final decision wouldn't be because of fucking magic.

Terra chuckled softly and nodded. "Makes sense. I'll talk with Wanda and Becca."

"Good choices," I agreed, looking back up at the water and feeling my own tears starting to slip from my eyes.

Terra noticed after a long moment. "Oh, Tiger," she sobbed a little. "I'm sorry."

"I know, it's not your fault," I said hoarsely.

She pulled me down to her and kissed me again. This time it was full of love, not lust. Almost no tongue, just her trying to push her feelings to me, and I let go and kissed her back. As we kissed, Terra's hand slipped down to my crotch again and I could practically feel her desire to reconnect, to remind me how she felt in a more physical way. I wanted that with her too.

The crackle of the radio interrupted us before we could go any further. "Any signs of life over there, Tiger?" Becca called.

Terra pulled away from the kiss, wiping her eyes, and I wiped my own as we both awkwardly chuckled. I reached over and unhooked the radio mic. "A few people are up and around at least," I said.

"I'm thinking we should stop for breakfast and get food into everyone with a hangover," Becca said.

"Sounds good," I said. "Open water, or closer to shore?"

"Let's move a little closer, then come up alongside me," Becca said. "We'll tie together. Ami will be ready to do that."

"Sounds good, sugar," I said, then handed the radio mic to Terra as she motioned for it.

"Hey, Becca. Anything I can help get ready here?" she asked.

Becca quickly asked her to start taking some stuff out of the fridge downstairs, and they signed off.

"Sugar, huh?" Terra commented.

I blushed. "I took your advice and started narrowing down nicknames for everyone. Becca is picky, and sugar is the closest so far."

"I'm still your only honey, right?" Terra asked.

"And my only little elf," I assured her. Then I took her hand. "I just- Whether we end up together or not, Terra, I do love you. Even if that has to just be platonic because we wouldn't work, it'll still be true."

"Fuck you, dude," Terra laughed, punching me in the arm and wiping at a fresh batch of tears threatening to spill out of her. "Now, I guess we should put this away, huh?" she reached for my cock, which had been awkwardly hanging out throughout the whole conversation. She pulled my shorts up and patted the bulge like it was a favourite pet getting put into a kennel for a while.

"Probably for the best," I said. "Tough to make breakfast with my dick out."

Terra bit her lower lip and went up on her toes to kiss me again, and as she did that she took my hand and planted it back on her toned, perfect ass. I squeezed the cheek, feeling my fingers digging into her crack through the thin panties.

"God, I want you," Terra sighed as the kiss ended.

"I want you too," I said truthfully. "Now go put some clothes on, little elf. And maybe check with the girls to see if there's anything you can do if the Heather-splosion happens."

Terra grimaced and then smirked. "Guess it's nice to be reminded I'm not the only person going through shit," she sighed.

"You and me both, honey," I sighed. "You and me both."

Chapter 253

Getting the boats together wasn't much of an issue; I was used to the lumbering movements of them by now, and with Ami waiting to get them tied up on the upper deck before I dropped anchor, it was a simple procedure. Once I shut down the engine I was able to leave the cabin and meet her at the railing between the boats.

"Good morning, cutie," I said, leaning over the rail to kiss her as she smiled into my lips.

"Good morning, Tiger," she said softly. She was wearing a cute little pair of cotton shorts and a bulky sweater, though with the way the day was heating up she would need to bail on that soon. "Did you sleep OK?"

"I did," I said. "Once I got to sleep, anyways. Did Becca tell you the news?"

Ami nodded, biting the corner of her lip. "Are we still OK?"

"Of course," I said. "Cattie isn't looking to disrupt anything. But we should still make time to talk properly."

"That would be good," Ami agreed, then gave me another peck on the lips and looked at me with her big, almond-coloured eyes. "I love you, remember?"

That made me chuckle and smile. "I love you too, Ami. A lot." I hugged her while still leaning over the rail, and then we had to split to get the boats properly tied up together.

Once that was accomplished I slipped back into the Couples Boat. Terra, along with Cassidy and Cattie, were in the kitchen starting on Becca's requests. I gave them each a peck on the cheek as I went through, then headed back to the cabins. Snoring was coming through the shut door to Terra and JC's room, letting me know JC was still asleep. I slipped into our cabin and found Wanda still asleep in bed. I crawled up and spooned behind her but over the sheets and started kissing her shoulder, then to her neck, and up to her ear.

"Mmm, stop," Wanda groaned.

"It's time to get up, Wanda," I whispered softly to her.

"Robbie, I swear to God I will suck your dick if you don't leave me alone," Wanda groaned.

"Your threats could use some work," I whispered with a grin.

"I'll fuck you right here, right now," she grumbled.

"Not getting any better," I said. "Breakfast will be soon. Need some Tylenol? Water?"

"Yes, please," she said. I quickly slipped back off the bed and went out to the kitchen for a water bottle, then back to the cabin and into the washroom, fetching her a couple of pills. Returning to the bed, I sat down in front of her and she opened her eyes halfway before registering what I was offering her. She sat up, the sheet falling from her naked chest, and took both offerings. She popped the pills and then sipped the water.

"More," I told her softly.

She smiled weakly at me and then drank half the bottle. Once that was done I leaned in and kissed her, rubbing my hand on the side of her neck. "Good morning, gorgeous," I said.

"Morning, Tiger," Wanda sighed and then yawned, covering her mouth but still making a silly face as she did it.

"Breakfast soon, and you need to eat," I said. "It'll help with the hangover."

"OK," she agreed.

I stood up and went to the drawers where my clothes were being stored, pulling off my long-sleeved T-shirt and trading it for a sleeveless one. Once it was on I turned back to Wanda and found her just watching me with a smile. "What?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Nothing," she said. "I just like watching you."

"I like watching you, too," I said.

"Yeah?" she asked, sliding out from under the covers and crawling down the bed. Completely naked. "Like this?"

"And every other way, but definitely like this," I said.

She stood and stretched slowly, turning in place to give me a full view of her. I groaned deep in my throat. "Wanda, baby, go put some clothes on. You are absolutely testing my resolve to be a good and honourable man."

She broke into a grin and leaned towards me, pursing her lips for a kiss, which I gave her. "Sorry for teasing you, Tiger," she said. "Anything you want to see me wearing today?"

"It's going to be a really hot one, I think," I said. "So a bikini underneath, and something light over top and easy to take off."

She slipped around me and pulled a pair of my shorts out of the drawer. "Like these?"

That made me smile as I wrapped my arms around her naked waist. "Like those," I agreed. "You know, you and Cattie might end up fighting over who gets to take my shorts with them. She told me the first time you wore them she was jealous that she couldn't do that."

"Well, now she can," Wanda said with a smile and a shrug, and then her eyes got big. "They haven't confronted each other yet, have they?"

"No," I shook my head, and she breathed a sigh of relief and started putting on my shorts without anything underneath. They rode low on her hips and begged for me to slide a hand inside them to feel her ass, but I resisted.

"OK," Wanda said. "So a bikini and something that makes it easy for me to flash you. And the hat."

I rolled my eyes. "Not what I meant."

"I know, but it's what I meant," she smiled.

She left the cabin, heading over to the one she was supposed to be sharing with Heels. I followed her out into the hallway and when she opened the opposite cabin I got an inadvertent look inside. Heels was asleep, naked on top of the covers. It was still dark with the porthole window shades pulled, but I definitely noticed the colourful, oddly shaped dildo resting against her mound like she'd fallen asleep right after using it.

Trying not to laugh, or gawk, I turned back towards the kitchen and got to helping with breakfast.

Chapter 254

Other than Becca, Ami and Cassidy, everyone else showed signs of having had a bit of a rough night. Lots of water was being drunk, along with orange juice, and the breakfast being prepared was the greasiest yet. Hashbrowns, bacon, and sausages were prepped in big frying pans, while pancakes were made on heated pans using the barbeques as a heat source.

As the prep went on I managed to snag a good morning kiss with Leia, who blushed as soon as she saw me and she remembered elements of the previous night. I also said good morning to Zenya, who might have looked the worst off of the whole group.

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