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AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 031-040

Story Info
Robbie's fiance tries to make amends for abusing a MC app.
11.5k words

Part 5 of the 35 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 09/29/2022
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All characters are 18 years or older.

This story is a continuation of the AMA: The Boyfriend series. I would highly suggest starting with Chapter 1 if you have not already. This collection of short chapters was originally published on a daily basis, and are collected here for Literotica. In these chapters you can expect kissing games, blowjobs and handsy threesome, all under the influence of a mind control app.

The AMA was originally conceived of by Fantasy; this is just my version of the popular idea. Kudos to him and his original versions!


Chapter 31

"I don't know how I feel about this," I said

We had gone back down into the houseboat to change into something just a little warmer - the sun had already dipped behind the rockface around the bay, and the sky was a deep purple and blue. The temperature wasn't supposed to drop too far, but it would fall a little cooler just like any other spot in the desert.

Cassidy pulled her thin sweater over her head and her bust. "Talk to me, Tiger. What's wrong?"

I sighed and sat on the corner of the bed. "I feel like- I don't know. Cass, I feel guilty for kissing Becca. And I know you said you wanted me to do these things, but that wasn't just a peck or a kiss between friends. Becca wants to sleep with me, and I'm attracted to her. It feels wrong."

Cassidy got on her knees on the bed beside me and hugged me, resting her head on my shoulders. "It's not, Robbie. It's not wrong. How would you feel if none of this happened, and I suggested a threesome to you and told you Becca was interested?"

I took a moment to consider that. "I don't know," I finally said. "I think I would have been surprised, asked why you wanted a threesome, and then excited. But I don't know that, I'm just guessing."

"Oh, Robbie," Cassidy sighed, and I could hear the soft sob in her voice. "I'm so sorry."

"I know," I said, hugging my arm around her and then pulling her around to sit in my lap. She straddled me, and we hugged each other close as she put her forehead on my shoulder and talked into my chest.

"I want this for you, Tiger," she said. "You know that, right? I want this to be fun for you. I wasn't exaggerating before, I want you to know what it's like for a bunch of women to worship you because you deserve it."

"But that's why it feels weird," I said. "All of these tricks you've set up, the perks... It feels like it's wrong."

"I knew you would worry about that," Cassidy said. We were both talking quietly the whole time, still aware that anyone could be out in the hallway and overhear us, but now Cassidy was whispering. "That's why I only picked perks that enhance you and don't change how people would think. Nothing that happens this week is going to be something that anyone doesn't want to have happen, OK? Anyone who gets frisky has their full faculties - well, OK, some of them might be drunk and we'll have to call that by ear, but the App isn't taking away anyone's ability to say No."

I sighed, holding her to me, and then nodded. "I think I can handle that. I think, if it's something they actually want, I can enjoy it."

"Thank you for trying," Cassidy said, squeezing me. "But there's something else, isn't there?"

I nodded.

"It's me kissing the others," Cassidy guessed.

"I don't know how I'm going to react, Cass," I said. "Part of me, the really horny part, wants to see you making out with any of them. I'm still having a bit of a time even wrapping my head around you being bi. But the other part of me, the part that-" I stopped, not wanting to say it to her.

"The part that's mad," Cassidy said.

"The part that's mad," I agreed. "That part doesn't want you anywhere near them."

"I get it," Cassidy said. "This is my fault. Cattie was right earlier, I was a real bitch springing this on you. God, she should slap me all over again. I didn't give you any time to really process this, Robbie, and I'm so sorry for that now, too. But we're here. If you don't want us to play that stupid game, then we don't play. But if we do play, what if we make a plan? We'll sit next to each other, and if I need to kiss anyone then you're in control. You just squeeze my hand when you want it to stop, or if you want it to just be a quick peck. And I won't do anything other than kisses, because I'm yours, Robbie."

Something felt good about Cassidy offering me control like that. It was hard to even put into thought, but it was this combination of a kernel of mutual trust and a more primal feeling of ownership over her.

"OK," I said. "OK." I pulled her away from me a bit by her shoulders and kissed her firmly.

We both finished changing and were a couple of the last people up onto the top deck - most of the girls had gone down to change before the party continued. Up on the deck, Heather had gotten to work clearing space on the Singles Boat and now there was a big open sitting area and the women were all in a rough circle sitting on the faux grass carpeting. I led Cassidy, hand in hand, over to an open space and ended up sitting beside Wanda on my other side, while Cassidy was next to Ginny.

Leia and Zenya were the last to come back from changing, scampering up the stairs both wearing thin zip-up hoodies and cotton shorts over the wide hips and butts.

"Alright, this is our bottle," Heather proclaimed. She was sitting almost directly across the circle from me and Cassidy, with Cattie next to her. Cattie had finally, I assumed, been allowed to put on a top again and was wearing a cute black baseball tee and leggings. Heather held up an empty vodka bottle and shook it around. "The rules are simple. You spin the bottle, and you ask whoever it lands on a potentially embarrassing question. If you get asked, you can either answer the question truthfully, or you can refuse and spin the bottle to see who you have to kiss. If you get caught in a lie, you need to strip naked and jump in the lake."

Everyone seemed to be on a decent buzz from an afternoon of drinking, and most were nursing new drinks as well, so there weren't any questions or complaints.

"Great," Heather smirked. She set the bottle down and gave it a hefty spin, and it rattled around in the circle before coming to a stop.

Chapter 32

The first ten or so spins of the bottle felt more like some sort of a sorority 'get to know you' party than anything else. I could see that JC, sitting over near Terra was feeling similarly. Then Heather got the bottle back after answering that she was waxed under her bikini bottom, and I saw the little smirk on her face and knew she had some sort of a plan.

She spun again, and the bottle stopped on Ginnie. "Hmmm," Heather acted it up, tapping her finger on her puffy lips. "Ginnie. What's the horniest thing you've ever done?"

Ginnie burst out laughing in surprise. "Um, well, other than for my OnlyFans?"

"That's content," Heather waved it away. "In your personal life."

"Oh, that's easy," Ginnie grinned. "I was on a dry spell and was working as a receptionist at my Dad's garage. He was out for the day, so when I took my lunch break I locked myself in his office fucked myself silly with a wrench until I was about to squirt, and I realized I didn't want to leave a mess so I squirted into his garbage can. I had to bring the wrench and the garbage bag with my juices out to the dumpster without getting caught. But it was worth it 'cause I came so fucking hard!"

This got everyone laughing as Ginnie hammed up her story a bit, then she spun the bottle and landed on Zenya. The big busted woman was asked how much she's been offered to show her tits for content, since she was a non-nude model, and she admitted she'd been offered up to $10,000 for a video of her sucking her own nipple, which she turned down.

"OK, but can you actually do that?" Heather challenged her.

"Oh, for sure," Zenya laughed and hefted one of her boobs in her sweater, leaning her head down and sticking her tongue out and playing it across the fabric. "And that's with a bra on!"

Zenya spun to Heels and asked the Pakistani woman where she preferred guys to cum. Heels grinned and darkened a little, the first time I'd seen her blush, and said she preferred to swallow. Then Wanda interrupted. "Hold on!" she said. "I call liar. I know for afact that you've told your Exes you prefer them to cum on your face."

The whole group went, 'Ooooooh,' and Heels looked surprised. "Yeah, I tell them that so that they don't think I'm a big cum hungry slut," Heels said. "What do you think I do with the cum once they've given me a facial?"

This got more nervous giggling and laughing from the group, and I couldn't help but imagine what Heels looked like with her dark, warm skin splattered with pearly streaks of cum as she licked it from her lips. Heels was let off with a finger wag and a lot of playful 'One more strike and you're out!' jeers, then she spun and landed on Becca.

"Who on this trip would you most want to hook up with for one wild night of passion?" Heels asked her.

Becca blushed hard, her cherub face turning a hot pink as she buried herself in her drink for a moment. "Kiss!" she declared, and Heels slid the bottle over to her as the group jeered and catcalled the blonde. Becca sighed and shook her head with a smile, then spun the bottle. It landed on Sherry, Cattie's little sister.

Sherry's eyes got big and her mouth dropped open in surprise, and Ginnie nudged and left in the spot next to her. Becca knee-walked over and took Sherry's face in her hands and planted a big, wet but overly-silly kiss on the younger woman.

"Mwah!" Becca said, pulling away.

"Best I ever had!" Sherry laughed.

"Really?" Becca asked. "That's not even the best I've hadtoday."

This got all the girls worked up, many of them trying to get Becca to reveal who she had kissed today, but she just bore it with a smile and said, "Hey, it's not your turn, it's my turn."

The game continued. JC revealed that Terra's favourite position was doggie style, which she gave him a bunch of silly grief over. Wanda ended up kissing Cattie, which Heather watched with a big happy smirk. Ami, who had put on a long-sleeved crop top, admitted to having never actually slept with another Asian person - she'd grown up in the MidWest and barely known any she would have considered datable while she was younger, and now she lived in a heavily Hispanic area so she tended to date guys she met there. Heather decided to kiss instead of answering her bodycount, and spun right back to Ami. Heather really got into it, and Ami met her enthusiasm until Heather grabbed Ami's ass, and then Ami ended it with a sardonic smirk and wagging her finger.

The questions started to get even spicier, asking about specific partners or calling for spicy stories, which meant the kisses also started happening more often. Cassidy was asked about her best sexual encounter, and she told the story of the time the both of us had fucked in the library stacks at University and almost got caught by another couple also looking for a place to fuck, and ended up both doing it two rows over from each other. Leia admitted to liking getting her juicy butt spanked in the heat of the moment. Terra took a kiss rather than tell her favourite sexual story, but made it obvious she was just doing it to tease JC for his earlier admission - and she spun to me.

"Nice," Cassidy grinned, looking from me to Terra and back.

Terra knee-walked through the circle to me and openly asked Cassidy, "This OK?"

"Absolutely," Cassidy nodded.

I was sitting with my legs crossed, resting with my arms braced behind me, and Terra sat on her knees and leaned in. Instead of kissing me she moved close and whispered, "This OK?"

"Only if it is for you and JC," I said. "Thank you for asking."

She smiled and nodded. "It's fine, we have a deal." I had to wonder what that meant, but then she leaned in and kissed me.

Chapter 33

Terra kissed completely differently from Cassidy, or Becca. Where I was used to Cassidy's comfortable warmth, familiarity and that constant flicker of desire, and Becca had been confident and serene, but also hungry, Terra was a spitfire. She kissed me hard, running her hand through my hair as she sucked on my bottom lip for a moment and then played her tongue along my upper lip. I returned the passion, pressing back at her and letting our tongues duel for a long moment.

She broke from the kiss, grinning and biting the corner of her lower lip, her eyes sparkling in the party lights. "Damn, Cass," she said, looking over at Cassidy. "Your boy is an awesome kisser."

"Always has been," Cassidy beamed. She'd been holding my hand the whole time Terra had kissed me, and now she looked at me and squeezed reassuringly.

"You're not so bad yourself," I smiled at Terra. "Hey JC, if you ever get tired of kissing Terra, just tap me in OK?"

This just made him laugh. "I'll never get tired of my girl!"

"Good answer, baby," Terra said, sliding back over to sit next to him and wrapping an arm around his neck into a faux headlock and kissing him.

Now it was my turn since I'd been the Kiss-ee, and when I spun the bottle it rattled and bobbled and then slowed until it pointed to Cattie's younger sister. "Sherry," I said, grinning teasingly over at Cattie. "What's your most embarrassing story about Cattie?"

Cattie was shocked, and looked over at Sherry, "Don't you dare!"

Sherry giggled happily. "I dunno, sis," she said. "What'll you give me to keep my mouth shut?"

"A Favour," Cattie said.

"A big one?" Sherry countered.

"Medium," Cattie said.

Sherry made a show of it, then shrugged. "Alright, Kiss!" She spun the bottle and then spun around and ended on Cassidy.

My fiance squeezed my hand once as Sherry grinned that little impish smile of hers and crawled across the circle to the two of us.

Sherry didn't wait, she just crawled right up and planted a kiss on Cassidy - it was so sudden that Cassidy was actually a little surprised there wasn't any lead-in. I watched for a long moment. Sherry was a pretty girl; maybe not beautiful like her sister, but cute as hell and after seeing her topless for much of the afternoon I knew she was a sexual little being. When I saw a bit of tongue starting to happen, I squeezed Cassidy's hand and she immediately pulled away. Sherry made a surprised face, clearly expecting the kiss to go farther.

"Was I that bad?" Sherry asked. "I'm not used to kissing girls. I was just trying to play the game."

"It was fine, sweetie," Cassidy said. "You have nice lips."

"OK," Sherry said, and gave a smaller smile. She scampered back towards her spot in the circle and Cassidy glanced at me as she picked up the bottle. I felt a little bad that my control had just put some self-doubt into Sherry, but... also I wasn't. Cassidy was mine.

Cass spun the bottle, and it twisted and whirled for a long moment before coming to a rattling stop pointing right at me.

"Ooooh," a bunch of the girls crowed. Everyone knew that Cassidy had the inside scoop on anything that could embarrass me.

Cassidy leaned close to me and whispered in my ear. "Just pretend like I'm asking you something embarrassing and go for the kiss, Tiger. I love you."

"Kiss!" I called out, trying to put a panicked look on my face. The whole circle started laughing, so either I put on a good performance or everyone was tipsy enough not to be able to tell the difference. I quickly spun the bottle and it rounded towards the other side of the circle, spinning to a stop and pointing right at Heather.

She made a face, and as I began to shuffle on my knees over to her she quickly glanced around and her eyes fell on Cattie and she slowly grinned. By the time I was across the circle, Heather turned back to me and said, "I'm calling a substitution since I'm a lesbian and don't kiss guys."

"Wait, what?" I asked. "There's straight girls here who you're making kiss other girls."

"Well, no one's been complaining," Heather said dismissively.

"Not really fair," Becca said, "But what are you proposing, Heather?"

"You can kiss Cattie instead," Heather said.

"What?" Cattie said in surprise.

"Kiss him for me," Heather said to Cattie, giving her a look.

"I think if it's a substitution, and Cattie agrees, it should be more than the original," Cassidy said. "I vote second base."

That started a brief discussion of what people from different parts of the country considered second base, and it was roundly determined that groping and heavy petting while making out was second base. Heather was arguing against the escalation, saying it was a fair substitution just one-to-one.

I just locked eyes with Cattie as this was all being discussed loudly. She was softly glaring at Heather, then would look at me with a softer gaze and a pensive quirk to her lips, then back behind me at Cassidy.

"Fine," Cattie said, cutting off the conversation. She looked at Heather. "You want me to substitute, I'll substitute," she said, and then she stood up and offered me her hand to stand as well. As I did she hugged me around the neck and pulled me down so she could whisper in my ear. "Are you and Cassidy sure?"

"She is, I'm getting there," I said. "You don't have to do this though. I don't want this to ruin-"

"Just shut up and kiss me, Robbie," Cattie said.

Chapter 34

Cattie took my hand and put one on her ass over her tights and the other on her breast over her shirt. I could immediately tell she didn't have a bra on under that flimsy t-shirt. I didn't have time to think too hard about that because then we were kissing.

My hand on her ass squeezed instinctually, my fingers curling just a little into the crack of her bum as I pulled her closer to me. She wrapped her hands around the back of my neck, pulling my head down firmly to keep our lips locked.

Kissing Cattie was a new experience all over again from the others. She was insistent and hungry for it, her chin bumping mine as she worked her lips and our tongues slid and played. She hummed happily into my mouth, and I groaned somewhere in my chest. More than with any of the other women I'd kissed today, my nose filled with the scent of her, a warm almost woody smell I would have put to a men's body wash except it was cut with a floral overtone.

My hand massaged her tit through her shirt and I could feel her nipple getting hard through it. I slid my other hand up from her ass, and it slipped under her tee and came up her bare side. She nodded a little into the kiss, giving me permission, and I went further, wrapping my fingers around her bare tit and quickly starting to tease her nipple.

The crowd of girls - and JC - were going wild at the kiss. It was a dull roar in my ears of whooping and whistles and catcalls. My world was this kiss for a long moment, and for another moment I was wondering what Cassidy was thinking. What she was feeling, watching this.

I slid my hands from Cattie's delightful breasts and brought them both down to her ass, palming her firm cheeks and squeezing her again, and then lifting her up. She made a surprised 'Mmm!' as I did so, but didn't break the kiss. Instead, she wrapped her legs around my waist, kissing down at me and arching her body to press her tits against my upper chest.

I took two steps forward, back towards her seat, and slowly lowered us down onto my knees, and then down as I pressed her back to the floor while she clung on to me with her arms and legs. We didn't break the kiss once. Finally, with a last little spar between our tongues, I pulled away and Cattie and I just grinned at each other in messy happiness as the girls around continued to jeer and catcall.

We'd never hit on each other. She was my fiance's best friend ever since they met up at a Con two years ago. I'd always had a brief concept of lust for her - she was gorgeous. But never had either of us ever thought we'd share a kiss likethat.

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