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Amazon Domme Pt. 02

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Veronica and Chris learn even more about one another.
8.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/28/2019
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The night passed by, and Veronica and I spent more time around each other. We learned a lot about each other, after our previous night together we made a very delicious brew of coffee, which is how I found out about her love of morning coffee and a single cigarette. I've never smoked, but seeing her with one in hand while drinking coffee felt very right. I offered to make pancakes for the both of us, and she was on board immediately. I felt refreshed that morning. I spent so many hours being held tight by the most incredible woman I'd ever met in my life, and I wanted to do everything to ensure that it would happen again.

I was in the just finishing the last pancake when I felt her close in behind me, and I didn't shy away from her touch. I leaned my head back, and saw her coming in for a kiss and didn't hesitate to kiss her back. As she pulled away, she gently but firmly pulled the spatula from my hand, and flipped it onto the plate I was holding before it burned. I wanted to badly to not be out done, but there was no way for me to show off my sick pancake skills because she robbed me there, but I thought of a way to make up for it. I brought her breakfast and some milk, and decided to quickly eat what little I felt like eating that morning.

"You were wonderful last night." she said to me after cleaning off her plate.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that, thank you."

"How should I thank you for being such a wonderful sub last night?"

"Maybe lets go on some more dates?"

"Maybe we should. Maybe I want to take you out again the moment we're both available."

"I look forward to it." I said with the biggest grin I'm sure I've ever mustered.

Unfortunately, she had plans for the rest of her day, starting a few hours later, but before I left she swept me up in her arms and kissed me all over my face before telling me I was "too fucking cute." which I really needed to hear. I gave her a two handed smack on the ass as I was leaving, to which she responded by poking her head out of the door and saying, "You know you're going to pay for that right?" "I wouldn't have it any other way." I said.

I had so much to think about on my way back home. I started to really notice that the dominance that she wielded over me was starting to leak into our regular interactions, and I wanted every single piece I could get of it. I was blown away by her, I wanted to figure out every single thing that made her tick. I wanted to learn every single possible way that there was to please her, I wanted to learn how she liked her food made, I wanted to learn how she liked her drinks mixed, I wanted to learn how she liked having her feet and back rubbed, I wanted to learn how she liked me dressed so I could dress up for her more. I wanted to hear her talk more about her profession, she seemed so interesting, she was genuinely one of the smartest people I've ever met. It felt like no matter the topic, whenever she spoke about anything I was learning something, and I couldn't get enough of it. She was just so fantastic to see get passionate about something. The way her hands moved when a particularly interesting topic to her is brought up is so uplifting. I sincerely loved her, and I needed to show that in every way possible.

As I got home I let her know about my schedule.

I texted her, "I just found out I have Wednesday through Sunday off this week. Anytime that you have in mind will work for me."

"Wonderful. I have Friday off, so I think we'll meet up at the ramen shop near my place around six on Thursday and if you're free, I have my whole weekend open."

I had never been so excited in my life. I had so much preparing to do before then for her.

"I have my weekend open too! I'd love to spend it with you c:"

"Thanks pumpkin, I'll let you know if there's any plan changes or anything you should know. Now why don't you send me some pics of you in your favorite outfits and I'll let you know what to wear."

I didn't waste any time. I changed into a white and black short sleeve button up with a miss-match pattern and various shapes and signs all over the sleeves and collar, with a simple dark blue jean.

After sending her the picture, she texted me, "Like it, but don't love it, there's a lot going on here, and I'm thinking something a bit more classic and simple. Maybe if we go to an art gallery or something, then it'd be perfect."

Once again, her reasoning is wonderful, and I couldn't have put it better myself.

I moved on from that to a red and white striped long sleeve button up and light brown chinos, which she responded not very well to, but I didn't let it get to me, I valued her opinion more than anything else right then. Next was a black button down shirt, with a blue thin hoodie over top of it, with the same dark jeans as before.

"LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. That's what you're wearing, 100%."

"I'm glad you like it <3" I said.

"I do, I just need you to change one thing."

"What is that?"


I paused, rather stupidly, trying to think of something to respond with.

"I mean, how will you know if I am or if I'm not?"

"Because you're gonna open up skype, and make yourself visible for me, you dingus."

"Anything you want, gorgeous."

I opened up skype, and set up my camera to have the perfect viewing angle for her.

"Mmmm, I like what I see here."

"I haven't even got naked for you yet."

"You will in a moment. First take off your hoodie and shirt."

I nervously tugged at my collar and loosened up, and started quickly removing my jacket.

"Slowly." she said. "I want to drink you in right now."

I slowly started to unbutton my shirt. and got myself closer to the camera. She seemed to enjoy the mini show I was putting on for her. I moved my way up, pausing to let her see each individual button come undone and rubbed my body all the while.

"Pose for me."

I was so totally unsure of what to do, I threw my hair back and held it with my hands and looked back at her.

"God I wish you were here, I need a face to sit on while I get ready."

"I'll remember that for the next time I'm over."

"Come on, boy, give me another pose."

Totally out of ideas, I just put a heart over my chest and put a leg up on the bed while making a kissy face. Hopefully at the very least I'll get a chuckle.

"Haha, oh my god you are hopeless. If you need help just ask."

"Okay good. Veronica, how would you like me to pose?"

"Kneel. Eyes closed, mouth open wide, tongue out."

I complied with her orders, with a wide smile to boot.

I didn't see, but I heard the sound of her taking a screenshot over the computer.

"What are you gonna do with those?" I asked.

"I wanted a new background of you, and I think this might also work as a contact picture. We'll see though, I might have some more ideas."

"Awww that's so kinky and cute." I said.

"Just like you" she winked at me. "By the way I didn't say it earlier but that little thing you did where you stretched out your leg, that was so cute. Like you radiate this aura of innocence but also of kinkyness, I absolutely love it. But it was nice seeing you, I've got to actually get ready now. I'll call you sometime later?"

"Awesome, I'll talk to you then."

After hanging up I felt like I was on cloud nine. I was harder than I think I ever was before then. I just wanted for these next few days to hurry up and go by. I wanted to see her again. As I tried to keep my mind off of her to get things done around my house, I thought to myself, "How can I honestly surprise her?" and after not a lot of thinking I came up with a great idea. I wanted to learn how to give amazing massages. I'm sure that's something that could show real devotion. Learning a skill solely for the benefit of my partner might be the best idea I've had recently. I looked up tons of tutorials and guides and spent all my time not spent doing school work and working or talking to her trying my best to get learn how to properly relax your partner and relieve stress building up in joints and muscles. I couldn't wait to show off my new found knowledge for her, I wanted to do whatever it took to show her that I loved her, even if I was way too scared to say anything.

After work I got a text saying, "I don't have any plans for Thursday night through Sunday night. Can you spend a few nights with me?"

With zero hesitation I responded "Absolutely. Where are we meeting up?"

"Meet me at my place. I'll walk you to the entrance to the entrance to the city park a few blocks away. I love it there."

"Awesome, I'll see you then."

I loaded up my bags with everything I needed, grooming essentials, clothes for a few days, as well as really nice massage oil, some scented candles, and some towels. Properly layered up and wearing gloves this time, I left my apartment in time to see the setting sun, and didn't look back. I couldn't contain the happiness in my heart at that moment. After a train ride and a nice clear walk, it was nice and dark out when I knocked on her door.

She opened the door all dressed up for winter. She had on her long black boots, that looked more like utility boots than something you'd wear to a gala. She had on Black jeans and a large black petticoat on over top of it, she looked cute as a button, but also looked like she meant business. She opened the door wide enough to let me throw my bag in and before I could even say hello she had her hands on my shoulders and was pulling me in for a kiss.

"Oooooh my big handsome man is here."

"I appreciate that, I promise to let it all go to my head."

"I doubt you could, you're too sweet for that." she said as she grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Oh wow, you brought gloves this time! Whatever, I'll still hold your hand."

"Hey if you want the authentic experience I'll take em off."

"No need for you to lose fingers just take make me feel important. Come on this way, I really can't wait for you to see this park."

I was somewhat surprised she wanted to go this way. Honestly it was super cold and I didn't have it in me to spend hours out here, at least I couldn't if she wasn't out here. The walk to the park was breath taking. All the lights being set up looked so beautiful and we stopped multiple times to really take in all the colors accosting us from all angles. It felt like a painting come to life, a painting I could never hope to replicate. We snapped some picture together in front of a tall Christmas tree and finally got across to where the park is. Once we got there, I realized it was closed and figured I'd turn around to see disappointment on her face, but far from it. She just climbed over the small median separating the city from the park.

"Wow, I didn't know I was dating a criminal." I said.

"Get used to it. Sometimes I even ring up a red bell pepper and green bell pepper as two red peppers to save 25 cents."

"I truly don't know what to say. I mean ride or die at this point but still, you should have made this clear before now."

"Shut up and take a look at this."

Shut up and take a look I did, it was empty, dark, cold, and somewhat bleak. It was frozen over, there was no walkways shoveled, the benches were frozen to the touch, the trees and shrubs were all dead. It felt like after only a few moments of walking together, that we were the only living beings for miles in any direction. I could hear the outcry of civilization back behind me, but I was more focused on keeping pace with Veronica.

"Do you see why I like it out here now?"

"You're into the bleak decaying view that winter brings?"

"Yes. But also listen."

After a few moments, all I heard was a very slight hum from the city, probably a quarter mile behind us. "It's just you and me, Chris. We can walk and talk with no distractions, and no one can bother us. We can just enjoy each other and the night sky."

"I think I get it now. I didn't know you liked night walks. I'l keep that in mind. Honestly it's just really nice to see you. We could be anywhere and I'd be happy, but this park is really beautiful, even if it is cold and dark." I said.

"I love night walks, it helps me focus so much more than regular ones. Fewer people on the street and what not."

She paused then said rather bluntly, "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?"

She went back to holding my hand, then said,

"I've just been thinking about, well, you and I. I just need to share my feelings right now and I need to hear yours. I just want to make sure we are on the same page."

"Of course, anything you want to know I'll share, I'm an open book."

"Well that's comforting. I've been nervous about this conversation for a while." She paused.

"Basically since that night we met, I've had this lingering thought in my head that you are close to nineteen years younger than I am. It truly doesn't bother me, I promise, although before I met you there is no way in hell I'd have ever dated someone as young as you if someone had just asked. You were just... Adorable. You were so cute and the way you looked at me when I handed you your glasses back legitimately made me feel something that I was not prepared to feel at all. I was going there to meet a date, but you were the biggest breath of fresh air, and have continued to be for so long. I guess... What I'm trying to say here is that I don't care that you are younger than me, I think it just makes you all the cuter, but it does present a dilemma that I can't get out of my head." She looked me in the eyes and looked to be holding back some emotions and said, "I need to know you're serious. I don't want this to just be a fling, and I don't know maybe I'm just being a hopeless romantic but I can't have any more nonsense in my life. I'm turning forty next month. I just don't have room in my life for people who don't want to really be a part of it for real."

"I think I understand how you feel. I'm glad you brought this up, because I've been thinking too. Let me just say up front that you are beyond any shadow of a doubt the most wonderful woman I've ever had in my life by a wide margin. You are kind and funny and smart in a way that nobody can match. If that wasn't enough, you're sharp and witty, you can joke around with me and you can be really serious and precise with explaining your feelings. All that and you're so incredibly, 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘺 beautiful in a way that I can't describe. It's frustrating because if I had a way with words the same way you did, I could tell you exactly what I mean."

"That's so fucking sweet. I really appreciate it. I guess the only thing that's been biting me is that I just feel... Insecure? I'm not sure what other word to use, I just can't shake the worry that you might end up finding someone younger, or that maybe the luster of dating me might ware off. I just don't want to have to date again, especially after finding you."

"Insecure about the age gap?"

"Yeah." She said.

"Honestly it hasn't entered my thoughts one bit. I haven't thought that 'oh man I can't believe I'm dating an older girl this is so hot' or 'well this is cool but I need to one day settle down with someone like me'. I don't like you because of anything other than who and what you are, and I genuinely would change nothing about you. If anything all I want to do is learn more about you. You are so genuinely fascinating and exciting to be around. Honestly, now the more I think about it, our age gap might work in our favor. Some of my favorite qualities that you have is that you are so experienced. You've seen the world in ways that I haven't, and I find that extremely interesting. I want to hear your thoughts on everything. Every single time you open your mouth to talk about something with me, I learn something new. I don't think this would necessarily be the case if you weren't at least a little older than me."

"Wow. I... I don't know what to say. That was really good to hear. I didn't know you were thinking that way. You really are something, I'll give you that."

"What do you mean?" I said.

"I didn't think I could be more attracted to you, I honestly didn't. You just took every single insecurity in my heart about us and quashed it in front of me. I've ever met someone who could make me feel so confidant like this."

"Well I mean you should feel confidant. You have every single possible nice quality I could look for. You're a great friend, a great lover, a fun drinking buddy. Whenever that little bubble of insecurity pops up in your head, I just want you to think, 'hell yeah Chris likes me. Why wouldn't he? Have you seen me?'"

She laughed for a while at that.

"Well, I don't know if I can go that far, but I appreciate that you're serious about this. I didn't 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 think you'd up and leave me, but that aching thought in the back of my head was driving me crazy."

"I haven't had a single second of thought that you weren't anything other than the most amazing woman I've ever met."

After I said that she sort of broke up a little bit and came in for a hug, to which I reciprocated. I felt really good that I was able to make her feel better. I felt like I properly did my job and just wanted to keep the good vibes going.

"Thank you so much" she said, "Lets go have a really fun night now! Speaking of which I almost forgot." she handed me a flask from her coat pocket. "Time to pregame before we get out of the park." It was basically all vodka, but I needed some after that, not because of the talk, but because I was freezing and the alcohol would at the very least make me feel warm, even if I wasn't actually warm. We were still a few minutes away from the entrance to the park, and I was still shaking off my last nip off the flask she handed me. "Weeeellll, what do you want to talk about now?" I ask. "Hmmmm. Do you have any favorite comedians?"

Of course I did. It kinda blew me away just how much we were figuring out about each other still. I told her how much I loved comedians like Demitri Martin, and how much I liked comedians who weren't just mean, who were very strangely observational. We talked forever about comedy and our favorite comedies. Her favorite comedy of all time was Caddyshack, which I hadn't actually seen before, if I was being honest I only remember it because of the memes made from it. Before we even knew it we had gotten to the first bar we were ended up at. There was a loud jazz band playing pretty close by, so we hunkered down a little bit away so we could at least hear each other.

"So, do you know why I called you hear today?" she asked me.

"Because you love jazz?"

"Not a whole lot no, but these guys are decent. It's because we can talk about anything without anyone overhearing us."

"Oh." was all I had in me after that.

She laughed pretty loudly at me, and brushed her foot up against my leg, going ever closer up near my thighs. "You look so cute and innocent when you're flustered."

"I'm glad you think so" I said and smiled into my flask.

"Put that away, we'll be getting drinks any time now."

As soon as the waiter pulled up to ask if we knew what we were getting she ordered two pretzels with beer cheese and two long islands. I didn't even have a thought in my head for what to eat but that sounded so freaking good.

"Okay, two good questions. One, what is your favorite Disney movie, secondly, do you think free will exists?" I ask.

"Oooooh I like this format, one existential question and one fun one. Okay, I think my favorite would have to be the Lion King, mostly because I was obsessed with it as a kid. Especially the super Nintendo game, even though I never beat it. God even now just thinking about that monkey level is so damn irritating." In my head I'm taking notes to possibly bring over my laptop and play SNES emulators all day.

Then she said, "To answer the serious question, ehh? I mean I don't think it really matters one way or another. I don't think we should focus so hard on how to figure out whether or not we are actually making decisions or whether or not our decisions were basically predestined because of the vagueries of universal causality, honestly we should figure out just how to deal with life, and how to min max happiness. That's all I can think to do right now."

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