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An Altered Reality Ch. 01

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The beginning of the strangest, most arousing week.
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NOTE/DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this story is real or should be considered as such. This story is very odd and is based on a strange fantasy I concocted that brings together some fetishes I'm into. This first chapter introduces the characters, sets up a little bit of where the story will be going, and yes, features hardcore sex between consenting adults. I do know where the story is going to be headed and have the future chapters mapped out in my head. However, I welcome any feedback and I'm always excited to discuss the story and characters, and chatting/bouncing around ideas for future stories. I hope you enjoy delving into my insane mind.


From our seat on the couch beside theirs, Maddie and I watched as her sister—my girlfriend—ran her hand down the dark, bare chest of the large black man sitting next to her. My eyes widened and Maddie inhaled sharply when Tiffany's hand reached the waistband of his jeans. She grinned and ran her thumb along his belt, her fingers slipping just the slightest bit below the hem, before stopping at the buckle. Her fingers were only a few scant inches above the base of his dick, the rest of the shaft forming a large, long tent just a bit further below her hand's resting place.

His erection was hardly surprising. Tiffany was already completely naked, her pink nipples at attention, and the sight of her pale body against his dark skin had me sporting a similar, albeit smaller tent in my own jeans.

"This is so hot," Maddie whispered next to me, shifting in her seat. "I can't believe she's going to do this. You are going to do this, right?"

"Yes, I am," Tiffany said. She glanced our way before turning back to the sculpted face next to her. Without her glasses, her deep brown eyes were just the slightest bit unfocused, but that did nothing to hide the overflowing lust inside them. It was a look I was all too familiar with but one that was usually reserved for me. "I'm going to suck his fucking dick."

Tiffany's other hand darted up and she started to unbuckle his pants while sliding off the couch to her knees between his legs.

Like Maddie, I could barely believe what we were about to witness. But then again, the entire night had already been filled with surprises. The first came when Maddie had suggested she and Tiffany go out for a night on the town. It was a shock to hear Maddie suggest it considering she doesn't drink, but Tiffany and I figured that maybe her sister just wanted to spend some time with her since they don't get to see each other that often. Coupled with Maddie's husband being out of town and her rarely getting any time to herself after having two kids, we thought that maybe she just needed a night. So, Tiffany had gladly obliged and I took one for the team and volunteered to watch and put the kids to bed.

It was hours later when I got surprise number two. I was lounging on the couch, the kids fast asleep, and in walked Maddie, followed by a clearly intoxicated Tiffany, who had her arms draped around a handsome, equally drunk stranger. His hand was around her thin waist, and her shirt had ridden up, leaving his dark hand pressed directly against her pale skin. I had opened my mouth to say something, but Maddie quickly raised her finger to her lips, pointing first to the kids' bedroom door and then to the door leading to the basement.

Biting my tongue, I led the way downstairs.

Once we were all safely away from the sleeping children, I spun around to confront the confusing but admittedly arousing scene. Something about the sight of my sweet but headstrong girlfriend with this tall, dark-skinned stranger sent a rush of excitement through me, but not enough that I wasn't going to ask what the hell was going on. However, once again, Maddie stopped me before I could say anything, this time rushing over to give me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry we were out so late, honey," she said, meeting my dark eyes with her own honey-colored ones and giving me a smile. In my peripheral, I saw Tiffany and the man stumble their way over to the couch and fall into it, both of them laughing and giggling. Instead of turning their way though, I kept my sight on Maddie, my eyes drifting down to that dimple right below the curved edge of her lip that appeared whenever she smiled.

Maddie's smile had always captivated me. The way her left incisor stuck out just the slightest bit over her bottom lip. Her smile had a certain amount of innocence and goofiness that made my dick twitch. Being this close to her, her body pressed against mine, something unspoken passed between us, a silent acknowledgement. We pulled apart and made our way to the unoccupied couch next to the love seat where Tiffany sat with her mystery man. My girlfriend's lips were parted and her eyes were closed as the guy nuzzled and kissed her neck. "Tiffany was just having such a good time talking with her new friend, uh, what was your name again?"

"Jerome," Tiffany gasped in response. Her quote-unquote new friend had slipped his hand back to her thin waist. This time, he purposefully pushed her top up, slipping underneath and venturing upward before pausing on her ribs, right below her bra.

"Right," Maddie continued. "Jerome. We were all talking for hours and I could tell neither of them wanted the night to end so I told him he could come over to our place so they could... keep hanging out." Her pause spoke wonders. "You don't have a problem with that, do you honey?"

Maddie placed her hand on my thigh and drew my attention back to her. She looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes, a sexual thrill waiting there that I had never seen from her before... but had thought about many times. A gentle moan pulled me back toward Tiffany and Jerome. Underneath my girlfriend's top, I saw his hand inching higher.

So many thoughts ran through my head in that moment, but one thought I knew was running through Tiffany's head as well. Given enough drinks, Tiffany tended to become rather horny. Usually that horniness was directed my way but right now, it was all directed right at this tall, dark stranger. She wanted him, but more than that, I wanted to see her with him. The idea of my girlfriend hooking up with this guy, with a black guy... all while her sister, who I held a secret obsession over, watched on along with me... It all felt like a strange dream, but I knew I did not want to wake up from it just yet.

"No," I admitted, solidifying the course of the night. "No problem at all."

"Hang on." Tiffany pulled Jerome's head away from her neck, and for a moment I felt disappointment thinking she had come to her senses and was putting a stop to things. But then she added, "Let me use the bathroom real quick."

That statement may have seemed completely innocent to everyone else, but to me, it meant everything. It was what Tiffany almost always said after a night of drinking and right before we had sex. As she got up and walked away, Jerome gave her small ass a squeeze.

"Hope this isn't too weird," he finally said acknowledging us as Tiffany left the room. His voice wasn't as deep as I expected, only maybe an octave lower than mine.

"Not at all," Maddie said excitedly. "My sister usually just stays in with us and the kids whenever she visits. I was glad we got to go out tonight, especially since it led to you two meeting."

"How did you guys meet?" I asked, curious for at least some partial answers to how exactly we all ended up in this very surreal spot.

"Well, I saw them at their table in the bar and already had some liquid courage in me, so I decided why not shoot my shot," Jerome explained.

"We were a few drinks in when he came over to talk to us," Maddie added. I gave her a look and she laughed and clarified. "Well, Tiffany was a few drinks in since I was driving. Anyway, I told him how you and I were married but that Tiffany was visiting from out of town. He seemed more interested in her anyway. So, I invited him to join us. They just had such a connection."

"No offense to you, Maddie," Jerome said sheepishly. "You're very pretty but when I saw Tiffany looking my way from across the bar, she was just—oh fuck!"

Jerome's jaw dropped as his eyes focused past us. We spun around to see what he was looking at and Maddie's eyes went wide, her hand jumping toward my crotch, my dick already halfway hard in my pants from the sight in front of us.

Back from the bathroom, Tiffany made her way toward the couch completely buck naked except for her glasses. Tiffany's nude body was something I had seen many times over, but it was something Maddie must not have seen in years and certainly something Jerome had never seen. The reaction from both seemed to reaffirm my own enjoyment over her lanky but arousing beauty.

Tiffany wasn't an inhumanly proportioned knockout with big tits and a plump ass. In fact, she was nearly the opposite, thin and long with handful sized breasts, a small ass, and a flat stomach. She was much more nerdy girl next door than supermodel. But all her proportions came together perfectly and suited her frame in such a way that made her naked body an incredibly sexy sight.

The three of us tracked her, Maddie and Jerome's eyes drifting across every inch of my naked girlfriend, as she finally came to a stop in front of him. From our angle and vantage point, Maddie and I had a clear view of Tiffany's ass. The gap between her thighs also gave us a small glimpse at her naked sex. Jerome meanwhile, got a complete and unobstructed view of my girlfriend's snatch, which was on display mere inches from his face. From his seated position, Jerome's line of sight was directly at her pubic mound, which was covered with a sparse but wide swatch of dark hair that extended down to a triangle ending at her shaved lips.

Her gaze fixated on Jerome, Tiffany took off her glasses and dropped them on the table before reaching forward to pull his shirt over his head. Tossing it aside, she dropped back down onto the couch beside him and ran her hand down his chest. Moments later, she was down on her knees working on unbuckling his belt.

"Holy shit," Jerome said, staring down at my girlfriend, who lustfully looked back up at him. "God, you are so hot."

The rustling of clothes beside me let me know Maddie was undressing as well, and I found myself torn between wanting to keep my eyes on my girlfriend, afraid of missing any of the action, and shifting my gaze over to her sister. I turned toward Maddie while Tiffany worked on the button to Jerome's zipper, eager to finally see my girlfriend's sister's naked body. Maddie kept her eyes locked on her sister, but her shirt was already off and she was in the process of shimming her jeans off her legs. Kicking her jeans aside, Maddie reached behind herself to unclasp her bra. I held my breath, having dreamed of this moment many times, although in very different circumstances.

Truth told, when Maddie and Tiffany were younger, Maddie was extremely attractive. This was long before I knew her unfortunately, but I had seen pictures of them in college. Tiffany was a bit of a late bloomer, still gangly and not as developed as she is now, while Maddie had been in full form since mid-High School. Tiffany used to tell me about how much more attention Maddie always got compared to her but she understood why. Maddie was a little shorter, giving her a more shapely than lanky figure. Her breasts were bigger, her face a little prettier, her hips and ass wider, and her thighs thicker. The only place Tiffany had definitively won out was in the nose department. Tiffany's nose was perfectly shaped and proportioned to her face, but Maddie's was a little big and awkwardly shaped. Still, the imperfection ended up giving her a touch of uniqueness.

However, these days, things were quite different. After two kids, Maddie wasn't the same girl she used to be. Her thick mane of light brown hair had darkened and lost a bit of its volume. She had gained more weight in her face and midsection. Her thighs were larger and her ass fatter. There wasn't any question who the far hotter sister was now. But even still, despite all this, I had retained a strange attraction to Maddie.

In a way, it was Tiffany's fault. She would constantly mention off-handedly how attractive her sister was, even sharing some more risqué stories of hearing her sister and then-boyfriend now-husband having sex through the walls of their shared apartment back in the day. And when I first met Maddie, it was before the kids, so the notion held very true. That sexualization of her made me become more and more attracted to her, and even after this new, less attractive Maddie came about, the notion of sleeping with her remained a strong fantasy. Maddie and I often lightly flirted with each other and part of me thought maybe she might even be interested. But I never thought my fantasies might become a reality and certainly not in this way.

Maddie's bra dropped away and at long last I finally got a look at my girlfriend's sister's bare breasts. They were saggier than Tiffany's, naturally, hanging heavily on her ribcage above the small rolls in her midsection. They might not have been as perky and round as they were in her prime, but I didn't care. There were Maddie's tits and they were right in front of me, capped with hard, dark nipples begging for my touch. I wanted to stare at them longer, reach over and take them between my lips, but the sound of a zipper being undone and the shuffling of pants being pulled down captured my attention. Things were clearly progressing on the other side of me and the idea of Jerome's cock slapping onto Tiffany's face was equally appealing.

I looked over just in time to see Tiffany tug Jerome's pants and underwear off his hips and down his legs, freeing his hard cock, which sprung up into the air like a flagpole. The long, thick shaft bobbed up and down before the sheer weight of it began to pull it toward his thigh. Tiffany reached up and grabbed the base of his cock in both hands, hefting the whole thing up so she could marvel at its size. Her pale face next to his black shaft was such an insanely erotic sight.

I heard Maddie lift her hips off the couch to remove her panties but this time by girlfriend won out. I couldn't take my eyes off what was happening on the other couch.

"Fucking Christ," Tiffany hissed, her eyes taking in the big dick. In truth, he was only a few inches bigger than me, but his girth was impressive. Tiffany adjusted her grip, stacking her hands to cover the entire length, the dark tip of Jerome's cockhead barely peeking out from the top. Tiffany had pretty big hands but even her fingers and thumbs barely touched after encircling the thick member. She widened her hold and let out a guttural moan as she pressed her face against the underside of his shaft. My own cock nearly tore through my jeans when my girlfriend's face made contact with Jerome's charcoal dick. "Mmmm... so warm."

Pulling her face away, Tiffany sat back up and pumped her hands up and down Jerome's cock a few times, eliciting groans of pleasure from its owner, before returning her grip to near the base of his pole for support. I held my breath and watched intently as at last Tiffany opened mouth and lowered her face onto his dick.

All four of us moaned at the same time, precum soaking my underwear at the reality of my longtime girlfriend sucking another man's cock.

Jerome tossed his head back and let out an extended, "Oh shit," as Tiffany started bobbing her head up and down, sinking lower and lower onto his dark pole with each plunge of her face. Her lips were stretched wide to accommodate its size, and the rapidly increasing slurp slurping of her mouth was only interrupted by the occasional gag when, just at the halfway point, it had reached the entrance to her throat. I reveled in the moment, the sheer lewdness of it, Tiffany's spit dripping past her lips and sliding down the dark shaft to meet her pale fingers.

Maddie's nude body took over my field of view as she climbed on top of me, temporarily blocking the sight of my girlfriend going down on Jerome. I could still hear them though, the "mmph mmph mmphs" emanating from Tiffany nose and throat picking up in pace. Maddie's thick thighs straddled mine, and I ran my gaze from her heaving breasts down past her chubby stomach to her neatly trimmed strip of pubic hair, pausing at her slippery wet cunt before journeying back up again. I met her eyes and wordlessly scrambled to unbutton my jeans, shimmy them down, and releasing my achingly hard cock.

Bracing one hand on the couch beside my head, Maddie reached down between us with her other hand and grasped my cock. I barely had time to register my girlfriend's sister holding my dick in her hand before she lined up my tip with her hole and sank down. She let out an extended cry of pleasure capped by a high-pitched yelp as I instinctively slammed my hips upwards to meet hers, thrusting the final few inches fully inside of her.

We slowly lowered ourselves back down onto the couch, keeping my cock sheathed in her warmth. Wrapping her arms around my neck, Maddie buried her face into the crook of my shoulder and I reached behind her to grab onto her wide ass, the cheeks overflowing my hands in sharp contrast to the usual feeling of her sister's butt. Maddie was surprisingly tight for a woman with two kids, though unquestionably not as tight as Tiffany. Still, it was Maddie's cunt and that alone was enough to make this one of the hottest moments of my life, regardless of the bizarrely added thrill of my girlfriend a few feet away hungrily sucking on someone else's dick. We enjoyed the feeling of each other for a moment longer before Maddie began to rock her hips, and then I was officially fucking my girlfriend's sister.

"Oh god," she whispered into my ear. "Yes."

Maddie bounced up and down on top of me while over her shoulder I saw Tiffany's head bouncing up and down on Jerome's cock. It took a lot of my willpower not to immediately blow my load from the pure perversity of everything happening.

Tossing her head back at last, Maddie turned to join me in watching my girlfriend. From where we were sitting, we mainly saw the expanse of Tiffany's bare back and her head bobbing up and down in Jerome's lap, her shoulder-length wavy dark brown hair swaying from the motion. While her hair, the angle, and her spread out elbows across Jerome's lap mostly blocked us from seeing her mouth engulfing his shaft, we were able to make out the spit-slick length of it appearing and disappearing as she blew him and the sloppy sounds of her mouth at work.

"I can't believe she's sucking him off," Maddie said with a total lack of irony as we fucked into each other. I ran one arm across her lower back for stability while my other hand crept up to lift and cup her right breast. "It's so slutty. Mmm."

"And this... isn't?"

"No. It's not," Maddie said turning back to face me and holding my eyes intently. She continued to ride me but her expression had turned serious. "She just met him tonight, only a few hours ago, and already she's on her knees trying to swallow his big black dick down her throat. We know each other. We've wanted this, but the moment was just never right. It's two people finally getting together. It's not slutty."

Strangely enough, I understood what Maddie was trying to say. Not because I agreed with it, but because Maddie was a romantic at heart. She loved reading romance novels and stories of destined or taboo lovers hooking up. Maybe this was her own strange version of that. If that's what she needed for this to happen—to classify this as something more romantic when compared to her sister going to third base with a stranger—that was fine by me.

"Besides, we're husband and wife," Maddie continued, the mischievous glint returning to her eyes. "Not two singles on a first date. I can't blame her though. He's very attractive and they are fucking hot together. I'm just not that kind of girl. I would have taken things differently with a guy I liked. But to each their slutty own."


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