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An Avenger's Fantasy

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Agent Carter indulges in an incestuous fantasy.
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This story is part of the 'An Avenger's...' series and takes place post-Civil War and prior to Avenger's Infinity War.


Striding purposefully along the busy sidewalk Sharon Carter dodged between indifferent strangers, determined to reach her destination.

The former CIA agent felt vulnerable in a crowd, no backup or sidearm to defend her. Then again an unsanctioned rendezvous with a known fugitive would make anyone nervous; she had far more enemies than friends these days. A bundle of files tucked under her arm, Sharon was glad when she made it to her liaison: Perhaps she could still get ahead of the endgame.

Entering the diner cautiously Sharon's dark brown eyes searched the dreary open space, training kicking in as she assessed this new environment: 6 members of staff, 25 patrons, a dog and only one exit. So much for a quiet rendezvous, whoever chose this location was not thinking strategically.

Unable to spot her informant Sharon blithely ignored a nearby waitress, taking a seat at an empty table whilst making sure she had clear lines of sight.

Dressed in casual clothing Sharon was reasonably inconspicuous amongst ordinary civilians, her sleeveless blue gilet and tight grey leggings neither emphasising nor taking away from the dark blonde's natural beauty. Nevertheless Sharon eyed her neighbours with suspicion, thumbing through the folders she had laid out in front of her as she waited impatiently.

"You look tired Agent Carter."

Hearing that pronounced Sokovian accent waft over her shoulder Sharon flinched. Twisting in her seat, Sharon only realised the former Avenger was present when she finally decided to announce herself. Sat at the table behind her the brunette looked up from her coffee, the brim of a baseball cap revealing the ethereal green eyes of the beautiful girl underneath.

Surprised to discover Wanda Maximoff, Sharon responded curtly:

"Nice disguise."

"When on the run looking over your shoulder becomes second nature," Wanda purred through a dark smile:

"Not dat I need to hide."

Sliding out from her own booth Sharon quickly set herself opposite the foreign girl, placing her files in her lap to keep them out of reach; all too aware of the dangerous opponent she was now facing.

Pouring a packet of sugar into her cup Wanda stirred the dark liquid before finally taking a long luxurious sip, Sharon clearing her throat:

"Where's Romanoff?"

Tilting her head Wanda answered slowly:

"She is... unavailable."

Nodding Sharon held her nerve in-spite of this latest setback. She knew Natasha, knew how to get her to play ball; this Avenger would not be so easily leveraged.

Watching the Sokovian beauty raise her hand and snap her fingers Sharon wasn't surprised when the girl behind the counter responded by immediately refilling the brunette's mug. Sharon was well aware that the Scarlet Witch had a way of enchanting people. Knowing she had to somehow convince this master-manipulator to give her what she wanted the dark blonde took her time, waiting for the girl to continue:

"So tell me Agent Carter; how ah things on the task-force these days?"

Receiving an icy stare, Wanda smirked:

"That bad huh?? Is dat why you summon me here??"

The girl's sharp tones cutting through the noise all around them Sharon shook her head, leaning forward to whisper tersely back at the confounding brunette:

"It's Ms. Carter now. If you could be bothered to read my mind you'd realise I got fired from the CIA thanks to your repeated screw ups: I'm under investigation!"

Wanda clinked her teaspoon against the saucer, smirking:

"So much for lucky Agent 13..."

Restraining her exasperation Sharon sniped back: "Not all of us can just disappear Maximoff; someone has to keep an eye on things while the Avengers are away."

Wanda rolled her eyes dismissively; from what Natasha had told her of this woman Sharon was an opportunist, far more interested in promotion and personal validation than actually helping people. Ever protective of her muse Wanda had elected to go in the redhead's place:

"What do you want Carter?"

Stroking loose, dirty-blonde locks behind her ear Sharon lifted the papers from her knee, spreading them across the table before the waiting Witch:

"The CIA have been looking into SHIELD's off the book programs, anything affiliated with HYDRA to discredit us."

Wanda scoffed:

"So?? We ah already wanted for breaching the Accords."

"Yeah, except you all escaped so now I'm taking the fall," Sharon continued bitterly:

"They offered a trade. A pardon in exchange for family secrets; the Sexual Espionage program."

Wanda's eyes widened minutely, the cup in her hand not reaching her lips. Seeing she had the brunette's attention, Sharon slid a file across the table as she continued:

"I have evidence of sexual method's being used in everything going back all the way to the SSR. Hill, Morse... Romanoff. And I know I'm just scratching the surface."

Flipping through the first few pages of the binder Wanda landed on a photograph of Peggy Carter, chuckling dryly:

"She's cute. You have her eyes."

Sharon grimaced; reading the blonde's scowl Wanda noted her change in demeanour. Shaking her head, the Sokovian continued sarcastically:

"So what? You are jealous you weren't one of Margaret Carter's chosen few so you want to destroy her legacy??"

Sharon shook her head:

"I am the Carter legacy. But she kept so many secrets, even from me. That's why I want to talk to Romanoff-"

Seeing Wanda visibly bristle Sharon continued on hurriedly:

"If Romanoff were to testify she carried out her... assignments as part of the program I could make a case to the Taskforce and reduce all of our sentences!"

Wanda shook her head in disbelief:

"You expect Nat to out herself just to save you?! All so you can go back to your cushy desk job?!"

Tapping her boot impatiently beneath the table Sharon decided to respond honestly:

"I know you two are 'close', but Romanoff already wrote her ticket; we don't all have to go down with the ship. If you could just get her to-"

"-No," Wanda replied icily.

Clenching her jaw Sharon pushed:

"You're a telepath right? So just use 'inception' or whatever to make Hill confess to the whole thing!"

"I said no."

Both women at an impasse Sharon considered a different tactic: Wanda must have sampled the Black Widow's... methods. Ironically Sharon now needed to persuade this girl and to do so she would have to offer an attractive replacement for Romanoff. Considering the beautiful Sokovian, Sharon had to admit the thought of replacing Natasha in this girl's affections was tantalising. And, like her Aunt before her, Sharon was not above using off-the-book strategy to get her way:

Glancing around the dinner Sharon made sure nobody was watching. Sliding free of her boot, the blonde slipped her toes up the inside of the girl's leg:

Feeling the blonde's encroaching presence Wanda's eyes widened:

Passing her knee, Sharon's foot disappeared under the hem of Wanda's airy black dress, toes gliding gently along the brunette's inner thigh. Feeling cold plastic brush against the top of her stockings, Wanda murmured dryly:

"Is that an ankle bracelet or are you just pleased to see me??"

Sharon bit her lip, having briefly forgotten how much trouble she was really in:

"I need an out Wanda. The UN and the CIA want to nail me to the wall for the failure of the Accords. But if you help me on this, I could definitely help you..."

"Mmm..." Wanda grinned delightedly: "You mean to say... sex??"

Sharon nodded: "Anything you want..."

Rather enjoying her opponent's desperation, Wanda allowed Sharon access to her core, spreading her legs wide. Toes gliding into her apex, the brunette shuddered as Sharon pressed her foot against her core, brushing deliberately against her pussy, squeezing Wanda's clit between surprisingly agile digits.

Hooking her toes over the elastic waistband of Wanda's knickers, Sharon dragged them down, tickling the girl's downy hairs as she slowly descended. Feeling the heat throbbing where they met, Wanda swallowed hard:

"Mmmm - Are you sure you never joined Carter's program??"

Not responding to the girl's jibe Sharon teased her opponent; releasing Wanda's clit only to press her heel between the girl and the seat, wedging her foot into the brunette's slit. The two still facing off across the tiny table, Wanda and Sharon were locked in a battle of wills; the blonde literally using sexuality to change the Witch's mind. Leg stretching out beneath the table, Wanda gasped.

Tipping her ankle, Sharon pressed the ball of her foot against Wanda's lips, the blonde feeling the intense heat radiating off of the perpetually aroused Witch.

"Seems like we can work together..." Sharon smiled smugly, using her big toe to press down on the brunette's clit once more, Wanda twitching under the insistent pressure.

Subtly masturbated by the former Agent, Wanda struggled to remember why she was here, intent on receiving pleasure but all to aware this was a ploy designed to change her allegiances: A desperate but oh so tempting arrangement.

"We could be friends Wanda," Sharon whispered, toes grinding into the girl's clit. "Why do you need Natasha anyway?? I can do anything she can..."

Tracing the outline of Wanda's pussy, Sharon brushed teasingly back and forth before twisting her ankle upwards, toes pressing between Wanda's lips, giving the girl a glorious footjob as she shuddered breathily:

"So it -ugh! Really does run in the family?"

Grimacing, Sharon suppressed her annoyance; reminded she was using a method right out of Aunt Peggy's playbook: the very methods she intended to expose.

Responding defensively Sharon kicked out with her foot, driving her toes deep into the girl's nether as they flexed, blood pumping; strumming Wanda's hot core as she delivered her own jab:

"At least I'm better than your used-up SHIELD slut."

Sharon's cruel jibe slicing through Wanda's fog of arousal the brunette clenched her jaw, eyes snapping open:

Reaching under the table, Wanda pushed Sharon's foot away, pressing her thighs together as she glared back at the hypocritical former Agent:

"What do you have on Nat?"

Seeing that Wanda was unimpressed Sharon frowned; both women undeniably aroused by their brief dalliance. Perhaps she needed Sexual Espionage training after all... Grasping her wad of papers, the blonde slid a folder in front of the girl:

"Her file makes for some very erotic reading."

Lifting the thick document Wanda read the printed letters on the cover: 'Black Widow: the Sub-Missions.'

Flicking it open Wanda scanned what was written, thumbing through various sketchy reports whilst Sharon narrated:

"If you know where to look it's not hard to link Romanoff's seductions; News Anchors, politicians, scientists; all people of strategic value to SHIELD at one time or another. Of course I had no proof till recently. Took some photos myself in a hotel room in Berlin actually. Some required cropping but they range from risqué to obscene."

Reaching an incriminating double-page spread Wanda bit her lip, turning the file horizontal to make out the gratuitous antics depicting her fellow Avenger.

"Your girl has red in her ledger... There's more than enough here to start an official investigation into Maria Hill and a few others currently active. And if Natasha testified it would be watertight."

Hearing about the vindictive bitch that held Natasha's leash made Wanda's skin crawl, the brunette closing the dossier as she growled back at Sharon:

"You think because you're SHIELD royalty you are somehow above all of this??"

Smirking smugly, Sharon leant over the table to take the girl's cup, sipping from it as she leant back in the chair:

"Lets just say I like being on top."

Seething silently, Wanda considered her options: Sharon was conniving, intelligent and effective, more than capable of dragging Natasha into her politic maelstrom if she felt so inclined. But if Sharon thought Wanda would help her incriminate her lover she had another thing coming. Then again perhaps Sharon deserved a taste of her own medicine:

Both hands sliding under he table, Wanda quietly cracked her knuckles, fingers twirling as red glowing mist unraveled between them.

Feeling something twist up her leg, Sharon twitched in-place, eyes widening as she felt an unknown presence waft into her tight black pants. Gasping the blonde felt instant arousal, iris' glowing a deep, lustful red:

"W-what are you? -Unggh!"

Shivering Sharon gripped the edge of table, gasping in pleasure as Wanda responded:

"You know your problem Ex-Agent Carter?? You think you are still dealing in a world of spies."

Twisting her wrist, Wanda waved further strands of glowing energy between her fingers, red pulses bursting from her fingers and disappearing into Sharon's shuddering crotch:

"Let me show you a little Witchcraft..."

Eyelids flickering Sharon was bombarded with strange sexual images that made her squirm, phantom lust burning through her subconscious: Wanda responding to the blonde's earlier stimulation with her own magical touch.

Between her legs the Witch stirred up an incredible heat, Sharon sweating profusely as the brunette set her nerves aflame and unlocked lustful secrets from deep within the blonde's subconscious; all without ever actually touching her.

Sharon slammed her palms onto the cheap plastic tabled, torso wriggling uncontrollably as she was overcome by magic. Inside her mind two familiar figures spun together, lips merging in a twisting haze of erotic lovemaking.

"Ah-Aaahhh -you really want to draw attention to us??"

Gasping for air, Sharon jerked in her seat, pussy lips pulsating as her clit suddenly engorged as if plucked by an invisible source. Moaning, the blonde tried desperately to stay calm as red magic spiraled up into her slit, magical sparks stimulating every nerve ending they could find.

"I'm not the one squealing like a stuck pig," Wanda growled, intensifying the flow of magic through her fingers.

Images becoming clearer in her mind, Sharon saw herself making love to a beautiful woman, blonde and brown hair tangle together as they twirled in an endless void. Assuming her lover to be Wanda herself Sharon wanted nothing more than to give in to the glorious sensation; this was just a fantasy after all. But could she really climax in such a public place?!

Eyes darting around the dinner, Sharon realised her breathy exhalations were drawing the attention of her fellow patrons, cheeks turning crimson as sweat dripped down her brow; the outward signs of sexual arousal increasingly hard to suppress.

Gripping the tabletop Sharon spasmed, knuckles cracking as she slid down in her seat; as if to hide from the people all around. Beneath the table her knees quivered, a patch of wetness beginning to spread between her quivering thighs.

Wanda cocked her head, a wide grin spreading across her elfin features as she watched the uptight Agent devolve before her eyes. Twirling a ball of lust between her fingers, Wanda drove wave after wave of energy into the other woman's pussy, her pants providing no protection from the magical onslaught.

"Uh, uhhh Uhhh!"

Head lulling from side to side, Sharon's own fingers tangled in her dirty blonde hair, her surroundings all but forgotten as her mind focused on the carnal display of desire playing out in her thoughts.

Feeling her naked body press against the brunette's own, Sharon swooned; lost in the Witch's fantasy.

Groping the air before her, Sharon squeezed an impressive chest, feeling phantom flesh as her own nipples hardened. They were big. Too big... Wanda had curves but not like these. And the woman's eyes were not green but brown. Just like her own...

Why was her fantasy woman so familiar?

Stirring Sharon into a frenzy, Wanda watched realisation dawn on the blonde's face; just as the Witch forced her to climax:

"Ahh, AHHH!!"

Diners turning in their seats to watch the fireworks, Sharon shuddered and flexed in place, oblivious to the onlookers as the woman in her vision finally took shape, a face filling the blonde's blurry vision:

Her Aunt: Agent Peggy Carter.

Cumming Sharon shrieked as her body was inundated with magical pleasure, red iris' rolling back in her head as she orgasmed violently; her idol's visage plastered all over her vision. Around them people watched in awe as the blonde spasmed. Arching her back Sharon groaned openly, torso flexing as she came; soaking the crotch of her pants. Slumping back in her seat the blonde moaned, the images in her mind gradually flickering away as her eyes faded back to their natural brown.

Smile turning to a sickly-sweet grin Wanda took back her coffee cup:

"My my Ms. Carter: You have a filthy mind."

Remembering where she was Sharon awoke from her post-orgasmic haze; mortified by her fantasy and the onlookers all around. Recovering from the magically induced frenzy of pleasure Sharon set her jaw, looking up from the table's surface to glare back at her amused opponent:

"Still want to tamper with your own legacy??"

Feeling the wet patch between her legs Sharon bit her lip, thighs brushing awkwardly together. The eyes of every cafe patron on her, Sharon prayed for an excuse; maybe they thought she had spilt hot coffee in her lap??

Embarrassed but still determined the blonde ran her fingers through mussed up hair, attempting some composure as she croaked out a reply:

"I-I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get clear of this Maximoff: unlike you I'm a realist, not some crazed fantasist!"

Seeing the Sokovian girl's face sour, Sharon watched breathlessly as Wanda replaced her baseball cap and stepped out of the booth.

Considering everything she had learnt the Scarlet Witch smiled down at Sharon dangerously, her eyes flashing red:

"Well then; I'll just have to change your mind."


Back at her apartment Sharon lay alone in her bed staring up at the ceiling; so much for mission accomplished.

When she worked in the intelligence industry Agent Carter had status; enough to make even the infamous Black Widow bend to her will. But now outside of the system for the first time in her life, alone against the world and she had no leverage. Being made to orgasm in front of a crowd of laughing yokels was a real knock to a girl's confidence:

All she had left was her famous name.

Rolling onto her side beneath the thin duvet Sharon curled up in a fetal position, gently tugging at the monitor around her ankle as she attempted to get comfortable; Wanda's alluring vision of her Aunt still plastered across her mind. Vivid images playing out in the blonde's subconscious, Sharon still felt a tingle of the arousal the Witch had conjured within her.

Feeling that heat tickling between her legs, Sharon squeezed her bare thighs together, pressing the side of her head into the pillow ashamed of the delicious fantasy clouding her thoughts:

That was when she first heard the door creak.

Sensing someone in the darkness the former Spy pretended to be asleep, holding still as the silhouette of a hidden figure passed by her window; moving quietly around the foot of her bed.

Allowing one hand to glide downward beneath her sheets, Sharon reached for the weapon strapped around her leg. Grasping her thigh holster, the inclined blonde drew the knife from its lacy sheaf.


Springing into action Sharon twisted in her bed, holding the weapon just beneath the intruder's chin:

"Show yourself!"

The hidden figure didn't flinch, casually reaching for the bedside lamp to flick it on:

"Aunt Peggy?!"

Frozen in shock, Sharon stared at the woman perched at her bedside as the beautiful brunette smiled coyly back at her:

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