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An Empty Nest

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A married woman explores with her daugher's friend.
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It was difficult at first when my second child left for college. When my older daughter left, it was tougher on my husband. Now that my baby had left, I was the one depressed. Not only that, she moved to the opposite coast against my wishes. Then she left the week after graduation to start summer school instead of waiting for fall semester. I was forty-four years old and experiencing an empty nest. I dealt with the empty feeling by getting into shape; working out at the gym several times a week, swimming daily and playing tennis almost nightly. Of course, my husband did not mind, but he still seemed more interested in his work and fishing with his friends. I enjoyed lying by the pool in the afternoons sunning my skin to a healthy golden brown.

I must admit, I felt like a teenager again as my new shape drew attention. I dressed conservatively but still enjoyed it when men looked at and admired me. I am an upstanding member of the community, but I am still a hot, red-blooded woman. I felt something stir deep inside as I noticed men lusting for me. I was actually getting into the best shape I had ever been in my life. I felt a newness that made me more confident and more amorous. On the rare occasions my husband made love to me, I took full advantage of the opportunity. I tried to get the most from sex; though, he tended to be quick and mechanical. He is a sweet man but knows nothing of passion. I had been a good girl growing up and had saved myself for marriage. I had no comparison for his performance, but I knew it could be better. If I was right, it could be earth-shatteringly better. However unhappy I was at times with our sex life, I couldn't seriously consider cheating on him with another man. I did not think I could live with myself after that type of betrayal, at least for now.

Therefore, as I felt more comfortable with my body, I began to learn how to please myself with toys. I also surfed the Internet at night looking at porn and reading seductive stories. I learned how to please myself in new ways I had not known possible. The other ladies at church would die if they saw me sitting with my vibrator, my legs spread with my feet on the desk. They would probably ban me if they saw me playing with my anal beads.

Time passed and finally it was getting close to Christmas. My baby would be coming home for the first time. It had been more than six months and I was so excited. My older girl was home frequently and lived close, but I guess my youngest was secretly my favorite. She was a rebel and had caused my husband and me several sleepless nights but she was genuine and had a good heart. She called me on the phone.

"Mom, is it ok if I bring a friend home for Christmas break?" She asked.

"Of course, Sweety, what's your new boyfriend's name?" I asked. A mother always knows.

"Mom! I already told you I broke up with my boyfriend last month. This is a girlfriend from my dorm. She doesn't have a family and I thought it'd be nice if she came home with me."

"Of course," I replied. "By all means, bring her home."

"I hope you still recognize me when you see me at the airport. I haven't told you, but I'm a size five now."

"Good grief, Mom, what did you do to yourself?" She gushed.

"Just worrying about you, I fretted myself down to nothing," I joked.

"Please," she said sarcastically.

"Ok, I have your arrival time and flight number. Have a safe trip."

I eagerly waited, always the caring mother, for my child to come home. Finally, the day arrived and we left to retrieve her from the airport. As I went to greet my daughter, I was more than a little shocked at the appearance of her friend. She had a nose ring and was dressed provocatively. She had very short hair and hardly wore any makeup. Her jeans were too tight, too low and I could see her panties over the top of her hips. Her t-shirt said "Girls Rule" and was much too small and short enough it exposed her pierced navel. She also had a tattoo wrapping around one of her arms. She even wore black nail polish. 'What is my daughter into?' I thought. I hugged my daughter and squeezed her tightly. I had really missed her. She introduced her friend.

"This is Kim," my daughter said.

"Hey," Kim said her thumbs in her back pockets.

I felt horror again as I saw a flash of silver in her mouth when she talked. She had a pierced tongue. I surveyed my daughter looking for any signs of piercing or tattoos. I was excited to see my daughter but I was more than a little disturbed by her friend. I tried to catch my husband's eye to see if he too was shocked. I certainly did not approve, but I kept smiling approvingly. We gathered their luggage from the carousel and drove to the house. We went inside and the girls went upstairs to unpack their bags. I was alone in the kitchen alone when my daughter entered.

"Mom, what do you think of Kim, isn't she the coolest. She is on my floor in the dorm and majoring in Women's Studies. She has really opened my mind to new things."

Fearing the worst, I said, "This is not how we raised you. What's next, are you getting piercings or tattoos?"

"Mom," she replied, "that's not who I am."

I felt a lump in my throat and tears form in my eyes as I finally asked, "Are you a lesbian?"

"Good grief," she replied. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, it's just, you bring home this girl who looks like I don't know what. You move away and we don't see you for so long."

"Mom, I'm still the same girl you raised. Don't worry," she said gently. I smiled and felt relieved for the first time since seeing her at the airport.

"Don't judge Kim by her appearance. She's a good person. She's a Buddhist though, so don't freak out. Also, she doesn't eat meat."

"Ok, I know you shouldn't judge people." I replied, although this new information did not make me any more comfortable.

We sat down that evening for a nice dinner. We accepted Kim as one of our own. She was odd, and seemed like the defiant sort, but she was generally polite and amicable. I tried to look past her appearance and see her for the unique person she was. We cleaned the dishes and moved to the living room to watch a movie. As it got late, we all went off to bed. I don't know why, but for some reason I felt more comfortable that Kim slept in a different room than my daughter. She gave me a strange feeling.

After finishing in the bathroom, I went to bed. My husband was already asleep. I could not fall asleep. I kept thinking about Kim. I decided to move on and try to think how I would enjoy the holidays. I looked at the clock and it was already midnight. I had been lying awake for an hour. I was not sleepy and felt a little tense. I began thinking about what I always think about when I need to relax a little. I slid my hand down and rubbed my inner thigh. I moved my other hand underneath my green satin chemise and rolled my nipple between two fingers. I massaged myself on top of my panties. I could feel the warmness. I looked to ensure my husband still slept. I closed my eyes as I hooked two fingers under the edge of my panties at the leg and moved directly onto my pussy.

I kneaded my breast as I moved in a circular motion over my pussy. It was still dry on the outside as I teased myself. I moved my head from my breast and licked my fingers before moving it to my other breast, over the top of my chemise. I moved my other hand from the side of my panties and slid them down the front, pushing them out as I gently slid one finger into my crease. I felt wet as I moved my finger up and down sliding slightly inside me, pulling the bottom of my clit. I teased my nipple with my long nails as I began to relax. 'Oh, this is nice,' I thought. Maybe I should go into the office and log on.

I slowly slid the covers off me and stood. I slid my panties to my ankles and kicked them under the bed. I walked quietly down the hall to the office. All the lights were off in the house and everyone seemed to be asleep. I went into the office then stopped. I turned, went to the door, and opened it. I nervously looked both ways down the hall. I closed the door as quietly as possible.

I tiptoed across the room. 'Wait,' I wondered. 'Why am I sneaking around in here now?' I relaxed as I went to the closet. I pulled out the top drawer of the filing cabinet and reached in the very back. I removed what I called my special box. I removed my favorite toy, a cheap pink vibrator. I had very discretely acquired my toys over the past several years. I took great care to ensure no one - and I mean no one - knew I had these.

I walked to the desk and sat down as I turned on the computer. The beeps and hard drive starting seemed so loud. It finally finished and I stuck my vibrator in my mouth and held it with my teeth as I logged on. I surfed some of my favorite porn websites. I looked around the room again then clicked on my vibrator. "Wow, was it always this loud?" I thought.

I focused on the screen, clicking through different pictures to find a special one for this evening. I put one leg on the desk as I slid my vibrator down and held it against the outside of my pussy. I found several suitable ones. I felt kinky and a little naughty. I slid my toy into me as I stared at a woman being penetrated by two studs. I fantasized how it must feel to be so full. I wondered if I could handle it as I slid my vibrator in.

"Oh," I said aloud as I clicked on the next picture. Strangely, I felt more aroused tonight while looking at this picture. It was a close-up shot of one woman going down on the other. It looked warm and nice.

"Hmm." I felt guilty as I realized the lady licking the other's pussy looked like Kim. I felt a hot flash. I was suddenly very attracted to this shorthaired, very feminine, but slightly macho image. I slid my toy from my tight pussy and rubbed it up and down my clit. My breath increased as I leaned forward to look at the screen.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the door opening. I spun in my chair and almost kicked the monitor off with my leg that was on the desk. I leaned and grabbed my foot as the pain shot up my leg. I grimaced as I rubbed it up and down, too distracted at first to remember the door.

"Are you ok?" I heard a voice say as I looked up. There stood Kim wearing only a t-shirt. "Whatcha doing?" She asked as she continued towards me and moved to look at my foot.

Yes, I was freaking out. My leg hurt so badly or I would have run from the room. I watched as she bent down and I could see down her shirt. Her breasts were small but her nipples erect and hard. I quickly looked up. I began recovering from the pain of striking the monitor with my foot.

I breathed hard and nervously replied, "Umm, well, umm, just reading some email." Suddenly, I thought, 'God, where's my vibrator?' I looked around all directions and couldn't find it. I could not hear it either. It must have broke or the batteries fell out during the commotion. My mind raced.

Just then, I sat mortified as she leaned over my shoulder and said, "What have we got here? Nice. Hey, she looks like me." I jumped as I realized what was on the computer screen. "Stop and chill," she said nonchalantly, placing her hands on my shoulders and guiding me into my chair. "So," she said, "you like looking at the girl-girl stuff. I guess you must have guessed I'm a dyke."

I sat stiff and so nervous I could not speak. "There is nothing wrong with a little curiosity," she said rubbing my shoulders. "You have a beautiful body, you're gorgeous." She said. I looked up slightly. I felt her finger move softly across my lips. She leaned forward and whispered deeply, "I like to fuck older women. This is your lucky night." I gulped as my head spun and I thought I might faint.

She grabbed my hand and moved it between her thighs. "Feel me," she said. For the first time, I touched another woman. As she guided my fingers to part her lips and felt her wetness, I smelled her tart, musky aroma. She moved my fingers and stuck them into my mouth. I tasted her on my fingers.

She put her hands on the arms of the desk chair and leaned forward. I tried to pull back my head as she kissed me. I sat motionless. She moved into the chair and straddled me. I felt the weight of her body as her smooth legs sat onto mine. She put her palm on my face and said, "This will be a lot more fun if you kiss me back."

She put her hands on my neck and drove her tongue into my mouth. A wave of heat washed over my body as she spread her lips wide over mine; I felt penetrated. I tried to kiss her as she overpowered me.

She rose from my lap, moved the keyboard out of the way, and sat on the desk. She put her bare feet on the chair and dragged it towards her, pulling me close. She squinted her eyes and said slyly, "I saw you looking down my shirt."

I gulped. "Now lets see if you can eat pussy," she said as she pulled up her t-shirt. I watched her rub her inner thigh and I stared at her bushy pubic hair and the ring in her pierced lip. I felt a bolt of electricity shoot from my pussy up my spine.

"What's the hold up?" She leaned on one arm and grabbed the back of my head with the other. She raised her ass slightly off the desk. I tried to resist as she pulled my face forward. He aroma was strong now and I felt goose bumps as I looked at her womanhood. I gave in a little as she pulled my face close. "Go on, I am waiting," she said impatiently.

I slipped out my tongue and licked a couple of times, like a kitten drinking milk from a saucer. She closed her eyes and pulled my head down a little harder. "There you go, you can do it," she said encouraging me. I felt myself become wetter. I relaxed a little, as I tasted her. Drinking in her tastes and smells. I felt the soft flesh of her inner lips and my tongue sort of tickled as I slid it into her velvety box. I licked up and down, in and out. She whispered, "Oh, yeah, that's it. Eat my pussy like a naughty girl." She tasted sweet and tart at the same time. I relaxed as I flicked my tongue on her clit. I stopped and blew on it then sucked it light and then hard. I grabbed her ring and pulled on it, stretching her lip. I felt a little awkward but began enjoying it as I tried to watch her face while I ate her pussy.

"Finger me and flick my clit with your tongue, I'm ready to cum." I felt a rush of excitement as she said this and worked harder. I wanted to get her off. She rocked and moved her body towards me as she pulled my face hard into her pussy. She moaned louder and faster; she slowed and said, "Hmm, not bad for a rookie." I felt awkward as I reclined and wiped my lips. I guess I was flattered by what she said.

She sat up and said, "You stay sitting right here you dirty girl. I'll be right back," she said as she ran across the room, he feet making a slapping noise as they landed on the hard wood floor. I stared at the computer screen, looking at the two women giving each other pleasure. I couldn't form any thoughts. I tried to take a deep breath.

She hurried in, carrying a bag, and shutting the door behind her. She pulled off her t-shirt and threw it to the floor as moved to the couch. She opened the bag. She raised her eyebrows and gave me a devious smile as she reached inside. My eyes wide, I stared as she removed a strap-on dildo and proceeded to attach it to herself. She put one leg on the couch as she finished buckling it to her legs. I bit my lower lip as she looked at me, stroking it.

"Get over here and get on your back," she demanded.

I trembled as I stood and walked gingerly to the couch. As I neared her, she suddenly reached and ripped my chemise down the middle. My body thrust forward and I gasped as my breasts fell out. She pulled the remaining torn satin off me. She grabbed me and embraced me hard. I felt her dildo press against me as she slid her tongue into my mouth.

She pulled back and pushed me onto the couch then sprang on top of me. She moved back and forth teasing me with the dildo and brushing her breasts against mine. My pussy felt wet and hot as I ached to be penetrated. My nipples welcomed her mouth as she leaned down to suck on them. She was rough, but I began to love it. My skin tickled as I felt her soft skin, her naked body, against mine. I wrapped my legs around her and tried to pull the dildo into me. "Patience, or I will have to paddle your tight little behind," she said. The thought made me weak with pleasure.

Finally, she looked down and grabbed the dildo. I watched as she teased the tip of it around the outside then thrust all way into me the first time. I moaned aloud. She fucked me relentlessly from the get go. This was very good; I very much needed to be fucked. She ground into me fast and hard, her body pressed against mine. I locked my legs around her and grabbed her tight, small butt cheeks with both hands. I listened as the dildo slid in and out of me and I could hear the creaking of the leather strap-on harness. She continued and thrust hard with quick, short, jerks.

I left my body as the wave of my first orgasm rolled over me. She leaned down and bit my lip hard as she pumped me relentlessly. My mind drifted away from the pain of her bite as I felt the next orgasm coming. Every muscle in my body stiffened and I panted in short, shallow breaths as she sucked on my nipple, then swirled her tongue around it. She bit my nipple as the next orgasm came and I yelped.

She quickly slid from me and went down on me. Her mouth was a vice on my pussy. I arched my back as I came again from her suction on my clit. She did not let up. She stuck three fingers in me and mercilessly flicked my clit with her pierced tongue. I bucked and came one last time.

"Not bad was it?" She asked. I breathed slowly as I tried to regain my composure. I lay naked on the couch as I watched her unstrap the dildo and put it in the bag. She pulled on her t-shirt.

She moved to me and ran her hand up my thigh. I jumped, but only a little this time. "Now, you have been a bad girl. I expect you in here tomorrow night so I can give you a proper spanking. You must be punished." She gave me a final gentle kiss but she gave me one final stern look before turning to leave.

I lay and watched her figure, listening as she walked from the room and shut the door. Spent, I managed to rise from the couch and gather the pieces of my chemise. I walked to the door and went into the hall. I felt a little confused but I was so satisfied my mind could not focus on those thoughts. I walked to my bedroom without caution. I threw the shredded chemise under the bed, grabbed my panties, and threw them under the bed. Tonight, I would sleep nude.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

good story. She has to wonder if her daughter and friend are lovers.

KansasFunKansasFunalmost 2 years ago

OMG what a hot story.... so sexual and energetic. Well done... I got nice and hard reading it !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So sexy and would love to read a follow up in a dorm room or back of a car.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Would love to see a follow up. Maybe in a dorm room?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So sexy and so much detail. More please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good detail

I normally skip Lesbian stories here on Lit because they're often dull. But after reading your other two great stories I had to check this out. You do a marvelous job of patiently writing out detailed sex scenes that make the action jump of the page and into the mind. Thanks for sharing your stories with us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

good stuff my friend!

DaveAMDaveAMabout 15 years ago

Love the short story - would like to see the follow up where mom gets her spanking!!

Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

very good story with great detail, massive turn on leaving me oh so wet

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Delicious loved it, what about a sequel?

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