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An Erotic Fairy Tale, Part 6

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Poisonous Ivy: The green faerie disrupts a delicate balance.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/14/2019
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Part 6 (of 7): Poisonous Ivy

"Fuck me hard," the blonde faerie screamed, her silvery wings fluttering each time I rammed deep inside of her wet warmth. "Oh yeah... yeah... yeah... oh... that's it... yeah... yeah... fuck... yeah... "

Tink was on her hands and knees in front of me, head hanging between her arms as I pummeled her snug pussy. It was the perfect end to our first flight lesson, which had culminated in me reaching the broad leaf on which we were fucking.

"You going to cum all over my cock?" I asked, slapping her rounded, creamy ass as it jiggled with each impact.

"Fuck yeah!"

"Then lick me clean and take my cum down your throat?"

"Yeah," she moaned.

"Fucking slut," I sneered.

"Your fucking slut," Tink snarled, looking back at me with wild passion in her blazing blue eyes.

"Whore," I said, smacking her rump harder, which brought a tingle to my hand and a new series of 'yeahs' from her lips.

Maybe a minute later, Tink screamed out, "I'm coming!" as her pussy clamped around my dick and held it deep inside her as she shuddered through her climax, wings beating fast enough that she started to lift off the surface of the leaf, only to drop back down when her body relaxed.

"Fuck, that was good." She sighed, before she pulled away, turned, and, still on her hands and knees, swallowed my glistening cock down her throat.

I almost pointed out that if she wanted to have a baby, taking my spunk down her throat wasn't the way to do that. I stopped myself, partially because I knew we'd get to that eventually, but mainly because I wanted to finish in her mouth or throat. I needed this to be intense, to be as nasty as I knew Tink could be, so I didn't think too much about Rose.

Making a combination slurping/gagging noise, Tink rammed her face up and down my prick, taking it from tip to root every time. And despite having come twice with Rose less than an hour earlier, I let loose with several spurts of cum, the first few down the blonde faerie's throat, the last few in her mouth. And Tink took it all, not letting a drop out. When I was done, she pulled back, opened wide to show me the thick, gooey contents of her mouth, then swallowed it all.

"Fucking slut," I said again, bringing a smile to her cute yet sexy face.

"Yeppers," she agreed before taking my still semi-hard dick back into her mouth.

Seconds later, it was once again ready to go, and clearly so was Tink. She stood, pushed me down, and hopped on top of my groin, grinding the golden fuzz on her mound against my hard cock. Grabbing her boobs, I pulled her down to me and kissed her full lips, tasting something that must have been the residue of my spunk on them but not caring.

"God, I love you," she said after she'd pushed herself to a sitting position, breaking our kiss but not my grip on her tits.

"I love you," I told her, the words coming easily even though it was the first time I'd said it, not to mention that I kept thinking of her friend, Rose Petal, the red faerie I'd had to mate with when the magic to make me a faerie wouldn't work for Tink.

A huge grin lit Tink's face even brighter than her intense blue eyes or the golden glow that emanated from her. Then we were kissing again. And while our tongues battled, she reached between us, found my dick, and positioned it in her pussy so that when she sat back up, it slid all the way inside of her.

"Oh yeah," she moaned, hands on my chest. "I love that full feeling."

"I love the tingling sensation that flames to life all along my shaft at contact with your dripping pussy," I said, and Tink beamed down at me again as she began to bounce against my groin.

"You'll get used to the tingle," she said, but I didn't really believe her.

I had been disappointed to learn that my touch didn't do the same thing for Tink and Rose now that I was a sprite myself. Evidently, only the touch of a female faerie, especially with a male, had that tingly effect on the skin. I would've liked for them—both Tink and Rose—to know what it was like when they touched me. But Tink had assured me I made her tingle, just in different ways. And given Rose's reaction to me licking her and then us fucking twice, I suspected she'd agree with Tink.

"I hope not," I finally said, feeling it in my fingers as I pinched and pulled her dark pink nipples.

"And there're the tingles for me," the blonde faerie moaned, her wings fluttering.

"You ever considered whether you could use your wings to do this?" I asked.

Tink stopped bouncing, scrunched up her brows, and stared at me, shaking her head.

"No, but that's a fantastic idea," she grinned after a second or two of thought.

My sexy golden pixie closed her eyes, chewing on the corner of her bottom lip as her wings turned into a silver blur. Her weight against me growing lighter was the first sign it was working. The second came when I felt her tight tunnel slide up my rigid pole. I was afraid she might get too high and I'd slip out of her, but at the last moment, she opened her eyes, smiled at me, and stilled her wings. For what felt like several seconds she seemed to hover above me, just the tip of my prick still inside her, then her body slammed against mine with enough force to make the leaf shake.

"Fuck!" she screamed as I grunted, the tingling sensation along my cock almost more than I could stand.

"You okay," I asked when I could talk again.

"Oh yeah," Tink laughed, her grin huge. "That was fucking amazing."

"For me too," I told her even as her wings again hummed to life. This time Tink rose up faster, but she also stopped her wings sooner. Upward momentum carried her most of the way up my shaft before she fell back down, again shaking the leaf and again taking my breath away even as the golden faerie shrieked with what I was almost sure was intense pleasure. Seconds later, she did it once more, this time her body shivering violently as gravity impaled her on my rod.

"Holy fuck," she gasped, and I silently agreed, hoping I'd be able to keep from coming too soon considering how much Tink seemed to be enjoying this.

That wicked smile I'd seen a few times before spread across her face, and her wings buzzed faster than I'd ever seen, but only for a second at the most before they were still again. In that time, she shot up, hovered, and slid down. We both moaned, but simultaneously, her wings buzzed again, this time for an even shorter time and there was no hovering—her pussy slid up my pole then dropped right back down.

On impact, Tink screamed, her face shining with an animalistic joy magnified by an intense gleam in her blue eyes and the brighter than ever glow of her golden aura. At that moment, I saw something truly wild in her, something untamable and insatiable, and fear mixed with my overwhelming lust.

The sexy faerie's wings buzzed over and over, pulling her up before she smashed back down, faster and faster, until the buzz was merely a blip of sound and she was a golden blur. A moan, a single, long, wailing, unbroken moan, reverberated through the top of the tree.

I held out maybe thirty seconds while what felt like small electrical shocks sizzled through me with each impact of her body against mine. Then I yelled I was coming, my voice shriller than I ever could've imagined it being, as my cum exploded up into her. She never slowed, and I feared that something bad might occur when I lost my erection. But that didn't happen.

The moment after I came, a mist of golden sparkles engulfed us, and not only did my not dick not soften, the intensity continued to build until I exploded again. And again. And again. Six, maybe seven times I came, and by the end, the sensation of her sliding up and down my shaft turned to an excruciating mix of pain and pleasure. Luckily for me, Tink reached her own climax with a shriek that sent birds flying from the trees around us. Crashing against me, I felt her body shaking violently as searing light exploded from her, turning everything around us white in its flash.

"Tink," I said after a few seconds went by and she didn't move.

"Yeah," she rasped, raising her head from my chest just enough to look at me.

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah," she breathed, followed by a wavering grin.

"What happened?" Rose's concerned voice called, and I saw the red faerie rise above our still shaking leaf. "Are you two okay?"

"Yes," I said while Tink mere murmured something into my chest.

"I thought something was attacking you," the redhead said, her wide green eyes locked on my face.

"It was," Tink slurred as she pushed herself up. "His cock attacked my poor little cunt."

"I think it was the other way around," I teased as Tink's eyes managed to focus on me. "Your cunt attacked my poor little cock."

"Shit, that things far from little," she grinned, and her glow seemed to pulsate around her.

"Your magic," Rose said, reminding us both she was there. "It is..."

"Stronger than ever," Tink finished for her. "Who knew an intense fucking could do that."

"It'd probably be even stronger if you hadn't used some of it one me," I said, avoiding looking at Rose considering Tink and I were both naked with the blonde faerie sitting astride my hips, my soft cock still inside her pussy.

"I did?"

"Yeah? You made me come six or seven times in a matter of seconds. You didn't do that on purpose?"

"I didn't even know I did it, or how I did it," she admitted.

"A mist of gold sparkles was all around us. It started after the first time I came and lasted until you came."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am," I assured her, glancing at Rose to give her the same message even though I'd already told her that when she first arrived. "It was too much at the end, but thankfully you came."

"Boy did I ever," the golden faerie grinned. "For a second, I thought my whole body was exploding."

"Your aura flashed white," I told her.

"Her what?" Rose asked.

"Her glow."

"That must have been the flash I saw," the red faerie said, and I noted that her voice still harbored concern.

"I remember it now," Tink said, eyes closed.

"Well, if you two are really okay, I should..."

Tink's wings buzzed and she shot up off me, rising several feet above us, pirouetting, and falling back down in front of a startled Rose.

"What are you...?"

The blonde faerie, her glow bright enough I had to squint, shut up her friend with a kiss. Rose's wide eyes sought mine, and I suspected she was hoping for some help. Instead, I shrugged and leaned back to watch whatever was going to happen. And I didn't have long to wait. Tink, never breaking the kiss, grabbed Rose's wrists and brought the red faerie's hands up to her full tits. Rose's eyes again appealed to me for help, but I merely nodded and smiled.

"Tink..." Rose started to say as she pulled away from the blonde's face.

I never knew what she intended to say, although I heard the protest in her voice and could guess. Whatever it was she wanted to tell Tink died on her lips when the blonde faerie ripped the leaf covering Rose's torso in half, revealing the slender faerie's firm, modest breasts. Rose, mouth open, eyes impossibly wide, stared at her friend. Tink didn't seem to notice the other faerie's shock, or she didn't care. She lowered her lips to her friend's nipples and started licking and sucking them. Even given the distance between the two girls and me, I could see Rose's small nubs harden under Tink's attention.

"Fuck, that's hot," I groaned, my hand straying to my dick even though I didn't think there was any chance I'd get an erection so soon after Tink had magicked seven successive orgasms out of me.

"You ain't seen nothing yet, Baby," the golden faerie purred, taking a break from her friend's tits long enough to look back at me and give me a wink.

"This is wrong, Tink," Rose said, but the breathy quality of her voice, and the moan that followed when Tink returned her mouth to Rose's nipples, belied her words.

The blonde didn't respond, at least not verbally. She did respond orally, dropping to her knees and kissing the red curls of Rose's bush before shoving her tongue into her friend's pussy.

"Tinker Bell, stop!" Rose cried, but she didn't try to push Tink's head away; rather, it looked as if she was stroking the other faerie's short, blonde hair. "This is so, so wrong."

"You liked it when Tave did it," Tink said, kneeling back on her heels, an edge to her voice.

"What?" Rose and I both blurted at once.

"I watched you," the golden faerie told us, looking first up at Rose, then back at me. "I watched you lick her cunt, Tave. I watched her come. Then I watched you fuck her. Twice."

"I was supposed to fuck her," I shot back, climbing to my feet. "To consummate the mating ritual."

"Yeah, you were. But licking her pussy wasn't part of that. Fucking her a second time wasn't a part of that either."

"Tink, I am sorry," Rose sniffed as tears started down her cheeks. "I should not have let him lick me there. It is wrong. And the second joining was wrong, but it was not Tavis's fault. I wanted it. I should not have, but I did because it felt so good, better than I had thought it would. Do not be mad. I will never do any of it again. I promise. Please do not hate me."

"Oh, Rose honey, I'm not mad, and I certainly don't hate you. Would I be doing this if I did?"

With that, the blonde faerie again buried her face between her friend's legs. Rose, still crying, shuddered even as she shook her head. And I had to agree, I didn't think Tink would be licking the pussy of a girl she hated, or even one she was mad at.

"Then you're mad at me," I said, moving closer to the two girls even though it made the big leaf on which we stood dip in a way I didn't like.

"Nope," Tink said, looking back, her lips and chin glistening. "If I was mad, I wouldn't have brought you up here to fuck your brains out."

"Then what..."

"I was a little jealous while I watched you eat her snatch, although I was pretty sure you were licking her pussy to help her relax. And I was jealous and horny when you fucked her the first time. By the time you finished the second time, I was super jealous and insanely horny. I thought it was just for you, so I used the flight lesson to get you alone. You know how that went."

"It was beyond awesome," I said, and Tink rewarded me with a smile.

"Yes, it was. And it would've probably been enough, but then sweet Rose appeared, all worried about us, and I realized something. I wasn't jealous—and horny—just because of what you two did, but because you did it without me."

"I suggested..."

"I know you did, Tave. I know. And I should've listened."

"What did he suggest?" Rose asked, and both Tink and I looked at her.

"We share," Tink said. "The three of us together."

"The two of us share Tavis, you mean?" the red faerie asked, a tremble in her voice.

Tink shook her head, climbing to her feet."

"I mean, you and I share Tave, he and I share you, and you two share me."

"Two females should not..."

"I did in his world. More than once."

"Did what?" Rose squeaked, her face as red as her glow.

"Played with other girls. Sometimes with a guy. Sometimes not."

"That is wrong. If the elders found out..."

"They won't. And besides, is it any more wrong than you mating with Tave but me being the one who he'll be with as a mate?"

"I did that to help you," the red faerie said, her tears starting again.

"And this will help all of us," Tink assured her before kissing her. "Trust me."

"I do not know," Rose whimpered.

"Let's take Rose home so we can talk there," I suggested.


Tink, Rose and I sat in a circle in Rose's home, holding hands. All three of us were naked. Rose's eyes were red, but she'd stopped crying a few minutes earlier.

"You really did with other girls what Tavis did to me?" Rose asked Tink, breaking the silence that had descended on us.

"I just did a little of it with you," Tink shrugged, and Rose dropped her eyes as her cheeks turned crimson.

"I know," the red faerie said. "I meant you did it until their bliss?"


"And you were with another girl and Tavis there?"

"No, not Tave," Tink told her. "It was before I met him."

"You joined with other men?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew that. It was one reason I was there so long—I was, um, gaining experience."

"I thought you were looking for a mate."

"That was the end goal. I just needed to find the right guy, the guy I'd let claim my ass. Turns out that didn't work like I hoped, but I found Tave that way, so it's all good."

"And you liked the anal sex anyway," I added. "So that worked out too,"

Tink beamed at me and nodded. Rose looked from me to the blonde faerie, an expression I suspected was disgust etched on her fine-featured face. She'd had a similar reaction earlier when I'd explained anal sex in order to help her understand what Tink had meant when she said I'd claimed all of her.

"I do not think I would like a male part up my bottom," Rose said, shaking her head, her arms crossed over her chest.

"I didn't think so either," Tink admitted. "I was just doing it because I thought I needed to. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"You would?" I asked her, and Tink grinned and nodded.

"I think I will not be sharing that," Rose frowned.

"You won't have to, Rose," Tink told her. "You won't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"So I do not have to let you lick my lower female parts again?"

"Not if you don't want me to," the golden faerie agreed. "But I think you'd like it, and it's probably a necessary thing for the three of us sharing. That way, we can all get something at the same time if we don't feel like taking turns."


"It might be better to show you," I said. "But you would have to let Tink lick your pussy while I joined with her."

"Oh," Rose breathed, her eyes on mine. "Um, I guess."

"Great, enough talk. Rose, on your back," a suddenly reenergized Tink instructed. "I'll get on my hands and knees and lick you while Tave fucks me from behind."

"I might need some help getting ready," I told them before Rose could move. "After what Tink and I did..."

"He wants us to get him hard with our mouths," the blonde explained. "Guys always try to get you to do that."

"If you know a better way..." I started to say as I lay back, hands behind my head.

"Oh, I do, but probably less fun for you," Tink giggled. "And less fun for us. Come on, Rose."

Tink crawled the short distance between us, and Rose followed. The sight of them both on hands and knees, their hanging tits swaying with their movements (Tink's larger boobs a lot more than Rose's smaller ones, but both incredible to watch), caused my dick to harden.

"I know you already used your mouth to get him hard again after you fucked the first time," Tink told Rose. "So, you'll know what to do."

"I guess so," Rose agreed as Tink slurped my now semi-hard cock into her wet mouth.

To my surprise, given what had happened earlier, my dick was almost hard when Tink pulled her lips off me several seconds later.

"Your turn," she told Rose, sitting up on her knees as the red faerie lowered her face to my groin.

Rose looked at me, a small, probably nervous, smile on her lips before she wrapped her lips around the head of my dick and sucked.

"Take him deeper, and use your tongue too," Tink told her, winking at me as she did so.

Rose did as Tink suggested, and by that point, I was fully erect. Yet, I didn't say anything as Rose wiggled her tongue against my flesh while her lips slid up and down the top two inches of my pole.

"You can take more with practice. Here, let me show you," the blonde faerie said.

Rose sat back on her heels, eyes round as she watched Tink lean forward and slide her lips halfway down my shaft. I was expecting more—I knew she could deepthroat—but Tink pulled her lips back up then off my shaft.


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