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An Extra Touch

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Two couples learn the thrill of enjoying extra helping hands.
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This is an entry in Literotica's 2015 Halloween Story Contest. Hope you enjoy. Be sure to cast your vote, and don't forget to check out other entries in the contest. Ah, and... read in the dark with me. So much better in darkness... don't you think?


"Wow, I haven't put one of those up in ages, man."

I stood back and admired our work. The tent was pretty big, larger than any I'd ever put together when I was younger. Of course, everything I had seen of Andy's so far was better than anything I'd seen before.

"This only sleeps four?" I asked him.

Andy turned back to the tent and studied it. "I dunno. Maybe six? They are all kinda big and fancy nowadays. I just grabbed it, really."

I smiled. "Damn, 'money bags'. You have any change I can borrow? Or any knots in your sock you don't want?"

He scoffed. "I wish dude. I'll trade you some free time for some money."

I peeked into the tent flap one last time to make sure the sleeping bags and such were all inside. Zipping up the flap, I found my beer on the ground nearby. It was empty after one last frothy sip.

"Tell me we still have booze in the cooler," I said.

"Duh," Andy told me. "We actually need to get that off the boat and take it to the fire. I am not about to fall in the water and drown later because of fetching beer."

He'd already turned and headed toward the bank where his pontoon boat was tied off to a tree. I followed close behind. The large clearing along the bank was almost cloaked in a ring of trees, the perfect spot for camping. I saw that the fire I'd built for our meal earlier was still burning nicely. My eyes drifted to the girls seated around it. Hannah was there, laughing at some story that Becca was telling. Our eyes met briefly, and we shared a smile.

I couldn't help steal a glance at Andy's wife. Becca was a real talker, completely animated and laughing as she told her story. Something about her made it hard to look away. She had a broad smile, one that made her dark eyes shine. Becca glanced over at us as we passed and I looked away. I could never hold her gaze.

"The ice shouldn't melt, so the beer should stay cold," I heard Andy say as he climbed onto the pontoon. "It may be a little cool out tonight, but we should be good."

I stepped onto the boat to help him.

"Will the boat be alright here with no running lights or anything?" I asked.

Andy shrugged. "I've never had a problem with it. Fishing boats usually don't come down this way. I don't know why, but they stay away from this channel. Something about bad luck. All I know is I hardly ever see any other boats out here. They stay up toward the river channel, or by the dam fishing the riffraff."

"This is a pretty awesome spot," I said.

Andy grinned. "It was my dad's. He used to bring us camping here."

As Andy began tossing more drinks in the cooler, I admired the afterglow of the sunset. The sun had left a blaze of orange clouds in its wake. There was hardly any breeze at all, only cool crisp Autumn air kissing my skin. The leaves were trying to turn. Soon they would be a wash of brilliant flaming colors. We'd have to fish here again before Winter, I knew that much. My belly was still full and warm. Everything seemed perfect.

So why was there a cold lump in my chest?

"You can cook a mean fish," I told Andy.

He shrugged. "You're better at catching them. I guess that makes us a good fit, huh?"

"You'll have to tell the girls we're getting hitched."

Andy glanced toward the fire grinning. "I think they've got a little 'bro-mance' of their own going. Might have to pry them apart later."

I watched him shove the last few drinks into the color and shut the lid. My thoughts floated back to the two women at the fire. It felt like a hundred moths were beating their wings in my stomach, drawn to that fire and the lovely creatures that were sitting by its warmth. I felt the craving for another beer, or maybe something stronger.

"Hey, Andy, you alright with all this?" I said.

He slid the cooler to the front of the boat. "Yeah, man, I wanted to come out here. I haven't had a chance to get the boat out in a while. It needs to be used. This is my element anyway. If I wasn't working all the time we'd take it out a lot more."

I didn't say anything. It wasn't what I'd asked. I stepped back off of the pontoon and took one handle of the cooler. I noticed Andy was standing there looking down at me.

"You were talking about the girls." He had a knowing look in his eyes, one that could have been a grin.

"Yeah," I said.

Andy looked off to the fire again. "Never know, man. They could be all talk. But I'm fine with whatever. Becca's right, we need to let loose. Both of us have been holed up at work too damned much. And I know you and Hannah are the same way."

I only nodded.

"Hey," Andy said squatting by the cooler, "just have a little fun. Let whatever happens, just... happen. If you don't feel comfortable just say so. This is our vacation, man. It's about living, having fun and all."

"I know," I said. "You're right. I just don't want it to get awkward."

We lifted the cooler and eased it down from the deck of the boat.

"Tell you what, though," Andy said.

He opened a compartment and dug through life jackets and nets until he found something. I barely caught the bottle he tossed to me. It was full of amber liquid. I had to chuckle.

Andy hopped off the boat and said, "We could always use a little liquid courage."


Nighttime had blanketed everything. Our immediate surroundings were ablaze with firelight, but all around was darkness. I could just make out the tree tops against the sky. I watched my friends through the drifting embers of the campfire.

We were all seated on two long logs. My arm was around Hannah. There was just enough chill in the air to find sublime comfort holding her. The heat from the fire was a nice and hot on my face. Hannah was still laughing and talking with Becca. The two had been inseparable the whole weekend. I could smell Hannah's long auburn hair. Feeling the effects of the beer, I feared that if I were to nuzzle too close to Hannah I'd fall asleep. The laughter of my wife and our new friends only seemed to make things even cozier.

"Okay, so Hannah," I heard Becca say. "Worst job ever?"

Hannah didn't hesitate. "Oh god, being a waitress. Easily."

"What?" There was that big beautiful smile on Becca's face. "You don't seem like the type to be a waitress!"

My wife lifted her flavored beer. "That was me. During college. The job itself isn't bad, I just had a big hairy pervert for a boss, and the old guys always tried to feel me up in there. It was a diner for crying out loud!"

"I was actually a cook at one of those type of places," Andy said with a laugh.

"If you cooked anything like that fish you made earlier, I would gladly have worked wherever you did," Hannah told him.

Andy only grinned back at her. I couldn't be sure, but I thought I caught the faintest glimmer of a wink in his eye. I noted how Hannah shifted in my arms.

It was Hannah's turn. Becca leaned around the fire and passed the tall bottle of whiskey to my wife.

"Alright then," she said, twirling the bottle absently. "Andy... what is the hardest decision you've ever had to make?"

"Besides staying married?"

Becca gave him a backhand to the chest and a playful glare.

"No, no, okay," Andy said chuckling. "Um... probably in Fallujah. A Hajji woman kept approaching our vehicles. We had a cordon around a suspected road bomb and she wouldn't stop walking towards us. I had to make the call on how we handled it."

Hannah took a sip of the whiskey. By this point in the story, she was leaning in, her eyes fixated on Andy. I was picturing the tense scene in my head. I couldn't be sure what Hannah was picturing.

"She could have had anything under her clothes," Andy went on. "Turns out, her son was hiding in a shed inside our cordon. She just wanted to get him to safety. I was sweating bullets but I'm so glad I made the right call."

Hannah's eyes were still glued to Andy. "Wow. I don't think... I know I couldn't handle that."

Andy shrugged. "You'd be surprised what you can get used to. You seem like a tough chick, anyway. I bet you could handle a lot."

I saw Hannah's smile. It only bothered me when I saw the way she glanced away. I had to get past it. The bottle was passed around to Andy, seated across from me to the left. Before he even spoke, he took a deep draw from the whiskey. He cringed for a moment before he looked over at me.

"Right. So, my question is for Derrick." Andy coughed. "How did you learn to sing?"

I raised my eyebrows. It wasn't at all what I'd expected. Andy took one more swig of whiskey and passed me the bottle.

"Mostly in the shower, right babe?" Hannah asked.

I felt my cheeks redden but I laughed with the others. My gaze briefly met with the smiling eyes of Becca. Every time those deep dark eyes were watching me, I felt weak and nervous. I swallowed, staring into the fire to regain thought.

"No, um... well, I play in a hard rock and heavy metal band," I explained. "I actually play rhythm guitar, but we badly needed a singer. I'll admit I sing okay. So I kinda stepped in to do both. I play the guitar and I sing. Doing that has kinda made me better at singing. I'm personally still waiting for a singer to walk in any day and relieve me though. Until then, I guess I have to sing."

"And scream," Hannah added with a laugh.

Becca spoke. "So you're a lead singer? I've never heard you sing."

I couldn't find sensible words fast enough under that piercing gaze, so I just nodded.

"And you're in a rock band." Becca's grinning eyes looked me over. "That's pretty... cool."

Hannah continued by telling a story about the time our neighbors tried to call the electric company to kill the power to our house because of my band. While she and the others laughed, Becca still watched me over the fire. This time, I tried not to look away. It felt like I couldn't breathe. Something about her smile, something about her round cheeks or the warm fiery glow on her smooth features, was so appealing to me. I'd never looked at a woman like that other than Hannah. Her eyes kept darting up and down my body. Her tongue wouldn't stay still behind her lips. She looked to be contemplating something. I blinked away dark thoughts before they could form. That cold feeling in my chest was spreading.

"You're up babe," Hannah said giving me a nudge.

I cleared my throat. Holding the bottle up briefly before the firelight, I took a deep drink of sour mash alcohol. Something had to melt this block of cold nerves in my chest. Wiping my mouth, I glanced up.

My eyes were on Becca. I took a chance.

"Alright, Becca," I started. "What's the wildest thing you've done when you were drunk?"

Becca gave me a little smirk.

"I fucked another woman."

I froze. The suddenness of her answer caught me off guard. For about ten seconds, the only sound was the crackling of the fire. I exchanged glances with my wife, who only bit her lip and sheepishly looked away. My mouth must have been hanging open. When I stared back across the fire, Becca was leaning in. Her dark eyes were leveled at Hannah and I, darting back and forth. She took a drink of her fruity beer and swept her short hair back over her ear.

"Or did she not mention it?" Becca teased.

Andy rocked forward in his chair and stood. "Yep. 'Definitely need another beer."

Hannah turned toward me. "My... my birthday. You and Andy took the kids? Becca and I just... we stayed out remember?"

I blinked. "Wow, I... don't know what to say."

I watched Hannah closely. Her blue eyes searched my face hopefully. She still nibbled at her lip. It was something she did when she was worried, which was normally all the time. I felt her hand around my waist. I couldn't believe it. It was hard to pair my wife's innocent face to what I'd just been told. It wasn't like her. Were they fucking with me? Was Hannah going along with it?

Becca was still watching us silently. Maybe she was amused. Maybe she was waiting for me to explode. When I met her gaze again, I could only picture the scene in my head. Her lips on my wife's lips. Their bodies pressed together. Hannah had... had touched her? They'd had sex! Becca's smile seemed to slowly grow. I could see the color forming on her cheeks now. Her skin... that beautiful skin had been in my wife's mouth? I shifted in my chair. Already my pants felt a little tighter than they should.


I turned to Hannah. She looked me in the eye and raised her eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" Hannah asked.

I could only offer an embarrassed smile. "I'm just... shocked is all. I never... I mean you two were hitting it off good, I just...."

"I'd drink on it," Andy said with a laugh. He was motioning to the whiskey in my hand.

I nodded, still in a daze of sorts. "Right."

The next pull of whiskey I took was deep. I had to make about ten faces to fight the burn down to my gut. I was still nodding, as though to convince myself it was real. Maybe I was nodding to reassure myself I that I was fine.

"Right. Okay," I said. "Well, that uh, that is pretty wild."

I glanced at my wife. Hannah was grinning, almost recoiling, waiting to see if I'd lose it. I only chuckled. She leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips.

I whispered when our faces were close. "Is that what brought up... tonight? I mean, is that what got all this started?"

Hannah's smile spread. "I think so, yeah."

We both turned to realize Becca had stepped around the fire to stand in front of us. She straightened her jeans, which drew my eyes to her bulbous hips and backside. Becca was big but only where it counted. The pullover she wore couldn't hide the artillery she had underneath either. She was smiling down at us. God, that smile... those eyes.

Becca stepped forward, her eyes on me. "You wanna see wild up close, Derrick?"

I had no time to respond even if I were able. Her grinning eyes came danger close to me before her face turned toward Hannah's. That moment seemed to freeze. It felt like the breath before a deep plunge. I watched her tilt my wife's chin upward. I watched Becca open her lips. I watched my wife do the same.

I watched their tongues dance before their mouths came together.

Becca cupped her head. She pulled Hannah into the kiss. Again and again, their mouths would close together, then open for another deep taste of each other. Blood surged through my body. I felt myself growing hard and straining against the seam of my pants.

Hannah seemed to be unsure where to place her hands. She clutched Becca's arm, then squeezed her leg, then rubbed her own neck and chest. I heard my wife moan into the lips of another woman. That woman... Becca. Her eyes cut over at me while she continued to make out with Hannah before my very eyes.

Shifting on the log, I stole a glance at Andy. He seemed more amused than anything. Andy calmly sipped from his beer with his forearms resting on his knees. Briefly we met eyes, but there was nothing in his expression that suggested he was uncomfortable at all.

Becca stood at last. She lingered in front of Hannah for a moment. With the tips of her fingers, she brushed my wife's auburn hair from her face. Hannah's cheeks had turned red. She straightened her back and squeezed her legs together. Was she that turned on by Becca? It was so new to me. I watched her blow out a sigh and fidget on the log. I never would have guessed she had these fantasies... these desires. Had Becca converted her in some way?

I had little time to consider my wife before Becca turned toward me. My entire body locked up. She took one step between Hannah and I, swung a thigh over me, and sank onto my lap.

Was this happening already?

I couldn't even gauge my wife's reaction. Becca was sitting on me. She draped her arms around my neck. God, she was so close to me. A sweet scent washed over me. Her head tilted slightly. Her face was inches away. Even with her features shadowed by the firelight, I took in every detail. I saw her tongue gently gliding over her lip. Her cheeks twitched as though aching for another beautiful smile. Her short black hair drifted weightlessly when she leaned in closer.

Our lips brushed together. It was such a rush. Becca paused. I could taste the strawberry beer in her breath. I couldn't help but shudder.

When her mouth closed on mine, my entire body flushed warm. Those round cheeks were pressed to my face. She didn't kiss like Hannah. It wasn't better nor worse, just... different. Her tongue dove deep, coaxing my own into action. I could not resist. My thoughts fell away. There was no fire, no Hannah, and no Andy. Just Becca.

She slid in tighter to my lap. Our bodies pressed together. I stifled a moan when I felt her breasts squeezing against me beneath her pullover. I didn't know what to do with my hands! My palms lay on her thick thighs. I wasn't sure why I didn't touch her more. Was it shock? Was I aware others were watching me, and worried what they would think?

Or could I just not handle the feel of cradling Becca's huge ass?

Our kiss broke. I blinked as though waking up in sunlight. My gaze turned instantly to meet Hannah's. She watched us in what looked like a daze. Her little smile kept growing the more she sized us up. I had expected a look of unease. Hannah appeared to be enjoying it all.

Hannah must have noticed the concern on my face.

"It's okay, baby," my wife said.

A gentle hand turned my head. Becca's lips were pressed to mine again. One of her hands found mine. She slowly guided my hand up her thigh, around her wide waist, and onto her ass. I gave in a little at a time. I tugged her into my lap. By simple reflex or desire, my hips gave a tiny thrust against Becca. It only made her tongue dive deeper.

It felt wrong... mischievous or sinful. The thrill, however was undeniable. I couldn't believe how incredible it felt to hold Becca. Her body was foreign to me. Her every robust curve was mine to discover. Every taste and scent and feeling was refreshing in some way that left me feeling dirty... or guilty.

Becca's head tilted. Her lips explored their way down my neck, where she gently bit and licked at my skin. That was when I caught a glimpse of Andy. I'd forgotten all about him. When he saw me, I all but froze. For several seconds, I waited to gauge a clear reaction. He seemed mesmerized by what we were doing.

Andy smirked, then gave me a slow blink and a nod.

His gaze turned. I realized he was now watching Hannah. The hairs on my arm bristled. My wife slowly sauntered around the fire, twirling the bottle of whiskey by the neck. The two of them said something I couldn't hear. Hannah held up the bottle as she came close to him.

My heart was pounding. It felt different being on the outside looking in. Hannah eased herself onto one of Andy's thighs. She turned up the whiskey before offering the bottle to him. Her arm was around his thick shoulder. His big hand held her by the hip. I could see it squeeze ever so slightly.

When the two of them kissed, my fingers dug into Becca's blue jeans. It was a delicate kiss, one that allowed me to watch their tongues sliding together. Hannah's eyes were closed, soaking into Andy's embrace. The sight of it ignited something inside of me. I grew tense. Andy was a big guy, and my wife was rather small. Somehow this made me feel even worse. It was like she found comfort in him because....

Becca must have sensed the tension. Her face appeared before mine again, our lips touching but not kissing. She rolled her hips into me and back again. The simple movement made my dick strain against my thigh.

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