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An Irrisistable Boy


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His mother, my sister, has a forceful personality, a real strength of character, his father is the silent type, maybe nature had mixed a bit of both and come up with Peter? A thought briefly popped into my mind, what would my sister think if she could see me now? Her son's cock stuck firmly in his Aunty Claire's willing mouth.

The feeling from Peter stayed with me, I accepted it wholly, it meant something, just what I didn't know. But I liked the feeling that my life wasn't mine any more, well, not like it had been, or what I was used to. The change in me was as sudden as it was marvellous. I looked forward to finding out more about this me, the one I had never met nor known of.

He pulled me up and I reluctantly let his limp cock drop out of my jealous mouth. I lay head on shoulder, my arm went around him. I felt happy, I was settled, I wanted more of this utter enigma, this man boy that had just so ably derailed my life. And set a new train in motion. I was to find out later as we went on just how strong he was, what he could do with just a word or a look. And more to the point his growing love of sexual deviation, of which I was to become an integral part, for a while.

I got a call from his mother that night asking me how things were going, how was he, how was I, Was I looking after him, taking care of his needs and all the rest of it. I assured her I was, and she said the strangest thing.

"I'll bet you are," she said, in a, none too conspirational way, I couldn't understand her, was she being funny with me? She seemed a little distant; I put it down to her missing Peter so much. I gave the phone to Peter and left the room, I didn't want to eaves drop, but they were already talking in hushed tones as I left. I felt jealous, 'bloody hell woman, get a grip, he is only talking to his mother for god's sake!' I told myself loudly.

I went to shower, in there I had all the thoughts I should have had, and I also asked myself, 'why don't you feel guilty Claire?' The bald truth was I didn't. Peter had given me what I didn't know I had missed, love. I finished, put on a dress and went back. Peter came into the kitchen, I was making us a meal, I was wrapped up in his strong young arms in a moment, we kissed, then he bent me over backwards over my table.

"You smell fantastic Claire," he said, kissing my neck, as he lifted my dress up. He slid out of sight and I felt my panties slipping over my thighs, then they appeared in the air as he tossed them over his shoulder. I never spoke. I just let and watched it happen. He raised my legs in the air and let them down on to his wide shoulders. Then sudden ecstasy, his mouth closed over my puffy moist lips and his tongue found the spot, I orgasmed just like that. I grabbed his head and held it tight.

I had always enjoyed making love with my ex husband, but it had never had the charge that this had. Peter had it over me in spades. I'm sure his tongue tickled my cervix, he felt that deep and insistent. Then he got my ass, the hidden tongue licked it, it was so warm and sensuous I had another little climax. A sudden urge to thrust myself at him overcame me. He had dug his tongue right in. My legs went up in the air all of their own accord.

I grabbed my own ankles and spread my feet to give him all the room he needed while he devastated me wholly. I looked down through pinched and slatted eyes. I could see the top of his head as it moved around on and in me. Long, slow and tenuous licks and slurps followed. Bombs went off in me, I forced my feet up to my head, I wanted him to blow me apart. And he did, oh did he!

My feet crashed down on him as the detonation hit me, followed by more earth tremors as my orgasms ran this way and that. I had never squirted from my pussy but I did right there on my kitchen table, and all orchestrated by my 19 year old nephew, my adoring sister's son. All I could see of him was the top of his head and the sounds of him slurping away in me and on me.

I had more intense but so satisfying orgasms with him, for him, and because of him. This was what my body and mind set had been waiting for. I hadn't known I needed this but Peter seemed to. He had tapped into an unknown reservoir in me, took the cap off and I had erupted.

When stood above me and I was lying prone on the table, his face was wet and slick with my hot juices. He reached for a towel and wiped his face, smiling at me all the way.

"Peter you are a beautiful boy," I told him. My capitulation was complete.

"If I was only half as beautiful and sexy as you Claire I would be a very happy man indeed." He replied with honesty.

"Don't you worry about a thing honey," I said, "you've got it, whatever 'it' is."

"Well," he answered, "I'm glad about that then because I have you because of 'it!'

I laughed while still on my back, "help me up Peter, I have to finish our dinner okay?"

He lifted me in his arms and I stared into his lovely brown eyes, not wanting to break any moment, I would wait to see what he decided for us. He kissed me, and I could taste me on his lips, my whole body convulsed with it.

"You alright Claire?" he asked. He had no idea how alright I really was, none at all. He let go of me, patted my bum, to send me on my way. "But," he said, as his hand fell on my supple rump and pinched it lightly.

"That's next Claire," I turned around and he was moving away to the sitting room.

Had he just told me he was going to do me from behind or had he told me he was going to do my behind? I smiled inwardly and somewhat happily. If I could turn on a young man such as he, then at the ripe old age of 34 I knew I still had it to attract almost any man. Then the realisation of him saying, 'that's next Claire,' settled on me.

I had never had sex up there, my ex had tried along with a few boyfriends but it had never seemed right. It wasn't because I would always refuse Cart Blanche, I had never wanted to be done up my ass before by anyone. But the thought of Peter doing me there filled me with dread and total excitement at the same time.

I don't know if he had some sort of timetable going, I would have to wait and see where it all went. I would be patient, I also knew that when he decided he was going to do it, he would do it! And I also knew I would silence any protestations too, I would submit and hope that he would be gentle with me, because, I also knew too that it would hurt. And I was already looking forward to being made to submit to him once more.

I went about making diner with a smile on my face, I liked this, I liked it a lot. I briefly thought of my ex, what on earth he would think of his wife, ex wife now. Being the delighted toy of my sister's son? In the cold light of day I suppose I had been taken over somehow, but I was happy with this outcome, I hadn't looked for it, had never sought it out, it had just happened. He had come into my life as my nephew, but now he was my man.

I called to him that dinner was ready, he came in and sat at the table but kissing me first. When he was seated I placed his plate in front of him, and without saying a word I straddled him, facing him. I picked the plate up and fed him. He was having such an effect on me. I wanted to be and do everything for him.

After I had feed my guy, he held me in place. "Feel," he said.

I didn't have to, it was pressing into me.

"Peter where do you get it from, I have never known a man who can have this many hard ones, are they just for me?" I said that last bit hoping he would say yes it was.

"I have been having hard ons for more years than you could guess at Claire," he told me as he looked into my eyes. I kissed him with all the power I could muster. I was breathless when I pulled away. Now the urge to have him in me again was more than I could bear!

"Peter," I mumbled into his face, " I need you in me, right now darling." What was happening to me, I was almost begging him, and even I knew that this was ridiculous? Then the words that tipped me upside down.

"Yes I know Claire, I have always known what you have needed, you just never did." I started to speak but to stop me his mouth closed over mine.

"Tell me where you want me the most Claire," he whispered. Was he now going to make me tell him what I wanted, what I needed? What he had just told me he already knew? I looked at him, I was nonplussed a little. I wasn't sure how to answer him, but my body answered for me. My desire for this man/boy was too much. I needed him in me, any where he wanted, but particularly up my virgin ass!

"Do you really need me to tell you baby?" I said seductively, using what I hoped were my womanly guiles. He grinned at me, and then said strangely.

"Later, I'm not sure when I will have a confession for you, One that I have to relate before anyone else does Claire," and with that he lifted me off him and said further, "come on we need to go for a walk to work dinner out of us, than I will give you what we both need, okay?"

I never objected, this was all too odd for me to take in, so many things unsaid, so many innuendos, things left hanging somehow. Oh how I wished that life could just trundle along without any unwanted hiccoughs, deviations or distractions. We went for a really long walk along the river, we had lots of privacy and to say I got excited here and there would be the understatement of the year!

That night in bed I got my ass reamed, and properly too I can tell you. I would be limping for days after that onslaught. I never had a chance; he just took me, and took it. I tried to keep quiet, but had to squeal sometimes. I just accepted him and it.

It all started as soon as we were ensconced under the covers, we both went for each other. It was heaven; I gave as good as I got until he 69nd me. And that as they say, was the end of that! I got floored, his cock hanging down beautifully into my mouth, his knowing tongue all the way in, his teeth scraping my nether regions were too much.

Then he got up, sauntered into the bathroom and came back with my baby oil. I knew with an unerring certainty what it was for. I turned over and offered myself, it was time! Peter knelt at my side, he poured some onto his hand and applied it all around me, slipping a finger in and poking deep as he subdued my thoughts.

I squirmed and wriggled as he ministered to me, then.

"Get up on your knees Claire." Was all he said.

I did, I looked behind me and then lowered my head down. I felt him move and then he reached under me, took raging hard nipples, then my clit, and then whump" He was in and up.

I bit my lip, but couldn't stop the painful moan escaping my lips. He never said a word, he drove into me slowly, but insistently. I felt him bottom out, (no pun intended) my ass felt as it had been split in two by a fence post. I groaned loudly but inwardly. He almost ripped my nipples off. I think this took my mind off my ass for a moment.

My head in my arms I gave myself up to him and his thick log, now firmly fixed in my open barn door ass. But somehow, and unevenly the pain began to dissipate, I was experiencing pleasure, a tenseness that was exquisite within me. The next moan I heard was definitely me, but I knew that moan well. It was my moan to me that I loved my body's response to a cock!

"Peter, Peter, oh Peter, oh yes yes darling ohhhhh!" Then he got stuck in, (again no pun intended) he really and truly fucked my ass. I had never known anything like this, it was utterly different to normal lovemaking, so defined, so outrageously dirty, lovingly wonderful.

Then he nearly ripped pieces off my hips, his fingers dug in so deep I howled. His last thumping, thudding, crashing crump into me yielded his ejaculation. My ass expanded, it went hard, solid. I was filled full of his creamy thick hot steaming spunk. The next thing I knew I was laying flat on my tummy, Peter at my side breathing deeply.

Nothing in my life had ever connected with me like this just had. I felt inspired by it, by him. But I daren't move, I was sure one half of me would roll off the bed, the other staying where it was. Then I fell to sleep, and Peter must have too, when I wakened I was sore, stiff, and wonderfully alive.

Peter was still there sleeping next to me, I kissed him lightly on the cheek and slid slowly and somewhat painfully to my feet. I hobbled into the bathroom and ran a hot bath, I stayed there for two hours, replenishing the water as time went by. Then he appeared in the doorway.

He looked incongruous; his limp dick was covered in my dried shit. I could only take a guess at what my ass must have looked like!

"Come on baby, get in," I told him, he needed no encouragement. I bathed and washed him, paying particular attention to certain areas where I was rewarded with his erectile response.

During the following week Peter made love and fucked me anywhere and everywhere in and out of the house he could. The best place was on the back seat of my car with me looking out of the rear window, him stuck all the way in behind me, while I watched shoppers go to and fro from their cars in the car park in town.

My sister had in her calls to me then Peter seemed to be bordering on obsession. I asked her what was wrong, if she missed Peter that much she should come over. She arrived the following morning before I had even set off for work.

She came in, Peter was still upstairs in my/our bed. I hoped she wouldn't go up. She was tense, something was on her mind? She hedged around everything, I was getting frustrated, and not only because my young lover was upstairs resting after having given me a 'seeing to' 30 minutes ago.

Then she came right out and said it. Talk about hitting someone right between the eyes!

"Tell me Claire?" she said.

"Tell you what Sue?" I asked.

"If you are pregnant yet." I had to sit down. "I know Peter is fucking you, I have known from the first week he got here, come on Claire admit it."

I blustered and muttered, she had caught me with my hand in the cookie jar, I couldn't deny it. I wanted to, but she had got me with such surprise.

"Yes I knew it, but don't worry Claire, I knew it would happen, and there was nothing I could do either," she said slowly, "he wouldn't let me tell you, and he refused to go anywhere but here."

"Sue," I said stunned, "what are you talking about?"

She ignored me, "he's fantastic isn't he?"

"Fantastic?" I asked.

"Yes Claire, fantastic in bed, lovemaking, fucking, he's fantastic. I should know Claire he's been doing me for the previous 12 months."

"Sue," I almost shouted.

"Don't worry sis, it'll remain our secret," she mumbled, "I just can't keep quiet to you any longer."

"Sue, I don't believe this is happening, you and Peter, you and he have had a relationship, Peter has been f.... er you?"

"Yes I'm afraid so Claire, and he's impossible to resist isn't he?" I knew she was right at that score, he was.

"Does Bob know?" Bob is his dad.

"No he doesn't, but he knows Peter is a danger to women, I don't mean physically, he has got fed up with women of all ages calling for him. I tried to settle the problem, and that's when he turned to me."

"He seduced you, his own mother?"

"Yes and it was the easiest thing I have ever witnessed," Sue told me, "I just ended up right where he wanted me, under him!"

"So you sent him to me, probably knowing he would 'have a go' at me?"

"There was nothing I could do Claire, it was either here or I would lose him."

I was angry now, I felt that Peter had betrayed me somehow. "I'm going to work Sue," I told her, and left, but I was back within the hour. I had half expected to find her in bed with him after what she had just told me, but she was drinking tea in the kitchen. I flopped down and looked at her.

"What are we going to do Sue?" I asked her.

"Do you want him to leave?" she asked me. I spent a lot of time thinking about that. And no matter what reason I came up with, I just didn't want him to go!

"No," I told her firmly, "I don't, but?"

Sue stood, peered at me then said those fateful words, words that settled the matter for her, for me, and for us.

"Shall we go up to him, see what he says?" Sue murmured. I thought for a minute, then nodded my head. I followed her up and into my bedroom, Sue raised an eyebrow.

Peter was propped up on a pillow smiling at us, I learned later it was a victory smile. He had the two women he wanted and both were at his feet!

"Mum," he greeted her warmly, "I'm so glad you are here at last."

"At last?" I repeated.

"Yes I knew she would come to me." he said to both of us. This was all going over my head. Peter had been making love to his mother, and now her sister.

"Mum, come on, you too Claire, get in," he said, and threw the covers back revealing the body that I would kill for. And then the tension was broken, Sue cried at seeing her son, then she laughed and threw herself at him, she kissed him like no mother I know should kiss her son. But there again I had been doing a lot more than any Aunty should be doing with her nephew.

Peter worked at her clothes; I stood to one side, not only fascinated but sexually aroused watching them. He nodded his head to me, which was all it took. I undressed and got on and in with them. After some embarrassment shyness and reticence it all went to the wall. Peter had us where he wanted to, we had him, that's all we cared about.

It was strange sharing him with his mother, my sister, but after two days it was as if we had been his forever. She called Peter's dad and said she was staying for a while, he was okay with that. And yes I did get pregnant, but it was Sue's announcement that she was too which sat us all back on our heels.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a typically great story from QW!

Peter sure is hard to resist, especially for his nearest and dearest. He's a good-looking, well-built 19 year old, with plenty of charm and poise. To top it all, Peter's got something jumping around in his pants that makes mature ladies--the kind he likes best--very wet between their legs. His aunt is wild for him, she joyfully spreads her legs and welcomes her nephew's big hard cock up inside her. He fucks his auntie, he gives her the best cums of her life as he fucks the living shit out of her. Auntie knows she's going to walk funny for a week, but she revels in the knowledge. Then surprise, but no real surprise. It turns out that Peter's mother too has been spreading her legs for her boy. Peter's been having himself a party up his own mother's cunt for months, the brazen lad, and mom's never been so happy. Deliriously happy, as her boy keeps blowing his hot young balls and flooding the same twat he came out of with huge doses of his creamy sperm. How many ladies do you think would love to have a big handsome fuck-machine like Peter in their family?

qualitywheatqualitywheatover 11 years agoAuthor
Kings College

It seems I have upset someone with my reference in this story by referring to a 'Kings College' it was mythical in my mind, like the whole story was and is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
You've never been to uni, have you...

Kings College requires all 1st year undergrads to live in Halls, no exceptions, get it right, and learn to spell...

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 11 years ago
This story is really hot and erotic

A bit of a fantasy, but a really exciting read.

It was fanastic that both his mom and his aunt were pregnant by this young stud.

I like that the aunt became submissive to the 19 year old stud and gave her self to him, just like his mom has.

Well done.

Thanks for the good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Nicely steamy

Enjoyable, but moved almost too quickly. Speaking for myself, stories about somewhat Dom/Sub relationships (especially those which involve a protagonist discovering new sub desires) benefit from some buildup to the acceptance and embrace of a sub role - a little backstory foreplay, if you will. I think this story could have benefitted from a bit more development of Claire's story and character in this regard. It would have made her seduction by Peter and her submission all the more charged and erotic. That's my 2 cents. Enjoyed it, but was hoping for something a bit more fleshed out.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 11 years ago

the spelling atrocious, the grammar peccable but the writing---especially the descriptions of sex--- is wonderful, among the best I ever read here at Literotica. Quality Wheat, you have created a very special story, not so much because of the situation, but more because of the writing. I am in awe. I don't know if there are more chapters to come, but if there are, they are surely very very welcome. A strong "5."

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Two errors in the title wasn't a good start. But then, you could have dropped an "r"and made it three. I think I'll read the story tomorrow.

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