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An MP Transformed


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Toby led her to the bed, and pushed her onto all fours. Mounting her from behind, his cock slid into her very wet pussy and started to pump. Serena almost screamed at the experience of having Toby inside her for the first time.

'Now, you're going to be my bitch' said Toby into Serena's ear.

'God yes' said Serena, groaning loudly.

'You are going to become the perfect subservient minister's wife. You will forget all those silly causes and campaigns you worked for' said Toby breathing into her ear. 'You'll be going to espouse all the things you used to hate and canvass for me'.

Whatever you want' moaned Serena.

Toby liked the fact that Serena had no qualms about abandoning her former crusades.

'You are going to wear pretty clothes, lots of jewellery, and go to fabulous parties and events' Toby said.

'Yes, master' said Serena.

'And you know that you didn't want children?' said Toby grinning evilly while still fucking her. Serena didn't reply, just kept groaning.

'Well, you are going to become my sow. Your unworthy personage will bear my children'. Serena orgasmed at those words. She started to imagine herself big and pregnant, and thoughts that had never entered her head began to stream into her consciousness. Yes, she thought I am his fuck doll, his bitch and I will bear his children. His cum will conquer me and impregnate me. This is what I am for.

'Please breed me. I would be honoured to carry your child' whimpered Serena racked with pleasure.

Toby smirked and ejaculated abundantly inside her.

On Sunday afternoon, a knock on the door signalled Michaela that the car that Toby had organised for her to take her to Blackie's had arrived. Picking up a suitcase, she opened the door and walked to the car. The journey took a while and she was deposited in a dingy back alley and knocked on the grimy door indicated by the driver.

The door opened, and with a per functionary nod by both women, Michaela entered Blackie's house. Blackie led Michaela into a large photographic studio. Blackie started work on Michaela, using her skills in make-up to transform her into Serena.

Soon Michaela was Serena again, and she went with Blackie to the walk-in wardrobe and started choosing outfits for Serena to model. For the first part of the session, Serena modelled tight dresses, and skirts, then onto corsets and so on. After 45 mins, Blackie suggested a break, and Serena demurred but asked if they could use some of the outfits that she had bought with them in the next session. Serena opened her suitcase and showed Blackie some of the garments that she had bought with her. Blackie was not usually surprised, but the contents of the suitcase even raised her eyebrows.

What intrigued Blackie was not so much the clothing, she had similar wears in her stock, but usually, she would have to gently persuade women that she was shooting to try the clothing. Serena had bought attire and obviously wanted to try these outfits without prompting.

Serena changed into her first apparel. A black zip-up bodysuit. It accentuated Serena's breasts and drew attention to her hairless crotch. Further changes of outfits included a lace bodysuit stocking and a chain body harness. Serena would proudly pose topless wearing just a wet look skirt and with a genuine smile on her face, offering her breasts to the camera

Eventually, Serena discarded the clothes and posed naked save for a studded collar that said WHORE and the high-heeled shoes that she had come to love. For the last set of photographs, she posed fully frontal with the words 'TOBY'S PERSONAL SLUT' that Blackie had applied on her stomach in bright red lipstick.

For the last time, Michaela had to go to parliament. Michaela hated dressing in the drab clothes that she had worn for so long but knew that this would be the last time. That morning, she informed the Speaker of the House and her party leader that she would be resigning her seat, and would be moving abroad to take a new job. The Speaker was sad because he had felt that Michaela would have become a fine parliamentarian. However, her party leader was not sad, despite saying Michaela would be a great loss to the press and other MP's. It was a great opportunity to get one of her acolytes into a safe seat. Michaela had never made any real friends and as a mere backbencher, her departure from Parliament was barely reported in the newspapers.

Michaela informed her mother and father later that day that she would be going abroad and was selling her house, rather than rent it out while she was away. Her parents were sad that she had stopped being an MP, but knowing how determined Michaela was, accepted her decision. Toby's programming had made her barely give her parents another thought, but Toby had made her go and tell them, knowing that they could make things difficult if she didn't tell them before she went.

Once contacts in Michaela's past had been taken care of, Toby had Michaela admitted into a very private hospital. Michaela had remained silent and passive Toby while he informed the Doctor what alterations he wanted to make to Michaela's body. The Doctor had agreed to make the changes and had Michaela admitted for surgery that afternoon, and further genetic treatment. Before she went into surgery, Toby had a hypnosis session with Michaela. Michela was conditioned to believe that she was now Serena. She would retain the memories of Michaela, but would only speak of them with Toby's permission.

The surgery took some time over the afternoon. Toby had arranged for a nose alteration, lip lift and cheek fat removal on her face, as well as being given breast implants. Serena would also be subject to a new genetic treatment that would alter her hair colour permanently to blonde. After two days, the facial bandages were removed, and Serena saw her new face. It could only be described as gorgeous. With her new blonde hair and model looks, Serena felt only gratitude for Toby. In her warped mind, she had taken her from the ugly boring Michaela to the beautiful, elegant and superior Serena.

After a week at the hospital, Serena was flown by private jet to Toby's secluded villa in Greece to complete her recovery. Serena would sunbathe naked, having been given instructions that he wanted her tanned all over, or read her fashion magazine to while away the time. Sometimes Serena would call the parents of Michaela (Serena now thought of Michaela as a different person) giving them updates on her false job, without going into too much detail.

One afternoon, a message marked 'Surprise' pinged up on Toby's phone. It was from Serena, and there was a photograph attached. Opening the photo, it showed a nude and tanned Serena lying on her side, beaming at the camera. The message read 'I'm trying hard to make sure I don't get any white bits'. Toby enjoyed not just the naked photos, but the realisation that the journey of just over a month of corrupting that right-on bitch had been completed. Toby was proud of his handwork.

After one month, Serena flew back to the UK. She was then ensconced in a flat overlooking the Thames near the Houses of Parliament, thus Toby could meet her for sex if he so wished. He had also established a backstory for Serena, which he had made her memorise, and thanks to bribes and altering of records, no one would be able to prove that Serena was not who she seemed to be.

A week or so later, Michaela's parents were traumatised when the British Embassy in the country that Michaela had been supposedly working in informed them that she had been killed in a car accident. The car had apparently been driving too fast, and had not been able to take the corner, and careered down a ravine. Bursting into flames on impact, there had been no survivors. Documents on a body had confirmed that one of them was Michaela.

In fact, the incident was engineered by Toby. Using his criminal contacts, he had a body taken from a real car accident, planted with false documentation, and then a bribed police officer informed the Embassy of the accident. On 'hearing' of the accident, Toby had contacted Michaela's parents, insisting on paying for the repatriation of the body back to the UK. Toby took the chance to use the body to smuggle in contraband from which he made a handsome profit.

In a particularly cruel act, Toby attended the funeral of 'Michaela' with Serena. When informed of what they would be doing, Serena laughed. Serena had had to dab her eyes at the funeral, not from sadness, but from trying not to laugh when Toby spoke to Michaela's parents informing them what a great loss Michaela was.

Over the next few months, Serena gently emerged as Toby's girlfriend, appearing at constituency events, parliamentary occasions and social evenings. All who met Serena were enthralled by her charm and elegance, and many men were struck by her model looks.

The society pages of the newspapers were delighted when it was announced that Toby and Serena would be marrying. Serena was described as one of the biggest-dressed women in the country and a leading fashion setter.

The wedding day itself was one of the biggest society events of the year, being splashed around all the newspapers, fashion magazines, and even the International media. The picture of Serena in her wedding dress became the most re-published photograph of the year. Many government MP's, elder statesmen, Party donors etc. were invited as guests. This of course helped raise Toby's profile when it is rumoured that the Prime Minister would be retiring in 6 months.

6 months later.

'We are just about to go over to Downing Street, to see the first appearance of the new Prime Minister and his wife arriving at Number 10'. Said the news reader

Toby stepped out of the Prime Ministerial jaguar car, having accepted the King's invitation to form a government. Toby gently helped a pregnant Serena exit the car, and then went to the podium set up outside the Prime Ministers' residence. Toby made a speech about how a new day had arrived for Britain, and that he would go and start work today.

Taking his pregnant wife gently by the hand, Toby strode into No 10 where he was applauded by the Downing Street staff. He and Serena were given a tour of the building, where the final stop was the cabinet room. Thanking the staff, he asked for a few moments alone with Serena in the room. Locking the doors from the inside, he went to the Prime Ministers' chair and moved it away from the table.

Going to Serena, he placed her with her back to the table where the chair had been.

'Kneel' he said simply.

Without question Serena immediately sunk to her knees.

'You know what to do my bitch' said Toby.

Unless in company Toby always addressed Serena as 'Bitch'. Serena loved being docile and subservient to Toby. He was the man, he was superior she had decided. She would run their house and its servants, but she would never argue, contradict or oppose his decisions. She was his bitch, his whore and she knew her place.

Serena gently took Toby's cock out and started to suck it, all the time keeping eye contact with Toby. Serena had been so popular and useful in the campaign to put Toby into power. She had worked tirelessly going around the country, positively promoting toby's policies, which as Michaela would have horrified her. Many of Toby's party were so impressed with Serena, that they had proposed that she become an MP, but Serena had turned down all offers, stating that it was her duty as Toby's wife to support her husband full time. Now here she was on her knees, serving her Husband and Master.

Toby disengaged his cock from Serena's mouth.

'Get up and pull your skirt up, and remove your knickers' ordered Toby. Serena obeyed without question and pulled herself onto the table. She then spread her legs and smiled at Toby. Toby stepped forward, pushing his cock inside his wife.

'Do you like being my pregnant bitch?' said Toby snarling in her face.

'God yes, I love being pregnant by you' groaned Serena. The previously non-maternal Michaela had been replaced by the permanently broody Serena, who had pleaded with Toby to knock her up during their sex sessions.

'Good, because I intend to put at least another 2 babies into you' said Toby to his sow. Serena groaned in pleasure at this statement. By hypnosis, he had turned one of the most right-on feminists into a cock-loving, baby-wanting, submissive wife. After a few moments, Toby ejaculated copiously inside his wife. Serena leant back on the table catching her breath, and massaging her gooey snatch.

'Clean yourself up bitch' said Toby zipping up his fly. 'I've got a country to run, and you need to go and judge a flower show. That's about your level these days isn't it?' said Toby sniggering.

Serena giggled. She knew that she could never be more than his slave, but then, what was wrong with that?

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MaccaDougalMaccaDougalover 1 year agoAuthor

Hi all. I've got a bit of writers block, so I'm hoping to get something done soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You are very good. Another tale or chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent work. More to come?

MaccaDougalMaccaDougalover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks, I did think about her keeping her identity, but I think Toby wouldn't want that, he would want his own 'creation'.

EroticApeEroticApeover 1 year ago

Loved it! I would have preferred her to keep her identity and maybe cross the aisle to Toby's party but that's just a personal preference. This is a fantastic story, thank you! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

More please in this vein. Deeper yet.

MaccaDougalMaccaDougalalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Yes, Toby is a extremely hollow nasty piece of work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Were we supposed to despise Toby at every step of the way? It's funny--I've just read 20 of the Halloween stories, full of vampires and demons and things with tentacles, but Toby was worse than any of them.

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