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An Opportunity Not To Be Missed Ch. 30


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As he tried to push his tongue into her mouth she fumbled for the door handle. At the same moment he managed to worm his way past the the thin strip of white lace and he plunged two fingers straight up her tight cunt.

"N...no...n.." It was impossible for her to speak with his filthy slobbering mouth locked over hers. He grunted and groaned as he started to ram his fingers up and down inside her.

"Ooh yes yes," he went on, "ooh you dirty bitch you love it." He could feel she was getting wetter by the second, something that she didn't want to happen but was unable to prevent. "Mmmmmm ooh yes come on," he begged her as he squirmed his fingers around deep inside her, "what a lovely wet cunt, you know you want it."

"N...no no...stop!" Mandy cried as she tried to struggle free. Suddenly she pulled the door handle and it swung open. Without a moment to lose she somehow managed to clamber out from under him and tumbled out onto the ground.

She quickly got to her feet and started to run back down the dirt track. As she did she heard Seths car door open and close behind her followed by the sound of him laughing.

"Where do you think you're going? It's miles to the nearest town, and even if you knew the way It'll take you all night to get there."

Mandy stopped, he was right, where was she going? She was completely lost, and to make things worse it was starting to get dark.

The old boy leaned against the back of his car and took a good long look at the curvaceous outline of the gorgeous 20 year olds body. His cock was as hard as rock as he again admired her incredibly cheeky ass draped in that teasing little tennis skirt. A sexier girl just could not exist and as she turned back towards him his eyes instantly found their way back down to those gravity defying knockers.

After a few moments she realised she was completely at his mercy, he was the only one who knew the way back, what was she going to do?

She wondered if she might be able to appeal to his better nature, perhaps forgive him for what he had done in return for taking her safely home....it had to be worth a try.

As she approached him she was about to suggest her "deal" when without warning he reached forward and, taking her by the arm, yanked her towards him.

"What the...." Mandy said as she stumbled against his horrible fat gut.

"Ooh that's it," he hissed, "you know what you need to do." Before she could answer the old man had slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her tight against him as he again tried to kiss her.

"N....no stop, p....please no," she pleaded as she tried to push him away, but it was useless, she could feel his erection digging in as he started to rub himself up and down against her. There was nothing she could do as she felt his filthy old hands behind her groping the cheeks of her ass.

"Mmmm oooh yeah, that's it," he whispered as he sensed the fight draining from her. "Mmmm ooh yeah that feels so good," he went on as he lifted the back of her skirt and felt her lovely lace panties stretched tightly across her shapely young buttocks.

The lovely round cheeks were hard and tight, the old boy had never felt an ass like it. Excitedly he kissed her hard and forced his tongue deep into her mouth. He couldn't believe his luck yet again, she was just so gorgeous and her body defied belief!

Mandy felt sickened by his assault and still tried to struggle free of his grip. She knew however that even if she got free there was nowhere for her to go, but still she needed to get away from him.

As she struggled the old man suddenly got angry at her and grabbed her hair pulling her head back. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way," he sneered, "it's up to you!"

Suddenly Mandy was very frightened, the look in his eye told her that he meant business. She didn't want to give in to him, but more than that she didn't want to make him angry. She knew nothing about him and so didn't know what he may do, she was miles from anywhere and he could do anything!

The dirty old pervert saw her expression change and knew she was scared, this was something that he could certainly use to his advantage. He had no intention of hurting her, but if her believing he would meant her giving in to him then that was fine by him.

"Ooh my cocks so hard," the old pervert said as he stared deep into her eyes. There was a pause for a few seconds. Then, licking his lips with a look of hopeful expectancy he continued, "why don't you just feel how hard it is mmmm?"

"W...what, n....no....no!" Mandy replied. Then, worried that he might get angry, she quickly added, "er....s...someone might see us."

He just smiled displaying a mouth full of rotting yellow teeth, the stench of his breath wafted over her. She hadn't realised he had already spotted the run down old barn in the field next to them. "You're right.....better not let anyone see us," he whispered.

Before she could respond he was already taking her by the wrist and leading her through the gateway towards it. Mandy suddenly saw what he had in mind and knew straight away that she had made things worse rather than better.

The barn was at least dry and reasonably clean and as they entered a flock of birds took fright and flew out through the various missing sections of the roof.

Still clutching Mandys wrist old Seth headed straight for the rather comfortable and dry looking mound of hay in the corner. Within seconds the fat sweaty pig was laying on his back pulling the lovely 20 year old down to her knees beside him. His eyes seemed to be out on stalks as he lay there ogling her phenomenal curves.

"Now where were we?" He said, "oh yes, you wanted to touch my cock to see how hard it was." He had a sinister and dirty grin on his greasy old face as the busty young blond struggled to find some way out of this mess.

"I....I...I didn't say...." Mandy began before Seth interrupted her.

"Ooh come on now, let's not be playing games!" He said trying to look as annoyed as possible at her apparent sudden reluctance.

As he spoke he let go of her wrist and lay back waiting with an arrogant look of expectancy. "Oooh you are gorgeous," he sighed as he brought a hand up and cupped one of her breasts. "Mmmmm such lovely big tits," he went on as he fondled the hugely impressive thing. As he spoke he reached down and slid the zipper down on his trousers. Having on no underpants meant that the desperate erection concealed within sprang straight out giving Mandy something of a fright.

"Now," he went on, "touch it."

Mandy could see that he was serious, she had no choice other than to do as he asked. As she moved her hand towards it she could see it twitching all on it's own. It was big and thick and as she slipped her lovely soft fingers delicately around it the fat old man let out a long deep groan.

"Oh yes, mmmmm ooh God that feels good," he sighed as her hand began to feel it's way up and down the dirty big thing. "Ooh come here," he said as he slipped a hand behind her head and drew her pretty face towards his.

Mandy felt sickened as he licked his lips before planting them onto hers. She knew she could do nothing to stop him, he was in a position where he could do whatever he wanted, she was helpless.

Again he let out a long deep groan as she allowed him to kiss her passionately. At the same time she took a firmer grip of his cock and started to pump it up and down harder.

Old Seth was trembling and his breathing became heavier as he began to enjoy the most incredible wank. With her having to lean across his huge bulk to kiss him Seth was able to run a hand up under the back of her skirt and freely feel her sexy ass. Her lovely lace panties stretched tightly across her beautifully rounded cheeks added even more to the thrill.

She came up for a breath of air before she suffocated from his horrible slobbering over enthusiastic kiss. Without realising it she was suddenly presenting him with a spectacular tempting view of her huge knockers still contained in the tightly fitting top. As they hovered like two huge balloons just above his face he was clearly getting desperate as he told her abruptly to get her top off.

Now defeated Mandy did as she was asked without question, peeling the yellow cotton top off over her head. Leaning back across him she watched the look on the overweight 57 year old mans face as he stared wide eyed at the sexy white lace 34GG bra that held her spectacular big heaving breasts.

Mandy continued to wank his dirty throbbing cock as he went for them like a rampant animal sucking and chewing as he feasted hungrily on them, tits bra everything.

"Mmmmm mmmmmm...lovely...fuckin'..tits," he grunted excitedly, his voice muffled as she squashed them hard against his red sweating face.

Then, before Mandy could do anything, he put an arm around her and heaved her across his body, her legs spread wide as she straddled his huge fat belly. He paused a second to have a look at her before telling her to take "it" off. She knew he meant her bra and so she reached behind herself and released the catch before letting it slide down her arms and off.

"OH FUCK ME!" Seth exclaimed as he marvelled at the wondrous sight of her huge naked breasts thrusting out right above him. He had never in his life seen a pair like it, tits like these only existed in his wildest fantasies!

Experience had taught Mandy there was no getting away from the inevitable and she knew what she had to do. Now in only her little white tennis skirt and panties and sitting across his stomach she leaned forward lowering them into his face.

He couldn't believe her sudden willingness to get involved and without hesitation seized the opportunity. He took them in his hands and squeezed them hard as he licked and kissed all over her nipples. "Ooh yes yes yes," he kept on repeating as he sucked and chewed on one then the other over and over. Never had he been treated to a more incredible experience, he had never had his hands on a bigger or firmer pair.

With Mandy now actively rolling them around over his face he released them from his grip and ran his hands again up the backs of her smooth firm thighs. With her legs spread wide across him and her skirt too short to hide anything he found himself free touch and stroke her pussy through the tightly stretched strip of white lace that covered it.

"Ooh you lovely lovely dirty bitch," he puffed as he slipped the fingers of both hands under from either side. There was nothing Mandy could do to stop him as he ran them along her now very moist slit. "Mmmmm ooh yes yes," he went on as he fingered her juicy wet lips for a few moments before driving the middle finger of his right hand straight up inside her. Mandy couldn't help but gasp as he started to finger fuck her as hard and fast as he could. He couldn't believe how tight and wet she was, and wanted desperately to get his cock in there.

It was only inches away pointing straight at its goal. The old man slipped his finger out and tugged her panties to one side as he started to push her back down towards it.

"N...no...please no," Mandy pleaded in one last act of defiance.

"Oh come on please," he begged as he continued pushing her back towards his rock hard erection, "you know you want to."

Suddenly Mandy felt it touch against the lips of her pussy. The old mans eyes rolled back in his head as he let out another long deep moan. He was excited beyond belief and there was nothing the pretty busty blond could do as her pussy lips started to part around it's huge swollen tip.

Seth watched as Mandy arched her back to raise herself up until her tits were beyond the reach of his salivating mouth. With her hands on his barrel chest for support and her arms locked straight squashing her tits together he saw her eyes close as he felt the tight wetness of her pussy lips slip over the helmet of his cock. It was just the most incredible sensation and again he groaned as she slowly slid herself down its gristly length.

The old man was in stunned disbelief as she began to pull herself back up it before lowering herself down it again. She did it a couple of times slowly at first but then got quicker and quicker...she was actually fucking him! he wasn't fucking her, she was fucking him!!!

He lay there knowing he wasn't going to last very long as she now danced her ass up and down, her pussy getting wetter and wetter as it tightly gripped his manhood.

Again she lowered her now bouncing tits to within reach of his mouth and he wasted no time in taking them in and suckling roughly on them.

"Oh God yes yes yes," he cried as she expertly worked her tight wet cunt up and down his over excited tool. There was no turning back, the old man could already sense the onset of an orgasm. He reached around her and grabbed her bouncing ass cheeks sinking his fingers into them as she rode his cock faster and faster.

"Oh fuck I'm coming!" Seth cried out as he suddenly took over and started ramming himself hard and fast into her. He sucked and licked and kissed her tits all over as he pounded her cunt like a man possessed driving his cock as deep into her as it could possibly go.

Mandy could feel the inevitable orgasm building within, there was nothing she could do as her body again betrayed her. This filthy stinking fat old man made her feel sick, but his huge plundering cock felt so good as it drove in and out of her like a piston.

Suddenly Seth grimaced and let out a loud cry as his balls released a torrent of spunk that thundered up through his cock and flooded into this lovely fresh young pussy.

"AAAAAAARRGGHH YES YES YES YOU FUCKIN' BITCH!" He shouted as he pumped load after load of his thick creamy muck into her.

All Mandy could do was take it and make the most of the orgasm she was now forced to enjoy. She said nothing as her pussy contracted around the invading length of manhood. Her juices pouring from deep within mixing with the flood of sperm that was pumping into her.

Old Seth just held her tight as he continued to ram her lovely wet cunt with his cock, his balls squashing against her lips as he pushed himself in hard and deep.

Mandy held herself firm as he finished himself off squeezing every last drop from the depths of his old balls until he had no more to give.

With a long sigh he kissed her on the mouth while his hands ran up and down the curvaceous outline of her body. She could feel the pulsating throb of his hard old tool as it expelled it's final dribbling blobs of spunk.

"Mmmmm I needed that," he whispered as he nuzzled her freshly scented neck through her lovely soft blond hair.

Mandy was having no more of it and climbed off the fat old pervert, not before he gave her one last hearty slap on the ass though.

She got to her feet and without a word quickly dressed before heading back to the car. As Seth followed he looked the 20 year old beauty up and down and couldn't quite believe what he had just done. For Mandy he was just another dirty old pervert who couldn't control himself........

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bambigirl44bambigirl44over 13 years agoAuthor
From the author

Nope, haven't quit am working on it now.....it won't be long

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Were are you

Cmon Bambi, a few weeks as turned into a few months. At least give us a progress report.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Glad that bambigirl44 is still writing. His stories are the only ones I read nowadays. He does not owe it to anybody to write. Give him time and he will continue his great works!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

What a treat for anybody coming upon these stories for the first time.

Thirty tales of pure class. Never read anything erotic that even comes close to matching these gems. Like I say all chapters are great but stand outs have to be the Wedding. Mandy pretending to be asleep, and Alison with the wheelchair bound Norman.

Just keep on writing Bambi, your a class act.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

So pleased you havn't thrown in the pen Bambi. Mandy and Alison's sexcapades are the best erotic stories I have ever read.

I hope to be reading them for years to come.

bambigirl44bambigirl44over 13 years agoAuthor
From The Author

Apologies for the lengthy silence, but wanted to say I have just started composing the next chapter. It will be a few weeks yet but it is coming........

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I think this series has finished

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Here's hoping!

Are you still writing Bambi? It would be a shame if not as there are still so many possibilities for the characters, especially relating to new jobs and uniforms, and we still haven't had a story with Mandy or Alison wearing either a lacy silky teddy and camisole & french knicker set.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
End this

If you dont feel like going on, which is understandable, can you at least give the story its proper ending?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Nice. when can we expect the next episode?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Mandy & Alison Together!!!

Hey Bambi...Seth episode was awesome....like requested earlier...make Mandy and Alison together with an old man and his son..would be a nice combo...waiting to hear from the master blaster...cheers...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Any chance of a chapter before xmas Bambi?

Sure would be a cracking early present.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Any updates?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Hey Bambi were approaching the festive season so how about Mandy or Alison falling foul of a dirty old department store santa!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
anxious wait

Hi Bambi absolutely loved the series read em all so far and cant wait for the next ones. Just keep doing what u do best

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Mandy gets a parking ticket and has to have sex with the horrible little traffic warden

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Another idea

Love the idea below - also could have Mandy or Alison start a new job as an estate agent - the boss could be a dirty old perv who sends her to show his dirty old mates round empty houses & install secret cameras for more easy blackmailing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Love all the stories. Would love to have mandy visit a prison and get fucked by the fat old guards. And maybe a few inmates get in on the action!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
ideas ideas ideas

my idea is for a new scenario involving mandy being blakmailed by women instead of men

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Disappointed fan

Hi bambi, still prefers the earlier few chapters where there was Ted and George doing it with Mandy, even billy is also good . From chapters 25 onwards there were lots of new characters involved but not as interesting as before. And Mandy was becoming more and more easy to get, seem like she is getting too used to submit to all their desire ... hope the next chapter will be better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
great stuff

Yet another great classic from Bambi.

How about an episode on Mandy being taken advantage of in the public swimming pool?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great as usual

Another cracker of a story. Thirty chapters now and ive loved every one of them.

I know the video tape scenario has probably run its course but I do miss old george and Ted. It would be great to have them back if only to get Mandy a bit more vocal again. One of the highlights of the earlier stories for me was Mandy ending up enjoying the sex as much as the lucky old buggers giving it to her. She’s been far too quiet lately. George and Ted are part of her world and deserve another crack at her…and perhaps Walter to…and Billy…mr Roberts…

Keep em coming Bambi.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Great to see you back to your absolute best after a very slight dip in form - One of your best ever stories. I would love to hear more about the modern day Alison (ie. late thirties) and her problems at work.

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