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Ancestral house in the village

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Surrounded by sexually starved ladies in the village.
6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/13/2023
Created 09/04/2023
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Hello readers, The following story unfolds in a quaint village nestled along the southern coast of India. It centers around a city boy who embarks on a journey filled with rustic charm, orthodox traditions, and unforgettable experiences when he pays a visit to his uncle..

The story has no incest angle and it focuses on the journey of a young boy finding himself in unexpected situations. The story begins at a deliberate pace, carefully introducing you to the characters and their surroundings. As you delve deeper into the narrative, you'll find it gradually heating up, promising an intriguing progression.

Stay connected as this tale unfolds in a series, and let the adventure begin.

The story has a few words in Hindi and below is the meaning:

Beta - Son

Saree - A garment consisting of a length of cotton or silk elaborately draped around the body, traditionally worn by women from India.

Sherbet - A cooling drink of sweet diluted fruit juices.

Ghungroo - Small metallic bells strung together on the anklets worn by classical Indian dancers.

Sahib - Sir

Veranda - A roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor

Pallu - the loose end of a sari, worn over one shoulder or the head.

Part 1: The visit

location: Mumbai

Jay returns to his empty apartment, the weight of his parents' recent tragic accident heavy on his heart. With no siblings to share his grief, he closes the door behind him and collapses onto the floor, overwhelmed by loneliness. Lost in contemplation, he remains there for an extended period, the eerie silence of the house amplifying his sorrow. Suddenly, a doorbell rings, followed by a knock, jolting him from his thoughts. He rises to his feet and opens the door to find the mailman waiting. The mailman hands him an envelope bearing his name.

Jay closes the door again, his curiosity piqued. He carefully opens the envelope to reveal a brass key, two aged photographs, and a typed letter. The key's Victorian design intrigues him, while the first photograph, in timeless black and white, features his mother alongside an elderly couple and a young boy. His attention then turns to the second photo, which depicts the same four individuals, accompanied by another family. Jay assumes the other family must be either relatives or close family friends. The discovery of the key and the photographs, unexpectedly, begins to alleviate his sorrow, leaving him eager to uncover the secrets hidden within the letter.

The Letter:

Hello Jay,

I trust this message finds you as well as can be expected during such a difficult time. I was deeply saddened to learn about the passing of your dad and my sister, Jaya. Please accept my most sincere condolences.

I'm Sundar, your mom's younger brother. I understand that my existence may have come as a surprise to you. Your mom chose not to disclose much about her maternal family, which is why we may not have had the chance to connect until now.

I believe it would be more appropriate for us to discuss this matter over a phone call, as it is a lot to process. I've included my contact number below my name. Please don't hesitate to reach out, and we can have a conversation about the key and the pictures I've sent, which should help build trust between us.

I'm here and ready to talk whenever you are.

Warm regards,



- X -

Jay filled a glass with water, his emotions a mix of shock and excitement. The revelation that he had a long-lost family member, Sundar, was both shocking and thrilling to him. Jay couldn't contain his eagerness to learn more about his newfound relative. However, he held onto the key piece of information for a few days, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to make the call.

One evening, Jay sat in his cozy living room, clutching his mobile phone in one hand and the letter from Sundar in the other. With a deep breath, he dialed the number listed in the letter and anxiously waited for someone to answer.

The Call:

"Hello, may I know who's speaking?" Jay asked politely.

"Is this Mr. Sundar?" Jay inquired.

"Yes, that's me," Sundar replied.

"Hello again, I'm Jay, your sister's son. I found your number in the letter. I hope this is a good time to talk," Jay asked with courtesy.

"Jay, my dear boy! What took you so long? I was worried the letter might have scared you off," Sundar said excitedly, relieved that his nephew had finally reached out.

"I apologize for the delay. I had a lot on my plate -- settling my dad's affairs at work and keeping up with my studies in business management," Jay explained.

"Please, don't blame yourself. I understand you had a lot to deal with after what happened," Sundar said regretfully.

"Uncle, you shouldn't blame yourself either. I want to thank you for reaching out. I had lost hope that I had any family left, but your letter was so encouraging," Jay reassured him.

"I am sorry for not attending the funeral in Mumbai. The circumstances wouldn't allow me to do so. I am paralyzed below my hip and I have been told to avoid long trips," Sundar explained.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Uncle," Jay interjected.

"But why did Mom keep you all away from me?" Jay questioned.

"Beta, you see, this is a very long story, but I'll try to keep it short. Your mom was a rebel, a liberal-minded person born into an Orthodox household. She never took the rules and regulations set by our father seriously," Sundar explained.

"So, Mom has always been strong-willed and stubborn?" Jay inquired.

"Hahaha, it seems she never changed. Yes, your mom was very determined. She's the only member of our family who ever had a love marriage. She moved to Mumbai with your dad after they graduated. I regret not being able to attend my sister's wedding. Our father warned us not to make any contact with your mother. A few years ago, your mom and I reconnected on Facebook, but only after our father passed away. The three people in the black and white photographs are your mother, me, and our parents."

"That's very sad, Uncle. Mom was a strong lady, but I'm sure she missed you all," Jay expressed.

"I managed to find her on Facebook, and we communicated through messenger. That's how I got the address to your house."

"I'm not sure why Mom never mentioned this to me," Jay wondered.

"Jay, it was for your own good. According to your mom, she wanted to keep you safe and away from any potential harm. The relatives in our village still consider your mom a disgrace to the family name."

"What do they know about my mom! Go to hell... umm, I'm sorry for my language," Jay stopped mid-sentence.

"I see you have your mom's temper in you. Don't worry; I'm a very liberal person too. But I didn't want my parents to be left alone. It would be very difficult for them to have two rebellious children leave the house," Sundar replied.

"Lots of respect to you, Uncle Sundar. You thought about them first," Jay acknowledged.

"Thanks, beta," Sundar replied.

"But what's bothering me is the key and also who are the other four people in the second photograph," Jay inquired.

"The other four people in the photo lived with us in our bungalow. The man and woman are Ram and Sunita, who were our house help, and the other two young girls are their daughters, Neha and Sneha. Your mom, both the sisters, and I were good friends, and we considered them as family," Sundar explained.

"Interesting! Now tell me about the key," Jay said excitedly.

"The key belongs to our ancestral property, which I am presently occupying. The reason I sent the key to you is that I want you to have the house. I am planning to move to Seattle to live my last few years with my son and his family. It has become difficult for me to live here all alone after the passing of my wife," Sundar revealed.

"I am sorry to hear that, Uncle. I am sure she is resting in peace. I hope you have been taken care of given your condition," Jay asked, showing concern.

"Oh yes, I have my pension, money coming in from the farmers to whom we've leased out our lands," Sundar began. "And then there's Neha, who takes care of me. She never married and continued to work as our house help."

"Is Neha one of the daughters?" Jay asked.

"Yes, but I don't consider her just a house help. She's still my friend who runs errands for me and occupies the guest house within the border of our property," Sundar explained.

"I'm not sure how to react, but I do feel like I'm too young to own a bungalow," Jay admitted.

"Son, this decision was made between me, your mom, and your dad. Your dad was aware of it and didn't show any protest," Sundar reassured.

"So, even Dad was aware of all this?" Jay exclaimed.

"Calm down, beta. Your dad and I are childhood friends from the same village. He also fought his way out of his family's traditions, but he was forgiven later. You see, the traditions and rules are less harsh towards a son compared to a daughter," Sundar sighed.

"I understand, but I still can't believe I'm taking on this responsibility at such a young age," Jay said.

"We weren't expecting to hand over the keys to you so early, Jay. We thought it would make a perfect gift to you for your marriage. But life had different plans. It took your mom and dad away too soon," Sundar reflected.

"I still miss them," Jay admitted with a heavy sigh.

"Jay beta, I have a suggestion for you. Consider it only if you feel it's right," Sundar spoke gently, his eyes filled with concern. "We receive payments from five farmers to whom we've leased our lands. Our small company generates decent income from fruit preservatives. Additionally, I'd like to give you half of my pension since my son is well-settled and takes care of my expenses. You could choose to accept half of it and donate the rest."

Jay furrowed his brow, contemplating his future. "What about my studies in business management?"

Sundar smiled warmly. "Beta, apply for a leave and plan a visit. We can decide your future during your short vacation. If you find yourself loving it here, you can take over the company and the lands. Everything will be yours. My son has no interest in India. You'll lead a comfortable life."

"I'm not entirely sure if village life would suit me," Jay admitted.

Sundar leaned in, his voice filled with encouragement. "Why don't you come and stay with me for a few weeks? I'll arrange for someone to show you around, and we can catch up."

Jay considered the proposal. "That's not a bad idea. But how do I get there?"

"I'll have my son share a digital train ticket with you. The airport is quite far, but the train station is closer. A car will be sent to pick you up upon your arrival at the station," Sundar assured him.

"I do need a break after everything that's happened. This could be a chance to rejuvenate myself. I'll apply for leave," Jay decided.

Sundar's voice was filled with genuine happiness. "I'm glad this is happening." With that, they ended the call.

Jay received the ticket and embarked on a train journey to Vizag a week later. Waiting at the station, a chauffeur stood ready to pick him up. The drive to the property unfolded with breathtaking scenery, capturing the attention of a few ladies and girls who were returning from the nearby farm. Eventually, they arrived at a narrow lane leading to the entrance of the bungalow.

"Sir, welcome to Rajvilas," said the driver.

At the door, Sundar, in his sixties, greeted Jay with a warm smile from his wheelchair. Behind him, a lady dressed in an elegant saree stood poised. Another lady held a tray with a glass of cold sherbet and a refreshing towel.

"It is wonderful to finally meet you, Uncle," Jay remarked as he respectfully touched Sundar's feet.

"I am equally delighted to see you. May God bless you. Your mother has clearly taught you well. Come, embrace this old man," Sundar replied warmly.

"Of course, why not?" Jay agreed, and they shared a heartfelt hug.

"Jay, please enjoy this sherbet. If you desire more, do not hesitate to ask," the maid kindly offered.

"Ah, so refreshing!" Jay exclaimed after sipping the Aam Panna.

"I'm pleased you liked it; it's Aam Panna," the maid informed him.

"Now, allow me to introduce you to the people around me," Sundar said. "The lady standing in the background is Neha, whom I mentioned in the letter I wrote to you."

"Glad to make your acquaintance, Neha ji," Jay extended his hand for a handshake.

Neha, blushing, glanced down but didn't extend her hand forward. Jay briefly wondered if he had inadvertently done something wrong.

"Neha, don't be so shy," Sundar chuckled. "Weren't you excited to see him? And now that he's here, you're acting so reserved!"

Neha still with her head down. joins her hands together, says Namaste and runs into the house.

"Sorry, Beta," sighed Sundar, "She is very shy around men. She's not used to meeting strangers, especially men. I've never quite understood her all these years. I hope you didn't feel bad."

"I understand," Jay replied.

"Great. The lady to my left is Lalitha, but we all call her Lali. She has been our house help for over 10 years and lives in the guest room adjacent to the kitchen. So, if you need any assistance, she'll be there along with Meena," Jay explained.

"You can count on me for anything, Jay. I'll be here for you," Lali said as she extended her hand. The handshake was firm, and Lali smiled at him in a somewhat suggestive manner.

Jay thought to himself, "Thank goodness she seems normal, but why was that handshake so firm, and what was with the smile?"

"Jay, Jay, Earth to Jay. Let's go inside. Lali has prepared some wonderful snacks," Sundar interrupted.

Lali helped Sundar turn the wheelchair, and once he entered the house, leaving Lali and Jay alone, Lali whispered softly, "You have very soft hands, Jay," before walking inside.

Inside the house, Jay found a comfortable sofa and looked around. He heard the sound of bells approaching the living room. Another lady, dressed in a saree and wearing ghungroo, entered the room.

"Pakoras and chutney for you, sahib," she offered.

Sundar introduced her, saying, "Meet Meena. She was the fiancee of my bookkeeper, Ramu. He left for the city, claiming to have found a better-paying job, but he never returned. She's a kind soul, but our village is quite orthodox. They blamed her for Ramu's disappearance, and no man was willing to accept her after those rumors. Her parents asked her to leave the house. Since our house is spacious, we offered her accommodation. She shares a room with Lali and helps around the house in return." Sundar explained.

"Jay nervously exclaimed, 'I see!' The information was so personal that he wasn't sure how to react. However, Meena seemed okay with it; she must have accepted her fate. Poor her.

After enjoying a serving of Pakoras and another glass of sherbet, Meena led Jay to the first floor of the bungalow to the master bedroom he was going to occupy.

'Jay Sahib, I hope you find this room comfortable. I know you're used to city living, but our village is incredibly serene. If you meet the right people, you'll also benefit from their friendship,' Lali said as she took his hands in hers. 'Very soft. Men here work in the fields, so they don't have hands as soft as yours,' she added with a smile.

Lali let go of Jay's hands when they both heard a knock on the door. It was Neha.

'I will take my leave,' said Lali as she left the room.

'Hey Neha, Namaste,' Jay greeted with a laugh.

'I'm sorry for my earlier rudeness when you arrived. I'm scared of men. Your uncle, my childhood friend, is the only one I'm comfortable around,' explained Neha.

'I understand now, and I wasn't annoyed by what happened,' Jay reassured her.

'I brought you a fresh towel and toiletries. If you need any help, please check with me or any of the maids,' Neha offered.

'Sure, thanks a lot,' replied Jay.

This time, Neha extended her right hand. Jay gave her a firm handshake, which made her blush. She tried to rush out of the room, feeling shy, but Jay hadn't let go of her hand yet.

'Jay, please let go of my hand,' begged Neha."

Jay found himself in an unfamiliar place, feeling a sudden urgency. "Excuse me," he said to Neha, "Could you tell me where the bathroom is?"

Neha replied, "I apologize for not mentioning earlier. We have a shared bathroom on the ground floor, next to the veranda. I hope that won't be inconvenient." With a polite nod, she left the room.

As Jay made his way downstairs, he unexpectedly bumped into Meena, the finance manager. She was in her early 30s, with a strikingly beautiful face and a pleasant voice.

After a refreshing shower, Jay decided to take a nap in the quiet afternoon. Later in the evening, he watched a movie with his uncle and was served some tea and light snacks. Despite the snacks, Jay was still hungry and decided to browse the internet for entertainment. However, due to the rural location, the internet connection was poor, making it difficult to watch any videos.

Frustrated, he walked over to the window in search of a stronger signal. As he leaned against the wall, he couldn't help but overhear some giggling voices. Among them, he heard his own name being mentioned, piquing his curiosity.

"His hands are so soft and his fingers are so long. I would love for him to rub me in between my legs" Jay recognised this voice to be of Lali

"Soft, you say?" remarked a lady. "The city boy must have never worked in the fields. I prefer my men to be strong and tough. I believe he's also lacking in size down there."

Jay was taken aback by the comment, and he considered confronting the lady. However, he restrained himself when he heard Meena's voice. He was curious about her opinion.

"I agree he might not be as rugged as the men from our village, but we shouldn't be disrespectful to our guests," Meena calmly replied.

Jay couldn't help but smile, appreciating Meena's support. He decided to make a playful gesture to lighten the mood. Jay returned to his room, put on a lungi, but left it slightly loose. He held the hem of the lungi in his hands as he walked downstairs and outside to where the ladies were gathered.

Standing on the veranda, he called out to Lali, "Lali, could you please help me with my lungi?" Jay began approaching the ladies, and just as he was near them, he pretended to slip and fell to the ground. In the process, he let go of his lungi, and it fell to the ground, leaving Jay lying on his back.

"Jay, are you ok?" Yelled Lali as all three ladies rushed towards him. Lali placed his head on her lap and checked for any wounds.

"Yes I am ok thanks Lali," said Jay.

"Meena get some water," said Lali

There was no response. "Meena...Meena can't you hear me" Yelled Lali.

"Ahhhh yes yes sorry" Snapped Meena.

When Lali followed her gaze down towards Jay's waist she saw what caused Meena to go in a trance. Jay wasn't wearing any underwear and his penis was semi-erect. It wasn't the biggest penis she had ever seen. But the thickness of it was what made her body shiver.

"Have some water?" Said Meena as she returned with a glass full of water. She saw Lali's eyes fixed on Jay's crotch. She tapped Lali's shoulder so that she would snap out of her trance. The third lady had her hands on Jay's right thigh. Lali gave her a firm pat on the back.

"What are you doing? Why are you touching him now? He isn't your type of man right?" Taunted Lali.

"I don't mind the soft hands if he has something this fat under his waist," Said the lady.

"Kamala, don't you even dare to have him before me," said Lali. Jay's penis tweaked at Lalis' comment. He knew for sure that he wouldn't leave this village a virgin. He knew that both Lali and Kamala had the hots for him.

They helped Jay stand while he was still naked. He placed his left arm over Meena's shoulder and his right over Lalis. Kamala helped him with the lungi and while doing so intentionally brushed her hand over his penis. Jay let out a soft moan.


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