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Angels Ch. 04

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Another recruit joins the sisterhood.
7.2k words

Part 4 of the 24 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 09/17/2022
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Ch. 04 - Recruits


This story contains characters from other stories but is intended as stand alone.

All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story contains lesbian sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Susan was a very shrewd businesswoman. She produced nothing and didn't get involved in low level detail however the two qualities that she possessed that had brought such good fortune was her ability to see a good product that she could sell on and combine that with building a reliable team that she could leave to make low level decisions on her behalf as each and every one of her senior managers wanted the company to succeed.

All of her senior managers had been with her since the beginning, and she had a special talent of ensuring that she knew what made each of them tick. She ensured that whenever they needed more staff, she would listen to their arguments for expansion and act accordingly. Susan put part of the company's continuing success down to her recruitment process of hiring woman for the most part.

There were male employees, but they were the exception rather than the rule. Their product was lingerie and men, younger men especially, got all goofy over the product. A by-product of the company's success was empowering women, and only a few men could buy into that; some did, John was a prime example. She had recruited him as their IT guru when the company was in its infancy but recently promoted him to Art Director thanks in no small part to the fact that photography was his life's passion, it made a good alternative to outsourcing the job to professional photographers as she had done originally, it made more sense to keep John's skills and bring the picture taking in house.

This was another instance where she could best gauge what made him tick and encouraged him by providing the tools he needed. Initially he had used his own camera's but as he became more proficient the company had funded the best of the best for him. It was his other role of IT guru that had brought him to Susan's office one day as he nervously took a seat opposite Susan. It was at the end of the working day, and no-one would be disturbing them as Susan began "Stop fidgeting will you. You've got something to say and so I'd hope you were comfortable enough in having me as a boss to be able to come to me with anything. I know you've always got my back and I want to assure you that I'll always have yours."

John took a deep breath and replied, "I'm not sure how to phrase this but some of your browsing history that the server logs may leave us open to outside attack." Susan looked non-plussed and so he re-phrased it saying, "Some of the lesbian porn sites you visit could leave a trap door for hackers, I want to beef up our virus protection to ensure we are protected as best we can."

Susan looked a little sheepish and chuckled before saying "Is this you trying to tell me I need to reign in my activities. Does the chosen subject matter surprise you?"

John shrugged and replied "Your choice of subject matter has exactly zero to do with me and I've downloaded some lesbian porn for myself so I'm hardly going to criticise. Some of the larger sites are fine, it's just some have their own security issues, and I wouldn't want us to be adversely impacted by association, the porn story sites are largely ok, it's the video and streaming stuff that has the worst reputation. Some additional security, an email alias and knowing which sites to avoid ought to be all that is needed."

Susan nodded as she thought and replied "Ok, I like your suggestions. Do what you need to do to protect us. Just steer me where you think is best and I'll comply." After a pause Susan added "I hope the transition in roles is progressing smoothly. Don't forget if it gets too much, flag it up to please and I'll do what I can."

"Thank you" came John's reply before he added "If it helps yours isn't the only user with porn sites listed on the browsing history. I'm going to have a discreet word with the one male employee that has browsed in work time. You're the boss, this is your company and therefore your time, but I take a slightly dimmer view of paid employees doing the same when they are paid to do a job. The bloke is the easy one to speak to, the two women -- who incidentally share your tastes -- are a different prospect and wondered if you could address them on my behalf."

Susan's ears pricked up at learning two other women shared her tastes. "Yes, I will gladly have a word with them, who are they?"

John initial response was "Kerry the bubbly blonde in Customer Care is the biggest user. She doesn't spend too long browsing but uses the broadband speed to download a fair bit making me suspect she does her searching at home before hitting the sites here."

"And the other offender?" asked Susan.

John then paused before adding "Annette who works in Logistics but then I already knew her tastes and therefore wasn't surprised. As she has posed for me in the past, I'd appreciate it if you could go easy on her as I have another plan that might involve her that I'd like you to consider."

Susan considered this for a moment before saying "I'm intrigued to know how you knew about her tastes already but before that, let's hear this plan of yours."

"Well, I haven't got all the facts and figures together yet" was John's opening pitch and continued" but I wondered if there were any merit in getting rid of the professional models we seem to always use -- and I might add let me down big time at this last deadline -- and instead offer bonuses to some of our own employees to pose for me. It might end up saving us a bit of money but I'm more interested in being able to schedule my workload more efficiently."

John went quiet then and waited for Susan's response. Nodding she said "I can see that your idea has merits although I'm not sure how easy it will be to persuade some people, they may not like having their face splashed about. Thinking it through though, you've moved more to body shots this last brochure, is this what you had in mind?"

John shrugged, saying "Not directly, that change was to get buyers focusing more on the product than the model. Another reason I'd prefer to use 'real' people is because I'm not keen on projecting false body consciousness on people, there's too much of that for my liking as it is."

Susan was nodding throughout but chipped in with "I agree. I'm guessing you have some people in mind already. I'm also guessing Annette is one of them, is that how you know her tastes?"

John fidgeted again before answering "This must remain in this room but yes, I have had the joy of photographing her quite a few times along with Andi from Finance, she's another that I'd be keen on including as she has an amazing body to go along with her looks. If you promise to be discreet, I might even be encouraged to share with you the pictures from their joint session as that is your thing. I'd need some fuller figure ladies though, but I haven't put too much thought into who yet until I knew the idea had legs."

Susan leant forward and crossed her hands saying "Oh the idea certainly has legs. In fact, if you do share the photoset with me, I think you should definitely run with it, and I'll back it with the company's bank balance. What we paid the professional models we can pay our own people, work out the figures and I'll make sure Payroll are briefed in. I know of two of our younger employees that I can encourage to pitch in, one of which has a fuller figure and the more I think of it, Kerry falls into that category, maybe I can encourage her to help out if we don't hinder her internet browsing. There are also a couple of people I know at our suppliers that would definitely help us out while we build up our internal talent base. Just out of interest, when you photographed Annette and Andi, did you join in or was it more voyeuristic?"

John was pleased that Susan was supporting him but felt the need to ask "I have had the joy or partaking with both, yes. If I can be equally frank, I'm curious how you are so certain that these people will take part -- head cropping or not. Would the young lady with the fuller figure be your very own Assistant Gemma? Come on you know I have your back and discretion is my middle name."

Susan barked a laugh before replying "Yes, she is one I had in mind, I'll bet you'd like to see her in very little underwear?" John simply smiled and nodded, not wanting to interrupt Susan's train of thought. "How can I say this? I've been intimate with both Gemma and Bea plus a friend and her assistant from one of our suppliers. If you can wrangle me an invitation to get to know Annette and Andi more intimately, I'd certainly like the chance of hooking up with one or both."

John chuckled and said "I almost feel like a pimp. I'm guessing now you know Kerry's download preferences that she is also on the radar?"

Susan raised her eyebrows and replied cheerily "Oh yes. I'm really looking forward to this new path of ours. If this comes off, you will be very well recompensed for coming up with this idea although I'm a little disappointed that you haven't mentioned me modelling."

John sensed from her expression that Susan was tugging his chain and so replied "If I thought you'd go for it, I'd include you in a heartbeat."

"Mmmm" replied Susan deep in thought, adding "I'll have a think about it. Let's get the wheels in motion and we'll meet up again this time next week to review progress."

With John leaving her to her thoughts Susan quickly typed out an invite to Kerry to come and see her tomorrow and with that done she could sit back in her chair to debate the merits of hooking up with Andi and/or Annette. Within minutes she was distracted by a ping from her computer. True to his word, John had shared a link to his folder containing the photo set of Andi and Annette together. As Susan browsed the files, her heartrate increasing and her pussy dampening as the set got further into the action. A further two pings announced the links to photosets of the two taken during individual shoots. Having reviewed all three links Susan had to agree with John's assessment of Andi but then Annette's photographs weren't too shabby either.

Kerry arrived promptly for her meeting the following day and sat in the chair opposite Susan's desk unsure what the big boss wanted with her. The fact that the meeting was held at Susan's desk rather than the padded sofa's she favoured in her office spoke volumes. Susan liked Kerry as she was a natural at her chosen discipline -- Customer Care. She gave the impression that nothing was too much trouble and the customer always felt valued based on feedback forms they were asked to complete. The bubbly blonde was slightly shorter than Susan, 26 with a nice curvaceous body that had Susan's pulse racing knowing that the blonde's browsing matched her own.

Susan opened the discussion with "I've asked you here today as I need to discuss with you your personal browsing on your company's computer."

The colour drained from Kerry's face, in an instant she knew the personal browsing in question, and she was just waiting for the fall out. She liked this job as she liked helping people and always knew her downloading was a risk. Her single response was "Oh."

Susan got up from behind her desk and perched on the front making Kerry look up at her as she said, "I'd like to collaborate as it seems both of our browsing is on the same topic."

This completely floored Kerry and she could only manage to utter another "Oh."

"I'd be interested in sharing some of your downloads as I will mine with you in return" replied Susan. Now this really floored Kerry she was expecting to get a wrist slap, instead the big boss wants to share porn with her. Susan continued "I also want to propose something unusual to you though and hope that by sharing my considerable library with you would encourage you to help me out of a hole."

"Sure. Anything" was the enthusiastic response from the young blonde. Instead of being reprimanded she was being encouraged.

"Well, it's more to help John. He was very badly let down by our usual professional models last time and he wants to switch to using models from our employee base and I immediately thought of you as a perfect candidate. Now it would obviously involve you posing in some of our stock in front of John and those photos would be seen all over the world, all be it with the head cropped as he prefers customers looking at the product rather that the model."

Kerry still looked a little shocked as she asked, "You're saying that I'm good enough to be a model for our brochure?"

"Well, it's not a foregone conclusion" Susan mused "We'd need to do a test session with you first and we're putting together a remuneration package that would pay you for each photo that appears in the brochure and website, plus -- it's by no means signed off yet -- but I'm also thinking of a smaller bonus scheme whereby as the item sells that you modelled you'd also get a percentage of sales for those lines that do well. In your case you'd have the added thrill of talking to people that might be looking at your image. How does that sound."

"Wow. I'm genuinely shocked that I'd be considered. I always thought I had too many lumps and bumps for people to want to photograph me" replied Kerry.

"Oh no" dismissed Susan "John's whole ethos is that we should be using realistic models rather than airheads that are basically a clothes rail. Again, I can't say you'd be 100% accepted as we're still working out the finer details. This is a bit unorthodox but what would you say if I asked you to remove your shirt and skirt so I could get a sneak peek at what we have to deal with."

"Errr... Errr..." Kerry was wrong footed again, especially as the request had come from the big boss rather than John. "I guess so" was her reply as she tentatively stood up to remove her top followed by her skirt, draping both over the arms of the chair she had been sat on. She stood up straight for Susan's inspection adding "I'm afraid my underwear is a bit of mix and match today but at least it's our lines I suppose."

Susan smiled broadly and replied "No need to apologise. One additional bonus that our current models enjoy is to keep the stock they model for hygiene reasons if nothing else." Having eyed the young woman up and down Susan added "Oh yes, you will be just perfect. John needs to sign off on it being the artist and all, but I suspect he'll only confirm what I already suspect. Now would you mind walking to the door and back a few times so I can see you from other angles."

Kerry was so pleased with Susan's feedback that she gladly performed a couple of circuits of Susan's roomy office. Susan made her way over to the two large sofas on the far wall and patted the seat next to her saying "I've seen enough. Come sit next to me" which Kerry was more than happy to do, not realising that Susan had deliberately put distance between the young blonde and her outer clothing. "Please speak up if you would like more time to consider the prospect but I would certainly appreciate it if we could count on you being our first model. You really have exactly the kind of body that we need for -- how can I say this -- the items for a fuller figure."

"Oh, thank you" gushed the younger woman, not thinking for a moment it strange that she was sat in the big boss's office in her underwear. "Count me in. I love working here and if this helps John and the company out of a hole then I'm definitely up for it. The extra bonuses won't go amiss but I'll do it even if it's just helping out."

Susan placed her hand on Kerry's knee and replied "Oh thank you so much. I knew I could count on you. Now, on the topic of your browsing choices I couldn't help seeing from the detail downloaded from the server it seems we both like to watch lesbian porn, more specifically scene's that include an older woman with a younger one. Is that a fair assessment?" Kerry meekly nodded prompting Susan to continue "I'm guessing that it excites you to see an older woman using her position of power to subjugate an innocent youth." Another nod from Kerry as she continued to look into Susan deep brown eyes. "And is this something of a fantasy, have you ever done anything with another woman?"

Kerry looked down at her lap and shook her head mumbling "No it's just something that interests me during my 'alone' time."

Susan brought her hand slightly higher up Kerry's leg and asked, "Would you like to try sex with another woman?" While still looking down at her lap, Kerry nodded and so Susan continued "And would you like to try it with an older woman willing to show so many delights?" Again, another nod, this time slightly hesitantly. The hand moved off Kerry's leg so that she could lift the blonde's face to level with Susan's gaze as she leant forward and placed one delicate kiss on the blondes full red lips. As Susan pulled her face back, she was pleased to see Kerry's lips still pouted and her eyes closed, it seemed like she was fully absorbed in the kiss and was reluctant to come back to normal life. Suddenly Kerry's eyes shot open, and she saw Susan smiling back at her, studying her reaction. Kerry smiled back and then leant forward herself to experience another light delicate kiss.

Susan pulled back once more and asked, "Does that feel nice?" Kerry nodded back enthusiastically. "And this has no bearing on the modelling offer or the bonuses."

"Ok" came Kerry's faint reply before leaning forward and kissing the boss once more. Susan was loving the way the inexperienced girl was actually doing the running for her. She had always had a thing for younger woman which she put down to her attending an all-girls school and the way the girls had to experiment with each other. She had done the whole getting married and being the dutiful wife thing, but her sexual preferences had never left her and now that she was separated, she could embrace her feelings wholeheartedly.

Susan leant forward and was immediately met with Kerry's succulent mouth. The young blonde went further and brought both hands up to cradle Susan's head as the kissing intensified. Susan's hand wandered down to Kerry's knee once more and slowly worked its way upwards, luxuriating in the feel on the soft flesh as goose bumps raised in reaction to her hands progress. Kerry moaned into the kiss as she spread her legs apart so that Susan could progress further towards her destination.

Kerry briefly disengaged her mouth to gasp "Oh that feels so nice. I've watched countless videos and they always go on about how much better lesbian love is." Kerry leant forward for another quick kiss before finishing what she was saying "and finally I get it. My fascination started when I watched a porn video with my boyfriend and the action was so hot, but I never thought I'd ever be doing it myself."

Susan wanted her to stop talking and so leant forward again to engage the succulent lips before her. Kerry took one hand from the side of Susan's head and grabbed the older woman's arm so that she could dispense with the teasing and move the hand directly over her pussy which was screaming out for attention. Susan whispered in Kerry's ear "I have so much to show you but don't worry we can take things at a steady pace if that's what you prefer."

"Screw that" was Kerry's reply "I want to try it all and try it now" as she aggressively worked Susan's hand across her pussy.

Susan wormed a finger inside the elasticated leg of Kerry's panties making the young blonde gasp as the finger traced over the enflamed clit and travelled downwards, finding everywhere in the immediate area damp. This encouraged her to worm the finger inside Kerry's splayed pussy making the young girl gasp again as she ground her crotch against the intruding digit. Susan wormed a second finger inside Kerry and started to saw them backwards and forwards, encouraging Kerry to drive her hips about more aggressively until she went rigid, and her pussy clamped down on the fingers inside her.


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