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Angie and the Coach

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Neglected white wife gets consoled by black coach.
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It was 10:30 when I finished the line up for the three games we were scheduled to play the next day. It was sometimes difficult to get all the players in the game, in a situation that would not hurt the team and would allow them their best chance to have success. Winning was more important to the parents of the girls AAU traveling team that I coached than it was to the players or myself. There would always be another tournament the next weekend for the entire summer, plenty of time to win some and lose some. It made me old fashioned but I really did believe that it was about having fun for the players. Hell if it was not fun, I damn sure would not have been coaching them. Except for the moms! Hell yes, those sexy, ignored by their husbands, bored, neglected, been married too long white moms! It was not the reason I coached but it damn sure was a nice benefit.

During the school year, I teach American and World history at a high school just outside of Atlanta. It is a pretty exclusive suburb with the houses starting in the range of 250,000 and up. The high school is 85 percent white, 12 black and 3 percent other. During the fall I am an assistant coach on the football team, working with the d backs and linebackers. In the spring I coach the girl softball team. The first year that I was there, it was okay with all the parents that I did football but in the spring I heard a little bit of bitching was going on about a 31 year old, single black man coaching an all white girls team. Hell I expected it and did not pay any attention to it. Yeah, I knew I was hired to add "diversity" to the staff but I was not going to fuck up and loose my job. To tell the truth, it might sound real damn strange, but I rarely looked at or saw the girls on the team as anything but players, part of a team. Every now and then, I would see one in my class or in the hall, dressed to get noticed and like any other guy at the school I would notice her, but young teenage girls are not my thing.

It was after my second year, that one of the parents asked if I would be interested in coaching the AAU traveling team during the summer. There were two practices during the week and a tournament most weekends. Some were out of town but most were in the Atlanta area. Since I worked construction during the summer, roofing with my room mate from college, I was free on the weekends and the evenings. I made a deal with the parents, I would coach but they had to pick up my expenses when we traveled. That meant my hotel room and meals. They readily agreed.

The first two tournaments were local. The third week we went to Columbia SC. At the suggestion of another of the coaches from school, I stayed at a different hotel than the rest of the team and players. It was a very good suggestion. It gave me some down time from the team and parents but more importantly, it shielded me from any suspicions about my relationship with any of the girls on the team.

The first practice back, after the trip to Columbia, I was getting another batting tee out of my truck in the parking almost dark parking lot when I looked over and saw Mrs. Walker slipping out of Mr. Hanover's BMW. She was pulling her skirt and blouse back into place. Her hair was a mess and looking over at him, judging by the smirk on his face, she must have given on hell of a blow job. When I was telling the story to my other coaching friend, he just laughed before explaining that there was more bed hopping going on by the parents on these traveling teams than a day time soap opera.

Damn, I was shocked! The parents were slipping around with each other while their daughters were staying at the same hotel. From then on I kept my eyes open. After two more trips it was obvious which parents were there for the girls and which were there for their own fun. There were some fine looking moms and I knew eventually I would get the opportunity I wanted.

It was the tournament in Myrtle Beach SC where it all started for me. It was a very big tournament and due to the fact it was the busy season at the coast hotel rooms were at a premium and I had to stay at the same hotel at the team to get a discounted rate. The cheap bastard, that was the team banker, would not pay for a room at another hotel, so I stayed with the team and parents.

The tournament was Friday night, all day Saturday and then Sunday morning. We won both games on Friday night and would be playing at 10:00 the next morning in the winner bracket. Like I said it was after 10:30 at night when I finished the line ups and went down to take a walk along the beach. As I came out of the back side of the lobby, headed towards the beach, I saw one of the team moms, Angie May standing out were the hotel property ended and the beach started. Her back was to me but I knew it was her. She had undeniable the finest ass and v that I had ever seen for a married white lady. It was round, high and taut but what really got me going was the space between her thighs. When she would wear shorts to a practice or game, I always helped myself to a few looks between her sexy thighs. When you stood directly behind her, you could see the split between her legs all the way up to that had to be a very tight married pussy.

She was wearing a light yellow sun dress. It came down to her knees and had two inch wide straps over her tanned shoulders. Her hands were at her sides and as I got closer I could she that she was holding a cell phone in her left hand and a plastic cup with a drink, from the bar in her right. She raised the cup, up to her lips and took a long sip of before letting her hand move back down to her side.

Not wanting to scare her by coming up behind her, I shuffled my feet on the loose sand, making a squeaking noise with my Nikes Angie turned at the sound and looked back over her shoulder to see me smiling at her and moving closer.

"Hey Mrs. May. Did you come out to enjoy the cool breeze and the pretty moon?" I asked.

"Hello Coach Austin," she managed to say after a long sniffle.

Moving the last two or three steps towards her, even in the dim light I could see that she had been or still was crying. "Are you okay, Mrs. Miller?"

She stood silently for a short time and then answered, "Yes, I am fine."

Turning more so that I faced her, I asked, "Does standing on a beautiful beach with a quarter moon shinning down always make you cry?"

She looked down at her feet and then back up to my dark face and lifted the cup to her lips again and finished off the drink before saying, "No! Hell no standing on a beach does not make me cry! What makes me cry is my sorry ass husband fucking that slut Tonya Thomas. That is what makes me cry."

Tonya Thomas was another player's mom. She was not that pretty! Shit, Angie was a hell of a lot better looking than her but Tonya was one of the moms that I had heard rumors about.

Not knowing what to say to that I nodded down to her empty cup before saying, "Looks like you could use another drink."

"What I could use is a divorce but since they do not serve those at the bar, so yes I could use another drink. "

Damn this was an opportunity I did not want to pass up. Beautiful very lady, pissed at her husband, looking a little drunk, standing alone late night on a perfect beach with the moon shinning down, the sounds of the waves in the back ground, I had to go for it. It was time to take control and make my move to get my black cock in this sexy lady.

What are you drinking" I asked.

"Strawberry margarita," she answered.

"Wait here, I will be back in a minute."

She had moved out farther away from the hotel, out on to the beach when I got back the margarita that I had the bartender put an extra shot in. In my other hand, I had a Bud Lite. She was looking back towards the hotel, watching me as I walked up.

Calling her by her first name I handed her the drink and joked by saying, "You were right, they did not have any divorces at the bar but they did have another strawberry margarita for you Angie."

She reached out with her small white hand and took the drink that I was holding out in my big dark hand. My fingers lingered on hers as he took the white plastic cup and her questioning eyes looked up at mine for a moment.

"Come on Angie, let's take a walk down the beach while we enjoy our drinks. It is too nice of a night to just stand here in front of the hotel. "

We walked down to the edge of the water and then down along the beach for a time until she said, "Thanks for the drink and thanks for all the good work you are doing with the girls. They are having a lot more fun this year, than last."

"Sure. They are a good bunch of girls. It has been fun." I answered her.

We walked for a time. Angie talked about the team, her daughter, how the season was going and I listened, while waiting for an opportunity to turn the conversation to what I had on my mind, getting my hands on this sexy lady. When we reached the lighted pier we were a half mile or more away from the hotel, her cup was empty and so was my bottle. The pier was not only for fishing but had a small two story restaurant on it with a bar and live band playing.

Holding up my bottle I said, "I need another one and your cup is empty too."

Without asking for her opinion or permission, I reached down and took her hand, tugging her along in the loose sand after me to the entrance of the pier. Angie pulled at my hand for just a moment when I took hers but then her fingers circled around mine and we walked combination bar and restaurant. We moved to the bar and with my hand on the small of her back, I ordered us another round. With her watching I did not take the opportunity make hers a double but judging by the look in her eyes, she did not need another double or I would be carrying her back to the hotel.

"The band sounds good, let's stay and listen for a while before going back," I told her as I guided her across the bar to a table that overlooked the ocean.

She sat down with the ocean to her left and facing the band. Taking the other empty chair in my hand, I pulled it around the table and placed it right next to her. Angie looked at me but did not speak.

As the first song finished, I said, "They are good. "

Angie spoke for the first time since we left the beach, agreeing with me by saying, "Yes they are."

I took a long pull on my beer, set the bottle down, reached over took her hand again, stood up and said, "Time for a dance Angie and do not tell me you do not dance. You must because your daughter missed the last tournament to be in a recital. I know you dance as well. "

"No, please I do not really feel like dancing and I do not have a place to put my phone." She answered.

Still standing, leaning over a bit, my hand still holding hers, I took the phone from the table and slipped it into my pocket before saying "When the coach tells you to do something Angie, you just got to trust him and do it."

Her eyes met mine and she slowly stood up. My strong fingers held her hand tightly as I lead her to the small dance floor. Holding her right hand with my left, we moved to the music along with a crowd of others. She kept her head down, looking at our feet, our legs for the most part and when she did raise it, she looked around the bar at everything but me. About half way through the song, I cupped her chin with my left hand, lifted it and turned it towards me.

"That's better, much better." I told her.

She looked at me and I said, "I am trying to cheer you up, you are supposed to be having fun."

A smile slowly came to her face and she answered, "Okay."

The next dance was a fast one as well and Angie loosened up some, moving with the beat from the band. The one after that was slow song and before the band played it, the lead singer said,"This is for all you lovers out there and soon to be lovers."

Angie looked towards me and then made a move back towards the table but I pulled her back to face me before telling her, "Coach says not yet Angie."

Holding her right hand with my left, I placed my right hand on her hip. She shyly rested her left hand on my lowered arm. We moved in a small circle with me leading, controlling her by the feel of my hand on her hip. Gradually I worked her closer to me as we moved, until her breasts were brushing against my broad chest in my black polo shirt. She felt what I was doing and raised her eyes up to mine. With a smile on my face, I mouthed the words, "Nice, very nice," and pulled her right hand up to the back of my neck.

My cock was swelling in my tan shorts as I held this sexy lady against me. As we turned I saw our reflection in the glass window. The feel of her and the sight of her 5' 3" 135 body pressing to my 6' 1" 190 body had my pulse racing. I held still and admired the sight of her sexy ass reflected in the window behind her. Damn I wanted her and after holding her in my arms like this, had to have her. Moving my hips, I pressed my bulge against her. Her eyes grew wide and I saw a look of surprise on her face, she pulled back just a little from me but I again pulled her close.

"Listen to the coach Angie, that is all you have to do," I told her as her tits were again pressed to me.

After that she lowered her eyes and laid her head against my chest. Damn I wanted to fuck her right there on the dance floor but I played it cool. We moved together, with me pressing my thick cock to her and pinning her fine body to me until the song ended. When the slow song ended the band took a break. As the crowd left the dance floor, I held her hand and we made our way over to our table, where our drinks were waiting for us. I noticed her face looked hot and there were drops of sweat along her forehead.

Reaching down I handed Angie her cup with her half melted margarita, "You look hot! Real hot, but I do not think that even this cold drink will change what I am talking about."

She smiled at my compliment as she finished up the few swallows of the melted slush. Taking the empty cup from her hand, I set it down on the table next to my finished beer and again took her both her small hands in mine.

"I would like to stay and have another dance with you but I do not think the band is coming back out and it is getting late." I told as we stood facing each other.

"Yes it is," she answered.

With that said, I dropped my right hand from her left and slipped my arm around her hips. Carefully, I walked her to the exit, helped her down the flight of steps and down to the beach. It was low tide and the lights from the hotels only reached half was down the beach towards the water. Walking very slowly with my long dark arm around her hips, I lead her down closer to the water, into the darkness without speaking.

When we were several yards away from the water in the darkness, I felt her arm move up to around my waist. We took a few more steps and then I stopped, turned her to me and looked down at her pretty face. Our eyes locked and held each others as I lifted my hands up to her face. Cupping each of her tender cheeks in each one of my hands, I tilted her head back and lowered my mouth to hers.

Her lips were trembling but when my hands tightened on her sweet cheeks, they parted for my probing tongue. My kiss was demanding, hungry for the taste of her. As I filled her mouth with my tongue I leaned into her, making her back arch, feeling her tits in the sun dress again pressing to my chest and my swelling cock lining up with her married cunt. Angie moaned into my mouth and my left hand dropped from her face down to her taut round ass. Squeezing it hard with my strong fingers had her body melting in my arms as she felt my desire for her. The desire that her husband had not shown her, the desire he had for Tonya must have been rushing through her mind as her arms circled around my neck.

My right hand moved back into her hair. Twisting the soft hair around my fingers, I pulled her head to the side and explored her vulnerable neck with my lips and tongue, while working my hand up under the back of her dress. Angie was hugging me, holding on tightly to my dark body and giving me free access to all the she had to offer. My working hands squeezed and stroked her sexy body while I tasted the mix of her sweat and perfume on her skin. At times my hands were soft and tender, other times rougher and demanding as I took what this sexy married lady had for me. Her soft sexy moans and gentle sighs of desire when I hit a hot spot on her willing body had my black stick aching in my pants where I was grinding it against her. Damn I wanted to throw her down on the sand and fuck her right there on the beach but it was not time yet. My hands had run over her ass and the thin panty that she had on but I did not press my fingers up to her sex.

She clung to me and I worked my hands all over her supple body until another couple walked by. Angie did not see them but I pulled back and stepped away from her. Her eyes opened wide and with a huge smile on my face, I put my arm around her hips.

Before we started walking back towards our hotel, I turned to her and said, "To be continued."

Angie looked at me and I could see that I was getting to her. That if the other couple had not walked up we would have gone farther. We walked slowly, just above the edge of the water line. My right arm was around holding her against me, her left arm up under it and her right hand rested on my hand on her hip. After a hundred yards or so I pulled my hand from her hip and back to her round high ass. She looked up at me with questioning eyes but did not speak or try and move rubbing hand away.

"You have a very sexy ass Angie. I noticed it," I laughed and added, "I mean you, not just that sexy ass of yours, the very first practice. You had on a pair of white shorts that burned and image in my mind."

Angie looked over and up at me. I held her eyes in the dim light from one of the tall hotels that lined the beach until she looked down and away, before softly asking, "Did you really?"

Instead of just answering her with just a yes, I stopped, pulled my arm from around her hips and moved around behind her. Reaching around her with my long dark arms, I turned her towards the dark ocean and I cupped her breasts through the thin sun dress that she wore. Pulling her to me, her back up against my chest as I lowered my searching tongue to her ear, I pressed my cock to her ass. The tip of my tongue traced along her ear, like I had discovered she liked, I felt her shiver a bit in my arms.

When I moved my mouth lower and whispered, "Hell yes I did," I could feel the goose bumps on her neck with my lips.

This time she was all mine, unable to move with my strong arms wrapped around her. My tongue and lips feasted on her neck and bare shoulders until she turned her open mouth to me and we kissed as the lovers I knew we would soon be. Shyly she kept her hand down along my tensed legs, feeling my hard thigh muscles as I moved my hips back and forth. Her were fingers softly rubbing and touching just below the end of my long shorts and I knew what she wanted, what she need but my sexy Angie would have to be pushed. My cock jumped from semi hard after our short walk to bulging in my shorts, pressing to her fantastic ass as I visualized in my head it slipping up between those enticing thighs, deep into her married pussy.

With my left arm stretched across her body, my left hand squeezing, her right breast, feeling the hard nipple through her bra and thin dress, I pushed my right hand up under the low hem of her sun dress, until my fingertips grazed against her smooth upper right thigh. Angie stiffened in my arms and I took my time. Making small easy, slow circles on her inner thigh I worked my hand up higher, her sun dress bunched up around my wrist and my fingers were just below her hot pussy. It was easy to feel her heat on my fingers and her moans confirmed what I already knew, she was hot and wet from the feel of my dark hands on her married white body but I wanted more from her and broke our kiss before saying.


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