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Any Chance We Could Ch. 34


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"Max. Have you never seen bare breasts before?' Mom asked.

'Yeah, I have, but never four as gorgeous as yours and Beth's.' he smiled.

'You really think so?' asked Mom. 'Or are you hoping we'll leave our tops off?'

'Yes, I really think so and would you really do that?' he asked.

"I will if you will," Mom playfully said to me. We spent the next hour or so topless in front of Max both hoping that he'd think the wet spot on the crotch of our suit bottoms was from the spray. A week later we noticed him reading on the deck and purposefully took off our tops and joined him wearing just shorts. He was flabbergasted and tented his shorts for the next three hours or so, I guess he beat himself off in his bedroom after we went inside. I haven't been topless in front of him since, nor has Mom to the best of my knowledge, but those were awesome times that I wish could have gone on for a lot longer."

"How exciting, maybe Cindy or Mary Claire would like to go out with him," interjected Ashley.

"Is he a virgin?" asked Cindy.

"I don't know. Is that a problem if he is?" responded Beth.

"No, this family has a way of dealing with that. So, no," responded Ashley.

"Who's a virgin?'" asked Mary Claire.

"Beth's brother, Max," I replied.

"Is he nice? Is he good looking," asked Mary Claire looking at Beth.

"I think he probably is, why?"

"Cindy or I could probably make a happy man out of him and have fun in the process," responded Mary Claire looking at me. I nodded my head assuring her that if the opportunity arose she could bed him.

"I don't satisfy you anymore?" I asked with a faux pout.

"That's not it at all, you're a very satisfying lover, Scott. I just thought we could spread around what you've done to us, help him be a better lover for his next woman," answered Mary Claire, as her hand playfully danced along my arm

"You've slept with Scott?" gasped Beth.

"Yeah, we all have, except that Ashley and Katrina haven't had intercourse with him. Lots and lots of pleasure, but not intercourse."

"Hmm, perhaps, no not perhaps, I'm sure he'd enjoy either, both, you and Cindy," replied Beth to Mary Claire. "I'll give you his cell number before we leave."

"How long until the meat is ready?" asked Veronica as she walked across the deck unzipping her skirt. I guess she'd put it back on to work in the kitchen.

"Five minutes, maybe a few more. God you've the sexiest legs I've ever seen," I said.

"Thanks handsome, considering you're surrounded by women half my age in garter belts , stockings and high heels. I truly love you," she said as she lightly kissed me. "Should I continue to encourage Cheryl and Beth to spend the night?" she whispered in my ear after breaking the kiss.

"If you do, I'll not complain," I whispered back.

"Consider them encouraged," she responded in a normal tone of voice.

We were sitting around the table finishing our wine when Mary Claire asked if we were ready for the judging to begin. With affirmative nods all around Veronica suggested that all the women change into sheer tops with no bras. I would have to wear some loose sweat shorts. Katrina took Beth by the hand and led all the young ladies to her bedroom and Veronica did likewise with Cheryl. I followed my woman and her new friend up the stairs openly admiring their essentially bare asses.

Veronica began removing her blouse and Cheryl lifted her arms and with her eyes invited me to pull her top up and off. After Veronica removed her bra she stepped closer to Cheryl, said "Turn" and unfastened her bra. As Cheryl's bra slid down her arms her magnificent breasts came into view. They were very nicely shaped, probably large B cup with darker erect nipples and areola. Veronica wrapped her arms around Cheryl and kissed her with lots of tongue. In seconds each was caressing the other's back and ass.

As Veronica broke the kiss she said "If we don't calm down a bit and get back downstairs handsome is going to fuck us both."

"And that's a problem why?" grinned Cheryl.

"Because you both are spending the night in our bed and we can do that later, that's why," replied Veronica.

"If we're spending the night, and I want to, very much, I need to call Max and tell him we won't be home."

"Use the cell on the nightstand and I'll get us some blouses. Change handsome, let Cheryl see what she's getting later," instructed Veronica.

Cheryl was reaching for the phone while keeping her eye on me and as I pulled down my shorts and boxer briefs my cock sprung out. Cheryl gasped "Oh my" and promptly fumbled the phone. Her face flushed as she was picking it up. Veronica came out of the closet holding two filmy blouses and a pair of red satin boxers. She laid the pale blue one on the bed and began to put on the creamy one. Poor Cheryl seemed undecided which one of us to watch so I walked over and stood next to Veronica with my hand on her ass.

It took Cheryl three tries to dial the number and when Max answered she told him that she and Beth were going to stay here tonight and that they'd be home in the morning. She listened for a minute as he related that he'd be home all evening, his on again off again girlfriend was off again probably permanently this time. He asked what she and Beth were going to do and Cheryl told him that they were going to play some games and just enjoy themselves. He responded with if you need another player I'd like to join in. "Oh honey, that's a nice offer, I'll let you know in a while."

She related the other half of the conversation as she put on her blouse. Veronica and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows and I spoke first. "Do you think Mary Claire and Cindy might be interested?"

"Cheryl, would you and Beth be embarrassed if he saw both of you dressed like this or the rest of the ladies as well?" asked Veronica.

"Yeah, probably for awhile, let's ask Beth when we get downstairs," she said with a concerned voice but mischievous look.

We were in the den before the rest and I sat between Cheryl and Veronica with a hand on each woman's thigh and they on mine. As the five vixens came into the room I swear that my cock got the hardest it's ever been. I'd seen the breasts of my four many times but Beth certainly held her own. They were all absolutely stunning in g-strings, garter belts, hose and heels. Cheryl was the exception in flats but the seamed stockings balanced that. "Sweetie, come here a minute, I need to ask you something," said Cheryl as she led Beth into the hall.

"Max says he's home alone tonight, the ever wavering Judy, wavered away tonight. I told him were we going to play games and he asked if he could join us. How would you feel about him seeing you dressed as you are?"

"Better question, Mom how about you?"

"He's a big boy, in more ways than one I'd say, and maybe he'd enjoy himself and perhaps we could too when were all home," Cheryl smiled.

"Sexually play with Max, both of us?" asked Beth in a rising voice.

"Sure why not, my sex life has been non-existent for the last four or five years and I don't notice you hopping up and down about yours," Cheryl explained.

"But what if he tells one of his friends?" asked Beth.

"We'll tell him that if he does it'll never happen again," responded Cheryl.

"Okay, I guess so. I hope he doesn't freak out. Are you going to call him or should I?" asked a now broadly smiling Beth. "I know, let Mary Claire call him."

"Guys, here's a conundrum," announced Beth as Cheryl resumed her seat next to me. Katrina was sitting next to Veronica and Cindy and Ashley were in the wingback chairs which they had moved to either end of the coffee table. Mary Claire was standing with the remote in her hand. "My brother wants to know if he could come over, his girlfriend dumped him again and he says that this is the last time he'll put up with her doing that. It's about time too. Judy is such a bitch."

"Would we have to get dressed?" asked Ashley.

"If you, or any of you feel that you'd have to get dressed, then I'll tell him no," said Cheryl. "This evening is about us. Besides I'd like to see his reaction to Veronica and me, mature women, you know."

I spoke up, "If he understands that Katrina and Ashley are off limits for intercourse and that if any of you tell him no it means no. Veronica has an abiding interest in young pussy, maybe she'd like to see what a young cock looks like. Mary Claire and Cindy, what do you think?"

"Since you're the only man we've been with I wouldn't mind a bit of experimentation, no offense Scott," smiled Mary Claire.

"None taken," I smiled.

"Well then, I'll call him and tell him where we are and what the ground rules are and if he agrees I suppose we'll see him in thirty minutes or so. Anybody have a cell handy?" asked Cheryl.

Cheryl called, only took two tries this time to get the number right. "Max if you'd like to join us you can but here are the conditions. We're wearing sheer blouses and are topless under them. ... Yes both Beth and I as well as the other five women. There's just a whole lot of sexual freedom here so if one of us says no to something you want to do it means no and move on. ... You are to tell no one about this evening, especially friends or most importantly your father. ... Yes, I'm leaving your Father. ... You may freely discuss it with Beth and me tomorrow or whenever but no one outside this house is to ever hear about it. ... Yes, very casual dress. Wait a minute, honey"

Beth was holding up her hand for Cheryl to pause and when she did she asked, "Mary Claire do we give him a vote?"

"Sure why not?" Mary Claire replied.

"Okay Max, do you agree?... Are you sure? ... Okay get going we're about to judge a stockinged leg contest and we'll wait for you," smiled Cheryl as she pushed the red button. "I hope this isn't a mistake. More wine anyone?" she asked as she stood. "I think it'll be quite exciting, a room full of young pussy and now a young virile cock," giggled Veronica.

Cheryl and Veronica cuddled against me while Mary Clair and Katrina squeezed Beth between them on the couch next to Veronica. Katrina was kissing Beth while Mary Claire had her fingers between Beth's legs doing nice things, I assumed. Cindy had moved to Ashley's lap and her legs extended off the side of the chair as they kissed and Ashley played with Cindy's small delectable breasts.

"Are you still going to fuck us tonight, Beth and me, or will Max inhibit you?" asked Cheryl.

"No, he might inhibit you, but not Veronica or me," I responded.

When the door bell rang Mary Claire disengaged from Beth's pussy and walked to the door. She opened it and extended her hand, "Hi, I'm Mary Claire Peters and you're ... absolutely gorgeous. Please come in, take off some clothes and stay awhile," as she pulled him in the door he managed to close his mouth.

He was a nice looking young man and as I stood I noted that he was as tall as me, I shook his hand saying, "I'm Scott Appleton, this is Veronica my wife and the beauty with the long dark hair is Cindy Monroe. She's sitting on my daughter Ashley's lap and on the other side of Veronica next to your sister is my other daughter Katrina. We're just getting ready to judge a daring leg contest we had this afternoon and Mary Claire will explain the rules," as I sat down.

Veronica whispered in my ear, "Your wife? I really really liked the sound of that handsome."

"Okay, the unedited pictures will loop until I stop them, write down three names on your cards and I'll tabulate the winners by the number of votes each gets," said Mary Claire as she picked up cards and pencils from the sofa table and began handing them around. "Max, sit in the wingback chair and I'll sit on your lap like Cindy is on Ashley. Take off your shirt, pants and shoes, your underwear is optional. I'll tell you the names as they loop since you just met everyone. Oh, something to drink before we start?"

Max choked out "No thanks" as he was quickly undressing down to his boxers While furtively looking at his mother and sister. I noticed his cock was desperately trying to escape through the fly. Been there, understand it.

As he sat Mary Claire lowered herself onto his lap she saying, "Give me your card and pencil and put your free hand on one of my gorgeous breasts.

He looked at his sister behind Mary Claire's back for an instance and asked, "Beth are you alright with this?"

"Sure, you've seen our tits before, now watch the screen and I assume you know who to vote for," she remarked with a raised eyebrow and responded to Katrina's kiss.

Each picture was on a five second delay and as the Katrina series began to flip across the screen Mary Claire commented, "That's Katrina ... My, my there's life in this cock under me," and scooted a bit out on Max's lap to nearer his knees. She then reached down and freed his cock from its confines. Wrapping her hand around it she said. "Ladies we have a beautiful cock in play, you'll have to check it out." Then in a lower voice to Max, "Say 'now' if you're going to cum and I'll let you do it in my mouth."

"Oh God, now," Max whimpered.

Mary Claire was off his lap in a flash and after few moments he was spent and she released his softened cock.

"I'm sorry," he sheepishly muttered.

"For what, that was quite tasty. You've got all evening ahead and I'll bet we can get you to do that a few more times," she said as she climbed back on his lap. "Put that hand back on my tit, undo a few buttons if you want. I guess you'll have to catch Katrina the next time around. Now Cindy."

As the Cindy pictures splashed across the screen you could hear Max's breath rate increase. "Now Ashley," announced Mary Claire.

"God all three have been so hot I think my dick's going to explode," Max exclaimed.

"Try to keep a lid on it you've got your sister, mother, and Veronica to go after Ashley. She's a gorgeous natural blonde isn't she?"

"God," moaned Max.

Mary Claire pushed pause, stood up and said "Beth come here. Keep Max company while you show your stuff." Beth shot her Mom a questioning look and Cheryl mouthed 'Go'.

Beth eased herself on Max's lap while Mary Claire sat next to Katrina. "Can I touch you?" asked Max.

"Yes. You can put your hand inside my blouse ," she said while she unbuttoned three of the five buttons.

Max slid his hand inside the blouse and gently and hesitantly palmed his sister's hardening nipple. "Oh, that's nice," she murmured.

"Everybody comfy?" asked Mary Claire as she pushed the Play button.

"You have an almost bare pussy," Max murmured. "Can I touch it too?"

"Not yet, maybe later, be patient with me," she whispered.

"K" he replied.

The interchange did not go unnoticed by the adults. Cheryl began to unbutton her blouse. "Getting hot in here," she said to no one in particular.

He was still during the Beth show, but his breathing got ragged and his hand tightened on his sister's boob. Beth reached down and fondled his woody through his boxers.

"I don't need to tell you who this is do I?" asked Mary Claire.

"Mom, I've never really looked at your legs, They're very erotic in the stockings," commented Max

"Did you know I wear garter hose whenever I wear stockings? Think about that the next time I pass you in the house on my way to work. I'll bet you'd like to touch wouldn't you?"

Max just groaned. "Pause it a minute Mary Claire," said Beth. When it was stopped she turned a bit and took Max's face in both her hands and gave him a long open mouthed kiss. "That was the best kiss I've ever had except for Scott," moaned Beth.

"Well I haven't kissed Scott, but it was the best I've ever had," smiled Max. "We need to do that more often, I've wanted too for the last three or four years.

"Start, Mary Claire," said Beth.

"Mom! Jesus when did you get so fucking, ... er excuse me, ... hot?"

"Son, I've always have been 'fucking hot'. It took a conversation with Scott to open me up. Speaking about opening me up, caress my tits, Scott."

"That's quite a steel pipe you're pushing against my side bother dear. Do you know how to use it?" asked Beth.

"Gonna teach me, sister dear."

"If she doesn't I'd sure as hell'd like to," growled Mary Claire.

"And that's you ... Veronica. What legs, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!" exclaimed Max.

"He's a man of superlatives, after my heart," said Veronica.

As the show looped back to Katrina Mary Claire reminded everyone to begin thinking about who to vote for and moved back to in front of Max and Beth, "Can I have him back?"

"Sure, the night's young and he's as hard as a rock!"

Mary Claire straddled Max's legs settled her ass near his knees, unbuttoned her blouse pulled it open and asked "See anything you like. Nipples perhaps? You already know how soft my lips are. I had them wrapped around your dick just awhile ago."

Max put his hands on Mary Claire's hips and leaned forward and gently sucked a nipple into his mouth. He then lightly teased it with his teeth. "Oh, my, you've learned something from someone haven't you."

"Well Judy apparently was good for something, she taught me how to treat her tits. Like it huh? "

"And what else did she teach you, how to fuck?" grinned Mary Claire.

"She couldn't make up her mind, so we never did. Would you like to teach me?"

"Later, perhaps. Can you wait if I don't do it now. This house is full of beds and there's a hot tub on the deck."

Cheryl turned and lay across me and began kissing Veronica while I caressed her bare tits. Cheryl broke the kiss for a second and said, "Touch me Scott"

I took my other hand and ran it up her leg and pushed her g-string aside and began touching her clit and pushing a finger inside her. She was moaning so loudly that Max asked Mary Claire what was going on.

"He's probably finger fucking her while she's kissing Veronica. Would you like to be in his position?"

"Yes, and no, that's my mother, but she's so sexy and I don't think she'd want me too," Max replied.

"Yeah well, she's doing it in front of you and you're the only man in her life when your Dad's out of town fucking somebody else's wife, so try her sometime, Beth too . I think she'd like to fuck you just like I'm going to fuck you. Would you like to fuck Cindy too."

"Yeah, what about Katrina and Ashley?"

"Not available, touch only, no penetration."


"Because Veronica says so, don't get too greedy or your hopes up. There are four of us who'll probably fuck you if you're interested you lucky man. How about later Cindy and I'll take you to bed and give you a good lovin'?"

"Oh my God, did I die and go to heaven?" Max exclaimed.

"No. You didn't have too you just met me," replied Mary Claire.

As the pictures were looping for the fourth time Mary Claire announced that it was time for voting.

She collected the cards, stood behind the couch at the sofa table and began tabulating while Cindy walked over to Max, bent over and began kissing him and stroking his dick with her nails.

Ashley walked over to Katrina and Beth, knelt in front of Katrina and pushed her legs apart with her hands. Katrina hooked one of her legs over Beth's leg as Ashley spread her labia and pulled her g-sting aside. With the flat of her tongue she began licking her sister. Beth looked down, her eyes widening at the sight before her.

As Katrina began to push back against Ashley's face she inserted one then two fingers into Katrina and with curled fingers found her g-spot. Quickly Ashley brought her sister to an orgasm. Katrina moaned as she kissed Beth who was lightly caressing her tits. Ashley sat back on her heels with her fingers still in Katrina a she came down smiling at the two faces above her.

"God damn that was hot, you must do it often," gasped Beth.

"We do. It's a great form of cardiac exercise," grinned Ashley.

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