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Any Chance We Could Ch. 45


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"Lauren," I said as I walked into the den. "We need to get rid of all the older cars. Check with Cheryl to see if she wants a couple for Beth and Max, then call The Salvation Army to come get what's left. Also call Gwen and Kim and find out if they want to donate theirs. There are a couple of Enterprise rentals in the 'fleet' that need to be returned as well. Have Cheryl gather up all the keys to the old cars as well."

"Kim and Gwen want to donate theirs, Cheryl said Max could use one, Beth is quite happy with her Mustang. I'd asked her about them at lunch today. I guess Max would have to come over and pick one. I'm sure Veronica'd like that," she grinned. "Also we've learned nothing further on the land. My lead should be back in the office tomorrow. Also I'm meeting with an officer from the bank that holds the loan. I don't know if they'll be forthcoming with any other information but they could be if I express interest in buying the loan."

"Good. Did I tell you how gorgeous you look today?" I smiled.

"Yes, but you can say it as often as you want, thank you very much. I'm leaving at four thirty again for a ref gig, but I can come back after if you need me to," she replied.

"I don't need you to come back, but if you'd like to do so, feel free. I'm sure someone will share their bed with you," I grinned. "Or you can sleep alone in the guest bedroom if you want," I chuckled.

"Don't count on it, sleeping alone in the guest room that is. I'll be back after I pack a few things. By the way I got a revised draft of the foundation documents and don't think that they're what you're looking for. I have the feeling the lawyer is just printing out some additional boiler plate and saying 'here it is'. I think I did more research than he did. Should I look for another attorney or are you committed to this one?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"If you're not happy with his work product, and it sounds like you're not, replace him. I've no allegiance to him. We've done business with the firm for years, but apparently they're not into not for profit work and I think their work has slipped a bit as the three named and founding partners are approaching retirement. I trust your judgment, exercise it," I told her. "I want to fund the foundation before year end for the tax advantage, so that's our deadline, do you agree?"

"Yes, this is a big income year for you so let's maximize as many deductions as we can, including reinvesting in a new business or two," Lauren smiled.

Carol was sitting on the couch in the den reading something in a three ring binder. "No work today?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I took the day off. No meetings were scheduled, so now I'm reviewing my presentation for Monday week. I've still got a lot to add, so it's a good thing it's over a week away," she smiled.

I sat next to her and put my arm across her shoulder and pulled her back against me, asking, "Does this bother you?

Carol turned broadly smiling, "Of course, but I'll manage to try to concentrate. What time is it?"

"About four, why?" I asked.

"I'm picking someone up at the airport. He's on a five forty-five arrival from Chicago," she replied.

"Someone I know," I asked.

"No. I don't think you do. He's Jack. Jack Winthrop. He's flying in from Fargo to interview for a St. Louis County admin job. I've known him for five years or so. He and his family used to live in Town and Country. His mom and dad retired to Majorca a couple of years ago and his sister works as a trust attorney in Vegas. He got in touch with me Monday at school and asked if I could spend a little time with him. I offered to take him from the airport to his hotel in Clayton and he said he'd buy me dinner," she explained with smile on her face.

"Fargo, huh. I'll bet our climate will seem like heaven to him. Does he have a family?" I asked.

"Two, or three children depending on how you count," answered Carol

"Come on Carol, don't be circumspect, give me some facts."

"Sorry. He and his wife have two kids, a girl who is four now and a boy who is almost three. His mother-in-law lives with them and she has a daughter who also is four. The birthdays of the two girls are a day apart," Carol smiled.

"Oh," I replied. "He fathered both? A child by your wife and mother-in-law sounds like an interesting story and he sounds like an interesting character. You have some catching up to do, I guess?"

"Yes he did, yes he his and a couple of years worth," she smiled.

"How do you know him?" I curiously asked.

"Same social circle," she replied.

Veronica had walked in and was sitting next to her and asked, "Social circle, as in swinging? Can I assume that you're telling Scott about Jack?"

"Yes," replied Carol looking down.

"My dearest wife to be," began Veronica, "As I told you this morning Handsome and I've agreed that if you want to stay in your 'social circle' feel free to do so. Perhaps someday we'll ask to be invited. We both love you unconditionally, but you know that. There are no conditions on our marriage to you and I'm sorry we didn't dissuade right then when you when you offered to stop. So enjoy, I know we'll love to hear some of your tales as pillow talk."

"Are you sure?" asked Carol looking in both our eyes as she swiveled her head between us. "I'd sure like to, and I like that you're considering swinging with me."

"Swinging?" asked Mary Claire coming in the room. "Are you talking about swinging?" Can I ask you some questions?"

"Shoot," smiled Carol.

"Gloria has invited me to attend a party with her Saturday at a condo in the CWE. She said it was a swinger's party," said Mary Claire sitting on the coffee table in front of us.

"Yeah, there's a younger group of our larger group that gets together every other month or so in addition to our monthly gatherings," began Carol

"Younger group?" asked Veronica.

"Yes, all pretty much under thirty. The majority of the whole group is between thirty and sixty. These younger 'kids', probably total sixteen to twenty, party together occasionally. Their parties are usually attended by eight to fourteen. Now what else do you want to know Mary Claire?' asked Carol.

"Are there some dos and don'ts I should know about?" asked Mary Claire.

" Four main ones which are common. 'No' means 'no', drink in moderation, or better yet don't drink any alcohol at all, third, no drugs and fourth, no unprotected sex."

"I'm on the pill, is that what you mean?" asked Mary Claire.

"No. No bareback or bare penis sex, it's usually frowned on but sometimes a woman will allow it with someone she knows and trusts. Some hosts provide condoms, but be on the safe side, since you won't know anyone, take your own supply of rubbers and don't allow anyone inside you without one on. Don't worry about offending anyone by checking to see if he's got one on as he gets ready to fuck you," continued Carol.

"What about blow jobs?" asked Mary Claire.

"Those too. You may want to take a supply of flavored ones for fellatio, but always use one. Anal is the same thing, no rubber, no penetration. Make that your mantra. Newbies at a party are usually hit on fairly hard and are often asked to indulge in bareback sex because 'that's how it's done in this group'. There are three guys, possibly four, in that group who may say it. It's bullshit, don't fall for that line. There was only one man in our larger group who I allowed to enjoy bareback with me. Outside the group you notice I don't ask for them from Scott or Max. If someone else joins us, until I know something about him, I'll not have bareback sex with him," smiled Carol.

"If anything holds me back from joining a group, that's probably it," I interjected.

"I think I may be the same, I love the feel of come splashing on my cervix or the back of my throat," said Veronica.

"Oh, you get used to it with ten to fifteen or more cocks in you during the course of the evening. It's just sex. You get so much stimulation from repeated penetration that when Scott or Max splashes into you it'll really feel special," explained Carol

"Oh!" exclaimed Lauren. "I lost track of the time, I've got to get ready to go." Getting up from her desk she asked, "Mary Claire, can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure. Want some help?" grinned Mary Claire.

"Then I'd be late for sure. I've been invited back, so maybe then," grinned Lauren over her shoulder as she walked quickly from the den.

"I've got to freshen up myself," said Carol. Before getting up she kissed both Veronica and I, saying to each of us, "I love you".

"Did you know about Carol's friend?" I asked Veronica.

"Not 'til this afternoon, no. Are you concerned?"

"I don't think so. I'd like to meet him and his family if he's so special to Carol. Wouldn't you?" I asked.

"Sure. And I'm sure we will, especially if he takes the job and moves here," explained Veronica.

Dinner was a quiet affair if you discount all four women with sheer blouses, no bras, no skirts, garter hose and heels. After dinner Ashley and Katrina dragged, yes dragged, me to my bed and shockingly enough allowed me to eat them both. Veronica helped Mary Claire clean up the kitchen and they joined us to watch a James Bond flick on a Showtime channel.

It was hard for me to concentrate on the movie surrounded by my almost naked brood, the g-strings had disappeared somewhere along the course of the evening, so had all my clothes as well. Lauren returned about nine, came upstairs, showered and entered the master suite to join us wearing only heels and black semi-sheer panties with red stitching that read, "It's all for you."

"Girls, Dad and I have something we want to talk to Lauren about, could you leave for awhile when this ends," grinned Veronica. Mary Claire snuggled Lauren and I'm sure she was 'primed' when the girls left us.

"Okay, now I'm worried," frowned Lauren sitting Indian fashion in front of us with her hairless pussy invitingly on display through the gossamer fabric.

"Don't be," I said stretching my arms out to her. "We want to love you without any distractions." As she moved into my arms and we kissed, Veronica knelt beside us and left a trail of kisses along her shoulders.

An hour later when Carol walked into the bedroom Lauren was lying on her back with a very satiated look on her face, her knees bent, her pussy leaking my come "God, both of you, that was incredible. I suppose I'm too old for you to adopt me, but I'm yours."

Carol stood smiling at the scene as she began to undress. I noticed she wasn't wearing panties and I assumed she'd left without them. All four of us used the bathroom and then Veronica and Lauren snuggled as they watched Carol lay with her breasts on my chest as she began kissing me. "I owe you an explanation about tonight and about tomorrow night. Jack, as I told you was active in my social circle. So were his wife, her sister and her mother. After dinner tonight Jack called them and I talked to both his wife and her mother. His wife encouraged me to spend tomorrow night with Jack before he came back home on Friday. I explained to Elise that I was in a committed relationship with you and Veronica and that I needed to talk to you two first. I hope you understand that tomorrow night is just about sex, not how I feel about us. In keeping with what I told Mary Claire, Ill take some condoms. Now would you please fuck me? She asked into my mouth.

"Have fun. Get on top and I'll see what I can do, and I'm not worried. Even though you came home without your panties," I said as I teasingly slapped her buttock once.

As Carol lowered herself onto my cock she explained, "He's got nice hands and I kinda let him find my g-spot. I left because he's got a day of interviews and I wanted him to be sharp. And I needed to talk to both of you. If he takes this job they'll move back here. You'll love both his wife and mother-in-law. They're both bi and I told my wife this morning that she'd love them as well." She stopped talking and began swirling her hips in earnest. She was already so heated that she powerfully came in a matter of minutes. She kept going, riding furiously up and down, back and forth on me driving herself to a second glorious orgasm less than four minutes later and I followed a minute later, giving her a nice load.

Before rolling off me I assured her that spending the night with Jack was okay with me, assuming that Veronica had already given her approval.

As she rolled off me, Veronica with a glint in her eye quickly moved between her legs and began licking the drool of come.

Lauren climbed off the bed, walked around the footof the bed and climbed back in beside me. As I put my arm around her chest and began caressing a breast she asked, "Can I sleep right here?"

"Of course you can," answered Carol as she grunted because Veronica had her g-spot under her finger in her cunt. Carol's right leg started to rise slightly and shake, a clear sign that Veronica was on the verge of providing Carol with her third orgasm.

Five minutes later we were groggily enjoying our afterglow, me cuddled with Lauren, and Veronica and Carol in each other's arms. Mary Claire came in, dutifully turned off the camera and the lights, straightening the sheets and blankets as she covered us. Still without saying a word, she crawled against my back and draped her arm across me, where it rested against Lauren's other breast.

Veronica moved up from Carol's lower chest to nestle against her neck, pulling the sheet and blanket a little higher with her. As I fell asleep I heard her ask Carol, "Will I like him, and will handsome like his wife and mother-in-law?"

As sleep pulled me into its warm hold, the very last thing I heard was Carol mumbling, "Very much."


Emerson walked in the front door a bit before five. "Sorry I'm so late, but lunch dragged on longer than I thought and the tailor was in an ultra precise mood. He took forever to fit my new tux but he promised it would be ready by next Tuesday. I did stop for a few extra minutes though and bought you this." He reached into a pocket and brought out a square black velvet box and handed it to Hazel. She opened the lid to see a simple diamond encrusted heart pendant on a fine silver chain. "Put it on me, please," she smiled taking it from the box.

As Emerson was fastening the catch and she looked at it in the mirror she asked, "What's the occasion?"

"None really, I saw it and thought you'd like it," Emerson smiled. ... "Well, there perhaps is a reason. It happened at lunch today with Gwen and our daughter." Feeling the need to be honest with his wife he began explaining the whole lunch event beginning with both women topless and ending with him fucking Gwen. He sheepishly said, "I didn't intend for it to happen, but Kim was sitting on my face and Gwen went from blowing me to impaling herself on my cock. I couldn't see what she was preparing to do so I couldn't do anything about it. Are you angry with me?" Emerson asked sliding his arms around his wife and lightly grasping her tits.

She didn't immediately reply because she was a little perplexed that she wasn't angry, not even disappointed in him. She shook her head, "I don't think so. I would have gotten well pissed if you hadn't told me and learned about it from someone else. So I guess I'm okay with you fucking her particularly after what she and I did last night." She paused, "I'm surprised by how I feel. Oddly I feel aroused by what you did. Maybe I'm more ready than I thought to stretch some of my limits."

"Are you implying what I think you are saying?"

She turned in his arms, kissed him and then looked him in the eyes, "Emerson, I love you more than my own life. I don't want to jeopardize either our love or relationship. Veronica and I are seeing Evie tomorrow and perhaps she can help me to understand my feelings for you and my desires and fantasies. I do have something to ask you, come sit." Hazel took his hand and led him to the couch, sat at his side then turned and put her legs across his, pulling her skirt up to her waist.

She put his hand on her upper thigh. "While we've made love for all these years, I confess that I'm only now just starting to discover the joys of having sex. I've not been a good lover have I?"

"I've always enjoyed making love to you Hazel," he said before kissing her lightly on the lips.

"You are most kind my love. I'm now realizing that I've been a prude all these years. I'm now starting to discover sex and see myself as a sensual and sexual being. I may not yet be skilled in giving you a blow job but I'm committed to becoming the best I can be for you. I was wrong in thinking oral was so dirty and disgusting. I fear I've been wrong about so much when it comes to sex. I wanted so dearly to be a 'good 'wife."

Again kissing her Emerson assured her, "You were and are now a good wife. Precious, you're an outstanding wife."

"You're too kind. Let's be honest," she sighed. "Our sex life has been dull because I've been a prude. I was wrong thinking a good wife didn't do those things, or even enjoy sex, or have sexual desires. Instead of establishing my own views and what was right for me, I was wrong to accept my aunt's, my mother's and my pastor's wife's views about sex and what it meant to be a good wife. "

"I accidentally used your laptop today and visited some of the websites that were in your history. Why are you looking at swinger and hot wife sites? Are you planning on doing something I should know about?" asked Hazel with tears starting to form in her eyes.

"No, Precious, ... heavens no. I was trying to learn about the terms so I could develop an approach to sharing my desires with some knowledge about what I wanted us to do. For years I've had these fantasies of watching you with other men."

He paused to give her a chance to respond. Hazel, recalling what Scott said about listening without reacting negatively, quietly took his hand and encouraged him by being honest, "I felt I was a bad wife for having a fantasy about being with two men and another with five men. It sounds like we've not been that far apart. Go on my dear."

"Wow," he said trying to control his excitement and not smile too much. "I'd like to start gradually, perhaps being in bed with Scott and Veronica and watching them making love, if they're agreeable, and letting them see us doing the same. When you're comfortable with that I'd like to swap and watch Scott fuck you, and you watch me fuck Veronica. Then, perhaps if it goes well we could become involved with a few more couples, one being our daughter and her partner, then perhaps some of the women in Scott's harem. What do you think?" he hopefully asked.

"Well, Scott dropped by here this afternoon at my invitation, I guess it was while you were fucking Gwen, so I could talk to him about finding those web sites. Turns out that he's already shared Veronica with another man and finds it very erotic. He professes no jealousy and I believe him. Jealousy may not be as big an issue if we remain honest with each other and work to maintain the vitality of our relationship."

"I agree. We've got to remain focused on maintaining open communication and on keeping our relationship strong," he nodded.

"My love, admittedly I may have kissed him somewhat more passionately than I have in the past. I wound up in his arms with his finger in my pussy. I gathered my wits about myself and stopped there, but, I swear in five more minutes I'd of had him fucking me if I hadn't stopped." She took a deep breath and exhaled, "I guess I'm opening up quicker than I'd have suspected even this morning and quite frankly I feel good about myself and where we're headed," Hazel grinned as she stroked Emerson's erection.

"Really! You almost fucked him?" asked Emerson with a broad grin. "You'd like to swap with them?" If he could have he'd of stood and jumped up and down with excitement.

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