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Aquata Cove Ch. 53

Story Info
Merrick is pushed to talk about is deepest hurt feelings.
6.8k words

Part 55 of the 101 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/25/2014
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Chapter 53: Diverging

Adam pulls himself out of the pool, shaking his soaked hair, and grabbing for a towel, and roughly running it through his hair. It's going on dusk now, but that doesn't seem to stop a lot of other people from splashing, jumping, and sliding into the large pool.

He feels past most of the guilt about what happened between he and Merrick. Now, he's frustrated because Merrick refuses to at least try and work things out - it's as if he WANTS to keep feeling angry.

He groans as he wraps the towel around his waist, and walked away from the pool party. Adam travels to a deserted spot of the deck, where he chooses a beach chair, and lays himself upon it.

"Oh yeah, girlfrriiieeennnd~!" Cheered an effeminate male voice. Queen Jizzelle waltzes along the deck, "Don't miss out on the Shower Line tomorrow~!" She said as she handed out a flyer to a random guest. "Remember, you still have less than an hour to sign up~!" She said with an upbeat tone.

Queen Jizzelle is currently dressed in a very large regal gown - a wide frame to keep the gown round and large, while the outside of the dress is adorned with countless multicolored paper flowers - folded up flyers adorned on her outfit in a row of colors, as if her gown is designed to be a paper rainbow. She also wears long sleeves on her arms to hide any hint of masculinity, along with a sizeable headdress decorated with beads she'd give to other guests. Not to mention the excessive make-up, making her look almost like a royal harlequin.

She drew out a yellow paper, and held it for another guest, "Happy Happy Hour in 5 minutes at the bar: Twice the Happy, Twice the Happy, hehehehehe!" She laughed as she handed out another flyer.

Queen Jizzelle walked along, until she spotted a half naked young man curled up on a beach chair on deck, "Oh?" She struts over to him, "What's the matter, sweetie~?" She asks, "Someone steal your happy pass?"

Adam looks up, and held himself from scoffing at the drag queen, "No, it's just..." He rolled over, "Boy problems."

"Oh, honey, I can tell you ALL about boys and problems~" Queen Jizzelle said, "Need to talk about it, sugar hips?"

"It's ok... You don't need to..."

"Bitch, pleeeaase, I got lots of things to advertise, and the dogs are killing me anyway~" Queen Jizzelle adjusted her gown so she could sit down.

"Hhh..." Adam sighed, "Alright..." He got up, and sat to face the man/woman, "Jizzelle, right?"

"QUEEN Jizzelle, if you please, hun," She corrected, "I didn't spend all those years at Castle of White to lack the dub."

"Castle... White Cas- Pfff" Adam scoffed, "Ok ok, QUEEN Jizzelle... My problem is my boyfriend."

"Oh, my, if I haven't heard one fight or another~" She brandished her hands, "So, what did he do, sweetpea?"

"It's not what he did, I'm the one who fucked up."

"Uh-ohhh. I sense a tragedy."

"A couple of nights ago - the last night we were on the island - I... Got drunk, and I said some horrible things to him."

"Awwooo" Queen Jizzelle pouted, "Had one too many of the bottles, did we?"

"It's been 3 days since then, and he won't talk to me."

"Well honey, did you try and patch things up?" The queen asked, "3 days is quite awhile to go without speaking."

"I did! I bought him flowers, I said I was sorry, but he won't budge. I don't know what to do, he won't give me a chance."

"My God, Brownie Bear," Queen Jizzelle commented as she held her fingertips over her fake bust, "What in the world did you say to make him avoid you so?"

"It's... Kinda complicated..."

Queen Jizzelle put a fist on her hip, and leaned over "Try me." She said a little deeply. Adam huffed and ran his hand through his hair.

"I... Kinda said our relationship was too perfect..."

"That's it?" She said, "That's what he so steamed about?"

"There's more to it than that... I can barely remember it, I was REALLY drunk... I remember bits and pieces of other things I said... I remember saying that I love AND hate that our relationship was so perfect..."

"Well honey, I think he's being unreasonable for not giving you at least a chance to explain yourself."

"Ahhh," Adam leaned over, and put his hands on his forehead, "Why the fuck did I say anything at all?"

"Why DID you?" She asked, "Fallin-over pissed or not, you should've guessed it wasn't going to end well."

"Yeah, I got that." Adam looked back up to the sky, "Question is, what am I going to do now?"

"You know what would be REALLY romantic~?" Queen Jizzelle held her hands up to frame dramatically, "If you made sure he was watching, and proclaim your love in front of EVERYONE else~!"

"Yeah, not gonna happen." Adam said, "He already tricked me into performing once, and he knows full well I don't like it. And besides, you don't know my boyfriend. He has a short but lingering temper - if he hasn't forgiven me by now, he's not going to forgive me anytime soon."

"Well, suit yourself, Fuzz Boy," Queen Jizzelle stood up, "I must get back to gracing my people~" She turned and pulled out one of the brightly colored flyers that decorates her gown, "Here, we're having a Hot Chocolate Fest tonight~" She gave Adam a flyer that featured scantily dressed African American people looking erotic, "All you can eat Hersheeey~"

"Yeah, that's all I need," Adam tucks the flyer into his towel, "Stuff myself with sweets while I'm upset about my boyfriend."

"Well, all I can say is this," She pats his shoulder, "If he really loves you, he'll come around in no time." With that, she drapes away to the next couple of people, "Sign-Up for Dyno-Dyke Camp! The girls will Blow Your Mind~!"

Adam lowers his head as he groaned, "But he does love me... But he won't stop hating me anyway..." He slowly got up, and walked away from the spot to go back to his cabin.


Merrick rests back as he gazes as the moon, his hands behind his back as he feels the cold breezes flow through his clothing. He's gotten quite used to wearing underpants all the time instead of always being naked.

Only looking at the moon seems to give him peace of mind of late. Dancing lets the music play his soul, drinking gives him a buzz for at least a short time along with a sweet and bitter taste, hitting on guys for tips makes him feel sexy and wanted, but none of that lasts. He misses Yuri - if anyone would understand where he's coming from, she would.

"Tch." Merrick sat up, and slid down the roof, and landed on deck as usual. He puts his hands in his jacket pockets as he walks along and down the stairs, passing by the other guests. His eyes look up to see a random gay couple. They're holding hands, laughing; one of them kisses the other's ear. He frowns as he passes them by, and turns to the railing. His eyes follow the wayward surface of the water as the ship moves constantly. The smell of the sea is almost too strong but to pull him into the deep blue, where he's supposed to belong...

"My my, hello there, Moonlight~!" Came a very weird man's voice.

"Hello, wha-" Merrick turns, and doubles back! There stands a fairly tall... Woman? She wears a large white royal gown, of which has never seen before. The make-up on the face suggest feminine features, but they do little for Merrick's eyes to perceive other wise of the face's physical form, and with the ridiculously large grown on her head, he can't make heads or tails of this person at all!

"Hahaha, why the shocked expression, Golden Boy~?"

"Who or What are you?" Merrick asked brazenly.

"Ahahahahaha~!" The man/woman laughed, "Why, I am no other than Her royal highness, Queen Jizzelle~!" She brandished her hand to hold it up in a glorious salute to the sky.

"... I will NEVER understand you hu- people." Merrick said as he shook his head and crossed his arms, "Are you a man or a woman? I honestly can't tell."

"Oh my honey child~" She said, "You have no doubt ever encountered a beautiful queen such as I, no?"

"I barely know what a queen is, let alone what you're supposed to be." Merrick commented. He turned back around to lean his arms on the railing, "Was there something you wanted from me?"

"Queen Jizzelle NEVER ignores a soul in need~!" She proclaimed, "You look so sad in the moonlight, I couldn't help but see if there was nothing I can do."

"No, there isn't." Merrick gloomily said, "My heart is fractured... I don't expect anyone to understand why. It's no one's business but my own anyway."

"Well honey, how do you know they would understand? Have you tried talking?" Merrick stubbornly stayed silent, "I happen to be a VERY good listener, darling~" The drag queen said.

"... It's my boyfriend..." Merrick finally answered.

"Ah yes~..." She leaned on the railing next to him, "Let me guess... About 5 feet tall, hot fuzzy bod, short hot dark hair, puppy brown eyes, brimming with loneliness and regret?"

"Yes... That's him..." Merrick glanced to the pseudo-woman beside him, "You've spoken to him."

"Ah yes," She clicked her tongue pitifully, "Poor boy told me you won't tell him what's wrong."

"He and I have been together for 8 years." Merrick said, "He says he is sorry, but that's not enough. He doesn't see just how deep my anger is..."

"Well honey, he isn't a mind-reader..." She paused, "... He isn't, is he~? I've only met the lad once."

"No, he isn't," Merrick rolled his eyes, "The things that he said..." He held onto a cluster of his jacket, "They cut deep..." His fingers tightened.

"Well, one thing that's always worked for me," Queen Jizzelle said, "There's a very simple question you should ask yourself: Do you love him?"

"Of course I do... I love him with all my heart... I love him so much that it hurts... So much..."

"And there is absolutely no way you can forgive him? You're not exactly playing a fair game here, sweetie."

"Tch, fair..." Merrick felt a tinge of heat in his blood, "What does anyone know about 'Fair'?" He shook his head, "... I WANT to forgive him... I do... But every time I think about his face, I remember that night when he told me those things."

"What DID he say, exactly, Moonlight~?" Queen Jizzelle asked, "What could he have said to make you so tittled up inside?"

"... It's the way he said it..." Merrick looked onward to the ocean, "The way he spoke... Thing is, me and my boyfriend have been through so much together... So much pain... Fear, uncertainty... And all of that isn't good enough because we're too perfect of a couple..."

"Oh, honey," Queen Jizzelle rubbed his shoulder, "I'm sure he didn't mean it like that."

"Oh no?" Merrick turned his head for a second, "A friend of mine once told me, 'Drunken Words are Sober Thoughts'. I never understood that until now... Now I know that's how he really feels about our relationship. And with everything else that's going on in my life, makes it hurt all the more..."

"Mmm, when you say it like that, you may have a point." Queen Jizzelle nodded, "But come on, sweetie, the man loves you, you can see it written all over his face."

"And not just him... People as a whole just seem to crave drama... I see it all the time in TV shows, movies, even real life itself..." Merrick looks up at the night sky, "No matter how much pain and sorrow happens to them, everyone just desires more..." Merrick catches site of a bright star, "What is it about humans that makes them so dramatic as to continuously seek calamity?"

"Mm, I know, honey, I know. We can never be content with what we got, can we?" She said, "But you know, there is nothing wrong with wanting a little more when we need a change of pace, hm?"

"It's not just that..." Merrick curdled a little tighter to himself, "My hurt runs deep than that... There's a lot more than what I let on, but I don't have the heart to tell him..." His fingers tighten around his sleeve, "No matter how mad I am... No matter how much it hurts just thinking about it..."

"Oh?" Queen Jizzelle rose a brow, "Well then, why not tell me, moondrop? I promise I'll keep it a secret for you-"

"No." Merrick immediately said, "Just... No." The wind wavers through his bright hair, "I can't tell anyone..."

"Alright, sweetheart," She smiled and looked at the blonde male, whose mood is no higher than it was, "Well, as the old saying goes, Time Heals All, darling."

Queen Jizzelle drew out one of her many flyers from her gown, "Don't forget to vote for the Graceful Gogo Contest. Winners are announced in a few days." Merrick looked, and took the paper, "I've seen you up on stage~" She moved his chin up to look at her decorated face, "Not too late to sign up."

"Hm." Merrick took the paper, and the drag queen went on her merry way.

He squinted his eyes as he strained to recognize the lettering on the flyer. He's beginning to read better these days. He practices now and then, but he's no scholar. There's a man in a G-String on one side of the flyer, and a woman in a feathery bikini on the other.

"... Gr-Graccceeful... Uh... Gogo..." He slowly read the flyer, "C...Conteh... Contest..." He strains to read the fine print on the paper, "S... See the... Bessst... Of... Agh, forget it." Merrick folds up the slip, and stashes it in his pocket.

The next couple of hours just seem to roll by like they were mere minutes. Merrick spent all of that the time resting his head on his arms, looking longingly into the ocean. The spray from the surface calls so severely to his soul, it's almost heartbreaking to have to resist the sea.

"Hnnnhhh..." Merrick's fingers tighten around his sleeve as he bore his forehead down. He took a deep breath before looking back up, his heart pounding with a sudden wave of anxiety. He feels a light dizzy spell before clasping his hand onto the rail. Merrick huffs deeply and pants as he realized his lips feel a little dry.

"Dammit..." Merrick winced as he put his head down again, "Dehydrating..." He growled a little as he looked out to the sea. All this desire, lingering dryness, this hurt and denial of his former home... "If it wasn't for..." He snarled as he pressed his eyes into his sleeve, "No, no! Don't say it... Don't..."

"Hey." Came a voice. Merrick turned his head, and saw a human male. He's taller than most humans he sees. After a few seconds, Merrick's memory places him in the Shopping Center, when he attacked Daniel and Jacob. Merrick's eyes narrowed as he can see the dumb hostility in this man's face.

"You and I need to have a little talk." Kevin said, "I don't think it was cool the way you-" Merrick pulled his hood up over his blonde hair, put his hands into his jacket pockets, and began to walk away, "Hey! Get back here!"

"Go away..." Merrick said without even turning around.

"HEY!" Kevin strode for him, "I'm talking to you!"

"I don't care." Merrick responded, "Leave me be."

"Hey!" Kevin grabbed his shoulder, and Merrick stopped, "I don't like your attitude!" There was a pause, so he continued, "Alright, so-" Merrick began to walk again, "HEY man, what's your problem??"

Merrick scowled as he continued to walk away, before Kevin reached in, and yanked his arm back, "Listen you little punk!"

"Hhggh!" Merrick's eyes widened as the grip on his arm turned his blood cold. His teeth gritted as he began to seethe - this grip, on his arm, it's exactly how many of the guards of the Agency manhandled him, when they were forcing him the heat cell, or the lab. Merrick's knuckles hardened as Kevin's hand tightened on his arm.

"Now let me make it nice and-" In a whip of a flash, Merrick ripped his arm away from Kevin's grip, before Merrick turned halfway, and seized Kevin's wrist, "AH!" Kevin staggered as that hand felt more like a vice. His eyes looked into the half-hooded one, and suddenly Kevin didn't feel so cocky anymore.

Those eyes. Staring into those eyes is like looking at a razor sharp soul. Kevin stood, frozen as if those eyes were turning his very body into an ice statue. Forget about the tough-guy bravado he was about to display, this blonde shorty looks like he's about to rip Kevin's arm off right from his shoulder!

Merrick glares lethally at the taller man; though his grip was just like any guard that shoved and dragged him, he was never at the Agency. Merrick fights every urge not to flip this man over the deck, and demolish him. He struggles in his mind to fend off these dark, malevolent urges.

He's not even breathing. The blonde is just piercing his soul with those silent, deadly eyes. Kevin's afraid to breathe himself, let alone move or even talk - the freezing intensity even distracts from the pain of his wrist being gripped like a python's coil. One wrong move, one more word might just collapse what shred of sanity this guy might have. If he lets him know he knows he's a merman, this guy might just kill him right here!

"... What..."

Kevin didn't answer. He didn't dare speak. Merrick's eyes quiver as he patches up an emotional dam over his violent impulses, "What do you want from me?" His voice shook as he held the grip to the tall human, paralyzing him with fear.

'Fuck... She was right...' Kevin thought, 'This kid's insane...' He looked to Merrick's killing eyes, not even gaining the courage to blink.

After what felt like an endless standoff between a hunter and his prey, Merrick threw Kevin's hand back, before turning around, and walking away. Kevin simply stood there, watching as he moved further away from him. It took Kevin almost 5 minutes to take a step back, and retreat from the spot.


Merrick slid the cardkey to his and Adam's cabin, and silently entered. His eyes can easily scan the darkness, and spotted Adam curled up alone in the bed.

A part of him wants to climb in, and spoon him from behind. And then, his residual anger flourished into his chest, walking away from the bed, and into the bathroom. He switched on the light, and took off his necklace. He ran the water over his hands, immediately transforming him up to his elbows. He looked drearily at his silver palms, spreading his fingers to see the webbing between each digit.

He sighs as he cups the water, and splashes his face. He rubs the water into his cheeks, forehead, neck and chin. He rubs his forearm, before stopping.

"...Hhh!" He gasps as he sees a few transparent circles on his fingers and palm. Moving his hand, he sees the same little discs sticking to the basin of the sink, "What??" He rubs his hand against his forearm, and gasps as he sees a cluster of thin scales on his palm, "No!" He rubs his arms again, rinsing and wiping off more small scales, as if he was shedding them off!

"No, no, no! Please, no!" He whimpers in panic as the scales keep coming off. The tiny discs continue to pile up in the sink, before he slammed his back to the wall, away from the sink. He grabs a towel to dry himself off, but cries in fear as the scales stick to the towel. He seizes the necklace, and rushes to put it back on around his neck, if only to make the molting stop. The merman feels his body reverting to his human form, with the small clear circles still scattered on the towel and sink.

Merrick breathes deeply in shock, before slowing taking a look at his hands and arms. His chest heaves as his hands and forearms glow a reddish pink, as if a few layers of skin was rubbed right off of him. They feel tender as the air touches them, but they don't hurt. His eyes looked down at the many scales that has just been wiped off his body.

"I'm ..." He gulps as he shakes from head to foot, "I'm falling apart..." He moans.

"Merrick?" He turns his head to see Adam sitting up, "Merrick, sweetie?" He gets up, wearing his boxers, "Merrick, what's the matter?" The merman just stands there as his boyfriend approached him. The two halves of his heart are once again torn, between loving and hating Adam. "Merrick, baby-"

"Nnh!" Merrick pushes him aside, and strides towards the door. He threw it open, and power-walked his way down the hall.


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