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Aquata Cove Ch. 93


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Merrick sighs as he looks over the morning sun on the horizon. It's going to be another sweltering day. The Sun God must either be very angry or very happy. Either way, it's another day, another long, long session of resisting constant temptation... Almost very member of the crew is a man, and that doesn't help. There are a few ladies on board, but Kai has to keep a very harsh whip on the men who try to dally with the females. Besides, it's not like they can help Merrick at all...

"Hey, Merrick." Brien says as he walks up next to him, and sits on a barrel. He's already not wearing a shirt, drawing Merrick's attention to an ornate tattoo of a green dragon on his left chest, around his back, and the feathery tail ending on his naval.

"What in the world is this?" Merrick says as he points at the inkjob.

"Oh this?" Brien smirks as he flexes his torso, "I got this before we set sail. Maybe I'll attract the attention of the mystic queen when we reach Fairy Circle Island. Bedding with a mermaid was... Interesting." He chuckles sheepishly, "Makes me wonder if pixies and nymphs would fair differently."

"You might want to be careful with that." Merrick tells him, "Fairies are known for abducting people who trespass into their hollow, unannounced."

"I know how to protect myself against magic warnings as that. Besides, they only take children away, and even then, it's only for one night to teach them a lesson."


"... Are you ok, Merrick? You've been quiet since we left. Does this have something to do with your upcoming marriage?"


"Merrick is something wrong? You can tell me. I won't tell the Captain, I promise."

"... I uh... I don't like my bride to be..."

"You don't? But Lady Fenrica is a gem. She's beautiful and graceful, not to mention she will inherit the Isle of Atlanton when she comes of age after her mother passes. You're practically becoming a Lord within a month!"

"But we don't approve of one another. Both of us feel trapped in this... Sham of a marriage. Neither of us are happy with what we have to do, but both of us are legally obligated to go through with this..."

"I understand... Still, at least you're marrying a desirable maiden, right?" Brien says with an encouraging smile, "That mermaid I bedded with was so beautiful, I tried to find her again after two days, but I couldn't find her. Not everyone can be that lucky."

"Heh... Can I tell you something else?"

"Sure, Merrick."

"But... You have to keep this a secret, don't tell anyone, please. Not even my Father."

"O-Ok..." Brien gives him a strange look, "You are scaring me a little now. What do you want to say?"

"I uh... I prefer the company of... Well, I... I prefer men, really..." Merrick says as he grows heavy with nervousness.

"What do you mean? A lot of men prefer to mingle with each other. It's nothing new, it gives them a chance to be without a nagging wife or his wild children. Heck, you're always surrounded by the crew, right?"

"No, Brien, that's not what I mean..." Merrick shakes a little, "I... I think of men, the same way you think about women..."


"... I... I want to bed with men rather than women, Brien..."

"Wha... Ohhhhh." Brien says as he finally understand, "So, when you say you do not approve of Lady Fenrica..."

"She understands my... Wants. She is even willing to allow me privileges to accommodate what I want... But it's just... Why should I have to keep it a secret? Other men get to have sex with men freely anywhere. Why do I have to give my life to a woman, when everyone else can give their lives to whomever they want?"

"I see your point... That does sound daunting... And Captain Kai, well... If you weren't his son, he probably couldn't care less."

"But I AM his son. I have to be the one who brings are family and our business to nobility. Yet no one has even asked me what is it what I really want."

"I understand completely... Most of the men on board can barely contain themselves if they even smell a brothel nearby. First chance I get, I glue my lips to a woman who would have me... But you..." Brien looks at his long-time best friend, "Xerxes's fist, Merrick, you're surrounded by men every single day! You must driven insane every time you go to rest!"

"Yet another benefit for being my Father's son. Discipline is everything..."

"Damn... I had no idea... How do you do it, Merrick? I know I couldn't hide myself as much as you do."

"Brien... I don't want this... I'm sick of hiding that I want any man that passes me on deck..." Merrick tucks his arms around his stomach as he leans down, "I know what I'm going to do, but... Dammit..."

"I'm sorry..." Brien puts his hand on Merrick's shoulder as the ship continues to traverse while the sun rises.


Adam floats in the water of the ocean, finally under the massive SS Navyn, looking upon the bottom as it sails the sea. His divine eyes sees through the wood, like a round revealing glass, to the young blond male running about the ship.

"Pure perfection..." Adam mumbles as he looks at Merrick. The sun is hot again today, forcing the men to work without tunics. "Poor boy..." He notes, seeing Merrick resist so much around the many men around him, "Attracted to his shipmates, and not even able to express his own needs..."

Adam smiles gently as he sees the young man hide his on-off again erection for every minute, "Soon, boy... I will give you all you deserve... Soon, my angel of the sea..."

He has waited days for Merrick to reach of age, Adam can feel it through his sense of divinity what he specializes in... And he can see into this young man's desires. He wants Horace at the mast to press his big, shiny chest into Merrick's face while he nurses one of his thick nipples. Merrick wants to service his friend Brien in his room to polish his cock with his olive oil. Every time he's in a tavern to explore the local people, tempted to present himself as a young whore...

But this boy has so much focus and fortitude... Constantly hold back and straining himself. He wants so much to do so many things...


Having reached Jatofaris Island, where the crew harvests the fruit and vegetation to restock the ship's food supply, as well as gather more fresh water, Merrick goes to his own private spot... While everyone thinks he goes to scout and meditate, he goes to bathe.

Setting his neatly folded clothing aside, he looks to the calm grotto, with a singular quiet waterfall of a thin veil of water. He looks to the water... And looks behind him, and straining his ears... He hears no one.

Merrick's heart gives a strange wave as he unwraps his loincloth, in the private view of the pool, and ravels it around his hand, and places it on his clothing. Blushing as he steps naked into the cool water, Merrick huffs as he climbs into the rock, until it reaches to his waist.

"H-Hah... Oh..." Walking through the water, it reaches halfway to his navel. The pool used to meet his chin, but he has grown a lot over the years...

Merrick dips his head into the running wall of water, feeling the strangely smooth run over his neck and shoulders. It feels so different, doing this completely exposed... He's always just bathed here in his loincloth... Something about being open and naked, exposed to nature makes him feel... Wrong and right at the same time, so untamed...

Merrick rubs his hair and neck... While his other hand travels down. "Mnnh..." Merrick's chest pounds as his hand fondles onto his genitals. His fingers run along his penis as his back faces the open area behind him. His rod stiffens as he starts to stroke himself.

Adam smiles as he stands on the rock, his hands on his thick hips, also completely void of any article of clothing around his very muscular, hairy body. "I finally found you." The God of Manhood mutters before he steps into water.

He wades through the grotto, and comes right up to the young man, before he turns on his own.

"HHH!" Merrick gasps as he sees this man here! Out of nowhere! His hand covers himself as he backs into the cavernous area behind him, just as the man follows, "I-I- I am bathing here." He exclaims. This man... He is handsome, and very built... The fuzz on his chest and abs gives off masculinity as that burly man gives an amused smirk.

"So am I." Adam says.

"I uh... I'm not alone here..." Merrick says, trying to find a means of protest... But also wanting... Some sort of event to happen in this... What, an opportunity? He glances down, and sees this man is wearing no cloth around his waist... He can even make out the slight sight of his... "I... I shouldn't have come here, because... My crew is here, and..."

"A-A-Are you... Sure you want to be here?" Merrick timidly asks.

Adam is so close now, his hand strokes along Merrick's cheek. Merrick moans tenderly with desire, "Yes, I know exactly why you come here." He says as his hand glides down to Merrick's hip. Merrick breathes deeply as this man advances on him. Every thought and fantasy that ran through Merrick's head ever since he hit puberty is racing through reality as this stranger gets close.

Right here, right now... No one is watching, no one can yell at him for doing this... And this man wants him...

Merrick moans as Adam's bristly mouth brushed against his face, before his teeth starts to graze and gnaw on Merrick's ear.

"A-Ahh..." Merrick's hands hold onto the rock behind him as the man also places his hands onto the cold stone as he kisses and laps on his cheek. Merrick's cock throbs as everything he's ever wanted is actually happening, standing here right in front of him. A man, a handsome man, such an attractive specimen, is actually allured and sensually touching and holding him. "Allhhh..." Merrick whines, gasping silently as his own hard dick pokes softly at this man's pelvis. His cock is really going solid, curving as his erection has reached beyond the limit he has been accustomed.

Adam gently laps from Merrick's ear, along his soft cheek, before his face moves backward, and his hands have eventually arrived hold Merrick's head. Merrick gulps before his lips part ajar, submitting completely to this very erotic stranger, knowing just what this man is about to do.

Adam huffs hotly before he puts his face forward, and his lips take Merrick's mouth. "MLLMH!" Merrick's legs nearly give out on him as his hands leave the rock behind him, his arms twitching as one of them clings to Adam's side. He grunts and moans as Adam's tongue pushes along his teeth and curves under Merrick's tongue. "Mmnnhh! Mnnn! Mnnnhhh~!" Merrick clutches onto Adam's sides, before he breaks the kiss, softly rubbing along Merrick's sides.

"Hahh... Hhh... Hhh..." Merrick pants a few times before looking into Adam's eyes, and then moving up, kissed Adam back. Adam closes his eyes as he holds Merrick closely as the blonde young man puts a hand on his shoulder, and the other in Adam's patchy underarm. Adam grins in between lapping his lips as Merrick's hand eventually ventures onto one of Adam's round, fuzzy buttcheeks. Adam giggles as he lets Merrick explore his body as the sailor easily gives in to years of lust.

Both of Merrick's hands fold into Adam's manly crevice, feeling into his thick, round buttcheeks, cupping under them, and feeling them up firmly like a baker would massage his batch of bread dough. Merrick blushes as his fingertips rub into a slick spot hidden in between his mounds.

"Ooh~" Adam grins as he flexes his ass, "You're a very curious boy, aren't you?"

"I-I... I'm no boy..." Merrick whines defensively.

"Otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time~" Adam said with a playful smirk. He kisses Merrick's lips again, before he knelt down to his knees. Merrick looks curiously into the water, wondering what this man could be doing as he dunks his head below the water.

"...HHHoohhhh!" Merrick gasps and jumbles as he feels a very, very warm sensation on his dick! "Ahhh! Oh Gaahh! FFfff!" He squirms as Adam pushes his mouth around Merrick's solid penis, his lips sealed around the shaft, and moving up and down.

"By the Gods, A-Aaaahhh!" Merrick moaned out as this completely new action envelops his manhood. "Hahh, ahhh, ohhh!" He moans as Adam bobs his head back and forth at a climbing pace, before twirling his head down in a deep-throat.

"Oh my Gooosshh!" Merrick groans, inching into that familiar climax, feeling it approach faster than usual when he masturbated.

Just when he was about to cascade into Adam's mouth, the chill of the water once again overtakes his member, before Adam rises from the surface again. Merrick pants harshly as he tries retain himself from the short but wild experience.

"Whuh... Wh, Wheh... Why did you stop?" He panted out.

"Because you want more..." Adam says with a smile, "More than what this little relic of yours can do." Adam says as he holds up the polished crystal rod to show Merrick. Merrick blushes brightly as he sees his secret toy, which SHOULD be in the hidden compartment of his cabin on board!

"Wh-Where, how did you find that??!" Merrick asks in panic.

"Not important. I'm here to do more than a healing chakra crystal can do for you." Adam says as he turned his hand an angle, and made the 8-inch gem rod disappear. Merrick stares at his hand. Is this man some sort of magician?? A man faerie?? What IS he??

Adam comes in close abruptly, his large cock rubbing into below Merrick's balls. A-Ahhoohhh," Merrick moans as he feels that large, hard cock tucked under his goods. He blushes and moans as he can feel his legs elevating up, seeing his knees bob on the surface, and then looking at the bristly man.

"W-W-Wait, are you going to..." Merrick pants, feeling his pucker being pressed by this man's mushroom head. He's tried things that are larger in girth than that amethyst rod, but without a lot of oil, it's mostly painful.

"I'm a bit bigger than that crystal of yours." Adam grins as his hands hold onto Merrick's back.

"A-Ahh, wait!" Merrick clenches his eyes shut, having no oil or means of lubricating this stranger's fat cock. Merrick braces himself as he started to feel himself slip down onto that dick. "Aaaaahhhh -- Ohhh~!" He gasps as he feels the man slide into his anus, down until Merrick's silken butt meets Adam's hairy patch.

"Fffuahh... Nnnhh," Merrick huffs and moans. That penis is huge, and it's filling him so much, but there is no pain... His sphincter feels a ton of pressure, but none of it is hurting.

"Mnnhh... So tight." Adam grunts, grabbing onto Merrick's hips, and angled his dick into Merrick's ass.

"A-Aaahh~!" Merrick's body arches as he feels that massive member push on a deep, hidden spot. Adam slides his rod out, and hilts into Merrick again, pushing into that secret zone, "OOoohh~!"

"Fffff." Adam holds onto Merrick's leg and onto the rock behind Merrick as he starts to stir his enlarged member inside of the virgin's anus, "You feel good... Very good." Adam says, more as an observation rather than sweet talk. Adam has mounted hundreds of men through his time. None of them are making his balls tingle like this one here.

"Ohhh! By the Gods, HHHoohh~!" Merrick gasps as he jumbles again, Adam sliding in and out of him over and over. This is so much easier than his private time in his cabin -- this time someone is driving the rod FOR him.

The water dances around Merrick's smooth crotch, his own dick curved up as his arousal reaches to unfamiliar heights.

"Don't stop, please don't stop." Merrick says as he tries to hold onto something. He likes this feeling of penetration.

"Hhhh...Hooohhh yes..." Adam moans as his cock pushes back into Merrick's tight hole, spreading him out from the inside as he humps him, over and over.

"Hooohhh my word, a-aahh" Merrick strokes himself as Adam fucks him in a rising pace.

"Damn..." Adam grips Merrick again, his mounts getting faster, "I'm not lasting long at all."

"W-What? Please, I need more of you, it's so -- Ahhhoohh~!" Merrick moans out as his body starts to jerk back and forth from the raw momentum.

"Ghhhhhh!" Adam ducks his head down, gritting his teeth as his manhood races back and forth inside of Merrick's tunnel. He's NEVER feel this quick to climax before.

"Ohh~ Ohhh~ Ohh~!" Merrick moans as he jacks himself off with the rough pounding he's taking into his anus, looking at Adam as that very sexy and hairy man fucks him wildly, faster and faster.

Adam cranks his head back, biting his lip as he clenches his eyes, "FFFFFFFFFFfffffFFFkkkkkk." His brown bush sinks into Merrick's anus as his divine seed channels from his heavy nuts.

"O-Ohh~!" Merrick looks with bewilderment as he feels something new in his sphincter -- it's suddenly got a lot hotter around Adam's cock, more slippery.

"Hah... Wow..." Adam says with a grin, panting, "You really awakened something, boy." Adam says, before he pulls out his semi-hard dick, letting the glowing semen to flow from Merrick's pucker.

Merrick pants as his feet meet the rock under the water away, his legs quivering while holding onto Adam to keep standing. His ass is very sore, but it's a good sort of pain. He likes this hurt inside his backside, like he can barely walk.

"Hah heh heh," Adam chuckles as he reaches down, and fondles Merrick's solid meat, "We have yet to let YOU release yet."

"Mnnhh, I..." Merrick groans, "I really should get back to my crew... They might be-"

"MERRICK!" Calls a loud voice. Merrick gasped as he looks through the blurry image of Kai, "Where are you, BOY?!"

"My Father..." Merrick whispered fearfully, "H-He can't see me like this! M-My clothes-"

"Are in your ship, young man." Adam smiles, "I put them there before this."

"MERRICK! Answer me!!" Kai yells out from outside of the waterfall.

"I-I-I, I have to go, my Father will have my head if I don't-"

"Shhhhh." Adam hushed, "Why don't we go somewhere more... Accommodating?" He takes Merrick's hand and walked towards the waterfall.

"W-Wait! No! Please!" Merrick yanks and begs, but Adam has a firm grip on his wrist as they pass through the wall of water.


"Mnnn..." Adam slowly blinks awake, his insides churning with... Deep excitement? That dream just now... He can remember a LOT about it. He was naked, kissing another guy in a rocky pool, and... Doing things to him... And there was a wall of water behind them.

He looks at his hand on the pillow, turning his palm... He can still feel him... That person in the dream... That man... He was young, like a frat boy.

"Whoa..." Adam mutters as he rolls onto his back, looking up at the dark ceiling. The time is about 6AM, the room is still relatively dark. "That was... Intense..." He mumbles, feeling his own dick still hard as a rock.

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sm1982sm1982over 7 years ago
Yes to a new chapter!

Since I began reading this story after Adam is in the hospital, I'm a bit confused when the story switches from present to past to simply being a memory of either Adam's or Merrick's. I really enjoyed this chapter, even the soup lunch scene, because I learned some things about the characters including Adam's parents not living where he does and that Merrick is younger than Adam, who I am shocked to learn was the seducer lol I didn't mind the soup scene since it conjured up a memory from the earlier days of being in the hospital but also provided the news of Adam's parents leaving and the announcement affected Adam but also gives Merrick the opportunity for Adam to turn to him for guidance/talk to him whenever he needed to..that's Merrick's excuse to be around Adam more..

Feare909Feare909over 7 years agoAuthor
Re: Memories

Yeah, I kinda felt like the soup scene was a bit lacking too, but I couldn't figure out how to implicate that memory into it, not when Merrick is still relatively new to Adam.

Though the memories are leaking through Adam's condition. And more time with Merrick only helps the headaches go away when they're together.

Adam remembers Merrick. Forgotten, but not lost.

DarkCynder64DarkCynder64over 7 years ago

It seems Adam gets more flashes of his lost memories the more he is around Merrick or around things where Merrick was involved. Kinda disappointed nothing more came out of the soup. I was thinking Adam would put his memory of that soup together. Maybe Adam will remember more if he goes to Aquata Cove or sees Merrick in his true form since that was how he first met Merrick. Haven't seen Syrinx and Belinda and them for a while

o2byoungo2byoungover 7 years ago
Only in dreams

I was hoping Merrick would be able to slip into the bed with Adam - I think both these guys need some loving release of pent up emotions and man juice! Maybe if Adam takes what he really wants from Merrick it will help rekindle Adams memory?

WetboiWetboiover 7 years ago
Loved it

I, as I’m sure many others feel, still love this story. I cannot wait until Adam remembers everything so that him and metrics can finally be together again

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