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Artist Jed and his Beautiful Sister


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"It'll be ready in five minutes."

"Good, I'm starving."

"How was it today?"

"OK, just routine."

"So your Sister posing nude for you, is just routine?"

"Yes, she does it all the time."

That made her laugh.

"But seriously, doesn't it get you excited, even just a little bit?"

Fortunately, she had her back to me, so she couldn't see how uncomfortable her question had made me.

"No, apart from her tits, you can't see much."

That was a blatant lie, and I hoped that she would never get to see the painting.

The next day, I was in my studio at nine. Serena wasn't due until ten, but I wanted to make some changes to Jim's painting. When I had shown it to him, he had liked it, but he had asked if I could include Rover's favourite toy.

Half an hour later it was done. Now, next to Jim's dog, was a large rubber bone. I shook my head. I was a professional artist, with a growing reputation. I shouldn't be doing paintings like this.

Serena was on time.

As soon as she was through the door, she showed me her watch, and then she said, "See, it's one minute to ten."

It was, but what had she done to her left hand? It was bandaged.

While we had our coffee, she told me about it. She had slipped in the shower, and while breaking the fall with her hand, she had sprained her wrist. Fortunately, her friend Alice was staying over. She had applied the bandage.

"Are you sure that it's not broken?"

"Yes, Alice knows first aid. It's just sprained. It will be OK in a few days."

When she had finished her drink, I took the cup from her.

"I guess we should start."

"Yes, but you need to undress me."

Then she waved her bandaged hand at me, to make it clear why that was.

Smiling, she said, "Alice had to help me to dress this morning."

This time, she was smartly dressed. A blouse and skirt, instead of T-shirt and jeans.

I was now unbuttoning her top, and despite my best efforts to control it, it was getting me, and my cock, excited. When the last button was popped, I carefully took her blouse off. Now that I was close to her, her breasts looked even bigger than normal. As I reached around her to unhook her bra, she leant forward, and they squashed against my chest. We were almost hugging, and I desperately wanted to kiss her.

When her bra was off, she stepped back.

"Now for my skirt and knickers."

I mumbled, "OK," but I didn't dare look at her. If I was to see her beautiful face, and pouting lips, then I would surely lose control.

Her skirt came off easily. Now for her knickers. They were red, and very small. The fabric was stretched tight against her. I managed it, but with trembling hands. I hadn't been this nervous, since I was a teenager.

She was now naked.

"Thanks, I could have undressed myself, but it would have been difficult."

Then she moved her head, to give me a kiss. It was my reward for helping her. It was on the cheek, but she kept her lips there for longer than was necessary. And when it ended, she was still close to me.

Then, without thinking, I suddenly kissed her.

It was on the lips, and with passion. But then I stopped. With horror, I realised that I wasn't getting anything back. Had I just made a fool of myself? Then, to my relief, she responded, with an intensity that matched mine.

We were now exploring each other's mouth. It was as if time was standing still. I was so absorbed with what we were doing, that I had almost forgotten that her magnificent tits were there.

I now had both hands on them. As I groped them, I could feel how heavy they were. Then I went for her nipples. She gasped when I found them. After sucking on each of them in turn, I stopped, so that I could speak.

"Lie on the sofa."

She was quickly on it. In the same pose as for the painting. But this time, her legs were wide open so that I could finger her.

When my hand moved up her leg, she gasped when it got to her thigh. I kept it there, as I sucked on her ripe nipple

"I need you to touch my pussy."

I moved my hand higher, and then my fingers slowly moved around it. Briefly brushing against her lips, but keeping away from her clit, and her opening.

"Stop teasing me."

I could hear the pleading in her voice.

I now had two fingers at her slit, the tips of them pressing against it. When she pushed her pussy upwards, I gave her what she wanted. Both of them deep up her cunt.

"Fuck, that's good."

When I started moving my fingers, she started moaning. And she was loud.

"I need to fuck you."

"No! You're my Brother."

I almost laughed. Her Brother had two fingers inside her, and he was greedily sucking on her nipple. We had already crossed the line.

"Please let me. I won't tell anybody."

I must have sounded like a whining child, asking his parents for something that he desperately wanted. But I didn't care. I just wanted her to say yes.

"No, but if you give me a nice climax with your fingers, then I'll jerk you off."

I wanted more, but I would settle for that.

"It's a deal," then I added, "Do we now shake hands?"

That made her chuckle, and while she was doing it. I got my cock out.

When she saw it, she didn't comment. I would have liked her to go wide-eyed, or tell me that I was a big boy. However, she also hadn't laughed, so she must think it was adequate.

Her hand was now on my cock, and she was stroking it, in time with what I was doing to her. When I rubbed her clit faster, she responded by quickening her stroke. She also got the added benefit, of my mouth on her tits. And I was doing my best to suck in, not just her nipple, but as much of her breast as I could.

It was now a race. First to climax is the winner. I was frantically rubbing her clit, using two fingers, to make sure that I was covering all of it. And she was stroking my cock at lightning speed.

I got there first. But as I shot my load onto her tits, she went rigid.

"Fuck, I'm in it."

She definitely was, and it was a big one. When I had finished, she was still going, and she had my cock in a vice like grip. I was relieved when her orgasm ended, and she released my cock.

I got up, and then I looked down at her. Her legs were still wide open, but her eyes were closed. She was making a low sound, a sort of whimpering noise.

I went to the kitchen, to make us both a drink. When I got back, she was sitting up. On the floor were some used tissues. She must have noticed me looking at them.

"Somebody made a mess on me. And there was a lot of it."

Then she giggled.

I didn't know what to say, but I felt that I had to say something.

"Are you..."

I stopped, but she finished my sentence.

"OK with what happened?"

I nodded. I wasn't sure that I was going to say that. But what she had said, would do.

"Yes I am. What about you?"

I thought about it. I had just emptied my balls over my Sister, while fingering her to a climax. I should be racked with guilt, but I wasn't.

"Same for me," then I added, "It was no big deal."

She looked at me, wide-eyed, and then she laughed. I joined in.

We finished at twelve thirty. I stepped back to admire what I had done.

"Can I please look at it?"

I shook my head, and she pouted. But I didn't give in.

Before leaving, we had another drink together.

"What we did was nice."

It had been better than just 'nice'.

"But if you ever tell anybody, then I will cut your cock off."

I muttered, under my breath, "With a blunt knife," but she didn't hear me.

I was OK driving home, but when I saw Emma, I had a sudden surge of guilt.

"How's the painting?"

"Nearly done. One more session should do it."

While we ate, I felt as if there was a large flashing neon sign on my head, declaring my latest infidelity. I needed to loosen up. If I didn't, then Emma would suspect something.

After clearing the plates away, she said, "It's your lucky day. I'm in the mood."

I gave her my best smile, and I hoped that I looked enthusiastic. Given a choice, I would take a rain check. But I didn't have a choice. I would have to perform, and to the best of my ability. Anything less than that, and she would be asking questions.

We had an early night, and as soon as we were in the bedroom, she was taking my clothes off. I let her strip me naked, before undressing her. We then kissed, only coming up for air, after a few minutes.

"When it's finished, will you miss seeing your Sister naked?"

I would, but I didn't dare tell her that.


I then started tweaking her nipples, hoping that it would distract her. Mentioning my Sister, was making me feel uncomfortable.

"That's nice. I bet Serena would like you to do that to her."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I kept quiet.

"I think that you want to fuck her. To bend her over, and put your big cock deep up her pussy."

I stopped playing with her nipples, and then I said, "That's enough."

It came out louder than I had intended, and it got a nervous laugh from her.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

I sighed, before saying, "And I shouldn't have shouted at you."

She then kissed me, and all was forgiven.

Despite my initial reluctance, it ended up being a good fuck. She got an epic climax, and mine was a good one. However, the earlier one, by my Sister's hand, had been better.

It was now Friday morning, the final day for Sir Bartholomew's painting. This time, we had arranged a later start. Eleven o'clock.

I got to my studio at ten thirty, and then I waited for Serena. She was ten minutes early. In her hand, she had a jar of instant coffee. As I took it from her, I noticed that the bandage had gone.

"So is your wrist OK now?"

"Yes, it's as good as new."

I had been hoping that it would still be bandaged. That would have given me the excuse to undress her. I made the drinks, eager to see if the coffee she had finally remembered to bring, was any better than mine.

It wasn't.

"Isn't this coffee wonderful?"

"Yes it is."

Honesty might be the best policy, but sometimes it's better to lie!

When she took her clothes off, it was done with her usual casualness. I was hoping that there would be a sign from her. Something to indicate that she wanted me to touch her. But there wasn't. It was as if I wasn't there. So last time had been a one-off, never to be repeated.

She was now in position, and I was painting. But her pose wasn't quite right.

"Move your left leg to the side."

She did, but it was now worse.

"The other side."

"It might be better if you come over and move it."

I gave a big sigh, and then I muttered under my breath, "Do I have to do everything myself."

She must have heard it, because she laughed. And that irritated me even more.

I was now next to her, holding her leg. I quickly got it to the correct position. When I removed my hand, she started moving her leg. I was about to shout at her, but I stopped, when I realised what she was doing.

Her legs were now wide open, and I was staring at her pussy. She was offering it to me.

With a woman, you are supposed to start at the top, and then work your way down. Her mouth first, then her tits. And finally, her pussy. But I broke all the rules. I went straight for her cunt, and with my tongue, rather than my fingers.

When I nibbled on her thick lips, she groaned, and when I sucked them into my mouth, she gasped. I kept doing it, and she got louder. Then I went for her clit. This time I was gentler. More subtle.

I started by slowly moving my tongue over it, in a long sweeping motion. It was getting her excited, and if I was to continue, then it wouldn't be long before she climaxed. I eased off. This might be our last time together, so I wanted it to continue for as long as possible. For it to be memorable, for both of us.

I was now concentrating on her opening. Trying to get as much of my tongue into it as I could. It was making her squirm.

"Finger me, and lick my clit."

I moved back to her clit, and it made her moan. I then gave her a single finger, but just the tip of it. I then slowly pushed it in, up to the knuckle.

I now had a nice rhythm going. My finger was moving in and out of her, and my tongue was lapping her clit. I had got it right. It was enough to keep her excited, but not enough to make her suddenly climax.

But I was wrong!

Her body was now rigid, and her head was moving from side to side. I got up, and then I turned away. I couldn't look at her. She was in ecstasy, but I was frustrated. I left the room, to make myself a drink. Not because I wanted one, but because I wanted to be alone. While the kettle was boiling, I heard her shout me.

"Jed, come here."

I did.

"Do you want a coffee?"

"No," then she smiled at me, before adding, "Do you want to fuck me?"

Somehow, I managed to keep a straight face, as I said, "Yes. But let me finish my drink first."

She was now looking at me. Her face was a mixture of surprise and disappointment. She couldn't believe that out of her pussy and a coffee, the coffee was my priority.

Then I laughed, and she realised that I was joking.

I took my clothes off, before going to her. My cock was now semi-hard, but it would soon be back to its best. When I got to her, she helped it, by giving it a couple of strokes.

"It's a nice cock."

"You mean a big one?"

She shook her head, a bit too quick for my liking, before saying, "No. But it's a nice one."

So it wasn't big, but I already knew that.

Looking at her, I said, "Is this a quick fuck, just for my benefit?"

"No way! I want another climax. If you take your time, I'll get one."

We were now kissing, and my hands were on her large tits. I was gently playing with her nipples. They were responding to my touch, by getting bigger. My Sister had it all, good looks, and an amazing body. And I was now enjoying it.

When we stopped kissing, she said, "You taste nice. What have you been eating?"

"My favourite, pussy."

She laughed, and while she was still doing it, I latched onto her nipple. As I sucked hard, she moaned. I was now doing it properly. Starting at the top, and working my way down. After my fill of her large breasts, her pussy would be next.

For the next ten minutes, it was just her tits. I kept switching from one to the other. And while I sucked on one, the other got my fingers.

"My pussy needs to be fingered."

When my hand moved between her legs, she reached for my cock.

"No, if you stroke it I'll come. I'm, saving it for your cunt."

This time, she got two fingers, and I thrust them in. It made her gasp. I then started fucking her with them. As I did, I tried to imagine what it would be like, if it was my cock inside her, rather than my fingers. I just knew that it would be special.

And it was now time to do it.

"I want you to bend over."

She mumbled something, but I didn't catch what it was. However, she did move.

She was now in position. Her top over the arm of the sofa, and her bottom high up. I didn't waste any time getting my cock to her opening. Then I pushed it in. It went in without much effort, because she was so wet. When it was fully in, she grunted, and that made me smile. She didn't regard it as big, but it could still fill her cunt up.

I was now fucking her, and it was in the same position that I had used for the first time with Charlotte. That had been good, but this was better. However, I had a problem. I wasn't going to last long. I was OK with that, but I wanted my Sister to reach it as well.

I upped the pace, hoping that it would move her on. It did. She was now making a lot of noise, especially when I went deep into her. But it was also moving me dangerously close to my climax. I needed to do something, and do it soon. Then I had an idea. But would it work? There was only one way to find out.

When I pushed them in, it made her gasp. I had just given her two fingers into her asshole. And to my relief, she was enjoying it.

I was now fucking both her holes, and she was coming to the boil. My balls were also tightening, so I knew that I wouldn't be able to last much longer.

It was a long deep stroke that made her reach it, and her writhing about, as her orgasm surged through her body, that gave me mine.

I thought that I would never stop spurting. We had started almost together, and we ended within seconds of each other. I was now slumped over her, exhausted. And she was making whimpering noises.

After we had recovered, we showered. Then we got to work. She on the sofa, posing, and me putting the finishing touches to the canvass. Half an hour later, it was finished.

This time I let her look at it. And when she saw it, I got a big hug, and a kiss. She liked it.

And Sir Bartholomew did as well.

"Any chance of you giving me her number?"

I shook my head. When I left his apartment, I had in my hand another cheque.

It was now a week after the final session with Serena. It was taking a great effort not to think about what had happened. Every time I did, it tortured me. I just had to realise that it had ended. I made a decision to put it out of my mind, and to move on.

But then I got a call.

"I'm George Rockefeller. I want a painting, like the one you did for Bart. And it has to be the same woman."

By the time the call had ended, I had agreed to do it. But had I been too hasty? Would my Sister agree to pose naked for me again? Then I laughed out loud.

"Of course she would!"


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bshell47bshell47over 2 years ago


We need MORE!

Can’t wait for the next story.

winterplayingwinterplayingover 2 years ago

This is so good. I like your writing style. However, I too, like Havoc100 would like to see the sex scenes with a bit more description and emotion. Other than that this is a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

First class, thank you

Havoc100Havoc100over 2 years ago

Love the originality of your stories, they aren't the same old schtick we see so much of in this genre. But, this is a request, not a criticism, can you please fill out the sex scenes a little more. They are great, but I would prefer a little more detail and a little more description of the action. Please keep writing. This is the sixth submission of yours I have read and all have been 5 star, all enjoyable.

LovelyyoungthingLovelyyoungthingover 2 years ago

I habe read several of your stories. After a few years reading literotica stories, I have finally found a favorite author.

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredover 3 years ago

Confusing start, very difficult to figure out what was actually happening.

LegallySaneLegallySaneover 3 years ago
It was....

just mediocre. All of it. 3*

dikupinyadikupinyaalmost 4 years ago

great story line please continue. maybe get a 3some with wife and sis.

JagnagJagnagabout 4 years ago
Enjoyed it

Well thought out, well put together and well written 👍🏾

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Keep Writing

The title is the comment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good story!

I thought your story was good. It started out a little confusing, but once it became clear, it developed well. It went along well and built up to a great ending! Good work! Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great start

Would love another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Next Move

I'm thinking you should have his sister get pregnant and then more paintings start selling with the pregnant belly showing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Nice story.

Nice story, well written. Maybe a second part could have Emma and Serena naked together. Maybe Jed needs a painting a picture with two naked women, for a very wealthy client!

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