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Assassins MC Pt. 19


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I had plans to purchase and retool manufacturing plants and stand up Santana Hardware and Firearms, opening more employment for our newly released men and women. I would take out loans to cover the initial purchase and renovations of the factories, freeing up capital to make the payouts to everyone.

We would close our sex trade and anything associated with it, including escort services and brothels. The company would pay to resettle the women and they would get first choice for any jobs within the company before we advertised to the public. IBJPN would handle the logistics of hiring, training, and resettling everyone involved. Our security division, Ghost teams, and Black widows would remain and continue. Together they would become Santana Security.

We would rename Santana Acquisitions to Santana International Enterprises, and IBJPN Consulting to IBJPN Associates. IBJPN, Pillar Pharmaceuticals, Santana Security, and Santana Hardware and Firearms would all fall under Santana International Enterprises. The CEO of Santana would oversee a board comprising the presidents of Santana, Pillar, IBJPN, Santana Security, and Santana Firearms. The tie breaking board member would be a representative of the employees, giving them a vote in company business.

I apologized to everyone for going into boring details, but it was necessary for them to understand our operation and why these moves were necessary. When the Assassins stood up Santana to make them more money, they inadvertently put themselves on a trajectory that would see the business grow beyond the club's ability to manage it properly. This created the need to have the women run it, and to ensure loyalty, they subjugated the women. To ensure enough women were available to work, the daughters of the club members could not leave, forcing them into a life of servitude they had no way of escaping. The growth of the company perverted the foundation of the club's relationships with its families, and it was time to stop that perversion and make a clean break.

The men had various questions, most pertaining to how they would get their payouts and how much exactly it would be. No one had a question regarding what they would do if they stayed with the company, rather, they all wanted to know how the motorcycle club would operate. These were bikers, and it appeared they didn't want to give that up to work in business.

John brought up who would run Santana, and I opened it up for anyone to step forward, and I told John he would be first in line. He refused, saying he didn't know enough about business to run it, and didn't want to leave the club. No one else in the room wanted the position, so I volunteered. That was my plan all along, and I was correct when I reasoned these guys would only want the money and remain bikers. I would make it official in the coming days when we realigned everything.

Everyone was unanimous in their decision to stay in the club and separate from Santana. I told everyone to tell the other club members and ensure they spread word to anyone associated with the club what we were doing. I requested everyone to provide the names of the all the men and women affected by this to Isabella and her staff at IBJPN so we could begin processing. I would create overseas accounts for all the club members and deposit their money. This was in a country that the U.S. couldn't touch, making it safe from any future seizures. John would access the main club account, also set up overseas.

The men left, leaving me, Isabella, Beth and John. John began, "Well Rich, we're all multi-millionaires, but you're the one that's suddenly a billionaire. I like how you maneuvered yourself right into that."

"John, I'm not a billionaire yet." I responded, "The payouts and resettling will take around 75% of our capital, leaving me with less money than you're receiving, at least initially. I don't have access to much liquid capital since it's mostly locked up in the business. I'm taking all the risks here. If I can make it work, and my business plans pan out, yes, I will be wealthy. But if it doesn't, I leave with nothing. You will have your millions, and you have the club. Tomorrow when we begin the processes, I will have less money than I do today, and I won't draw a paycheck like I do now. I will only get paid if the business makes a profit, and only after we pay everyone else."

John saw the big picture now and looked relieved he was no longer trying to run everything. He told me it was a relief to get rid of the burden of keeping everything straight. He never had a business background and only wanted to be a biker. He commented how he will miss his entertainment women, and I commented there are always women who want to be biker chicks. And now that he's a multi-millionaire, he will attract even more. The company was worth billions of dollars, but each member lived off their paychecks, never accumulating much. Most of the company's money was wrapped up in the business, payouts, and bribes. The company lost a considerable amount of money trying not to get caught.

The conversation went to other topics, like what we planned now and what my women would decide to do. I didn't have an answer to that and would have to discuss it with them later that day. John also made a comment about Isabella and Brenda, and how he didn't think either woman would get the better of the other, both being dominant. Isabella just smiled, took out a small pink remote, and pushed the button. A few moments later Brenda came in, hurrying to Isabella, and said, "You wanted me, Mistress?"

John sat with his mouth wide open. Beth and I just smiled. While Isabella was out talking with Brenda, she put a remote vibrator in her, waiting for the perfect moment to use it. I don't know what Isabella said to Brenda, but few women could resist her. Isabella told her she was a good girl and could now take the vibrator out if she wanted. She handed the remote to Brenda and told her it was a gift and to enjoy herself. Brenda smiled and walked out of the office.

John commented I was a lucky man and marveled how a woman so dominant would submit to me. I told him it was her choice, that If she didn't want it, there was little I could do to make her. I agreed I was a lucky man to have Isabella in my life. I told John that I was no longer in the Assassins, nor were any of my women, but I would still see him from time to time. He was sorry to see Beth go and looked sad that he couldn't use her any longer. He asked for one more time for the road, but I declined. I told him, and Beth, that she was now mine and I would decide that. Beth looked at me and smiled. As we walked out we passed Brenda with a big smile on her face, and I could swear I heard a faint buzzing.

That evening everyone gathered around, and we talked about what was next. I explained to Julie and Penny what the club decided, and as of now, they were no longer associated with the Assassins. They were happy about that, but wanted to know what that meant. I explained they could leave if they wanted, but they didn't have to. I didn't want to put any pressure of the women and wanted them to make up their own minds. Penny and Julie looked at each other, then told me they wanted to stay part of the family. Penny asked if she could continue her education toward a degree in medicine, and I told her she could. Each woman would get a payout, like everyone else, so they would have their own money.

Beth, Nicole, and Isabella previously told me their intent on staying in the family and continue working for the company. I told everyone they would keep their jobs. Beth would become the president of Santana International, Nicole the president of Pillar, and Isabella the same position with IBJPN. I would take the CEO position and oversee all the businesses. However, even with me as the CEO, the women had the autonomy to run their individual businesses. They would answer to me and I would give them my desires for the strategic direction of the company. They inquired about the security and firearms divisions, and I told them I would have to speak with Roger and Susan about that.

I told the women I would split up the businesses into equal shares between us. We would each get 16%, with the remaining 4% put in a trust for any of our future children. What this meant was they wouldn't receive a paycheck until we paid everyone else, and only then from the profits. They all agreed, and until the company recovered from losing 75% of its value, they had their payoffs to fall back on. I wasn't taking a payout, so until that time, I would be the only poor person living in our house. This was a compromise for me having the final say as the CEO. I took all the risks, so I made the final decisions.

The next day I asked Roger what he planned. He hadn't decided yet, so I gave him the offer of running Santana Firearms. He liked the club, but liked the idea of running the business more. I sent him back to school for business, and while he went through the degree program, we laid out the groundwork and stood up the firearms division. Susan accepted my offer to become the president of Santana Security and oversee our Ghost and Black Widow teams.

After the payouts, I took all the women to see Reuben and get our Assassin tattoos covered up. I paid homage to my father and chose a red devil tattoo with a pitchfork. The women all loved it and thought it would be cool if we all had the same design. That's how we all ended up with our devil tattoos, mine on my arm, and the women's on their inner thigh. I asked Reuben, with all his money, why he still did tattoos. He told me he loved it, but he reassured me he was spending his money. Reuben and June bought a large house, new cars, and a boat. They were loving life and even joined the local country club to rub shoulders with the rich people. When I offered to pay him he said nonsense, and would be open to any future tattoos for me or anyone else we sent at a discount.

The company was in place; we were free from the Assassins, and life continued. The women called a family meeting to discuss with me the dynamic they wanted to move forward with. They each liked the way our family operated, with me and Isabella at the head and the other women submissive to us. They each enjoyed their freedom, but they enjoyed our family dynamic more. I told them if we continued there would be some requirements I had.

Before the club owned them, they didn't have a choice. Now, with their own money, they have plenty of choices. I've always enjoyed controlling women, and I lived with five with varying levels of submissiveness. I finally had the confidence to take charge, and since the women had a choice, I didn't feel bad about doing that. If they didn't like it, they could leave with no repercussions. I didn't want anyone to leave; I loved each one of them. However, if they stayed, they would live by my rules.

I told them I consider each of them my wife. If they were to be submissive to me, Isabella included, my word was final. It would help in the business, and would help at home. Also, unless I gave permission, there would be no sex with other men or women. Nicole asked about her parties, and I reassured her I would continue that, but I would be there. I gave Julie and Penny permission to see Thomas, and Isabella could still have fun with Maria. We basically became a family with an open marriage, but that openness ran through me. They all agreed to stay and abide by my rules.

I talked to Isabella first before talking to each woman individually. I asked her what she thought about the turn of events, and she was fine. For her, it changed little except her bank balance. She was always loyal to me and our family, not the club. She was also happy that we were remaining a family as she'd grown close with the other women. I told her my concerns for Beth. Beth needed attention, always looking for it. She also craved the feelings she received from being humiliated and used. With no other outlet, it worried me she would slide, not having a strong focus. John used her at the clubhouse, and she found comfort in that attention. Todd used her at Santana, giving her attention that she relished.

I told Isabella my idea and wanted her opinion. Nicole was self-sufficient it seemed, only needing an occasional gang bang party and sex a few times a week. Julie and Penny had each other. Beth only had us and needed more caring than any of the other women. Isabella was my wife, my number two, but I wanted to bring Beth closer to both of us, making her our wife. She would move into our bedroom and become part of our marriage, but remain submissive and serve us. This would give Beth the attention she desired and put her in a position to scratch her itch for humiliation.

Isabella and I spoke to Beth together. I told Beth she could not have sex with anyone outside of our house unless I ordered it. I also paid attention to her desire for sex with John when it involved humiliation, and it didn't escape me she was angling for more of that type of attention. Since she could no longer get that from outside, she would get it from us. While I considered all the women my wives, everyone knew I was closer to Isabella. I told Beth I wanted to bring her closer, make her part of mine and Isabella's marriage. She would remain submissive to us, serving us when we needed, and receive all the attention she desired. She would move into our room and become part of our relationship.

I also told her I would dominate her at work, just as John and Todd did previously. She was mine, and I would treat her as she desired and I wanted. I would dress her, tell her what to do, and expect her to always follow my instructions. I knew she liked humiliation, and I would ensure she received plenty. She brought up previously that John may also let other men use her, and she seemed excited about that. I told her I would do the same, let other men use her when I desired.

Beth sat there, put her hands up to her face, and started crying. At first I thought I was way out of bounds. After all, Beth was now 42 years old, and maybe I misread her. At her age, most women know what they want and aren't afraid of grabbing it. She never told me specifically she wanted that much control. She had been through a lot, and I was thinking she wanted to leave all the bullshit behind and be independent. I wouldn't blame her if she did, but when she looked up, I realized I was overthinking it.

She broke out into a big smile with tears still running down her face. She explained it worried her when the club let us and the businesses go. She knew I was closer to Isabella, and without the requirement of overseeing each of the women, she was afraid I would stop giving her attention. She told us that everything I described is what she's been wanting.

Beth jumped up and hugged both of us. We talked and worked out how we would set up our new dynamic. Over the next week I had some renovations done to add another closet to our room for Beth, so she had her own and had a larger bed built that would comfortably fit all three of us. It was the size of two king beds, and we had to yell to the person on the other side so they could hear us. I'm just kidding. But it was an enormous bed.

Next up were Julie and Penny. I knew going in that Julie drove their relationship forward regarding sex. Julie wanted more: more bondage, more abuse, more humiliation, and more sex. Penny was good with more sex and entertained Julie with the other parts. Penny enjoyed being submissive and used, but she wasn't near as interested as Julie. I talked with the girls and came up with a plan. Julie would be my personal security, and Penny would be Isabella's security when Penny wasn't in school. For the foreseeable future, we wouldn't have a need for the Black Widows or the Ghost teams, but I kept them on and continued training.

I told Julie I would be strict with her. She would be with me from the moment I woke until I went to bed. She would be with me at work and everywhere in between. Where I went, Julie was one step away. I told her I would use her as I saw fit, and some of those times would not be comfortable. I gave Julie time off in the afternoons to spend time with Katina, who spent considerable time at our house. I explained to Julie the way I was planning to treat her was as my personal slave, something I've always wanted to do. She liked that idea and explained to me it's what she's always wanted as well. She told me she was glad I finally had the balls to admit it, as it was something she saw in me from the beginning and was hoping I would come around and own her.

Honestly, I didn't own her, or any of the women. Once they received their payout, each would have more money than I did. Money, however, didn't matter to Julie. It would take me years to realize she hardly spent any money on herself, but what she spent went to Katina, her family, and Penny. Julie said everything sounded wonderful, but worried if I had the confidence to follow through. I assured her I did, but if I didn't, she had permission to kick my ass and set me straight. She told me she looked forward to that, and luckily she never had to.

Penny took up the mantle of dominating Julie in their relationship. I don't think Penny got over Julie almost getting them killed, and Penny took control of Julie, ensuring it wouldn't happen again. She stopped taking orders from Julie and began exerting herself. Many nights I heard Penny spanking Julie in their room and would come in to see Julie tied up on the bed while Penny was busy studying for school. Julie loved every minute and only wanted more.

Melissa continued working with Beth and became the vice president of Santana, and Madison the vice president of IBJPN. They eventually married a couple of nice men who also worked for the company. We made the payouts, resettled the women, and everything looked good. I receive the loans, bought two large factories, and started refurbishing and retooling for our new firearms and hardware business.

I kept in contact with the John and learned the attacks on the club members stopped when they separated from the businesses. That told me whoever was attacking us wasn't focused on the club. I had extra security set up for our data and financials. It was my priority to erase all proof of illegal activity and backfill it with legal data. We had a team of fifty people comb through our paperwork, digitizing it, and scrubbing any hint of impropriety.

I thought we settled our family dynamic when I received an alert on my phone one evening. I had our IT department continue tracking the women and work on a more powerful tracker for our Ghost teams and Black Widows. This was Nicole's tracker, and it alerted me when she moved out of range of her phone. She was out shopping, or so she told me. I watched as her tracker moved further from her phone and she was obviously driving somewhere. Her phone was at a hotel in town, and when I called it, I received no answer.

I sent Isabella over to the hotel with Penny and I took Julie with me to follow Nicole. We were fifteen minutes behind Nicole when the tracker stopped at a fraternity house of our local college. I had a good idea what Nicole was up to and I was getting pissed. When we arrived and walked in the door, the sight of ten college men surrounding a naked Nicole greeted us. I yelled for everyone to stop and the men immediately turned around. Nicole was on her hands and knees impaled between two men who continued to fuck her.

We stood in an open foyer that opened up to a dining room to the left and a living room to the right. The men were all in the living room. A staircase led upstairs in front of us, with a door to the right of that. I noticed a keg on the dining room table along with bottles of various alcohol. We had to step over a few empty cups and beer bottles on our way in the door.

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