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Assisting the Bradys Ch. 06


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Tera pondered for a few moments, then looked at me with a gleam in her eyes. "Well, first off, the two of you need to go off by yourselves for a while. Spend the day and the night, if you want, alone. Just the two of you reconnecting and not feeling obligated to have sex with any of the rest of us, or the temptation either, for that matter. It's easy to get caught up in fantastic sex and not pay enough attention to the one you love most.

"While you two are off doing whatever, the rest of us will come up with something interesting. It will be a surprise for both of you."

I gave her the side eye. "Please don't get too crazy."

Her eyes twinkled with mischief and she did her best evil laugh imitation. Her sweet voice doesn't lend itself well to evil laughs and she had me giggling in no time. We finished our coffee and I followed her into the kitchen. Tera stopped. "OH! I know! Wait here for a minute. I'll be right back."

She took off like a woman on a mission and I waited curiously for her return. Ten minutes later I was beginning to wonder if she was coming back when she walked into the room and handed me a key. "This is for the condo in Miami. I've ordered you guys a rental car and I'll give you the address before you leave. Now, go get packed."

I grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "I love you so much, Tera. I know this seems strange, but the last few days I've loved having you near me and I'm going to miss you."

She kissed my lips. "Get a grip, girl. The last thing you need to be doing is thinking about me. Ben deserves your undivided attention and you know it. I'll be here when you get back and I will always be here for you. Now stop being an emotional asshole and go get your husband. Jesus Christ, bitch. It's only a day, or two, or three. Take all the time you need."

She was right. I was being a needy bitch. The gift she had just given me had made me emotional and my response had been emotional. I can't imagine a world where I would have to choose between Tera and my husband. In that world, I would always choose Ben, but I would grieve over Tera for the rest of my life. I wasn't going to let that happen. Perspective now achieved, I grinned at her, hugged her tight, kissed her sweet lips, then ran to get packed.

I went to the bedroom and saw Trisha and Tess entwined and sleeping. The shower was running and I went into the bathroom. I watched my hunky hubby showering until he started washing his cock. My involuntary moan got his attention and he grinned at me while slowly stroking his cock. "You had better stop that. You know better than to play with a weapon like that. It might go off in your hand. Finish up. We have somewhere to go."

He quirked an eyebrow at me but I walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed a suitcase and began packing a few things to wear. As soon as Ben walked into the room I told him what we were doing and he kissed me so deeply that my eyes welled up with tears. How can I possibly deserve love like this? The twins woke up because of the noise we were making and I told them that Ben and I were taking off for a day. I expected a little resistance, maybe some pouting. What I got was enthusiasm. They were both so happy for us that all my concerns flew away.

I had been harboring some doubts about Trisha and Tess. They were so young and so in love with my husband that I couldn't help but worry that their emotions would go off the rails. I knew that they meant well, but I was afraid that they would find some way to justify stealing my husband from me. The doubt was petty and unkind, but they were screwing my husband and both of them were in love with him. I think I had every right to be concerned. I just happen to be smart enough to keep such concerns to myself. I trusted Ben to do the right thing.

Their happiness for us made me realize my concerns were baseless. They did love him, but they cared for me as well and they knew Ben and I meant everything to each other. They seemed happy in their role in our lives. I guess I would have been too in their place, but we're talking about Ben here and there is no way I would have settled for second place in his heart. I had projected my own insecurities onto them and that was far from fair.

Feeling a bit guilty and with a lot of affection, I jumped onto the bed and traded kisses with them for a little while. Their hands began to wander and I made my escape before they distracted me too much for my own good. Ben had stopped packing and was calmly watching us with a smile on his face. I gave the girls a soft push. "Get off me bitches. You're getting me all wet and we need to go."

We finished packing while the twins made a bathroom visit. They each kissed Ben then I gathered them in my arms. The three of us stood there hugging and sharing a few kisses. "OK, we have to go. I love you both and we'll see you in a day or two."

Their eyes were gleaming with unshed tears and they both talked at once, "I love you too, Anne."

Trisha gave me another kiss. "Take care of you and Ben. We'll be right here waiting when you get back."

Tess giggled. "Have fun, 'cause you know we will!"

Tera and Lance followed us out the front door, where the rental car waited. I was saying my goodbyes to Tera and Lance and was startled when Ben exclaimed, "Holy shit, what a car!"

I looked at the rental Porsche turbo Carrera convertible. The blue metallic paint gleamed in the sun while my husband drooled over it like it was a porn star. I laughed at his exuberance even though I fully understood it. I couldn't wait to drive it myself.

Roughly an hour and a half later we arrived at Belle Island and settled into the condo. The next twenty-four hours were some of the most fun, and most loving, hours I have ever spent. Ben and I spent most of it just being together talking, touching, laughing, and reconnecting. I've never been so happy.

We played tennis the following morning. Neither of us is turning pro any time soon, but we were damn serious amateurs and we both had a competitive streak a mile long. We played the best of three sets and it took us two hours to do it. The competition was intense because neither of us held anything back. It was glorious, especially since I won. The two games that put me over the top were both won with passing shots that were fractions of an inch from being out.

We grabbed our stuff and I headed to the women's shower room. I walked up to my locker and started stripping down. I had the place to myself and entertained the idea of getting Ben to join me. I decided that he would probably prefer me clean and in his bed. I grabbed my towel and headed to the communal shower.

The hot water felt amazing and I let it rain over me. I braced two hands on the wall and let the water fall down my back. It was a Zen-like moment until suddenly, it wasn't. A naked body was against my back and hands cupped both my tits. A very hard cock was pressed into my ass and I screamed. Well, I should have screamed. I didn't scream, though. I moaned. I moaned because I knew that cock well, and I knew the hands playing with my tits, and I knew I wanted his cock in me so bad.

I kept my hands against the wall. "Don't hurt me, sir. I'll do anything you want."

He grunted huskily, not wanting to ruin the fantasy by talking. I began to raise and lower my ass, jacking his cock with the cheeks of my ass. "Any... Thing... You... want."

His tongue ran up the side of my neck and his teeth gently gnawed on my ear. He growled again and a primal shock ran through my pussy. I wanted him to take me so badly right then. "You can fuck me. You can fuck me hard and fast while your big fat cock makes me cum over and over. You can make me scream for you as you shoot your hot cum deep into my married pussy. I won't tell, unless you want me to.

"Do you want me to tell my friends how good you fucked me? I will, if you want. I'll tell them how you possessed me, you ravaged me, and you made me beg for it.. I'll tell them how you took me in the shower. Is that what you want? I'll do that but I must tell you that I never tell a lie. If I'm going to tell them that.... Well, then, I guess you're gonna have to do it. Don't ya' think?"

His right hand slid down from my tit and cupped my pussy. He split my labia with his fingers and slid his finger up and across my clit. My thighs slapped together, clamping his hand in place as I shuddered with arousal. His hand moved to my hip, and his other hand let go of my tit. He must have taken hold of his cock with it because I felt his cock move from the crack of my ass downward until he pushed between my thighs.

He grabbed my hips with both hands and began stroking his cock between my legs, making his cockhead run across my clit, and instantly driving me insane with lust. "Please, sir. Please don't put your big fat cock in my sweet little pussy. Please don't fuck me hard against this wall. Please don't shoot your hot cum in me. Please don't make me cum all over your cock."

He bit my shoulder enough to sting a little and suddenly, his cock was pushing into me. I arched my back and braced my arms as he sank deeper and deeper until I was so deliciously full. A hand came up and squeezed my breast while his thumb and finger twisted my nipple. He slowly pulled out, then sank in deep. He did it again and again. Then he ravaged me. His cock plunging deep and hard. One hand played my clit while the other played my tit, and his cock began pounding my pussy.

It was glorious and I came loud and hard in no time at all. I was gasping in the aftermath and he just kept fucking me. "Fuck me! OH GOD FUCK ME!"

He made me cum so hard that my legs went weak, and I dropped to the floor. Luckily, all I had to do was turn around and swallow the cock in front of my face. I lusted for his cock. I wanted it to cum for me and I wanted to swallow every bit of it. I stroked him with both hands while my mouth and tongue worshipped his massive tool. He was so fucking hard, and yet he swelled bigger and I knew it was time. He exploded into my mouth and I nearly choked when his cum hit the back of my throat. I milked every particle of cum from his wonderful cock before kissing the tip and looking up at him.

The man standing there grinned. "I don't know who you are, but you are an amazing fuck."

I grinned back. "You look a lot like my husband."

He helped me to my feet. "Yeh, I get that a lot."

We washed each other while kissing as much and as often as possible. I dressed and followed his naked ass to his shower room and watched while he dressed. We went to the condo long enough to grab the suitcase. I climbed into the Porsche driver's seat and we took off.

Traffic was insane until we were half an hour from Jupiter. I opened up the Porsche and we had a blast until the radar detector went batshit crazy. I was back down to the speed limit when we passed the trooper. He hit his rotating lights for a second as we passed him. Just his little passive-aggressive way of saying, "I see you and I know what you've been up to."

I frankly didn't give a fuck. Knowing and proving are two different animals. Two miles down the road, I pressed the pedal deep again just to be belligerent. I let off pretty quickly because I'm not stupid, I didn't want to kill anyone, and there was probably another State Trooper just up ahead waiting for a blue Porsche. I was going two miles an hour over the limit when I passed him five minutes later. Another flash of the lights and a casual wave from me ended my social interaction with the highway patrol for the day. I really wanted to get that car onto a road course so I could see what she could do. I told Ben as much and he nodded like he was saying, "I hear you."

He played on his phone for a while and I was starting to get a little pissed off that he wasn't talking to me. He pointed at the exit sign ahead. "Get off here and take the left."

He kept guiding me and my curiosity was killing me. "Are you going to tell me where we are going?"

He grinned at me. "Nope."

The last turn gave it away. The sign was fifty feet in the air and very obvious. My loving husband had found me a road course track and was sitting there smirking, all proud of himself. I had no trouble admitting that he had every right to be proud of himself.

An hour and a half of checking in, safety briefings, and check rides later, I took the Porsche onto the track. I didn't break any track records but I had a blast and I bumped right up against the amateur track record for the car class the Porsche resided in. I was very proud and absolutely giddy. I made Ben drive the rest of the way to Jupiter. Driving on normal roads would have felt like crawling after the adrenaline rush of the track.

I spotted a roadside park not far from Jupiter and asked Ben to pull in. I needed a last moment alone with him before we joined our friends and lovers. We sat down at a picnic table as far from the parking lot and restrooms as we could get. Actually, he sat down, and I sat on his lap. "Ben, I thought I loved you with all my being, but every day you make me love you even more."

We kissed for a long and wonderful time. Ben looked into my eyes while his hand caressed my cheek. "I've never loved you more than I do in this moment. I can't imagine a world where you weren't my soul mate.

"Here we are, loving each other so very much and more than I ever dreamed. I was concerned in the beginning that seems like a lifetime ago but was only days ago. I worried that I would lose you to another man. I worried that opening our marriage would end our marriage. I worried about so many things because the thought of losing you is too much to bear.

"You ended up with Lance and Tera and I ended up with Trisha and Tess. I was so scared it would all go sideways and I'd lose you. I never dreamed that we would fall for them. Well, except for Lance. Let's face it. I'm never going to be into guys.

"My point is that I resisted at first, but I know now that I care deeply for Tera, Trisha, and Tess. The strangest thing about it is that I can't imagine loving you more than I do right now. What's even stranger is the fact that I know I will love you, even more, tomorrow and the day after that. Instead of causing a rift between us, loving the Brady women has brought us closer."

I didn't hesitate. "I believed from the beginning that letting them into our hearts was a wonderful thing. I had my concerns about Trisha and Tess, but they put them to rest. I love them all dearly and they make you and me so very happy.

"Lance is a bit of a different story. I care for him, and I consider him a wonderful friend, but I don't have the feelings for him that I have for the women in the family. I suppose it's because being with Lance is not something we share. We both have deep feelings for Tera, Trisha, and Tess. I don't see you ever having romantic feelings for Lance, or him for you, for that matter.

I just don't see myself falling in love with Lance if you aren't in love with him as well. Since we both know that will never happen, I'm perfectly content to have him as a fuck buddy. I wouldn't do that with just anyone, but I'm in love with his wife and daughters. I can't love them and pretend he doesn't exist. I wouldn't want that anyway. Lance is a wonderful man and a wonderful lover. I enjoy being with him very much and I value his friendship.

"I guess what I'm saying is that even though we don't have a romantic love connection with Lance, I think our future with the Bradys is going to be wonderful. Is there someone else that you have feelings for and would like to consider as part of our love pentangle? Octagon? Whatever many sides it is?

"No, Babe. You've met more new people than I have. Do you have feelings for Tom, Scott, or both? What about Tony? I don't know who else."

Tears filled my eyes. "I told you, Ben. They were fun and could be fun again, but I don't feel that way about any of the people in New York. There is something you need to understand about me that I thought was obvious, but I understand your need to hear me say it. Haven't you noticed that I've fallen for more than one woman but never another man?

"I feel closer to Lance than anyone but you and I don't love him. I don't think I ever will. I care about him because he's a wonderful friend, lover, and boss. I care about Tom and Scott because of the way they treat me. I don't love any of them. When it comes to the men in my life, there is only one that I love with all of my being and that's you.

"I don't know how to be anything but what I am. Maybe I'm weird or something, but while I can love other women, you are the only man I love or ever will love."

He held me close without words for a while. I knew he was working his way through some things and I waited until he was ready. "Anne, I love our life with the Bradys and I want to see where that takes us. I think it will be a wonderful place. I also want us to have fun with other people if that's what you want too."

He looked at me fearfully but said it anyway. "I don't like you being with people outside of the Bradys without me. I don't like that two men were with you and I wasn't there to watch over you. I know from what you told me that Tom and Scott are good men, but what if they hadn't been?

"The real problem for me is you being intimate with another man away from me. I trust you completely, but I don't trust the world around you. As much as you love me I fear that some stud will entice you away from me if I give him half a chance. He'll find some way to worm his way between us, to create issues that don't exist and make you doubt me. If I'm not involved, then I can't defend myself or our marriage.

"Please understand, Anne. This isn't about me trusting you. It's about my fear of losing you. If we can't share these experiences, then I don't want to have them at all."

I looked into my husband's fearful eyes. I hated that look on him. I've never seen him afraid of anything. While what he had said sounded a lot like an ultimatum, it was certainly an understandable one, and well within his rights as my husband. He had never said anything like that before and I knew the fear on his face came from that. He was afraid I would refuse his request and I needed to fix this right now. "Ben, I'm so very sorry that I worried you. I never stopped to think that you might worry after you told me I could have fun. I should have understood your feelings better and for that I am ashamed.

"By the same token, you need to be honest with me and tell me how you feel. I promise I won't have a problem with it. You can't sacrifice your happiness for mine. Our marriage doesn't work that way. I need you to be happy too."

He held me so tight that I was having trouble breathing. His arms relaxed and he nuzzled my neck before looking into my eyes. "Honey, I'm sorry too. I can't tell you it's fine for you to be with someone, then tell you I don't like it after the fact. I'm not upset with you about the fun you had. You are my true love and my treasure."

What he hadn't said, but I understood clearly, was that when it came to me, he couldn't distance himself and be his usual logical self. He loved me so much that his only abiding fear was losing me. I couldn't blame him for that. My worst nightmare is losing him. "Does this mean you want to limit things to the Bradys? Because if that is what you want, then I will be happy to do that."

He shook his head. "Not at all. As long as we're doing it together, supporting each other, and sharing our experiences, I want us to see what the future brings."

I had no problem with any of that and kissed him gently. "I'm fine with that but there is something that you need to understand in the deepest part of you. I don't care how good he is in bed. No man is taking me from you. The only way I'll leave you is if you carry me kicking and screaming from the house because I will never stop loving you. I married you fully expecting that you would be my last lover forever. I have absolutely no problem going back to that."

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