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At Long Last: Gwen Ch. 03


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"Get off it, Mother!" Charles shouted.

Barb lost it and rushed her brother and slapped him. Unfortunately, he turned and slapped her back and quite hard. Barb's head snapped back and she went down.

Gwen screamed and I said, "Uh oh!" and I stood up and started for Barb and Charles screamed at me, "Oh, you want some of that, too?"

I said, "No, I want to attend to Barb."

I got to Barb and got down on my knees and was glad to discover that the fluttering of her eyelids was diminishing and her eyes were focusing. I picked her up and laid her on the couch and propped her head on a pillow and held up three fingers. She said, "Three."

I turned to Charles and said, "I think you better leave and I think you better seek counseling for whatever is ailing you."

Charles' eyes became huge and he screamed, "What?"

I repeated myself and Charles laughed at me and said contemptuously, "Counseling?! That's where weaklings, the likes of you, go."

Gwen snapped, and yelled, "Get out of here Charles! Get out, get out, get out!"

Charles scowled and said, "Fine! I'm leaving." And, then, he turned and spat on my shirt.

I grabbed Charles and had him in a standing hammer lock before he knew what happened and I turned to Gwen and said, "He's probably going to lose some blood and I don't want it all over the carpet and furniture."

Gwen looked at me uncomprehendingly and I said, "Come outside. I want a witness."

She followed me as I dragged Charles kicking and swearing out the front door onto the lawn where I released him and shoved him away. As I suspected he would, he uttered a mighty oath and turned and charged at me and, in his mindless headlong rush, his nose somehow collided with my left fist.

Blood arced out of his face and his nose flattened. He made some kind of inhuman noise I'd not heard before and he was flat on his back choking on his own blood. I'm not sure if Charles knew if he was in northern Virginia or Outer Mongolia. I'm also pretty sure he didn't care.

I gave Gwen my cell phone and asked her to call 911 explaining that Charles was going to the local psychiatric ward. I rolled Charles onto his stomach so that he didn't choke and Gwen made the call. The police and ambulance arrived within seconds of each other and Barb, Gwen, and I gave our statements to the police. Neither Gwen nor Barb could account for Charles' behavior and they gave the police the phone number of Charles' father thinking he might be able to lend some insight to the situation.

The police left and the three of us went inside and I poured coffee for everyone. No one spoke until I said, "I don't think that was your son, Gwen, or your brother, Barb. Like you, I have no idea what's wrong with him, but I think he's where he can get some help."

After coffee, I excused myself, and busied myself with my book. Barb eventually went to lie down and Gwen came to me and curled up in my lap and closed her eyes. I held her and we sat wordlessly.

About five o' clock Charles' and Barb's dad, Gwen's ex, showed up. We introduced ourselves and, thankfully, he didn't introduce himself as Charles Davis, the First.

His first question was, "Whose idea was it to put the kid in the psych ward?"

I indicated that it was mine.

"Good call," was his dad's response. "I've been on him for three months to get some help because he has simply been out of control."

He turned to Barb and said, "I don't think you should hear what I have to say. Please disappear for just a few minutes, Barb."

Barb looked at her mother and Gwen said, "She stays."

Gwen's ex heaved a big sigh and said, "All right. Here it is in unvarnished detail. Charles has been struggling at work and his negative attitude has gotten him into some trouble at work. I'm not sure he can hold onto this job. His trouble at work has simply torn him to pieces."

"Secondly," and he glanced nervously at Barb, "in the last two months he's gotten two women into bed and both laughed at his"...and he groped for the word and finally blurted out,'equipment.' One woman went so far as to tell him that his Escalade was his way for compensating for that 'worm' in his pants."

He continued, "Charles' self-esteem is gone. He's in a state of rage against everyone and anyone and himself."

He then turned to me and said, "Let me commend you on the restraint you apparently showed. I read the police statement and you went beyond the call of duty not to hurt him."

He turned to Gwen and Barb and said, "I'm sorry."

To Gwen he said, "You didn't raise that boy the way he's turned out. I have no idea why he ran off the track, but he's a train wreck right now. Maybe the psychiatrist at the hospital can help him."

He got up and started to leave saying, "What a mess this is."

Gwen stopped him with her question, "How do you know this?"

Her ex turned and with tears in his eyes, he said, "That's the most pathetic part of it all. He tells me all this first-hand."

He left and the three of us looked at each other in amazement.

After a long silence, Barb asked, "What's the moral of this story?"

Gwen got up from the table and started fooling with the coffee pot and then looked back to Barb and said, "Grow a big one."

Barb turned bright red in embarrassment.

Somehow I kept a straight face and got up and walked up to Gwen and picked her up and she wrapped herself around me and gave me one of those marathon kisses that would have gone on longer if Barb hadn't said, "Hey you two, I'm embarrassed enough already."

Gwen and I grinned at each other and I put her down gently. She shielded Barb with her body and gave Ivan a big squeeze.

Gwen got one of those devilish looks on her face and said, "What a day this has been. Let's make it a trifecta and call Grandpa."

Barb laughed and clapped her hands and said, "That will provide some comic relief!"

Barb turned to me, "Grandpa is Archie Bunker in real life. He hates everyone who isn't white, Republican, Protestant, and hasn't been in this country two-hundred years or more.

"This should be interesting," I said.

Gwen said to me, "You're not going to believe this. Just don't take it personally, OK?"

I nodded, "OK."

Gwen dialed and we heard her dad answer.

"Hi Dad, this is Gwen. How are you?"

"Gwen! I'm fine O Apple of My Eye. How are you?"

"I'm really well, Dad, and I'm calling to tell you that I'm getting married and I want you to come here to give me away."

Dad gave a whistle and asked, "You're not marrying another mean little bastard like the last one are you?"

"No Dad, this is really a fine man."

"Oh yeah? What's he do?"

"He's a professor, Dad."

"A professor! That is worse than that bastard you married. Professors are Communists"

"No, Dad, this fellow isn't a Communist."

"I'll bet the sonofabitch is a Commie. And a damn liberal, too! Bastards!"

"No, Dad, he's fine."

"What's the sonofabitch's name. I'm going to investigate him."

"Dad! There's nothing to investigate."

I grabbed a note pad and scribbled "Alger Hiss" on the pad and pointed to myself.

Gwen shook with laughter and said, "OK, Dad. His name is Alger Hiss."

"That even sounds Communist. How's he spell it?"

Gwen spelled it for him.

Her Dad then asked, "Is this professor a Jew? Damn, I hate Jews."

"No, Dad, this man is a Presbyterian."

"Wow, this sonofabitch is a really sneaky Commie. He's not black is he? Damn, I hate blacks."

Barb, nearly splitting her sides by now, had to leave the room so her Grandpa couldn't hear her laughing.

"No, Dad, this man is white."

"Well, at least you got the color right. Now, don't you go making any plans you can't cancel until I investigate this professor. Damn, I hate liberal bastards."

"OK, Dad, I'll be waiting right here for your report."

"You do that, Girl. My God, a professor can't support you. They give all their money to liberal causes. They're going to be the ruination of this country. I'll bet this sonofabitch approves of gay marriage."

"Dad, he doesn't approve or disapprove of gay marriage. He thinks it's a civil right for two people to marry."

"He's a goddamn liberal then. Damn, I hate liberals."

"I know Dad. But, I love you because you don't discriminate against anyone. You hate them all equally."

"That's right, dammit. Communists, all of them.

"OK, Dad. I'll be right here.

"How's that beautiful granddaughter of mine?"

Gwen responded, "Barbara is fine, Dad. She's just a delight."

Her Dad then asked, "How's that little prick of a grandson of mine?"

Gwen, and Barb, who was listening at the doorway to the kitchen, both looked shocked and then Gwen burst into laughter and said, "He's just as you described, Dad."

I saw Barb blush purple and heard Gwen's dad say, "Mean little bastard, too."

Gwen was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes and her Dad asked, "When are you marrying this Commie professor?"

"We haven't decided, Dad. Probably in June and I'll let you know."

"All right, Sweetie. You be good and take care of yourself."

"Bye, Dad."

"Bye, Sweetie."

By now, all three of us had tears of laughter in our eyes.

"I have a question" I said. "What happens when he investigates Alger Hiss and discovers that he's been dead since 1996?"

Gwen laughed and said, "Oh, he won't investigate anyone. That's just his bluster and posturing. When he meets you, he'll be a pussycat."

"Does he really hate Jews and blacks?"

Both Gwen and Barb laughed and Barb said, "He doesn't even know any black people."

Gwen added, "One of his best friends at the senior center is Jewish and Dad doesn't even know it. The Jewish guy baits him all day long into saying outrageous things about Jews."

"How old is your Dad?" I asked.

Gwen thought a moment and said, "He's 77 or 78 now."

"This," I said, "should be funny."

All in all, the day was a wash. Both women had a lot of fun and both women were mystified and saddened by the behavior of their son and brother. I was amazed at the three-ring circus into which I'd wandered.

When we got to bed that night Gwen asked that I hold her. She was quiet for long periods of time and I suspected that she was grieving over her son. At other time she laughed and I suspected she was thinking either about her conversations with the wives of my friends or her Dad's bluster.

Suddenly Gwen just said, "O Lord, how I love you," and she hugged me with some amazing strength. I was so touched that she had five cats huddled near her. Each of them had apparently sensed her mood and they had come to comfort her.


On Sunday, we went to church and spent a very quiet day. Gwen rested and Barb and I played some board games and watched a little pro basketball on TV. Late Sunday afternoon, Barb departed for school and said she wished she didn't have to leave. Her reason: "Life is crazy here."

On Monday, Gwen and I slipped into our routine although Gwen did point out that Ivan had been ignored of late so Anastasia and Ivan enjoyed a long, slow screw that culminated with Gwen cumming loudly. She asked me not to cum in her saying she wanted Ivan to "squirt on my ta-tas." As I neared orgasm I pulled out of Gwen and she sucked Ivan until my groan signaled that I was about to explode. She aimed Ivan and I spurted my cum all over Gwen's nipples. She then sucked me until I had fully softened and we showered and our day unfolded.

In the next few days I made some real progress on the book and I could see the end in sight.

On Wednesday evening the phone rang and Gwen answered it and then turned to me with a really puzzled expression on her face and said, "It's my dean for you."

I spoke to the dean who made me laugh when he thanked me profusely for ridding him of that 'asshole Gearhart.' He then stunned me by asking if I'd be the acting chair of Gwen's department until the end of June.

Being really surprised, I pulled up a chair and sat and asked him why he was asking me to be acting chair. Gwen's eyes became very large and the little vixen unzipped me and extracted Ivan and began sucking him. She would look at me and nod her head and resume sucking. Clearly, she wanted me to be the acting chair.

I pointed out that Gwen was in the department and untenured and my serving as her chair was simply untenable and improper. He assured me that it would be fine given that the appointment would be for only three months and for only three to four hours daily.

I also had to remind him that I was on sabbatical and drawing a salary from my own university and my own university might have a problem with what was really double-dipping. The dean assured me that he would check that hurdle, but he wanted to know if I was amendable to the idea.

By now the Princess had lost all her clothes and had climbed onto the chair and was facing me. As the dean spoke, she was rubbing the head of my cock up and down her incredibly wet pussy.

My next question, would I thought, give him pause. I said, "How competent is the administrative assistant, because that's really who runs the department."

Gwen continued teasing her pussy with the head of my cock and I was having some genuine difficulty paying attention to the dean's response.

What I took from his response was that he had checked that carefully and had determined that the only reason the department had functioned at all during Gearhart's tenure was the knowledge and persuasiveness of the administrative assistant.

"What do you need done in the next three months?" was my next question.

Gwen had resumed sucking me and I knew it was useless to tell her to stop. The little vixen was enjoying this too much to stop and I guessed she was aching to tell me that I let her get away with anything. The fact that I did, didn't help my position at all.

The dean explained that he really didn't have a department at all. He did have eleven individuals all functioning in their own orbit and only Gwen had had the sense to go to the other departments in the school and say, "These are the courses I teach. Do you have a preference when I teach them so your students can access them?"

"In short," the dean explained, "I need them to have a departmental mission and a school mission. What I have now are a bunch of courses being taught out of sequence or at the inappropriate time."

Gwen had now turned around and was teasing my cock doggy style. I had to admit she felt awfully good.

"Are you aware," I asked the dean that I've managed my entire career to avoid being the chair of my department?"

The dean laughed, "That must be a story unto itself. But, I'm not worried about that. You've been around long enough to know what to do."

My final offering was, "Check this out at my place and if they don't object, we'll talk further."

The dean said, "Fine. Do I start with your chair or dean?"

"I guess," was my best estimate.

"Ah, you're as confused as I am. OK, I'll talk to you soon."

The conversation ended and Gwen thrust herself, doggy style, onto my cock.

"Princess, what are you doing and why are you doing this?"

Gwen said, "I'm practicing being the evil assistant professor who sneaks into her chairman's office and screws him."

"That's very evil and unethical," I noted.

"Yes, but Anastasia craves power. She will stop at nothing when it comes to her chairman's cock."

She rocked back and forth on my cock and said, "Phooey, this is no fun. I can't look into your eyes like this."

She pulled herself off my cock and lay on the floor with her legs spread swiveling her pussy at me.

I just stared at this amazing woman and she frowned and ordered, "Mount me, Old Man."

Boy, did I ever.

After her orgasm, she yelled at me because she had leaked all over the carpet and we had five cats looking at us like we were crazy. "You shouldn't ravish me in front of the babies. What will they think? And, look at the mess you made on the carpet!"

I gently reminded Gwen that she was the evil assistant professor in this scenario and she had made the mess and the chairman certainly didn't clean up after the evil assistant professor.

Gwen pouted magnificently and decided that she could argue her way out of the carpet cleaning. When I suggested that perhaps the assistant professor might have four different preparations the next semester, she got up and retrieved the carpet cleaner and did a nice job on the carpet. And, all I had to listen to was a litany of complaints about the abuse of power by the chairman.

When the carpet was cleaned she came to me and sat, still naked, on my lap and I asked, "Why do you want me to serve as your acting chair?"

Gwen flashed her devilish grin and said, "You would be so serious and professorial and I could sneak into your office and suck Ivan."

"What if I wouldn't let you do that?"

Gwen smiled her Mona Lisa smile and said, "Fat chance of that!"

I burst out laughing as did she. She, of course, stuck out her tongue and then she said, "I love you, Old Man," and she hugged me fiercely.


Life, however, was getting complex. Gwen had put her house on the market to sell. I was reviewing all of her teaching materials so that I knew how to present her case for a lectureship at my own university and Gwen was calling the hospital every few days to see if she could learn anything about Charles the Second's condition.

The hospital was so secretive we had some doubts he was even a patient there. In fact, Gwen asked me to go to the hospital to confirm that he was there. Instead, I went to a judge who called the hospital for me and asked if they wanted to do this the easy way or the hard way. The hospital chose the easy way and confirmed that Charles was in treatment and was 'making progress' which was less than useful information. But, at least Gwen knew that Charles was hospitalized and receiving treatment.

Then the phone started ringing. First, it was my chair and then my dean and finally the vice provost for academic affairs all wondering if I was resigning to move to northern Virginia. I had to assure each of them, separately, that I'd be back in August to start the academic year.

I did use the opportunity to talk to each of them about an appointment for Gwen and indicated that I had reviewed her teaching materials and they were stellar.

As I explained it to them, all of her teaching was based on student engagement in the material. Passive learning was absent. Students constantly had to answer questions, work problems, and apply reasoning to the material.

The dean was quite interested and said he'd get back to me in a few days. True to his word, he did call back and say that the school did, as he suspected, badly need a statistics instructor who could manage at least two intro and one advanced stats classes each semester.

He asked me to send him her materials for local review and if her materials passed muster, she would be invited to interview for a teaching position.

Gwen mailed the materials and we sat back to wait to hear something.

If this wasn't enough to disrupt my efforts at a quiet, ordered, life, Gwen's dad called to say he wanted to fly down to Virginia to meet me and he wanted to know when I'd be in town.

Gwen explained that I lived with her and the old coot nearly had a cardiac event. He ranted and raved that the country's morality was going to hell in a hand basket and what could he expect from a damned liberal named Alger Hiss and what the hell kind of a name was that anyway?

Gwen laboriously explained that I was not Alger Hiss and we had played a joke on him and Gwen explained that Hiss may or may not have been a Communist, but he served time in jail for being deemed one. The old guy was completely confused, but Gwen finally explained it in terms he could understand.

She carefully explained that my name was Will David and she would send money so Dad could purchase a round trip ticket for the next weekend. Dad promised to punch Will David in the nose for compromising his daughter's virtue.

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