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Auctioning Off Isabel


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In the aftermath, a contest developed between Steve and the couple. The couple had consulted each other in whispers and finally actually offered 12.500,- Euro. Steve took note of this quite unimpressed and then said quietly, but in such a way that everyone heard it anyway: "20.000."

A disbelieving murmur went through the hall. It was now clear to everyone, including me, that Isabel would belong to the old man for the next three days.

"To the third!", I heard Sam shout. Now it was official. An elderly gentleman called Steve had indeed bought my girlfriend at auction. For 20,000 euros. My head was spinning. I wondered what he would ask of Isabel for that kind of money. I heard Sam call my name. He said it was my job to lead Isabel to the new owner. Dazed, I walked to the stage. Sam pressed a piece of paper into my hand and said I had to read this to the new owner. All the audience applauded standing up as I led the naked Isabel past them to Steve. When we reached them, Isabel let go of my hand, kissed me goodbye on the cheeks and went to Steve.

"I see you do indeed have the wherewithal."

"We chipped in," Steve said with a grin.

"I almost thought so," Isabel told him, "then may I congratulate you all on the successful purchase of - me."

She smiled and jokingly struck a few poses reminiscent of pin-up pictures from the 1950s. Then she took the last few steps and stood with the three men.

Steve put his hand on her bottom and stroked it.

"Ever since I saw you, I've dreamed of fucking you in the ass."

Isabel smiled at him. It was a peculiar smile, the likes of which I had never seen from her before. It was friendly and affectionate, but there was also a certain amount of mockery in it. In addition, and I had to admit this to myself, this smile was also full of anticipation and excitement.

"It looks like," Isabel then said to Steve, and if I wasn't mistaken, she stretched her bottom further back, against his hand, "your dream will come true very soon."

The three men rejoiced like snow kings. They couldn't keep their hands off Isabel and touched her all over, in anticipation of what they would now do to her for three days. And again I was surprised that Isabel didn't mind these touches, which normally she would surely have found encroaching and sleazy, she even seemed to enjoy them. Silence fell, a microphone was held in front of my mouth and I read off what was written on the note.

"Congratulations on the successful auction of my girlfriend Isabel. She will be there for the next three days only to fulfill your desires, sexual desires being specifically included. Her natural state during this time will be that of nudity. I ask that you use her in any way that gives you pleasure and satisfaction. You are welcome to dispense with condoms due to the current health tests, ejaculation on or into my girlfriend can happen entirely at your own discretion and will be valued as a sign of your satisfaction. I now wish you much pleasure with my girlfriend."

"Haha," cried Bruno, "we'll have that!"

The audience, which had formed a circle around us, applauded one last time, then everyone returned to their tables or prepared to go home. I couldn't take my eyes off Isabel and the three men. Steve had his arm around Isabel's bare waist and she was nestled against his chest as if she was his wife. Isabel smiled at me, but as one would smile at a distant acquaintance. She was already completely absorbed in her new role as the possession of the three old men, and somehow it wanted to seem to me that there was a special connection between her and Steve. I looked at him more closely. He was probably about 65 years old, tall, had mottled grey hair and a grey moustache. He had a very strong back, as if he had once been a swimmer. He was quite attractive for his age, I thought. Everything about him radiated power and wealth, but he also seemed quite likeable. He was one of those men to whom, paradoxically, you are prepared to give everything because they already have everything.

Isabel seemed to feel the same way. She stroked his belly, then her hand sank lower and she naturally massaged his penis, the shape of which was visible through his suit trousers. Without taking his eyes off me, Steve unzipped his trousers and with the same matter-of-factness Isabel slipped her hand into the slit and continued massaging his penis without the man prompting her in any way.

"Oh, no pants?" asked Isabel, "isn't that a bit daring?"

"You don't wear any pants either."

Isabel giggled.

"Touché," she said.

"Besides, it's quite practical, isn't it?"

"It does indeed make it easier to access," Isabel said, "and I can understand why you would be reluctant to cramp such a wonderful behemoth."

A thousand images flashed through my mind of what would happen over the next three days. Steve seemed to be able to read my mind.

"All the images," he said to me, "that you have in your head now will become reality in the next three days."

"And more," Bruno said.

"I'm sure it will be a very fulfilling experience for your girlfriend," Herbert added with a smile. I had to swallow.

"Show your ex-lover what you've got in your hand right now," Steve said to Isabel, "show him what you're going to be dealing with for the next three days, before you become his lover again."

Isabel tried to pull Bruno's stiff penis out of her fly, but at first she didn't succeed. When she finally did manage, I realised what the problem was: Bruno really had a very impressive penis, and it was sticking up steeply. I was never dissatisfied with my own penis, but I had to admit that Bruno was in a different league. Isabel's hand, which continued to massage that hard penis, suddenly seemed quite small.

"Phew," Isabel said when she saw the penis, apparently because she realised that this penis was going to penetrate her very soon.

"Do you like it?" asked Steve.

"I look at it with a certain... respect and I'm already inwardly preparing myself for further encounters. Congratulations. Impressive."

"Tastes good too," said Steve.

"How do you know?" asked Isabel, "have you had it in your mouth before?"

The other two men laughed, Steve had to grin too.

"I know more by hearsay. Rumour."

"Well, well," Isabel said, smiling that strange smile at him again. Then she squatted down, at eye level with Steve's penis. Her legs were spread as she did so. But it was no longer the innocent granting of a glimpse like in the sauna, she knew exactly what I was looking at now and so did the other spectators - a small circle of people had formed around us again. And she enjoyed presenting her vagina to all of us.

Isabel licked him once over the large purple tip, then opened her mouth and sucked on it. Bruno groaned with pleasure and looked at me as he did so. Then he grasped Isabel's hair and slowly pushed her head towards him. I was surprised how deep his penis could penetrate Isabel's mouth. Then he pulled her head back all at once. A thread of spit hung between Isabel's wide-open mouth and Bruno's now wet, glistening glans.

"I can tell you from my own inspection that the rumours are true," Isabel said, "Tart and sweet at the same time. Tastes like more."

Steve pushed Isabel's head back towards him and his penis sank into her mouth one more time.

"We're going to have a lot of fun," he then said to me and winked.

The last image burned into my retinas was Isabel's naked body, which looked almost unnaturally bright next to the dark suits of the three men who had bought them at auction. As they were leaving the club, one of the men put his hand on my friend's bottom as they walked, and she let it happen as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Thomas and Sue stepped up beside me, Sue put her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, God," I said quietly, "what's going to happen now?"

"I know a woman who was once bought at auction by the three men too."

"Really?", I asked. Sue nodded.

"It seems to be a sort of tradition with them."


"She didn't give any details. She just said she almost didn't sleep during the three days, but wouldn't miss a second of it."

"You mean they... three days nonstop she was....?"

I couldn't say the word. Susanne had fewer inhibitions.

"Fucked? Yes, that is indeed what the woman implied. You seem to have really used the three days very efficiently. They fucked her to the hilt... excuse me for being so blunt..."

"That's all she said?"

I sensed Sue was hiding something else from me.

"Well," she said finally, "she also said that she came so many times that she stopped counting on the very first night."

"Phew," was all I could say to that, "I hope she makes it through the three days."

"I wouldn't worry about her. I think the three men know pretty much what they're doing. It's more a question of whether you can hold out."

Dazed, I drank another beer as the hall slowly emptied. From time to time men came by and patted me on the shoulder encouragingly or sympathetically. Eventually Sam came by too, now dressed normally in a suit.

"You bore it like a man" he said to me appreciatively.

"I had no choice," I said.

"Your girlfriend is wonderful. You can be really happy. She has such a wonderful spontaneous and loving nature. And an incredible pussy to boot. I had to muster all my discipline to pull my penis out of her. So warm, so soft, so wet. I would have loved to fuck her right on stage at length, tradition or not."

"Uh... thank you very much," I said, confused. I wasn't used to strange men complimenting me on my girlfriend's vagina and I just didn't know how to respond.

"Well, I guess the three horny old geezers will take care of that in detail now. But you and I got there first, huh?"

I smiled weakly.

Finally, I took a taxi home. To our flat. The flat where I would sleep alone for three nights. Three nights suddenly seemed like an infinitely long period of time. I had no idea how I was going to survive those nights. I felt a strong sense of jealousy, worry for Isabel, and the uncertainty of what was probably happening to her right now was almost unbearable. And on top of that, an overwhelming arousal. My penis was rock hard all the time, but for some reason I found it distasteful to masturbate now. Then my phone beeped.

The first sign of life I received from Isabel was a picture showing the following: the three men were standing outside the front door of a stately home, maybe even a castle of some kind. Steve and Bruno were standing on the outside, each holding a stretched leg of Isabel's in their arms. Herbert in the middle had his hands under her spread thighs. Her vagina shone all wet and inviting. She had her arms around Herbert's neck. Apparently someone had just said something funny, Isabel was laughing and seemed to really enjoy her position. The men were all still dressed. A text message followed. It read: Quick look! Yet un-fucked!

The image was too much for me. I took off my pants, started masturbating and within moments my penis exploded. I had never come with so much cum before. And the incredible thing was that my penis didn't go flaccid afterwards, it stayed hard. I had never experienced that before. I was so aroused and felt like the ultimate loser at the same time. Three strange men were about to have sex with my girlfriend and it made me horny too. I couldn't believe all this.

The next message consisted of three pictures and underneath it said: Introductions. It was actually almost the same picture three times: you could see one of each of the three men's erect penises sticking out of the open zips of their suit trousers. And in each case you could also see the face of Isabel, who was apparently kneeling in front of the men. Her tongue was sticking out and licking the penises like big lollies. Amazingly, the penises were all well above average in size and length, almost as if the three men had met each other through them.

The next message was titled: Isabel fights with the three musketeers. The photo was taken from above, and it showed Isabel kneeling on the ground. The three men were standing in a semicircle around her, all with steeply erect penises. Isabel had grasped one penis with each hand, the third she had almost completely in her mouth.

Only half an hour later, another picture came and the message: Status un-fucked very soon to be changed! The picture showed one of the naked men sitting on a dark brown leather sofa. I couldn't see who it was because his upper body was covered by Isabel. She was squatting wide-legged on the sofa, still completely naked of course, her feet to the right and left of the man's legs on the sofa. Her one hand held the hard penis of the man she was squatting over and positioned it so that the tip of his glans was already enclosed by her labia, but it had not yet penetrated her. As soon as she would lower her pelvis even very slightly, the penis would slip into her vagina. And the most amazing thing was: Isabel was grinning and sticking her tongue out at me. No doubt about it: she was still enjoying this role. The image excited me so much that I almost came again immediately. In any case, my penis was not getting flaccid anymore. And sleep was hardly to be thought of, although it was already half past one in the night.

The next sign of life was a short video. I saw Isabel smiling at me. Her cheeks were red and her hair tousled, she looked beautiful. "My dear darling, I just wanted to tell you briefly that I'm fine," she said to the camera, "I'm all filled up with new, big experiences." Then she threw me another kissy mouth. I was a little puzzled why she emphasised the words filled and big so strangely, which I suddenly understood as the picture widened and first Isabel's naked breasts came into view, slowly moving up and down, and then I could see her sitting wide-legged on one of the men. Her labia enclosed a large erect penis and she slowly moved her pelvis up and down, massaging the penis inside her with her pussy lips.

So now it had actually happened. Isabel was having real sex with another man for the first time. And it wasn't even that she let it passively happen to her, no, she was completely active. It was clear to me that the men would now sleep with Isabel as often as they could for the next three days. And from the pictures I had seen so far, it didn't look like their age would have a particularly negative effect on her stamina and endurance. I became aware that I was masturbating again without realising it.

Then came a picture underneath that said "beauty mask". I saw Isabel's face and her upper body, both splattered all over with cum. It was in her hair, on her eyelids, on her open lips. She smiled coquettishly. I couldn't help but imagine how the three men must have been standing around her before, spraying their semen in thick streams on her face and breasts, one after the other or at the same time.

From now on I got new pictures and short videos at regular intervals. Just hearing the beeping of my phone sent a chill through my guts and blood to my penis. Strangely enough, it was not so much the explicit pictures that drove me crazy with arousal and jealousy, it was mainly the intimate details. It was Isabel's hand tenderly cradling Bruno's neck as he lay on top of her, taking her with quick thrusts. It was the intimate French kiss she gave Steve as she sat on him and her pelvis moved up and down. It was her giggling when Herbert came on her face and he squirted a load right in her ear or the little gesture of stroking a strand of hair behind her ear while she licked Bruno's big testicles. But most of all it was the kisses. The fact that she was making out with the men all the time while they were making love to her was the hardest thing for me to bear

The next video was taken from below, obviously from one of the men who was lying on the bed and was just being ridden by Isabel. And Isabel was having an orgasm. She was massaging her own breasts as she did so, her whole body gripped by stark jerks. "Oh, my God," she cried, "I love being fucked by you! I love your cocks! Please don't stop fucking me!" I knew that at the moment of orgasm she often said things she didn't actually mean, yet I found these phrases disturbing and unsettling.

This was followed by a picture that said, "Even the pee break is used", on which Isabel could be seen sitting wide-legged on a toilet in a very posh bathroom, and the bright stream coming from her vagina was clearly visible. To her right and left were two of the men, she had a stiff penis in each hand.

Then came a longer video called "just distribution": Isabel was bent over the back of the sofa, her legs stretched out and slightly spread. One of the men stood behind her and took her straight from behind, his hands around her hips. The men could be heard counting each thrust. When they reached five, the man (I think it was Bruno. Slowly I began to be able to tell the men apart by the look of their penises) pulled his penis out and stepped aside. Now Isabel's bottom was visible. Her butt hole was gaping wide open, which made me realise that Bruno's penis must have just been in her bottom. Now Steve stepped behind her, positioned his penis at Isabel's butt hole and thrust with pleasure. Again they counted the five thrusts before he stepped back and Herbert took his place. Now Steve walked around the sofa with his mobile phone camera in his hand and filmed Isabel's face as Herbert penetrated her. She moaned in pleasure.

"Where is Herbert's cock now?" she was asked.

"In my asshole," Isabel replied, gasping.

"What's he doing?"

"He's... he's fucking me beautifully hard. He's fucking my ass."

Her body was seized by a shiver as she said this.

"Do you miss your boyfriend?"

Isabel had to swallow. She remained silent. In the back, the men changed positions.

"Do you miss your boyfriend?" she was asked again. Bruno thrust his penis into her butthole. Isabel gave a short cry of pleasure.

"I... I love him, but I don't miss him in the moment," she finally said. The sentence drove into my guts.

"If you want, we can take you home to him today. We've paid for three days, but we've fucked you so thoroughly now, we'd give up two days if you want and take you home to your boyfriend today already."

Isabel wanted to resist what she was saying now, I could tell, but she couldn't.

"Please don't," she finally said.

"Excuse me?" the man asked.

"Please don't take me home yet."

"Why not?"

"Because... because I still want to stay here. With you."

"And what shall we do with you here?"

"I want you... I want you to keep... fucking me. I want to be there for you, for your lust, for your horniness. I want to make you horny. I want you to fuck me as much as you feel like it. Without regard for me."

Bruno's last thrust was apparently deeper than the ones before, Isabel rolled her eyes in pleasure.

„Tell me what you are"

Isabel smiled.

"I'm your little fuck bunny. Your rejoicing fuck toy. Your insatiable pussy. I am your opening that never closes."

"Well, say a then, little greedy bitch, and let me stuff your vulgar little mouth.."

Isabel opened her mouth and said "a" as if she were at the doctor's, and the very next moment Steve shoved his penis into her mouth. Then the camera panned away and Steve filmed himself. "Hey, Basti, how's it going? You heard, unfortunately your girlfriend is not coming home today. So, I wanted to give you a quick progress report while your girlfriend caresses my cock with her tongue. Man, she's so good at that. But I just can't decide which of her holes I like to fuck the most. Sure, her pussy is really amazing, wet and creamy all the time, and I love it when her cunt vibrates and trembles when she comes. And the way she can massage my cock with her labia is also really pleasurable. And it's also great fun to shoot my semen into her cunt, it feels so wonderfully forbidden. But her asshole is also so awesome. How tight it was at the beginning. Now, of course, it's quite dilated, as you've seen, but it's still fun. With Isabel I find it especially cool to fuck her in the ass, because she's actually such a good girl. And that she still is so ass-fixated and that it makes her so horny when we fuck her in the ass. She just can't get enough of feeling us pumping cum into her rosette. When I cum in her ass, she said things that would not be encouraged enough to repeat. Well, now I'm going to cum in her mouth again, I think, she needs a few calories in between to keep her strength up..."

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