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Aurora, Wayward Pt. 01


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He was one of the founders of that colony with his wives. Getting it into Terran law, which was a singular government within the system, proved more challenging but the constant attacks that occurred during that time frame sped up a lot of decision-makers' minds. Largely because he had the ability to upgrade their military to deal with the additional new threats that were occurring.

You could eventually be dealing with similar issues given the potential actors lining up against you over this system. I am only giving you a realistic overview of the problems this system faces. As that mineral is highly coveted by many races. Now, an action that cost the life of a human would not apply to Astra.

She does not have that directive in her core coding to protect all of humanity. She was designed to save humanity; except during a hostile boarding action in which she can control all internal weapon systems when required.

She does carry a rank in the Home Guard but she has never had a need to use it. It was more to keep others from trying to give her orders if they were not the Command Admiral that she works for directly. Also, to show her acceptance into the Home Guard.

It does not rule out her pulling rank if the need arose and it would be evaluated against the circumstances if it ever occurred. The internal defenses were added to Aurora, bringing her in line with what Astra could do in regards to aiding in internal security. Aurora was given the ability to fire at human targets externally only if ordered to do so by Rocan and for a just cause; like being attacked.

Again, this was added as a safety measure for the AI units in regards to HG treaties and as a means to keep humans from reclaiming those AI ships. Like the Black-ops officer tried to do. It would have been counterproductive for her to fire on the black-ops ships as she needed her ships to bring the colonists.

A medical examination might help to identify your people against our people to see if you have any unique DNA markers. Then she could be directed as to which one is Penan in regards to providing protection. In which case she could fire on a Terran ship if ordered to do so because they no longer match this profile. A lot of work which might be futile if the treatments to help you live a longer life helps with correcting any DNA mutations."

The governor or Pena looked over, "I am not concerned with her at the moment but sending Rocan to scout that system sounds like an excellent idea. Getting some of our own to see where it is your proposing to move us to before we decide anything.

We can discuss any decisions made with Rocan when he has returned. I also believe each of us should send an aide to assist in this; to ensure every colony is represented and they are not strictly hybrids. No offense but we know very little about hybrids in general that giving blind trust to them is not in our nature. The humans would have to provide him with enough food to survive the survey and coordinate a pickup time."

Rocan looked over, "I am agreeable if I get a list of candidates and I can, from each list, select those who have the skills and temperament I need if battle erupts. Also, in case I send one or two off as a part of a separate group to scan another planet or quadrant.

We are looking at a couple of months at least to do a decent survey. Even with the better sensors on these ships. Those that will follow my directions in matters are key to this success. What some lack of given skills can be learned; especially in regards to bridge duties."

Aurora showed back up with Astra, "Sounded like you were winding down. I would request that while we are aboard Camelot that the AI ships get a few minor refits done to make it more habitable for humans. Like beds. Restocking the life rafts.

Setting up a few sections for bedrooms, and a kitchen. Not for 50 but 6-12 on each ship." Johnathan looked over, "It will add a few days to your journey but getting them restocked is in everyone's interest and if they want to get humans involved at being at the controls on these ships then they will need to have some basic amenities added to the ships. Like a proper toilet and shower."

The governors laughed, "Agreed!"

All the 'humans' nodded while Aurora continued, "The AI ships will dock in Camelot and all personal coming aboard will be monitored. No shutting down our surveillance and no reprogramming our AI units during this stopover."

Johnathan smiled, "We will keep a distance between your observing AI units."

Aurora nodded, "Right now I have them all set to respond to Rocan and then myself in that order. To allow him to direct attacks against true aliens if needed."

Johnathan looked at her, "We will also get you your MIDGEs to do the analysis with. We will get you one per ship. In case you divide them up."

She nodded, "Thank you for that. They will come in handy for analysis and mining operation from gas giants if we need any metallic hydrogen."

The Pena governor looked over, "We will head back, and send you a list of candidates from each planet to review. Also, all of the AI units left in the system. Each planet would want to review the other planets candidates so it will take a few days. We will send all of them along so you can let them know who. We would want you to select one candidate from each world's list to accompany you in this review of the system."


The Governor's returned to their shuttle and with that, the meeting notes were sent off. Johnathan and Astra left with the other representatives of Incar and Terra who had agreed to let him lead the discussion. Given what they had learned those two watched each over like a hawk as Incar did not want the Terra delegation involved after the Black-ops issue.

They returned to their quarters and the Terra representative contacted the President. The negotiator Anna Kilroy looked over, "Madam President, we have secured the release of the hostages, The Home Guard was a little more accommodating than I liked but given we had 7 Black-ops ships in their space I had no grounds to object."

The President looked over, "How are things with the Incar delegation? They are a part of the greater Terran people and I am concerned with their perceptions."

The Negotiator rolled her eyes, "With the Incar system representative staring at me during the whole meeting because of Black-ops ships that neither of us had anything to do with? They still blame us for the incident of course. Given the information, I cannot disagree with how negotiations went.

They gave the Penas what they wanted and it was all reasonable. The AI, Aurora, on the other hand, wants the expired patent database and the materials to let the Penas learn to defend themselves. It would take them a few centuries to come to grips with what they had even if they had the database; if they did not kill each other first.

I have the Black-op Commander's report on these 'people' and they are barbaric by our standards. That would put them a century behind us in technology. I don't like it but they have not agreed to do that; yet. Given how accommodating the Home Guard has been I would not see them objecting in the long run given the subterfuge.

The threat of this system's resources is a concern as they are a vast trove of this mineral. They requested to do a survey of where the Home Guard is looking to relocate them. Until that survey is done, I do not see them reconvening on moving systems.

They now know of the health risks, the bomb they are living within, and they know they have no chance of defending it without outside help. The former president did us a disservice by attempting to approach this through subterfuge; I should say her family.

Still, if we had sent a delegation to negotiate for exclusive mining rights outside of the Home Guard AI constrictions it would have been a boon for our weapons and AI manufacturers."

The president shook her head, "For their black-market operations perhaps, but that would have been no good for the stability of our people. Giving unregulated access to that kind of trove with no controls is asking for trouble. I am concerned other aliens will try a move on the system.

In whole or in part. Gods, why did it have to be that system that contained all of that. Any other and the Home Guard would have secured and claimed the rights over the system. As they have done for several mining operations. I will see what comes out of this in the next few months and hope the Home Guard can keep that system monitored at the very least."

The President ended the call. The negotiator shook her head and thought, 'The damned Drakor had to get involved in this system. Damned Interstellar law restrictions have stopped several operations like this. We should be doing what is best for humanity; not primitives.

We got this religious zealot driving the boat and another 8 years before an election to get rid of her. Get someone who cares more about humanity than this fucking Alien Alliance.'

She heard in her head, * If the Drakor Nation had taken that approach, your race would be extinct altogether and not here to be having this issue. Be glad a more civilized people saw reason in letting a society try to develop without too much undue influence. *

She knew that voice from the Drakor recording in the Alien Alliance and throughout human history. They were watching her and she felt truly afraid at that moment. That gave her pause to consider the wisdom in their words. She would not sleep easy until the fate of that system was decided.


The Drisan Governor hissed between gritted teeth at his aid, "I fucking hate these AI units. This Drakor species had to give us a Gresan fucking 'War Hero.' The man should have been dead during that conflict. How the hell he managed to live when that plasma missile ripped into his craft I still do not know how he managed it.

It turned an assured victory into a resolved enemy with a fucking 'War Hero.' A bloody fucking nightmare. Even as wounded as he was, he still managed to land what was left of his ship.10 years later his 'heroic' move to save his armistice delegation from our surprise attack still haunts me. Now he gets to be a hero of the entire fucking system!

How he spotted that missile floating in space and stuck his fighter between his ship and theirs haunts me to this day. We killed that delegation and Gresan would be a subject colony under Drisan rule instead of an equal on the Council of Governor's."

His aid simply sighed having heard this over and over again in the last several days, "You mentioned that before. You at least got the other governors to agree to use our ship."

He growled out, "That is no victory, as they each left a delegation of battleships there, just in case we did not return them back safely. I would have rather had my war victory than this political pandering. I will find a way to deal with this AI and Rocan.

I hope to do it in a single move when the time comes. That AI having our computer records scares the hell out of me. It needs to be eliminated at any cost; even If I have to destroy the system to do it."

The aid did not like the direction the governor was going and thought to cheer him up, "Speaking of that the Trisan Governor has sent back an answer to your agreement for the loan of the demolitions experts."

The Governor nodded, "That might work. Costly, but it might damage this human Home Guard ship as well. If we get enough of it aboard and into the lion's mouth."

He had been forced to retire, even as an admiral, but then ran for and won the governorship. That allowed him to restart the war left unfinished. His health was not the greatest these days. He wanted revenge before he was gone. He would hope to have it before death took him.

Resumed hostilities were interrupted by these invaders. Now he did not have the forces to engage them and barely enough to defend his own world. He did get the contents of a colony ship's computer though through his spies and assets. The other colonies knew Gresan and Drisan were weakened because of this invasion.

They could force a truce on them both. An AI his staff brought him told him what the metal was used for in the rest of the galaxy. He searched for and found an alien race likely to deal with advanced weapons systems and ships. The repository from the colony ships computers had given him the answers he desired.

The AI had detected the new satellite outside of the belt before Rocan's return from the battleship in Drisen orbit; relayed from one he sent to follow the testing the Gresan's were doing. That ship was at the closet point but inside and above the asteroid belt.

It could be used to send a signal to the species homeworld with a tachyon interface. For one-way communication, it would suffice. It sent the message on the species defined carrier wave at its masters urging. The Governor wanted the best deal he could get to rule over the entire system.

The Ferron had not heard of this race and would have dismissed the claim. If not for the announcement made in the Alien Assembly. There Ambassador informing them of the Human violation and breaking on Interstellar Law. The restrictions on the Human Home Guard in regards to this system.

Combined with a slew of requests coming in from some AI manufactures within the human system who had sponsored the colony's failed efforts. That explained why that system was coveted and by whom. The fact that no Home Guard had oversight of the system made it even more attractive.

They also knew the Drakor would be watching this system and they had to tread carefully. Days after the news arrived, a human hybrid showed them where the satellite was located; for a fee. He had been between ship assignments when approached on Mixtios.

Their spies informed them he was susceptible because of his family's financial difficulties. Some of his debt held by holding companies the AI conglomerates controlled. The AI that worked the draft of the agreement and put together the translator had been mysteriously destroyed before the alien's arrival.

The governor's men attempted to disable it aboard the battleship that exploded. That took care of a few loose ends for the Drisen Governor. With this circus, his negotiations were on hold as they arrive just days before he had to depart for this political buffoonery. They had impressive stealth technology even the humans could not detect yet.

His Lieutenant Governor had to be left to oversee his guests' needs in his absence. Thus far they wanted to trade baubles for this treasure. They cut his lists of demands to a third of what was asked; he would have none of that. He needed strength to secure the system, and the element of surprise this 'ally' could give him.

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DesiremakesmeweakDesiremakesmeweakover 4 years ago
This is quality sci fi

It's sort of a modern-esque gamer-style story-line, but it is definitely quality writing and I found it easy to 'slip into' its 'world.'

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