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Azerothian Dream Ch. 11

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Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 03/03/2023
Created 10/30/2021
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*advisory* all the people in sexual situations are 18 or older.

Chapter 11- Ambush

The road through the Valley of Kings was a quiet one. As we drove southward the temperature climbed by the league. Eventually, coats and cloaks were stored away as it got hotter, and more often than not, we opted to not don our armor. Forgoing the extra protection for clothing that was more breathable. Eventually, we came to the Stonewrought Pass. Another large building that seemed to grow right out of the mountain with a large arched portal leading to a tunnel through the mountain range. We entered and the paved road immediately started sloping downward.

It has been a hundred and thirteen days, a little over three and three-quarters months since we started our journey when we emerged from the dark tunnel of Stonewrought Pass. Once again I stepped into the Searing Gorge.

The heat of the burned-out and scarred land hit us like a blacksmith's hammer. The ground was black with soot. Scorched bear from years of wildfires set by the always frenzied fire elementals. Also, we didn't see them, but we knew that there were lava spiders too, twisted arachnids come from the elemental plane of fire. The scenery included trees, wretchedly burned and blackened husks. Skeletal things that had long ago given up trying to live in such an inhospitable land. After so many weeks of living and traveling the beautiful lands of Dun Morogh and Loch Modan, the stark landscape of the Searing Gorge was so severe it was a punch straight to the gut.

Fearing an attack by bandits, or by the elemental wildlife, we stopped and camped just a mile or so from the southern exit from the tunnel. We hadn't set up a firepit instead choosing to eat cheese, bread, and smoked venison. Also, we hobbled the rams and tied on feed bags, but left them in their harnesses so that we could run if attacked or set out early. Once everything was done we went to sleep, or, at the least, tried to sleep.

Now, as we rumbled down the road, Shaelah drove the wagon and Pinkerpie rode shotgun. Inside the wagon, it was stifling from the heat, so Mandalay and I were walking. Avalanche was ranging out to the west taking out her frustrations with the uncomfortable heat on the lava spiders. Cyduna was walking a few feet away from the wagon with Fennic, Ealura, and Mandalay while I was at the rear, trailing the line of rams being pulled along on their leads.

The first attack came as three bolases were thrown at Mandalay, Pinkerpie, and Shaelah.

"Hruthgar!" Cyduna gasped in her mental sending to me, and then she was silent.

I looked up in time to see Mandalay crumple to the ground. Fennic and Ealura were at her side growling as they looked for their attackers while Cyduna was caught in a frost trap.

I was running as fast as I ever had while a war party of orcs charged out from behind the rocks on Mandalay's side of the wagon. There was a rifle shot and an orc dropped to the ground dead.

"Yes!" I hissed in congratulations to Pinkerpie on her shot, but when I looked up it was Shaelah who held the rifle.

She cocked it and shot again. Another orc fell dead. Then arrows started pelting the side of the wagon near Shaelah and Pinkerpie.

"Run!" I screamed!

Shaelah looked back at me startled, and so I screamed again as I pulled a Wildfire Bomb and threw it at the nearest pack of orcs, "RUN!"

Shaelah nodded. She sat down with the rifle in her lap, snatched up the reins, and started whipping the rams with the reins excitedly while shouting, "Get! GET! Ye flea-ridden sheep's guts! Get ye tired carcasses movin'!"

A group of orcs raised crude muskets and bows and aimed at Shaelah. The Wildfire Bomb I lobbed earlier exploded sending shrapnel and fire into the orcs as the explosion blew two apart and sent the rest flying in every direction. One orc, not caught in the blast, let his arrow fly but it was just wide and low enough to 'thunk' into the wagon. The next orc had a musket.

Pulling my pistol I fired as I ran. I hid the orc with the musket first. Three shot center mass, and then I shot his companion wielding the bow.

Shaelah barreled through a group of orcs blocking the road. She even managed to run one over, and then she and Pinkerpie were free. The orcs gave chase. They even managed to cut a pair of the rams away, but soon Shaelah had far outpaced them.

Looking around, it looked like this was an orcish raiding party consisting of about thirty male and female orcs. Shaelah had killed two, and I killed five. That was seven down out of thirty. Only twenty-three more to go!

Cyduna was finally free and she responded by Moonfiring the orc closest to her, a heavily muscled female with a wicked two-handed battleaxe. Cyduna tried to stand guard over Mandalay and the pups, but a group of ten hunters sent in their pets to harry her and she was steadily pushed away.

I quickly snatched and threw another Wildfire Bomb at the hunters, and then I threw out a Steel Trap and then a Frost Trap. Anything to buy time. Two warriors closed on me with swords and axes raised high. I Disengaged, using magic to enhance my leap backward. The Wildfire Bomb exploded to the accompaniment of screams from several orc females. I raised my pistol and fired once, twice, and a third time. Two orcs fell to the ground dead.

I turned to run just in time to see a huge green fist coming at my head. I tried to dodge but failed. I was hit just above my ear and the whole world went black!


When I awoke I was laying on the ground facing Mandalay. Her eyes were closed. Her face was pale and there was blood matted in her curly fiery-red hair, but I could also see that her large breasts were rising and falling in an even rhythm.

Off to the side, two female orc hunters fed scraps of meat to Fennic and Ealura. The two females were much smaller than the male orcs, and one seemed particularly small compared to her other female companions. She suddenly looked up from smiling at feeding the pups and saw that I was awake. She yelled in her harsh and guttural orcish tongue, and suddenly I was glad that I had asked Birdette to teach me to speak orcish as well as her native Dark Iron dwarvish.

"Skargh!" The female shouted, "Skargh, the male is finally awake. Now, I wish to make a trade with you."

I couldn't see Skargh, but I heard his approach. Heavy footfalls bespeaking a very large male. Skargh laughed and then a huge hand grabbed the back of my shirt and hoisted me up to a sitting position.

"Do you hear that human," Skargh growled in my ear, "Chyna and Runtla want to trade? Do you know how Runtla got her name? It is because she is a runt! The weakest of all of us!"

There was a long pause as Skargh laughed raunchily at his humor while Runtla ground her teeth. Skargh's mirth subsided to a chuckle and then he continued, "Oh how it should pain you, human that Runtla wants to trade the dwarf girl for you."

"Are you done," Chyna growled as she stood up and joined Runtla, "Or should I remind you that it was Runtla and I that captured the dwarf girl and the pups."

"There is no honor in taking an unconscious dwarf female captive," Skargh replied scornfully.

"There is much honor in a bolas toss that took down our prey in one throw," Chyna retorted, "Whereas, you lost thirteen of your warriors and failed to capture the other two females, the wagon, and the rams. For all of that, all that you have is a single human male and his equipment."

"A male and equipment you want," Skargh growled.

"Yes, well," Chyna retorted, "Then I guess it is well that Runtla and I have the dwarf girl you want."

Skargh looked around at his party, seventeen left out of thirty, and growled his dishonor. Of what was left five were injured. Lacerations were the most prevalent. Urduk and Layoma each lost an eye. Furdruk lost a left hand and left foot and lower leg at the knee, and Diasoyna lost both her legs at the mid-thigh. They had found her almost twenty feet from where her legs were.

Turning back to Runtla and Chyna, Skargh agreed, "You can have the man, and his equipment except for the swords. I am keeping those for myself."

"Then we are keeping the wolf pups," Chyna replied, "You can have the dwarf female."

"I have one more condition," Skargh growled as he tossed a dormant Wildfire Bomb to Chyna, "I want the secret of this new weapon for the horde. Get it out of him. Or, find an engineer to take this apart and see how it works."

"Agreed," Runtla said, ending negotiations.

"I want you to see what will happen to your little dwarf female, human," Skargh growled as he moved around so that I finally saw the orc.

He was huge. Half again taller than me with shoulders so broad it would take two of me to cover their breadth. I saw him, and I was suddenly thankful I survived his attack. He was a dirty brown-green color, his head was bald, and he had an ugly face and long pointed tusks that made him unforgettable.

He leaned over and grabbed Mandalay by her hair. She groaned but didn't wake up. She hung from his fist by her long red hair like a limp doll. Then, Skargh took a knife and started cutting her clothes off. He laughed as he did it, and verily purred once she was hanging nude in front of us.

"I will sell her once we are back in Kargath," Skargh laughed as he started fondling Mandalay's breasts, "But, until then..."

He didn't finish as he turned to leave. He didn't have to.

"If you defile her," I growled, "I will kill you!"

"Runtla," Skargh said without looking back, "Get control of your captive, or I will kill him."

Runtla watched Skargh leave with almost as much distaste as I felt, but it was Chyna who stalked over and slapped my mouth so hard that my ears rang.

"You will not ever threaten any orc ever again," Chyna growled, "You are ours now. Our property to do with as we see fit. If you are good, then you will find that us being your mistresses is very amenable. But, if you misbehave, well then, it will be a lot less amenable."

I groaned as I tried to shake the dizziness out of my head.

"Now," Chyna said matter-of-factly as Runtla came over and they both sat cross-legged in front of me, "Tell me about this gun of yours."

"And these... bombs," Runtla added

"What happened to Cyduna," I asked.

"Cyduna?" Runtla asked as she shared a curious glance with Chyna. It was Chyna that asked, "The wolf?"

"The wolf," I said.

"It ran off," Runtla answered but Chyna, a Hunter herself, knew better and said, "It is not dead, or injured. It ran far enough away that our pets quit giving chase, but I'm sure it is nearby. Most likely, far enough away to keep the guards and pets from discovering it." Then, Chyna gave me a curious look and asked, "It is yours, then?"

I was about to answer but at that very moment, Mandalay started screaming. It started as a shocked, "What the?" Surprised at her surroundings, and then as Skargh started playing with her, her screaming climbed to a desperate keening as her worst nightmares came true. She begged. She wailed for mercy. She pleaded for someone to rescue her.

"No!" I screamed as I kicked and fought against my bonds.

Runtla was the first to respond, with a quick backhand across my face. Chyna jumped to her feet, and as I struggled she started kicking me. First in the abdomen but as I tried to crawl towards Mandalay, her kicks fell across my back, shoulders, legs, and head. At some point, I realized that both Runtla and Chyna were assaulting me.

Mandalay heard my shots and her screaming intensified. She tried to swivel her head to find me. She kicked and fought, but Skargh ended her struggle by grabbing one of her thighs and using her to direct her hips. He was laughing in her face. Everyone was watching. Most of the other male orcs were shouting encouragement.

A heavy boot caught me in the head and all the fight went out of my body. Laying there limp I watched as Skargh toyed with Mandalay. He started by teasing her. Holding her by her hair and dangling her over the fire. Fiery-red pubic hair curled away from the heat. Mandalay screamed as the heat began to bite at her flesh, but with more raunchy laughter Skargh pulled her away before she was burned. There was a putrid smell of burned hair though, and I saw as Mandalay swung by her hair, kicking and screaming, that most of her thick thatch of long fiery-red pubes were simply gone. All that was left was a fiery crown a full inch above the slit of her pussy-lips. I closed my eyes as tears welled up and thanked the light that her skin wasn't burned, just pinked and a bit raw.

I opened my eyes in time to see Skargh sit on a rock. He took particular delight in making her squirm as he took his free hand and fondled her breasts before tracing his dirty fingers down her body to her thighs. When help didn't come Mandalay let out another long agonized scream that broke my heart, and then it was as if her brain disconnected. Her eyes glazed over and all of the fight left her as her body went limp, hanging by her hair while Skargh cackled. He twitched his loincloth aside and his dick stood out larger than any dick I've ever thought possible except in pornfilms in my previous life.

"No!" I screamed again, but it came out as more of a grunt as he grabbed one of her thighs and guided Mandalay down his length!

My eyes bulged as I watched him take her virginity and then brag about it. I ground my teeth as he slowly forced more and more of himself inside her, and spittled flew from my mouth as I promised, "I am going to kill you Skargh! I am so going to love killing you!"

A punch to my head sent me spinning down into unconsciousness.


Days turned into weeks as the orc raiding party turned west and attacked several outlying iron dwarf settlements. I was made to watch every night as Skargh took Mandalay over and over again. If I reacted and threatened him I was beaten into unconsciousness. If I did nothing, I couldn't sleep for the visions of Mandalay's nonpresent expression as Skargh raped her. I hated myself for not being able to save her.

As the weeks marched on more goods were taken. Captives were taken. Mostly women. Most of the dwarf men wouldn't stop fighting and the orcs, savage in nature as it was, seeking honor in battle, never stopped for anything less than complete submission. The only iron dwarf males left were young boys and infants.

Loot was distributed under the rule of whoever defeated an adversary took him or her captive. The captives' possessions were also the captor's. Unclaimed loot was always first come first serve. Possession being nine-tenths of the law.

Later, in the evening, the orcs would make trades. If one wanted another's captive and had something worth trading in return then a trade was negotiated. Some of the orcs, like Chyna and a Runtla, generally valued captives over loot. Others, though, valued loot over having to deal with the idiosyncrasies of keeping captives alive and fed. A difference that was illustrated perfectly by Chyna and Runtla.

My weapons, so strange and powerful by comparison to theirs, were an exception and worn protectively on Chyna's hips.

She fitted her swords to where mine used to hang, and she spent a lot of time turning the M1911 and its reload clips over in her hands as she tried to figure out how they worked. For the time being, Chyna didn't seem to be interested in me at all.

Runtla, on the other hand, took a rather intense interest in me. She might have been the smallest of the orc females but that only meant that she stood only half a head taller than me. Was broader across the shoulders. More thickly muscled in the waist and abdomen. Broader across her hips. Her ass was incredible. So thick and round. Like two mad goddesses, one of physical fitness and the other of curvy seduction, got together and decided that they wanted to make a perfect, heart-shaped, gorgeously fat ass, give it to a brownish-green orc woman, and then make it purely of taut muscle! Then there were her legs. Long. So long. Almost as muscularly thick as my waist, and femininely curvy in all the right places. So much so that I was having a hard time feeling outraged when she stripped down to my skin and forced me to lie down so that she could "enjoy the evening." But first, every evening Chyna and Runtla made me watch as Skargh raped Mandalay.


21 days later-

Lookout Captain Lolo Longstriker had held his position for years, and he thought he had seen it all. That is, until today. Raising his spyglass to his right eye again he peered through it again. Far down the slopes of the Black Mountains a strange sight suddenly grew large in his eye. It was a large wagon built like a mini-house. It even had a small smoke stack made of steel. In front of the wagon, panted a team of four rams slowly plodding up the road to Thorium Point. On the seat sat a flustered dwarf female with long auburn hair pulled over her shoulder in a thick braid that curled at the tip. She managed to look wild, tired and determined all at the same time. Sitting beside the dwarf woman, with a rifle laying across her thighs, was a goblin woman Lolo knew well. He had traded with her often enough after all. Pinkerpie Glimmergem. Lastly, pulling up the rear was a long line of rams tethered to a leadline, ten beasts total.

Lolo waved over one of his messenger boys. She was a girl today. Maeg Shadowforge by name. A good lass with a smart head on her shoulders. She presented herself and Lolo didn't bother looking at her as he gave his commands, "Go tell Overseer Oilfist that Pinkerpie Glimmergem has returned. Looking worse for wear. Oh, and tell him I do not see Hruthgar Anvilsplitter. Now go, and hurry!"

Maeg spun on her heel and she left at a dead run. She knew Hruthgar as they all did. As weak as a newborn babe when he arrived with Birdette. One of their finest achievements, he was. A proper dark iron, even if he was a human, and a good husband to Birdette.


Birdette was serving meals and drinks in Ironhearth Inn when Overseer Oilfist came stomping in.

"Ho, there, Harthal!" Mountain Lord Rendan called with a wave of his hand to join him.

Oilfist grimaced as he shook his head. The damn dwarf lord never took the hint. People called him Overseer, Overseer Oilfist, or Oilfist, no one ever called him by his given name. Still, Lord Rendan was not one he could simply punch in the face until he stopped. So, grinding his teeth, he shook his head as he approached Lord Rendan's table.

"I ain't for sittin'," He said over the noise of the common room, "I do need to be findin' Birdette."

"Aye," Rendan replied with a nod and a turn of his head, "The lass just went to the kitchen. Should return momentarily."

Oilfist nodded his gratitude and started for the kitchen. Just as he approached the door leading to the kitchen it opened and Birdette came out with a tray laden with two plates piled high with thunder-lizard meat. He caught her eye and she nodded for him to go to the bar while she delivered the meals to her waiting clientele.

Oilfist watched her move around the room easily enough. All the patrons in the common room were locals. They knew Birdette and she knew them, and they knew she was a happily married woman. The men were jovial, even flirtatious, but they never took it further than a few complimentary words for her looks. Still, much of the flirting had dropped off considerably since Birdette's belly started taking on the growing roundness of being with child.

She was four months pregnant now, and she showed every day of it. She was large in the belly. Much larger than any other iron dwarf woman, but then, she was pregnant with a half-human half-dark iron child.

Birdette didn't seem to notice the extra weight stretching out her belly as she came up to Oilfist and asked, "Aye, well met Overseer. Ye look like ye have news ye be ichin' to tell. Well, let's have it."


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