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Baby, It's Cold Outside


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Rick came for the second time that night. He seemed to be losing all control of that and would be coming easily again and again throughout the night, until his balls were aching a dull ache of being milked dry and then milked again.

Rick gagged as Leon creamed his tonsils. The big black withdrew, and Winston turned Rick on his back against the sofa arm again, stuffing a pillow under the small of Rick's back so that his ass was elevated. Winston twisted to hover over Rick's torso. Rick's left leg was bent and reached his jeans on the floor in front of the sofa. His right leg was raised and trapped between Winston's left side and the back of the sofa. Winston's right leg was also bent, his foot buried in Rick's jeans. He'd use that foot for leverage in his thrusting.

Winston placed his forehead on Rick's and looked into Rick's glazy eyes. "It's Christmas. I'm Santa. And I'm coming down your chimney now." His little laugh at his own joke preceded the long, long journey of his cock up into Rick's channel. It was a slow sinking, with Winston glaring into Rick's eyes, watching for every expression Rick showed. He was fisting the back of Rick's head with his left hand and had the fist of the right hand pressed into the side of the sofa arm, keeping Rick in place. The cock slowly came out to where only the bulb was encased and then a long glide in. Again and again. Long, slow glides, with Rick quivering and sighing with each withdrawal, arching his back and moaning with each long sinking in. Winston took his time, savoring the fuck of the beautiful, young two-hundred-dollar blond man. If only the honeypot realized what some men would pay for his ass.

Rick savored it to. He wasn't being passive. He got his right heel buried in the sofa cushion and his left heel in the carpeting in front of the sofa and used the leverage of these to lift his pelvis up to meet the slide of the cock deep inside him and then lower his pelvis as the cock withdrew, using every inch of the long cock to caress his passage walls. There was nothing quick or furtive or insistent about this fuck. Rick had never been fucked as sensually as this before. By such a hot man with such control. "Yes, yes," he murmured. "Like that, deep. Yes, fuck me like that."

"You want it, don't you?" Winston murmured.

"Oh, shit yes, give me more," Rick whispered.

The palms of his hands went to Winston's butt cheeks and he helped, with slight pressure on the buttocks, the slow, deep fuck. Winston had the best-looking, most perfectly formed body of a man who had ever fucked him. And the long cock was taking him slow and easy. It was reaching deeper than Rick could remember before, but was thin enough that it didn't tax his channel walls. They were shimmering from the attention, undulating over the long shaft as it glided in and out, in and out.

This went on for a good ten minutes, Rick reluctant to do anything to turn what Winston was doing in his channel into anything else. But he felt Winston trembling and picking up the pace. Rick moved one hand to his own cock and stroked it. The other hand moved farther up Winston's back, to his shoulder blade. Winston was throwing his head back, using the leverage of his foot to make the thrusting stronger.

Winston's heaving chest was in Rick's face, the gold medallion knocking against Rick's chin and cheek. Those long, plump nipples in the wide aureoles were swimming before Rick's face and he lifted his head to one of them, nipped it with his teeth, which elicited a shudder and a deeper than usual thrust of the cock, and he began sucking on it. And then the other. Winston was breathing heavily, muttering under his breath, stroking harder, deeper, faster.

Rick took the nuisance gold medallion in his mouth and sucked on it. His pelvis was moving fast too, keeping up with the rhythm of the fuck. His head snapped back, the medallion falling out of his mouth and he cried out to the ceiling as he ejaculated up Winston's sternum.

Ten more fast, deep strokes, and Winston too tightened, held, and then creamed Rick deep with three strong spurts of cum.

"That was nice. You give good fuck," Winston said, as he straightened up, sank to his knees at the coffee table, and snorted another line of white powder.

All this time Leon had sat, crouched and overflowing the club chair at the other end of the room next to the Christmas tree. He was fully naked now, a magnificent gorilla dwarfing the piece of furniture. His eyes slitted, keeping his huge cock erect with his hand, while he watched Winston fuck Rick. The tension in him was palpable. He seemed ready to spring at any second.

He wasn't forced to wait.

Winston stood up. "Gotta take a piss. Snort another hit, Rick. You earned it. You did good. Give me a rest and I'll do you again."

Rick moaned. He could sure use a rest after a fuck like that himself.

Winston was heading for a corridor that evidently led back to bedrooms when he turned around and spoke to Leon. "He's all yours now, Leon. It'll take me some time to recharge. Fuck him good."

Rick had already sunk down to the coffee table and had the straw to his nose. He only had time for a quarter of a line when Leon was there, pulling him up, taking him back to the club chair. Who would have known a man that big could move so fast? Of course he was a semipro football player, paid to run fast with the ball. Tonight he was running with two.

Rick did a good bit of screaming, not all of it in the nature of asking for more of what he was getting—but enough of that not to entice Leon to stop—as Leon had him sitting in his lap, facing him, Rick's legs were hooked over the arms of the chair, Leon grasped Rick by the waist and pulled him on and off the monster cock, as Rick helplessly arched back, his head touching the floor and his elbows digging into the carpet, trying to hold himself as steady as he could.

Rick moaned and groaned at the brutal taking, Leon twice the man Winston was in cock girth, although not nearly as long. It didn't matter. Rick's channel walls didn't give a damn. They were getting the workout of their life in terms of trying to accommodate the rapidly churning thrusts of the cock.

Rick came again, weakly, with no aid of a hand, and endured several more gloriously taxing minutes of being pulled and pushed brutally on the big, black cock, Leon's massive, muscular chest glistening from the sweat of his efforts, until Leon's cum mingled with Winston's inside Rick's channel. Only two blasts of cum, but blasts they were that rumbled on for several seconds.

Rick lay there, still skewered, breathing heavily and moaning deeply, but smiling a big smile. Leon had worked up a bit of a sweat but his breathing was regular.

"Would you believe the Eagles are still playing tonight," Winston said from across the room. "Turns out the game is in New Orleans, not Philly, which has got to be under three feet of snow, just like us. Come on back to the den and we'll watch the second half, Leon. Grab a beer from the fridge on your way."

Rick was pushed off Leon's lap and onto the floor, where the young blond lay for the next hour and half, still panting, reliving the two fucks by the first-rate studs, huddled there next to the Christmas tree with the irritating flashing lights. Wondering if he'd ever be offered another beer.

* * * *

Leon was the first one back into the living room. He leaned down, scooped Rick up, threw him over his shoulder, and walked down the corridor Winston had disappeared down earlier. He was searching for, and found, a room with a bed, a king-sized one.

When Winston joined them, Leon had Rick on his cock again. Leon was sitting on the end of the bed, feet flat on the floor, thighs held tight together. Rick, facing away from him, was suspended in front of the big black. Rick's torso was jutting out over the carpet at the end of the bed like a figurehead on the prow of a sailing vessel. His long legs were flared back on each side of Leon's hips, and his toes were pressed into the bedspread. Leon was holding Rick suspended in front of him by grasping the wrists of Ricks swept-back arms. Leon was using this grip to pull Rick on and off his cock.

Rick's cock was caught, tight, between Leon's thighs, and Leon was rubbing his thighs together and giving Rick's cock a good rub in the process.

In coming weeks, Rick was going to find that Leon had an inventive way to take him each time.

Winston watched for a while—until he saw Leon jerk and exclaim and Rick's eyes go wide at the flooding of his ass.

"Want a beer?"

"Sure," Leon answered, once again letting Rick's heaving body sink to the carpet below.

Rick wasn't offered one. They were gone for maybe fifteen minutes, time enough for Leon to recharge, as was evident from the state of his cock when they reentered the room.

Winston had three hundred-dollar bills in one hand, and Rick's jeans in the other. Rick watched in panting anticipation as Winston stuffed the bills in a pocket of the jeans.

"It's after midnight. Christmas morning. Time for presents. Leon and I discussed it, and we decided our present will be to share you."

Rick groaned a deep groan and threw an arm over his face as if to make the world go away. But the thought excited him too. He'd heard about doubling but never had done it. He'd always assumed he'd do it someday. It hadn't been a question. Merry Christmas.

Today was Rick's day.

They worked him together, standing, Rick wedged between them, his back pressing into Winston's chest, his head buried into the hollow of Winston's shoulder. He was facing the glistening, black, muscular chest of Leon. His legs were bent, hung on Leon's hips and bulbous buttocks. All three of them were straining. Leon and Winston to keep their cocks inside him and pumping; Rick in not passing out. Winston was holding a small bottle of poppers under Rick's nose, encouraging him to inhale, keeping him conscious.

"You don't want to miss any of this, sweet pea," he mumbled.

Leon started flowing first, which triggered Winston's spurts. Rick had already come twice.

Late in the night, Rick woke up lying on the bed between the two snoring men. He worked his way out from a tangle of their arms, padded to the bathroom, and took a leak. He checked for damage as he walked, finding nothing unbearable. He thought about the experience, deciding that it might have been the best Christmas he'd ever had. The Christmas of 1974. He wondered how long he'd remember it. Probably for a good long time. Two hot studs who knew what they were doing—and even paid for it.

Two hunks, each with special talents. Both out of his league. Doing things to him he'd dreamed of experiencing but never had the balls to volunteer for. Except he'd volunteered for this. He'd come prepared to be fucked. He'd come prepared to be gangbanged. This had been better than that—and more profitable.

How profitable, he didn't know. Hundreds of dollars, though. Close to a thousand. More than he could put aside in a string of months. He tried to figure it out in his mind, but his brain felt like a handful of sparklers were going off inside.

His padding took him into the living room. The tree was flashing away. Somehow it didn't bother him now. It seemed to be in synch with the flashing going on inside his head. There was still half a line of powder on the coffee table. He bent over it, picked up the straw, and snorted up the white powder.

Returning to the bedroom, he couldn't walk a straight line—kept bouncing off the walls on each side.

In the bed, he rolled Winston over on his back. He stripped off those damned Christmas lounging pants. Winston swam into consciousness realizing he was being given a blow job. With a low laugh, he reached down, pulled Rick up his body and settled the young blond's channel on his cock. Rick slowly rode him, palming Winston's pecs and thumbing at the man's nipples. Winston propped his head up on his bent arms and looked up at Rick with slitted eyes and a somewhat bemused smile.

"I'm not paying for this, you know," he whispered.

"Right," Rick answered. "A Christmas present. Wanted you know that I appreciated the party."

Winston unwound the arm on the side where Leon was sleeping, stretched out on the bed, facing the fucking pair, and punched the big black in the bicep. "Hey, Leon, wake up. The sweet pea is going to give us a Christmas present."

Leon's eyes opened and he started hardening up immediately from what he saw.

This time Winston asked. "Hey, kid, OK with you? Both of us again?"

"Why the hell not?" Rick answered.

Leon came into position behind Rick; pushed Rick's torso over onto Winston's chest, causing Rick's buttocks to roll up; and started pushing his cock into the hole, gliding in on top of Winston's. Rick was so hopped up on the drug that he opened right up for it. Winston pushed the nozzle of a popper bottle up one of Rick's nostrils. Rick inhaled, which relaxed him and his channel further.

When Rick wandered back from the next time he got up to take a piss, he found the two of them going at it. Surprised, he dropped his butt into a chair and watched Leon languidly fucking Winston in a side split, Leon holding Winston close to his chest, with an arm around his torso, Winston's buttocks jutted back into Leon's groin, and Leon holding Winston's right leg up with his right hand. Leon's thick cock was buried to the root in Winston's ass, and then not, and then again.

Rick had wondered what the arrangement here was, Winston and Leon doing him together, that being the mix of this party, Winston being the one doling out all of the cash. Leon obviously was Alpha dog here. It figured.

Taking Rick home late in the morning, the streets still covered with snow, but not badly so, Leon pulled over into a deserted park parking lot and Rick got the fuck in the cab of the truck that he'd dreamed about what seemed to be eons ago. After Rick's face had been pushed down into Leon's lap in the driver's seat to suck the big black hard, Leon scooted over to the passenger seat, put Rick on his cock, facing the dashboard, bent Rick over to where the top of his head and both of his fists were pressed into the floor carpeting and slammed Rick's channel hard up and down and back and forth and around on the monster cock. With Leon it was always a different position—no doubt part of what the other gym attendants twittered about. And Leon never paid. He never had to.

Rick's only regret, when he got home to his room the next afternoon with just a scrawny fake tree on his desk, with no lights on it at all, flashing or otherwise, was that, try as he might, he couldn't half remember what he'd done on Christmas Eve and why it had been so special. He only knew it had been something special. And what in the hell had he done to earn all the money he found in his jeans pockets? The soreness of his body did tell him he'd earned it. The liquor and drugs may have taken away a big chunk of his memory, but they'd also made him relaxed enough to take two cocks together—twice.

He couldn't quite remember that had happened—although he clearly remembered Leon in the cab of his truck this morning. He thought much of the rest of it had been a fantasy. But a good one. He decided he wanted to try that double penetration position someday.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Casey 1988

This story is great for when you want a dirty gay Christmas holiday story; I don't think you could have made it any dirtier.

hudsonguyhudsonguyover 9 years ago
Very Nice

Very nice story!

BathernakedBathernakedover 9 years ago
o god

unbelievably beautiful

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This was incredibly written and I enjoyed reading it. :)

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