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Back from University

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Rob comes home from University to his sexually liberated mum.
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It was a cold but very bright day in the quiet residential neighbourhood where Rob's mother Janine lived. He hadn't been back home all term since his first year of university had started, including the reading week, which Rob felt quite guilty about due to the divorce finally getting resolved at that time.

As Rob's family home broke into view due to him passing the final corner, he hoped everything was okay with her. His parents tactically paid more mortgage per month than they were supposed to, which meant that after his father moved out, his mother was able to negotiate a new minimum rate that was manageable for her. Rob could only hope that she was also managing emotionally as it must have been difficult for her being alone in the house.

As Rob approached the front door he stopped and rubbed his hands together. "Okay, here goes!" All warm and mentally prepared, he gave his signature "shave and a haircut" knock. A few seconds of silence passed. Rob knew she must have been in because the car was there. He thought he heard a quick run across the top landing, perhaps for his mother to go from her bedroom to the bathroom. A few more seconds passed and the definite sound of someone running down the stairs with tremendous energy occurred.

As his mother hastily opened the door inwards, he couldn't help but notice how different she looked compared to how she did when he set off at the end of summer. Her clothes were more colourful and flattering than before, showing off her toned figure. Despite the fact it was winter she was wearing a light blue sleeveless shift dress that had a V-line which showed off much more cleavage than what she used to allow. Her hair was also longer and cut in elegant layers that framed her face perfectly and she had died it blonde.

Janine flashed her son a broad smile as he looked at her, completely taken aback by this drastic change in her appearance. Rob wanted to say his classic "hey mum, what's up?" line but was still stunned speechless.

"Robert, it's so good to see you!" Janine exclaimed, jumping forward like a giddy school girl and pulling her son into a warm embrace.

As his mother held him tightly and shook him a little from side to side, Rob couldn't help but notice her breasts pressing against his chest through the relatively thin cotton of her dress. They felt so soft that it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra underneath it. It was surprisingly erotic, like someone had flipped a switch in his brain and turned on all of his senses at once.

With these heightened senses, Rob could feel the heat radiating off her body and smell the subtle scent of her perfume that was a mix of rose and vanilla, not to mention the pheromones coming off her sleek, shiny hair.

Janine drew back from him, looking into his eyes with a playful smile. "What do you think about this?" she almost squeaked, raising her arms and turning around so he could admire her whole body. When she faced him again she put her arms behind her head, posing briefly before slowly lowering them. It was very obvious she had used hair removal cream to make her armpits as smooth as possible and the more she swayed her hips, the delicate swooshing of her breasts were very enticing in that dress.

Although most likely non-deliberate, Janine was causing her own son to get an erection.

"You look great mum!" Rob finally mustered up, trying his best to hide any arousal. "Hey, I have an idea. How about I take my bag up to my room and then we can have a cup of tea and catch up?"

Janine tilted her head and held her hands behind her back. "Whatever you like sweetie." She then skipped to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Rob used this opportunity to quickly rush upstairs to his room.

As Rob quietly but quickly closed the door behind him and dropped his bag to the floor he took a deep breath or two. "Holy crap, what was all that about!?" He thought to himself. "I didn't actually expect her to be all mopey and depressed but she feels like a completely different person." He then checked his cock, which had started to deflate.

Rob started pacing quietly up and down his small bedroom, hoping the time it would take for the kettle to boil would be enough to calm him down completely. It might have helped if he could get the image of his mother posing for him out of his head but it was difficult to do so. "I've never had sexual feelings for her before. If I was drunk on a night out and didn't recognise her..." He suddenly imagined himself dancing with his mother in a grimy nightclub, putting his hand down the front of her underwear as she grinded her arse against his cock. "No, what am I doing!?" Rob tried to think about something else.

"Tea's getting cold!" Janine shouted up the stairs. Rob sighed. That was faster than he was expecting.

The two spent the afternoon catching up with each other over tea and biscuits. Rob tactically let his mother pick her sitting position first, the big couch, and then took his place on the smaller couch across the living room. A bit of distance would help right about now and Janine thankfully didn't force him to sit next to her.

As Rob drank his tea and told his mum everything that had happened so far at Uni with his coursework, he couldn't help but notice his mother's open posture as she sat across from him, listening intently as if he was the most interesting person in the world. He remembered that back when she was with his father, Janine tended to sit with her legs together and arms more or less by her side. Now she had one arm casually draped over the back of the sofa and one of her legs was crossed over the other, leaving a nice gap for him to stare up her dress if he wanted to.

Matters were worse than that through as Rob's peripheral vision picked up something bright red inside the void of the dress and he really wanted to find out if that red belonged to regular knickers or something more slutty. Janine was fiercely maintaining eye contact the entire time, so it was very difficult for him to satisfy his curiosity over what underwear his mother was wearing without giving anything away.

All of a sudden, in what seemed to be an attempt to readjust her dress that may have ridden up, without breaking eye contact with her son, she uncrossed her legs to pull her dress down a little. This finally caused Rob to lose his focus and steal a peak up his mother's dress. What he saw was the thinnest excuse for a thong he had ever seen. So much so that he ended up looking for a whole two seconds, an eternity in this kind of situation.

Aside from her clit and hole, he had basically seen his mum's pussy, that's how thin the thong was. Rob could also tell that Janine had used hair removal cream on it, which caused him to salivate. He hated licking girls out if they had even the slightest bit of hair or stubble down there but when it was perfectly smooth, he became a devouring machine.

Rob looked back up at his mum's eyes but unfortunately hadn't shook the mental image of licking her pussy. Whatever expression he had causes Janine's to change. He eyes lowered a little and she smirked. It was almost as if she was enjoying toying with him like this.

If Rob was going to recover from this he'd have to change the atmosphere. "So how's everything been since the divorce?" He put his tea on the table, finally breaking eye contact with her. "Haven't been too sad have you?"

"What would give you that idea?" Janine replied, still in her playful voice. Not even abruptly bringing up the divorce could make her flinch. Even if it was her own son, Janine seemed to take pride in flaunting her confidence and sexuality. "Ever since your father and I broke up, I've been having a lot more fun. We kind of settled into this boring lifestyle where we just worked and saved money but as a result were wasting our best years." Janine finally broke eye contact to pick her cup of tea of the table and take a sip. "I've had a lot of making up to myself to do so I've been going out quite a lot."

Rob definitely understood what that meant. He definitely didn't want to say THAT out loud though. "Well, you definitely feel like a different person now." Rob said, looking her up and down unintentionally. "More of a free spirit I guess?"

"I could say the same about you!" Janine countered, now looking him up and down from across the room.

"Nah." Rob dismissed. "I haven't really changed at all."

"You definitely have." Janine put her tea down and sat forward, getting a proper look at her son but causing her deep cleavage to be right in her sons eyeline. "You're a lot more confident now, I can tell just by the way you sit and talk now. I bet the girls can't keep away from you at university!"

Did she just bite her lip? Rob could have sworn that's what he saw but maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. Nervously, Rob scratched the top of his head. "I've done alright I guess. It's not so hard when nobody knows who you are so you can just rely on your looks and whatever the hell you reinvent yourself into."

Rob took another sip from his tea and Janine chose that moment to ask "So have you actually had sex yet?"

Rob coughed manically, spitting tea out everywhere. He could hear her laughing as he did. "Jesus mum! You can't ask me that!" He tried to look at her with an angry expression, like it wasn't okay what she just said but that look of pure joy in her smile, her deep blue eyes and that amazing cleavage was making it difficult so he decided to be honest. "Okay fine, three times."

"Wow not bad for three months." She spoke proudly. "I don't mean to embarrass you. It's just that I want to make sure your needs are being looked after." She walked up towards him and then continued downwards the kitchen, but not before lightly touching her son on the shoulder. "I never understood how you were still a virgin at the age of 18. Someone at your school should have taken you." Rob had no response. The feeling of his mother now lightly caressing his shoulder was making it difficult to focus on anything other than his cock approaching rock hard status. "Heck, if I was one of the teachers..."

Rob stood up faster than he'd ever stood up in his life. "Okay that'll do." Rob awkwardly shuffled around Janine, making sure he had nothing between him and the door.

"What!?" Janine looked at him with her her shoulders shrugged as if she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Nothing. It's not you, it's me." Rob wondered why on earth he just said that. Janine looked equally confused. "You know what. I think I might go to bed." Janine frowned at this. "I know I just got here but, you know, long train journeys make me sleepy plus the tea and all the biscuits. We can talk more tomorrow, good night."

Rob managed to somehow get away with a quick escape from the living room without another word from his mother. As he made it back into his bedroom he was finally able to let go a big breath of relief from all the sexual energy building up inside him. Rob had a feeling from the way she posed for him when he first arrived that his mother was going through some sort of liberation. She said something about going out more so she was definitely having regular sex with guys? Also what took her so long to answer the door? There was a good chance she was masturbating. Great! Now he was thinking about his own mum shoving a dildo inside her pussy.

Many hours later, Rob was struggling to get to sleep. Of course he was thinking about how much his mother had changed and how much he was sexually attracted to her. He had wanted to jack himself off ever since he left his mother in the living room but he couldn't quite work himself up to it. It felt too real with how she was behaving.

For the last two hours in particular, Rob's cock was raging hard and he was stroking it mildly, as some way to relieve his urges but it was nowhere near enough. "Fuck it!" Rob looked around in his bedroom for tissues or even spare socks that he hadn't taken with him but nothing was around. He had no other choice but to talk a walk to the bathroom and grab some toilet roll.

Rob quietly tip toed across his bedroom in the pitch black darkness. He slowly opened the door so that it wouldn't make any noise. As he stepped out into the hallway the light from the street lamp blinded him a little so he rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the bathroom.

As he was about to finish rubbing his eyes, Rob thought he heard something approaching quickly. Just as he was about to stop rubbing he felt his elbow bump into something soft yet firm followed by a shriek of surprise.

"Jesus you frightened the life out of me!" Rob heard his mum scream.

Rob practically jumped out of his skin and covered himself. "Holy fuck!" He shouted as he instinctively covered his cock with both hands. As his eyes adjusted from him rubbing his eyes he could see his mother also covering herself using her right hand to cover her vaginal area and her left hand to attempt to cover her medium-large sized breasts.

"Oh my god mom I'm so sorry!" Rob said covering his very hard cock. "I was just so tired and needed the bathroom!"

Janine looked at him, still covering herself and smiled. "It's okay. You didn't do it on purpose."  Robert noticed his mother's gaze go towards his fully erect cock that he was struggling to contain with his hands.

"Just off to the bathroom huh?" Janine looked at him with a mixture of surprise and desire in her eyes. She noticed how hard Robert was but also noticed that he seemed uncertain, like he wasn't sure what to do next. Rob could feel his cock growing even harder to the point that Janine couldn't help but say, "you may as well not bother holding that at this point."

Rob sighed. He'd pretty much gotten over the awkwardness of the situation at this point thanks to the big scare and the hopeless predicament of his hands not being able to cover his nine inch fully erect cock so he let go and let his hands flop to their side while looking to the side, as if expecting his mother to dismiss him.

Little did he know that Janine was wide eyed, staring directly at her sons shaved cock and balls, as if she was shocked that her and her husband were able to create something with so much sexual promise.

"Rob" Janine spoke calmly. Rob let out another, smaller sigh as he turned his head back towards her. He almost swallowed his throat once he saw that Janine had lowered the arm which was covering her breasts. "It's okay."

Her nipples were perfect. Big enough that they didn't look stupid on those full looking breasts but small enough that they didn't look like two pizzas on them. They were sexy and they also looked pointy enough to cut glass. She was clearly at least a little bit aroused.

Janine slowly started walking towards him and reached her hand out. "Whoa mum, what are you doing?" Rob cried as he took a step back.

"I'm sorry son. It's just..." She stopped walking as she entered the range where she'd be able to grab his cock if she wanted to. She looked him in the eyes. "It's just that I haven't had a cock this big since before I married your father." She then looked at him with a hint of sadness, which Rob was sure she was putting on. "I might never get another chance to touch one this big."

Rob was stunned by the feeling of his heart dropping into his stomach and his mother took complete advantage of this paralysis by stroking his nine-incher. "Is this a good idea mom?" He asked sheepishly.

Janine looked at him with a slightly angry look on her face, as if she was done playing games. "I know you're not going to stop me so why bother asking stupid questions." Before Rob could protest further she started stroking him harder.

Handjobs weren't the best way to get Rob off but something about it being his own mother with her beautiful milf tits swaying in front of him was causing him to tingle all over and build his arousal. "Hey, I could stop this if I want to, you know!" He insisted.

"Instead of that, why don't you close your eyes and just pretend I'm somebody else if it makes it easier." Janine retorted. Every sentence his mother uttered was turning him on more and more. This wasn't good.

"I don't think I should do that." The tone of Rob's voice had changed. He could feel himself start to play along with whatever fucked up scenario this was.

"Oh yeah," his mother continued to look him intensely in the eyes while increasing the speed she was pumping her sons cock with her hand, "and why is that?"

"Because if I give in to this... " Rob knew what he was about to say and it was getting him dangerously close, "if I give into this I'll..." did he just pass the point of no return? "I'll..."

Janine saw Rob's eyes start to roll into the back of his head. She took this cue to drop to her knees and start sucking his cock as fast as she possibly could. She looked up at him in the eyes intensely at the same time as she secreted a ton of saliva all over his dick.

All of a sudden jet after jet of hot cum came firing out of Rob's cock hitting the back of his mother's throat. It must have been a solid thirty seconds of constant orgasm and Janine did a great job of keeping it all inside her.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit..." Rob said over and over again as his giant orgasm was subsiding.

Janine stood up and put both her hands around her sons head. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Rob's in a slow but passionate kiss that left him reeling. Her tongue slid along his lips invitingly and he opened for her eagerly, surrendering himself to the moment.

The space between them was charged with electricity as their tongues danced together, exploring each other intimately. It felt like nothing he had ever experienced before - to be kissing his own mother in such a way. And yet it also felt strangely natural and right somehow.

Janine pulled away first, leaving him panting and wanting more. Rob looked down in an attempt to see his mothers most private area but she was stood too close to him for him to see it properly, especially with her breasts blocking the view.

Janine smiled at her son with the most sexually ravenous expression he had ever seen in a woman before turning around and walking through to her bedroom. Her arse was perfect. Firm and peachy but big enough to have a good amount of wobble if someone was to spank it.

Rob wasn't sure if he was supposed to follow her and ordinarily his sex drive probably would have dried up after having an orgasm this big but this situation was so fucked up and there was so much anticipation for what could happen next that Rob's cock was already getting hard again. There was no way he was simply going to go back to bed now.

Rob walked in slowly. Her room was darker than the hall so it took a while for his eyes to readjust. He was half expecting his mum to already be tucked up inside bed, as if she'd had enough fun for one night. Luckily, as his eyes finished adjusting, Rob saw his mothers "do me eyes", her nipples being twisted by her red nail polish covered fingers and last, but certainly not least, her legs spread wide and the smoothest vagina he'd ever seen pointing right at him.

"Wow mum!" That was all Rob was able to say.

Janine beckoned him to come closer with her right finger. She was so enticing and full of desire as she spoke to him. "Come here, my son. Let's have incredible sex together."

Rob approached her, his eyes fixed on the wet folds of his mother's pussy. He was drooling. He had to lick this. He had to stick his tongue inside the pussy he came out of until it came all over his face.

As her son climbed naked onto her bed, Janine's hands slid down to the top of his thighs and then she pushed him over. It was clear Janine wanted to take control but Rob wasn't having it. He righted himself and then pushed his mother down before she could do anything else.


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