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Back in the U.S.S.R. Ch. 02

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Interrogating Alli for her lover's whereabouts.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/28/2009
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Author's Note: I highly recommend reading part one before starting this. Yeah, it's a pain sometimes.

Alli's breathing deepens as she watches the monster sitting before her. He could torture her all he wanted, but he finally struck a nerve, the only thing that would make her talk. Realizing defeat, a tear runs down her cheek as she must do what she has been avoiding all this time. Slowly she looks at him, trying to calm down from the rage and the desire to kill him, and asks him softly and dejectedly "What do you want to know?"

Sitting back in his chair, Alexander smiles at Alli and the sadness etched on her face. For the first time in his entire career of interrogating the scum that sought to bring down the Soviet Union and its allies, he thought he would not break the little bitch sitting in front of him. She had the spirit, the tough will that was difficult to find in, what he liked to call, Paycheck Spies. It was something he admired about her.

Casually looking at Alli as she sits in her defeated state, he softly talks to her. "Comrade Kuzikov, in his statement, informed us that you seemed to talk about Cuba a great deal in your sleep... What would the CIA Moscow Station's best spy know about a small island so far away?"

Hesitating for a few moments, she finally speaks. "I-I was told to find out if you and your KGB friends had an idea of Operation Zapata."

Alexander leans in closer to Alli as her head lowers in shame. His hands reach up to brush the hair out of her face, along with the tears running down her rosy cheeks. "What is this Operation Zapata? Tell Daddy what you know..."

Cringing at his words, she finally begins to talk. Hours pass by as she slowly tells all that she knows about the U.S. invasion of the small island of Cuba. Behind the glass two way mirror, frantic calls were being placed to the upper echelons of the Soviet Intelligence Hierarchy by some of the men. Half of the men were standing behind the mirrors, the smiles of watching the young American girl being humiliated now replaced by looks of horror, listening intently to what the little bitch had to say. Hours later, Alli turns silent, full of shame of betraying so many people whom trusted her with their lives. The room goes dead silent as Alexander sits and watches with a stoic face Alli. Slowly he turns to the mirror, nodding to it to signal the guards come in to release her from the cuffs.

The loud creaking of the door does not stir Alli from her shame-filled trance as she stares down towards the ground. Even as the men roughly grab her arms and ankles while they unbind her, she does not move, does not show any sign of resistance. Once the two men step aside, her hands slowly come up to cup her tear ridden face as she sobs softly into them.

Slowly rising from his seat, Alexander motions to one of the men to walk over to the table and bring him his long jacket. Carefully he raises Alli up from the seat, not wanting to cause her more harm now. Unexpectedly, she slowly collapses into his chest, sobbing into the man who threatened her in order to betray her country. Not knowing what to do in this situation, his hands slowly grab the jacket and cautiously puts it over her as he hold her close to him, slowly rubbing his hand against his back.

Alexander slowly leads Alli out of the interrogation room with her under his arm. In a strange sense, he felt sorry for her. She risked great harm to herself for her country, only to break when the one person she cared about was brought up. It was a feeling and trait that he himself shared with her, in that he would sacrifice his own body as she did for the one thing that he was a firm believer in, even if they both believed in two opposing philosophies of life.

Alli's sobs are the only sounds echoing through the halls, dimly light by hanging industrial lamps. Every step of the way, he was with her until finally reaching the large black door at the end of the hall. The two guards step in front of the Interrogator and the Interrogated to open the door to Alli's new home.

The cell was the largest of the cells at the detention facility, although it was virtually empty. Only a bed, small stool, and a bucket for a toilet stood in the room. The window was the only means of seeing out into the world, even if it was a small rectangular opening. Not even the slimmest of people could fit between the concrete, even if they could get through the thick glass. The entire room gave all who entered it a sense of cold, depressing darkness, as if this were the last place you would be before dying.

Alexander carefully walks Alli to the bed tucked away into the corner of the room. Before she can lie down, he quickly pulls back the blanket as a caring parent would do for a sick child. In the back of his head, Alexander knows that what he is doing is wrong, and that his superiors will undoubtedly question him as to why he has shown so much sympathy, but to him, he could not help it. They couldn't argue the results of his brutal techniques. Besides, the colonels knew chastising and attempting to punish him would be pointless. No one would dare complain to the Boss about his favorite interrogator.

As he walks out of the room, he turns to the two tall guards now flanking the occupied cell. "No one is to enter this room without my permission, understand?" Alexander informs them in his rapid Russian voice. Before the two men can reply, he turns back down the hall to gather his bag of tools.

Weeks pass by as Alli remains in her solitary confinement. The only time she is taken out of her cell is to be hosed down daily while her toilet bucket was being emptied and cleaned. At nights, she would lie in bed, as the tears roll down her cheeks, wondering what will happen to her when she becomes the useless spy to them. Silently she dreaded the sounds of the footsteps outside her cell whenever they sounded. There was no telling whether or not they were coming for her, and if they were, for what? Alli is startled the day the two men outside her door storm her room, forcibly grabbing her by the arms. Fearing the worst, she fights and struggles in their grasp, as she quite literally thinks her life is on the line. Instead of taking her out of the prison, they drag her back into the interrogation room.

Sitting at the wooden table now placed in the middle of the room is Alexander, lightly puffing a cigar as he reads the newspaper. The cigar smoke creates a soft haze under the bright light as he pays little attention to her. Slowly Alli's pussy quivers with the mere sight of him, sitting in front of her. It seemed to always quiver and spasm when her mind thought back to their first meeting in this very room. Soon her thoughts are jolted back to reality as the two men pull and push her into a seat. Paying no heed to her comfort, the two guards roughly push her into the seat opposite Alexander in front of the table. She lets out soft grunts of pain and discomfort as the two men chain her to the seat, first her wrists, then her ankles. As soon as they step away, she jerks her arms and legs in attempt to test their strength, but to no avail. She was going to have to suffer through another torturous interrogation for God knows what information.

Briefly Alexander peers out from behind the paper as she's being strapped into the chair, smiling to himself at her helplessness, yet conflicted with a small ounce of sympathy for her. In the end, it was his Patriotism that prevailed over his emotions as he prepares to once again test her Patriotism. Flipping back to his paper, he once again begins the cold, silent, ignoring of her presence.

As Alli sits bound to the chair, her mind is like a flood of different emotions as she sits in the room where the real nightmare began. Keeping her head down, she can't stand to look at the man who has dominated her thoughts during her time locked away in the cell. It was at his hands that she suffered pain unimaginable until then, yet at the same time a caring affection from him. It's been racking her mind, making her wonder about her mysterious Russian interrogator.

"You know, I believe I forgot my manners the first time we met. I seem to think that I never truly introduced myself to you." He tells her as he folds the paper up before placing it under his bent elbows on the table. "You can call me Alexander, and I am your only friend now. You live only as long as I say you live. The only reason the men, who by the way have been arguing who gets the right to fuck you first when you've become useless to me, have not come for your tight and pleasing holes, is because of me. Understand?"

Alli does nothing to acknowledge her captors words. She sits in silence, keeping her eyes fixated on a small spot on the wooden table.

"I never liked this New York Times newspaper. Can never read it with the small print." Alexander says, talking as if to no one as he slides across the front page of the paper to Alli. On the cover of the paper sits graphic pictures of dead men, littering the beaches in front of a jungle-like tree line. Alli's eyes shut tightly after seeing the result of her betrayal to the people that entrusted their lives in her. A soft tear rolls down her cheek as she thinks of the people who died, all because of her. Alexander can't help but notice the emotion on her face, and attacks it. "And to think, it all happened because of you..."

She remains silent at his attempts to toy with her head and emotions, trying with all her might to ignore the urge to breakdown once again. In the back of her mind, she knows that it's exactly what he wants out of her right now. The movement of his hand as he takes the cigar to the ashtray makes her on edge as she watches his every move for any sign of more abuse to come her way.

"You know who's behind that glass over there?" He asks Alli as he leans in closer over the table towards her. The very top brass in our Military and KGB services. They wanted to see for themselves the little American slut that helped the Great Cause so much in defeating your very own countrymen's schemes in Cuba."

Alli's head slowly rises up in the direction of the large two-way mirror comprising the whole wall. Her eyes narrow in, as if she were trying to peer into the window. After a few brief moments of staring into the mirror, Alli launches a large loogie of spit towards the window to show her respect for the Soviet military leaders.

Smiling to himself in his chair as he watches her feeble attempts at resistance of her situation, Alexander lets out a soft chuckle to himself. It seems as if he's going to have to bring her back to reality once again today. Slowly his hand reaches into the inside pocket of his coat, extracting a small notepad and pen. Flipping it open, he lets the pad drop to the table.

"Being a major part of the Central Intelligence Moscow Station, I'm sure you have such an extensive knowledge of the underground movement against the Soviet Union in Moscow." Alexander begins to tell her. He tries to suppress the smile on his face as he can see the fear and dread etched into her soft face. She already knows what he's after today. "Give me the whereabouts of Christoffel, and I'll let you go back to your cell in peace."

Alli's stomach turned over, her worst fears confirmed. Now, instead of wanting the plans of the Company, they wanted the one man she loved. They wanted her Russian prince. It had started years not long after her arrival in Moscow when she was asked to meet and talk to the unofficial ringleader of the secret underground group fighting the evils of socialism. Instantly they connected with each other, sneaking off during the day or at night, meeting somewhere where they wouldn't be easily caught. He was the one man in her love life that she loved. Now the pure manifestation of the thing they have been fighting is sitting right in front of her, wanting the name of the man who truly ruled her heart.

Having no other choice, she stares into his face and lies through her teeth, all to protect her secret lover. "I don't know a Christoffel. There is no Christoffel..."

Alexander smiles at her bold face lie. 'So, she wants to play the hard way...' he thinks to himself silently. 'More fun for me then...'

"Don't give me that bullshit. You know exactly who I'm talking about. Your face told me that, especially the twinkle in your eye when you mentioned his name. Tell me, did he fuck you like I did?" Alexander tells her, toying with her emotions.

Her eyes illuminate with anger as she spits into his face, gathering all the saliva she could muster to launch at his smiling face. Wiping the spit off of his face, Alexander's anger skyrockets to new heights. In the back of his mind, the little monster called Jealousy had awakened slowly at the thought of her affection and desire for another man. Angrily he barks orders to the two men standing behind Alli in rapid Russian. As the two men remove the locks from the chair, they keep a firm hold on her as Alexander pushes the table aside to the wall with brute force.

"You've been a bad girl, Alli." He tells her as he starts to unbutton his jacket. Nodding to the two guards, they pull her to the center of the room. The larger of the two men roughly grabs her arms while the other bends down towards her ankles. In no time she's chained to the floors and the tight chain hanging from the ceiling. Alexander yells to one of the guards for something as the larger man quickly exits the room. "You know what happens to bad little girls, Alli?" His voice mixed with a cool anger as he asks her.

At his words the guard who had left now re-entered the room, holding in his hand a good sized bamboo stick, at least three feet long with rounded ends. Walking in front of her, Alexander roughly pulls the stick out of the guards hand before yelling at them both to leave unless they wanted some too. As soon as the door to the room shuts tightly, Alexander crashes the bamboo stick hard as if it were a whip against Alli's leg.

"Gah!" Alli screams out as the force of it reverberates through her soft skin. Slowly the blood rushes to the area where he hit her on the leg, making it seemingly blood red.

"Where is he?" Alexander asks her once again, this time getting right in front of her face. Her breathing steadily increases with him being so near her. Coyly she tries to keep her legs tightly shut as humanly possible. If he saw how aroused her cunt was, he'd surely use it to his advantage in beating and humiliating her.

Alli's lock into his dark eyes as she remains silent, seeing the anger and jealousy burn within them. His hand reaches up to her face, roughly and forcibly grasping the bottom of her head within his grasp. "I asked you a fucking question. Where the fuck is he?" Alexander asks her as the frustration builds. When she says nothing again, keeping his hand locked onto her cheeks and neck, his other hand again smacks her with the bamboo rod. His grip loosens as he pushes her head away, walking around her body as if he were inspecting a piece of meat.

She jumps suddenly at the unexpected feeling of the stick being rubbed between her legs, just under her ass. Slowly Alexander pushes the stick deeper between the tight crevasse of her legs. It doesn't take long for it to start to push and rub against her aroused cunt, digging its way deeper into her cunt lips. Alli fights the urge with every ounce of will power to stop out from showing audible signs of enjoyment from his treatment. His thrusts of the stick continue more rapidly as he pushes her legs open wider with it. In her pleasure induced state, Alli loses her resistance in her legs as she gives in to the rubbings of his stick, going as far as softly grinding on it as he continues to drive it into her cunt lips.

But all of that changes in a matter of seconds. Seeing Alli enjoy the sensual rubbings of the rod pressed against her sex, Alexander lowers the rod temporarily before snapping it back up into her cunt as if it were a whip. Alli lets out a sharp intake of breath at the intense pain caused by him as her legs shut tightly in the fear of it happening again.

"Open them." He tells her sternly as he pulls out the rod to inspect the wetness from her cunt on the tip of the rod.

"No..." Alli replies to him through clenched teeth as the pain finally starts to subside.

Dropping the bamboo to the floor, he walks quickly around to face her once again. His hand reaches to her face and smacks her hard against her cheek. Alli's face is pushed to the side from the brutal force of her interrogator's hand. Still, she turns her face back slowly to him, her eyes locked into the dark pupils of his. "No..."

Alexander turns to his guards standing off in the corner of the room, watching the master at work. Yelling orders at them in rapid Russian, they exit quickly from the room. Alli can't help but wonder with a dreadful fear about what possibly could be happening next.

"If you don't want to open them," he tells her as his hand digs into her tight thighs, "then I will do it for you."

"I'd like to see you try, you bastard." Alli tells him defiantly, her teeth clenched as she clings to the last bit of fight still left in her.

Immediately the men quickly re-enter the room carrying a metal rod in one of their hands, with ankle locks on each end, while the other carries a box, no bigger than a standard shoe box, putting it down onto the table that was so hastily pushed aside. Without being told to do, as if they knew what was expected of them, they march over to Alli and, after unlocking her ankles that were chained to the floor, chain her to the leg spreader which in turn is chained to the floor's chain.

"I told you I would open them for you." Alexander tells her as the men move away back to their dark corner of the room. His hand violently slams up to Alli's cunt, cupping it in his rough hand in her helpless, defenseless state. Slowly his hand rubs against her very aroused clit as her warm juices begin to pool in the palm of his hand. Putting his head close to her ear and neck, Alexander whispers close into her ear, his warm breath tingling her senses and making the hairs all over her body stand on end. "This is my cunt from now on. No more pathetic dissident scum gets to play with this. It's all mine until you're useless to me." Pulling his hand back away from her cunt, he violently smacks it back against her sensitive sex as the wet slapping sound fills the room. "Where is Christoffel? Tell me, my little whore."

Alli's soft moans of pleasure from the feeling of his rough hand pressed against her sex turns into moans of discomfort as she feels it smacked against her very sensitive and very aroused cunt. "He-he moves around. I-I don't know where he would be..." She lies to Alexander, not wanting his caresses to end against her pussy.

"Lies!" He yells at her into her ear before bringing another stinging slap to her cunt. Alli's body shakes visibly from the stinging sensation on her clit as it ripples through her body. "Of all people, I think the little slut he's fucking would know where he is. Tell me before things get more painful for you and your little body."

Adding more emphasis to his threat, he slaps her cunt repeatedly with brute force. The white hot stinging makes Alli cry out in pain as his rough hand abuses her cunt. Gripping the chains attached to the locks around her wrists, she remains silent as possible, not wanting to give into his threats and torture.

Giving her one last longing rub of his finger, Alexander storms off to the table. Staying for only a split second, he returns to Alli, carrying the black box. Its contents moves around and shuffles within the box, telling her that there are multiple little solid things in it. One of the guards quickly walks over to Alexander, putting one of the chairs down beside Alli as Alexander places the box onto the seat. Bending over slightly, his fingers manipulate the box of the top, taking it off and tossing it to the side as if it were nothing.


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