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All Comments on 'Back to the Farm Ch. 06'

by evanslily

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WildAngel4UWildAngel4Uover 16 years ago
Worth the wait

Your stories are beautifully detailed with a storyline that pulls you in and holds you in place. This story is exactly that and well worth the wait. Great chapter!

michchick98michchick98over 16 years ago
Long time coming...

....but worth every day of waiting. Glad things are all straight with you now. Excellent chapter. Will keep an eye out for the next chapter.

August_BouvierAugust_Bouvierover 16 years ago
Two thumbs up

Welcome back! I'm looking forward to finding out what happened to those letters. I hope the last exam turned out alright.

TricialenTricialenover 16 years ago
Well Worth The Wait

Well worth waiting on. I love the way you round out your characters allowing us to see all of their attributes as well as their flaws and insecurities.

I for one do not mind waiting for the next chapter. As long as you are the author I know that it will be well worth waiting for. The quality of your writing shines through.

cinnamon_kisses12cinnamon_kisses12over 16 years ago

You'd been gone so long that I'd forgotten that I was following this story. However, it was worth the wait. Another excellent chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great to have you back

thanks for not leaving them in limbo - looking forward to more

Tory_del_RicohTory_del_Ricohover 16 years ago
Loved it - as I do all your writing.

I enjoy reading everything that you write of course. Looking forward to more of the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
with bated breath...

I'd checked for this next chapter obsessively... and now that it's here the one word that comes to mind is: YAY!

Glad you're back! Can't wait for what's next....

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I have literally checked your submissions page everyday... and right when i have a final in 8 hours, it got updated! Study break! It was wonderful. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Well worth the wait

Thank you. I'm enjoying this story and look forward to its continutation. Very sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I don't need to tell you...

How unbelievably fantastic you are! But I will anyway. As everyone said, well worth the wait. I especially loved the chase scene. Your brought the whole chapter to life and the letter thing is definitely interesting. Hmmm...wonder who intercepted them ;-)

Like many others, I check your page every day. Possibly a little obsessed, but oh well.

<333 αιηє

mtmissymtmissyover 16 years ago
Yay, your back!!

I've been checking often to see if you had written any more. I hope I'll see more soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Love it!!

I was so happy to see chapter six posted!

I love Matt and Lissy!

I have a feeling Matts awful Mother had something to do with the missing letters!

Again...I LOVED IT!!

NorCalGirlNorCalGirlover 16 years ago
One of the best romance writers on Lit

I happily wait as long as it takes for you to produce your stories. They are such a pleasure to read. Thank you for the wonderful update - and I suspect Matt's mother had a hand in intercepting the mail.

starry_nightstarry_nightover 16 years ago
Worth the wait!

Thank you for continuing this story! They were adorable chasing each other around the farm. Looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I'm so glad you decided to keep adding to this series. I loved this chapter and it kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened next. Please don't wait so long before adding the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Don't Stop

Don't leave us HAVE to keep the story going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
nice work

This story is good work. I'm very much looking forward to the next installment(s). Keep it up!

-- KK in Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I can NOT wait until chapter 7 is finished. I would love to see the letters be intercepted by Matt's mother and to have him finally tell her to bugger off! Anyways, GREAT story!! You are extremely talented.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

What an amazing chapter! You're writing is just perfect and the way the story is unfolding still is just brilliant! Thank you for getting this out and I'm totally going to be on the lookout for Chap. 7! Hope all your exams went well too!

PrincessErinPrincessErinover 16 years ago
Loved it

Another great chapter. It was worth the wait.

cageyteecageyteeover 16 years ago
Welcome back!

As in the past, I have found that you are well worth waiting for. "Too soon we break the tape to find the fun was in the running!" I have no idea who said that but it applies. Whatever Matt & Lissy are going to do, I'm enjoying reading about them getting there!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
love it. worth the wait

Well worth it. New twists are always fun. It's going to take a lot yet, but I love they way it's going.

msjay123msjay123over 16 years ago

Well worth the wait if i do say so myself, all though it will be nice to read the next chapter in a shorter time frame:D but other then that i loved it, can't wait to find out more about them!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Everyone keeps saying "well worth the wait!"... ARE YOU PEOPLE CRAZY?! Are you trying to get her to wait even LONGER for the next submission?!

I wish I wouldn't stumble upon stories this good until they're finished!


Eternal_MidnightEternal_Midnightover 16 years ago
Not the end of the world without sex in a romance

I tell you one thing, you have a true romance story on your hands, the sex will come when it is the right time, don't rush it. I was getting a bit edgy with the wait but as long as you keep on putting out like this I'll survive. Brilliant stuff

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

These chapters have all been wonderful. I really appreciate the way you're building up the characters and really developing them. I love it when the sex in these stories is not added until later. It makes everything more meaningful and significant. That being said, I would not be at all disappointed if it happened in this next chapter. It's definitely time for their relationship to progress. Thank you again for the amazing submissions.

bruce22bruce22over 16 years ago
Good Chapter

I have to admit that I missed this initially because I had

forgotten about this story. Who was intercepting letters?

I don't think we have enough information to speculate on this

subject. On the other hand, she really ought to believe what her old friend is saying to her!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
start writting next chapter now

i love your stories but you need to write the chapters faster.....i check almost everyday and sadly see nothing new written...keep up this amazing story at a faster pace please!

evanslilyevanslilyover 16 years agoAuthor
Note from the author

<I>The next chapter has indeed been started--in fact I would guess it's around two thirds done. At the time of submitting Chapter 6 I did, in all honesty, think Chapter 7 would follow it quite quickly, but due to unforeseen personal circumstances, I haven't been able to finish it off yet. I can promise you faithfully I'm writing as fast as I can.

Unfortunately, writing is not my full time job, I don't receive any payment for it--and the bills don't pay themselves. Right now, I'm actually studying for exams again, but I know you're all getting bored of that excuse. Actually, so am I, but if I don't pass the next exam, I lose my job. It's as simple as that. So studying is my first priority right now. Believe me, no one's sorrier than I am that that means I can't do any writing right now :-)

So until I win the lottery (which probably won't happen given as I usually forget to buy any tickets), this is how it has to be.

To those of you who wonder why I don't just write the whole thing and then submit it all in one go, well, because from previous experience, I can tell you that none of it would ever get submitted. I'd never finish anything. I need the impetus of having to write another chapter to keep me going. That's just how it is.

But thanks to all of you who've left me comments and sent emails. I treasure them all, and right now, while I'm trudging once again through my exam notes, they help to keep me going more than you'll ever know :-)

Back soon...


-x- </I>

Roge472xalRoge472xalover 16 years ago
Your touch is so sure!

Well done, and good luck with your exams, as always. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Love the story, hate her name:)

You've got a great story, but her name is driving me nuts. Did you mean her name to sound like Lizzy Borden?

Lizzy Borden took and axe and gave her father forty wacks.

when she saw what she had done, she gave her mother forty-one.

I'm not sure about the middle line, but I know its based on a real murder, sometime around the turn of the 20th century in America.

All that aside, its a great story and I cant wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It's All Good

There are only two writers I would wait an eternity for their next submission. One is Elianna. The other is you.

I can understand completely why people get upset about time between posts. Especially since a number of writers get people wrapped up in a killer plot only to ditch it several chapters in. But we don't want your life to get fucked up because of it. As long as there is another chapter coming. We'll be here : )

And good luck with your exams.

<3 αιηє

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
good luck~


Good luck with your exams~ Clearly, you are a phenomenally talented writer and we all GREATLY enjoy your stories... I just wanted to thank you for posting the update. I know it sounds odd but as a loyal (ok, admitedly slightly obsessed) reader, I feel a connection to you... and want to know you're doing OK..... and still writing whenever possible!



XriahXriahabout 16 years ago
Well Worth the Wait

I can't wait to read your next chapter ^^

And I hope you do well in your next exam.

PrettiPrincessPrettiPrincessabout 16 years ago
Keep up the good work. I love it!

great job once again. and i really hope you don't have too many things to do right now that would delay the next chapter like you did this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

completely out of breath... I really hope you get this published...can't wait to read more.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassabout 15 years ago
Things are starting to warm up...

...besides the temperature outside. You've done an excellent job portraying Melissa and Matt, and how their relationship is evolving. Yet another well-written chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
All this time on. .

Never apologise for progress, unless u have broken a promise, or lack of it! + Quality is sovereign. Always. Internal Deadlines are life fluid, external decide the quality level but are rarely concrete set. U have said this is your first write. .take all I say in this context; And allow other writers to read. I was beginning to worry I was getting a bit fixated with you. But then I read the 34 adore comments, and breathed Normal. The names are fine by the way. Also never anticipate finite points in plot coverage, unless it's already written. . which is a contradiction, Never speak the unwritten. As You carefully termed in your first reply re Ch3 don't give away any of the plot, especially central themes. U can say in 2010 that you know all this and I wouldn't argue, and u are likely to Know the next point as well. Apart from the genitaly fixated (most of whom need counselling) then sex has been in this tale since Ch1. I do have problems with people that submit non-sexual subs to an erotic site, but this is not relevant here. The Best Intercourse in my experience always involves waiting! And all mutually adult consented touches and kisses Can be sex centred, and as U know written in such ways. That apart fantasy and dreams sustain a bit of all lifes- and a lot of some lifes. Best well done wishes. My Ch3 thoughts stand. Sheff.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Well I hope

The late night mob text ramblings make enough sense to get the points across. . could have done with an edit. All to say here is a good tale in well told chapters. Among various well crafted subs by this author. As an early penned take there were issues I wanted to raise but if they are lost in the ramble so be it. Get back to the story asap. Do Not Meander in superfluous comments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You, Lily...

tell a story that crackles with romance and sexual energy, and holds me, even though I'm clear about the likely ending. I have come to like your characters, and am grateful to you for allowing me to share this part of their life journey.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

love love love it!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Darn convenient things those cell phones

for the author. Don't work when you need to bring the characters together, work when you need to separate them.

Thank you..this is well worth reading again.

myassisdraginmyassisdraginover 11 years ago
Fantastic series

This is a fantastic series. I usually hold my comments until after I finish a series but this one has to be commented on now. I have been spell bound, I was born in England and the descriptions have been bringing back a lot of great memories.

I know the country has changed a lot in the many years since I left but your story is reminding me of the way it used to be... Keep up the great work.......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Personalities are very real.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Getting bored...

Why does he need to convince her so much. Is she just being too bitchy or giving herself more satisfaction with revenge for his long absence? I can't believe that it is already six chapters and she is still annoyed with him!

I'm beginning to start yawning like watching a boring movie. Is this because the author is a woman?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

If you want a meet and fuck story, dont go into the romance section. Just because this story is about two people with character instead of the usual "she got big boobs, so I fuck her, so I love her".....

This Story is a great example of characterbuilding.

Your comment about the author being a woman - If this is the reason this Story got a great build up, i have to say that i am happy the author is a woman.

KarensClit1990KarensClit1990almost 6 years ago
Terrific story

I look forward to more

Horseman68Horseman68about 3 years ago
Warmer to Hot?

You write an exceptionally good read. Bravos.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

With all of the repressed emotions, self depreciating insecurities and mis reads both incidental and deliberate hiding, they are like turbulent teenagers in heat. Uncle Charlie and Auntie wanted them to reconcile and be happy once more.

Is this human nature? Chasing each other and biting like mating squirrels?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It’s still meandering along very nicely,glad I was lucky enough to find it

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